Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Moderate Democrats

Mark Levin made a statement on June 15th in he said there were no moderate democrats in the United States Senate.
When you claim your wisdom gets you a front bench position, you had better not make mistakes. Mark Levin makes a great deal of mistakes.

I "like" Mark Levin's show. I like him most when he does his gasp laugh as it is real and comes from his heart. I though am moved here to pound the living heaven into all of these proclaimed always experts as it is allot like Jerome Bettis of the Steelers standing smugly on the sideline in telling Coach Cowhert that they couldn't get any better...........the Coach looked at his team and said, "You can be a great deal better".

As things progressed Mr. Bettis learned the Coach was right and the Steelers did start playing like champions instead of playing as champions.

I got news for you baby sister. Good is not going to cut it in what is coming in this Obama abyss which I have been here warning you of and even Mark Levin has found the word into his vocabulary. You are going to have to be sharper than you ever dreamed, you are going to have to proceed past exhaustion so your mind does not work, and you are operating on instinct, and you are going to have to be Christian in Spirit and not just good at what you do..........because there are no margins for mistakes in what is coming.

What I factually differ on with Mark Levin is that there are moderates in the US Senate who are democrats. Their names are Graham, Snowe, Collins, Lugar, Cronyn, Brown...........and let me just state that except for Jim DeMint and those few souls with him, the entire GOP is nothing but moderate democrats, and that includes even correct voter John Thune.

Mr. Levin went so far as to endorse Orin Hatch of Utah. I found that interesting in Hatch was a good guy back in Reagan's day, but from his best friends with Teddy Kennedy and the past few years in which he was going can connect the dots that Hatch is only had the fear of Mormon put into him when Mormons kicked Bob Bennetts ass out of the Senate in caucus.
That is what Hatch is running the line now on balanced budgets again, because he feels the heat.

Now I do not know what Karl Rove had on Orin Hatch, as Hatch never lifted a finger when Rove was destroying all the Conservatives in Congress....but Hatch has been a democrat for the past years and sat silently by as Rove turned the GOP into Gay Only I do not trust Orin Hatch any more than I trust the Mormons for my Salvation.
Hatch like all these closeted democrats should be booted the hell out of office and replaced with concrete Conservatives.

It would help Mark Levin if he actually had a job for awhile in his life when things mattered. Jackie Kennedy sent John John to a ranch out west to get him the hell away from Uncle Ted and make a man of him..........a ranch is where Teddy Roosevelt became a man who would be President and gave the Elk Horn credit.
There is just something about being a trapper, a gun man, a person making their living off the land which hones skills in people so they do not have to be a cadet scrubbing tiles with a toothbrush so they do not make the mistakes which get people killed.

A trapper has to make a set which convinces an animal superior in every way and ability to be caught, all by placing it's foot on a two by two inch pan in this great big world. Anyone can get Orin Hatch to work the Republican party, but it takes a trapper to catch Mr. Hatch and keep him set Republican.

The problem is there are too damn many moderate democrats in the House and Senate which is too polluted with Obama Marxists now. What you got is the Molotov Mob burning down the nation and Scott Brown trying to piss it out on a six pack too few of beers.

Boehner is a democrat just like all the leadership in the House and that is why they wouldn't let Bachmann into the power structure.

I don't expect anyone I vote for to be Jesus. I do though expect common sense and for them to keep their word. That means when I vote for Richard Lugar in 1990, that he better not 20 years later be jumping into bed with Al Franken.

It is pretty simple. I don't want any Run Around Sue spreading her legs for the mechanic the moment I'm out on a job out of town.
I expect my girl to be faithful and to the extent of blowing the nuts off of any male who tries to dishonor me by even looking at her.

I see none of that in Snowe or Graham. That makes them Anthony's wieners in reality as Orin Hatch the minute Huma Conservative was out of town was sounding Obama porn or Rove closeted.

So yes, Scott Brown which I warned of would betray the Tea Party is still better than that Curling Iron Coakley...........but that GOP vote will help when it is infuse with 60 other real Conservatives to make them do the Milton Friedman right thing all the Orin Hatch is trying to do to save his job from a real Conservative Mormon.

Frankly, the way Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin and O'Reilly betrayed Jerome Corsi, shows me one thing in it is 1860 and the right has nothing but McClellan too pretty to use their army to kick the hell out of the Confederates. They are not up to the game and all they are doing is diggin America further into the abyss.

Mark Levin then better get on his game and his head out of poodle Limbaugh's ass..........or he is going to be eating his neighbors dogs as he tries to survive what is coming.

I had to turn a cow I had since I had her as a calf for 20 years into hamburger. I will never forget her mooing at me and those eyes puzzled looking for an answer as I loaded her in the trailer. It bothers the hell out of me, but it would have bothered me worse to have to watch her die in my pasture as I have seen too much death these past years.

You children are not making the right decisions now, so you are going to have to make the hard decisions which seem impossible now which will sear your soul in a few years. You think any of these people getting it wrong now are going to be any better in decisions of life and death about you later?

Sarah Palin at least knows how to draw blood and gut an animal. That is the kind of whetted edge America is going to need, because all America now has are these moderate democrats in the Republican party in numbers...........and Mark Levin had better check the story of Lot as in his going down to Sodom, he started making excuses to throwing his daughters to the raping mob.

Mr. Levin, find yourself a Maryland trapper there named Ron Leggit and get yourself an education this summer before you find your teacher is nuclear terrorism.
Learn how to make the set, so you stop making these blunders.


Knee high by the 4th of July

There is an old farm adage of corn should be "Knee high by the 4th of July" in order to make a mature corn kernel harvest.

This blog was exclusively first in pointing out the threat which was looming on the American horizon as Barack Obama's regime has lessened crop food supplies in America during his tenure in America is eating from hand to harvest, but with what is taking place, America might be eating hand to food ration.

I first exposed that the problem in the Great Plains was no the flooding or environmentalists, but the problem is literally the cereal grain crops.
Do not pay attention to the commodity prices in the least, as the cartels right now are terrified in this Obama Super Depression if grain prices went up to where they should be, it would take your entire retirement or paycheck just to buy bread to feed yourself.

I'm not crying wolf here people in wheat should be trading at 50 dollars a bushel on what I'm observing across the agriculture belts of North America.
While some folks look at Minot, North Dakota flooding, they missed that the Dakotas received another 4 inches of rain this past week.......and those states were already flooded.

This is the primary bread wheat belt in America. In speaking with my Auntie this past week, she related her sister on the Canadian line had to dig a trench through the water to get to her farm......and they have planted nothing this year.
You should be able to figure out that North Dakota and Canada are close, and if this is taking place in North Dakota, it is taking place in bread basket Canada too.

What set off the alarms for me was a conversation this morning of a neighbor whose family lives in Montana. She related the wheat there is brown.........not because it is ripe, but because it is full of rust.
Rust is a brown colored spore which lessens wheat production by 10 percent. In my salad days, I swathed wheat with a Canadian Versatile swather, and saw what it would do, and how you and the implement would be covered with a sixteenth inch of this powder in cutting a field.

You get rust when it is wet and cool, and that is what America is.

The Montana wheat is winter wheat, which is your pasta wheat, as what is grown in the Kansas region. You know that there has been immense moisture in the southern plains to the absolute inferno in Texas. None of that brings bountiful harvests upon the fruited plain.

I have been testing this year heirloom corn. My corn is to my shins. It will take a miracle to reach knee high by the 4th this year. I have news for you in that my corn is actually taller than most Monsanto crops, and my brother who just passed through the Dakotas reported that their crops are even more stunted than what my test plots are growing at.
The corn is yellow due to too much cold and moisture.

What I'm stating here is this is not a horizon event now in the food shortages in America, it has now come across that horizon. I have counselled you children to plant gardens and to lay in a stock of flour, pasta and cereals, as you might not like weevils in your grain, but hungry people find them quite nice compared to starving.

I advocate now, do nor horde, but people should be putting in a supply of flour, beans and rice as when the North Dakota Ag Secretary was talking rationing in that state weeks ago, there is a problem in the system everyone should be aware of, as this Obama regime has been lying and criminally manipulating commodity prices for years now.

Do not though buy that poison cheap flour filled with "things" or that Monsanto poison crops as the last thing you need is to be made ill with inflammatory diseases.

I do not see this rectifying this year. In the last year models which this year is following, it did not warm in America until almost August 1st, and then was hot by God's Grace for crop maturation. This year the wheat is two weeks to a month behind, and while wheat will make a crop, the corn and beans are behind in the extreme.
As a test case, it took forever in my plots for my heirloom potatoes to sprout. One variety from Slovenia I had to replant and it is just coming up. I have no hope for these though as I have some Dutch potatoes in another plot for "summer potatoes" which are spindles and in horrid looking condition.
Late planting in numerous cases gives you low yields.

So now you have more information, and if the wet cool continues as it seems is the case, after this 4th warm up, it should follow another cooling trend in more moisture.
Wisconsin it is raining every day and that rain tracks to the food basket of America of Illinois, Indiana and Ohio.

You have no idea how God made this all work and how America rejecting God for messiah Obama now is witnessing how those crops which grew so well in tenuous lands, are now causing conversations of food rationing in the very regions which used to overflow with food.

Pay attention children.


What about Jewish Responsibility

for the Sephardic

I judge it quite Rothschild in for some reason Germans are to be held up as devils yet concerning the Austrian import Ashkenaz, who the Rockefellers funded, in Adolf Hitler, but it is puzzling in why Mark Levin can point out that pervert Anthony Weiner began his life with Chuck Schumer, but it was Jewish voters who inseminated this pervert into America.

Where does the Jew begin responsibility for their chosen leaders foisted upon America and the world and where do other groups responsibility end?

It is a fact that dual citizen Jews along with their secular Jewish American residents have been the voting block which has consistently voted in thee most unAmerican of laws and thee worst politicians. They have made the financial, media and voting block interest for these liberals which have ruined America.
Barack Hussein Obama was installed in the White House by the Rothschilds in a stolen election literally engineered by Jewish contractors. The same group who were stalking this blog and the same group who in relation made the Stuxnet virus which attacked the Persian communist nuclear program.

Obama in return immediately attempted a coup on Benjamin Netanyahu in order to install Marxist Ehud Barak, the Clinton favorite who ousted Mr. Netanyahu the first time.
I will repeat that in Obama chose first to disrupt Afghanistan and the Israeli state and only moved onto Yemen, Tunisia, Syria, Egypt and Libya later.

One would think the slaughter of segments of Jews who are American, settlers, right wing and religious would bother the secular Jew who were the force behind Obama 2008 in George Soros, but it makes no matter to these secular Jews.
Soros started his own holocaust in Georgia in running competitor Jews out as Putin rolled troops into that nation........none of that mattered any more than the cocktail crowd of secular Jews in 1940 toasting their deals with Nazi leaders over the work force they just sold the regime.
That work force was Jews.

So we see Anthony Weiner a secular Jewish pervert. Rahm Emanuel a secular Jewish pervert and the entire voting block of secular Jews corrupted American laws in placing this menace to the world, Barack Hussein Obama into the White House.

This blog asks again, where is the castigation for this betrayal of America from these Jews?

Mark Levin is more than silent on this in ever carping on those secular Jews who vote Marxist constantly and for perverts.

If one bothers with Ed Koch, this rich old man poor in ability to take responsibillty constantly is posting on World Tribune making excuses for Obama and offering what "Obama should do".
I made the point that we should look at what abuse and murder which B. Hussein has perpetuated on Jews..........but for some reason World Tribune is not interested in commentary as this in castigating Jews like Ed Koch to get a reality check and take responsibility for the destruction which they have instigated.

Is this unfair in picking on Jews when a state like South Dakota brought to America George McGovern, Tom Daschle and Tim Johnson?
Was McGovern rejected? Yes.
Was Daschle rejected? Yes.

Tim Johnson is a sympathy case, but let us examine in this that it was Jewish donations to Democrats, along with the media monopoly which created these liberals in small population states to overthrow the American Republic as these secular Jews knew damn well what trusting dolts there are in rural states...........Bob Byrd and Jay Rockefeller being two examples on the east coast.

South Dakota when humiliated dumped their Marxists, yet in Weiner, one can find vehement support for this pervert. Rahm Emanuel after what he took part in the humiliation and murder of Jews via Obama gets installed in Chicago as Mayor without being a resident.
As for Obama, all of these Jews led by Mort Zuckerman (Obama speech writer) simply complain loudly, but not one of them has said they will not install Obama again.

What about this Jewish responsibility of this group which is not Michael Savage or Mark Levin Conservatives, but these extremely wealthy and powerfully connected syndicate who transform thee most worthless of paper hangers into international pariahs?

It is past time that Conservative Jews who have been racially profiled as NeoCons stop the "one Jew for all and all Jews for one" bull crap and put the onus upon their group as it was them who turned Obama's dreams into an American nightmare, and they are ramping this into another 4 years of a horror show.
Only this blog pointed out that the Jews have the intel on Obama which could sink him in one day on his illegal campaign money, his illegal laundering of funds from the US Government and his being a shill for the European Ashkenaz.

Obama though through Geithner paid off the Ashkenaz elite in America and Europe, and in that Jewish circle of complicity, the Russian Jews who are looked upon as only good for beating up people, are not about to mention, "Hey what the hell is this in these pro Obama anti religion demoniacs using Jews as a cover are the traitors who sold nuclear secrets to Kremlin communist Jews and are the traitors who as of late put Obama into power and are keeping him there".

Hiding behind the victimhood industry of the holocaust which came about by the Ashkenaz princes to gain a Jewish state while cropping Sephardic and religous Ashkenaz Jews, is no excuse in the reality of this Age of Obama as he heads all of us to a nuclear holocaust.

Where is one Jew who has stood up and said, "This Obama thing is our mess"? They are as silent of mob as Muslims on al Qaeda condemnation.

One Jew of standing to simply take responsibility for their Obama voting block and say, "We did this to America", is it so difficult or are Jews like all the others self serving liberal voting blocks betraying America as long as they get their pound of flesh?

It is beyond disappointing the selfishness, the censorship and the lack of moral courage that these groups march goose lock step in blaming others while installing the Obamas while never taking one shred of Responsibility for their destruction.

What is it going to take? New York City a nuclear glowing crater? The Israeli state lined with the corpses of what is left of Jewry from Obama, Emanuel and Weiner policy?
Is it going to be "blame those Muslims" and neglecting their secular Islamist these secular Jews installed into the White House as Mark Levin enjoys nuclear retaliation by America on those terror bastards.......and never once mention in his never again silence that history did repeat itself all because no one stood up from the inside, and those on the outside were censored and attacked.

One Jew standing up denouncing the liberal mob of secular Jews who are responsible for Obama stealing the 2008 election. Just one Jew.


Obama's Erectile Dysfunctional Economy

I was Inspired in God's Grace to point out something no one else this would be exclusive again, all thanks to God.

Do you remember the entire time George W. Bush was in office, how every crisis from terror alerts, hurricanes to George Soros having a flatulent colon, just drove those food and energy prices up?
Why Mark Levin developed cornophobia, not to be confused with Bevis and Blondeberry Cornholio, but the mere mention of ethanol sent Levin ranting about corn on wheat ground (corn is not planted on wheat ground ever) and how folks were starving around the world (the 3rd world eats the paddy or rice and not corn)........but I don't want to confuse readers here with the facts, because Mark Levin doesn't care about them in his blind rage about how corn was evil and terrorists funded by oil must then be good...........all were the cause of these immense commodity prices.

If you bother to check baby sister, you will find something amazing in this, that when Obama wanted oil prices up when he sabotaged the Gulf Coast GOP states in ruining them, that oil prices went up............but in this period as Obama is trying to keep a revolution from engulfing his regime, that ever crisis from his Libyan murder for oil, dead bin Ladens, farmers flooded out......just drives all those prices down.
Hells bells baby sis, it is summer fuel vacation price spikes, and GAS HAS GONE DOWN IN PRICE for the first time in American history.

Isn't that just amazing that George W. Bush's economy got an erection every time George Soros walked by, but every time Soros walks by Obama's economy, the entire price structure starts deflating in the watched commodities........but on phone, electric, sugar and coffee.......the prices are being gouged as none of the front benchers or Ed Schultz all woman hating bench, never talks about how Obama, Soros, Buffett and Geithner are illegally rigging prices to keep Obama from facing the French Revolution.

So with that, I will let you ponder how this Obama miracle takes he blows up Libyan oil and the price goes down.........George W. Bush liberates Iraqi oil and the prices go through the roof.

Baby know damn betcha that a President Palin better put Attorney General Mark Levin prosecuting these nation rapists and seize all those trillions back, as this Obama gouging and price rigging should have him a little olde Kenyan before he gets up for parole in 2061 AD........yea stick your Common Era up your sacrilegious is BC and AD.

Obama's price rigging crimes are in full view along with his cronies.

Time to trumpet it, record it, and in 2013 prosecute this nation rapist mob.
