Monday, July 18, 2011

The Wall Street Journal's Dirty Murdoch Secrets

With the operation now in full swing against that Obamite, Rupert Murdoch, the Wall Street Journal today decided to weigh in and save the old man and his kiddies, in claiming the Journal is pure as the driven snow, and this is but a witch hunt akin to what took place against Robert Novak.

NOTICE in the misogyny of the WSJ, that unlike this blog in standing up for Judith Miller who was the co target in this smear.........once again the FOXHOLES just boot the woman to the ditch as she does not matter.

This blog has in it's archives an expose' on the Wall Street Journal which will be published in the next week, and it deals with a very strange "island happy reporter" who put up a glowing Obama site days after the November 2008 elections.

WHY THIS MATTERS NOW is the Wall Street Journal hired this reporter and published his propaganda about Obama, which we know for certain now was a greater portion a damn lie, by the work of Jerome Corsi, his forensic experts on the Obama abstract and the postings of bloggers.

Now ask yourself in this, how is it Murdoch backs Obama, assists in overthrowing the United States Government, instructs his Wall Street Journal and FOX News to suppress all of the Obama crimes starting with usurping the Presidency..........had Peggy Noonan do everything in print, but masturbate for Obama.............and the Wall Street Journal has the audacity to stand there like a rapists accusing the person they just assaulted.

The Wall Street Journal is Murdoch filth to the core. It is criminally liable for installing this Marxist foreigner Obama in treason against these United States.

The expose' will be coming and is this blogs exclusive like this posting, but the WSJ for Murdoch hired a public relations representative for OBAMA GREEN industries which Obama dumped billions into and promoted, to write propaganda to lie to the American People, and then this guy puts up an immense site on Obama a few days after the election affirming the fallacies of Barack sr. and Stan Ann were living together to where Obama was born.

The Wall Street Journal is dirty as any of the London hackers. The Murdoch Obamites all belong in prison, their staff all belong in jail........and it is time the Wall Street Journal along with FOX begin to prepare for a real reckoning in the US Courts for their treasonous crimes against America.

The Wall Street Journal is CRIMINAL FRAUD and it begins with Murdoch, has a middle of Obama and ends with the lies they print.

The story broken exclusively here...........more to come.


Wall Street Journal Dirty as Hell!

Wright & Smythe

I was listening to Mark Levin praise craftsmen and women while stating he could not work with his hands...............

I know how that is as a child I was clumsy and would almost come to tears while working on wood projects as that stuff refused to do what I had in mind.

I remember in shop class feeling alien for months as I struggled, and then one day while making a key holder out of black walnut, a rasp in my hand suddenly by God's Grace started doing things to make that wood flow to my touch like butter to knife.
I will never forget that delightful moment when I became a woodwright as wood became one with me and I one with was a most peaceful and completing feeling.

In my life which I rarely speak of, it has been impossible.........I would have settled for hard and found it easy. For every dollar I earn, I worked for perhaps one hundred thousand. Nothing has come easy, but the struggle as I always say in, "I have to build the blessed company before I can get the product", I have experienced so much.
I dislike authority, but I know no one in life can surpass me by God's Spirit in me. I had to as a child take on massive responsibility from running heavy machinery to training horses. It is to the point that I would rather in life work with simple tools away from the world, as I have had too much responsibility placed upon me.

In that, I would have all learn to work with their hands. Today I was ordered by my Mom to lay down and rest awhile as I was digging new soil in my garden. Immediately my doe from last year came over and took possession of me, much to her delight in rubbing hard one me and checking my pockets for treats.
The sun was warm and it is always lovely to work in soil as if you have a rotor tiller or heavy garden tractors you miss so much, because soil will change from just a few feet in a garden.

My current garden was hard as concrete when I started. I though have worked with it in hand tilling, to using roots of crops to loosen the soil..........and waiting for the snow of winter in freezing and thawing to crumble it so I can dig it easily.
There are all sorts of things one learns which I call million dollar knowledge that if you are not touchings things, you will never know them.

I love tools. I love spades, I love hoes, I love ball pein hammers.

What is a ball pein hammer? Why it is a hammer of the blacksmith, which is rounded on one side in the ball and one pein's with it metal to make it into forms of your will.
The plough hammer draws metal and the pein hammer makes metal flow like rivets. It is so neat to know you can weld metal by simply hammering it........yes metal when struck will flow and heat up, and literally in that heat form into shapes you will......without forge.

It is like dough..........oh yes that mysterious bread dough which is such a terror to most people. I too had to buy a bread machine, but in three years, I soon had hands and a will which laughed at the tricks that dough would try and pull. It could be sticky and I just threw flour at it........too dry and wetted it and made it behave.
I have always said if more women baked bread in their homes, more men would behave better as there is something wonderfully peaceful about that scent of life in sweet dough with yeast..........mix it, let it set to make the gluten work, pound it, let it raise and it will behave itself and make a lovely life form in bread.

There is nothing in life which no one with God's Holy Spirit which can not be accomplished. I love animals and caring for them.........doing stitches, birthing babies and laying on the hands in soothing them when they are hurt. It is empowering to do these going into a computer and fixing it in replacing hard drives.

I have an old mixer which is cantankerous which Mom took to a repairmen who charged her 10 dollars to not fix it. I was incensed at such jackass attitude...took it apart and fixed it.

The secret with electricity is keeping the power off, paying attention to who wired what were to begin with and expecting the plug in to explode when you plug it is all very exciting in Benjamin Franklin terms in knowing it will do you harm.

Weaving rugs, braiding horse hair to sewing are such necessary vocations to train the hands. I marvel at the different art forms there many people, the fisherman knowing how to bait a hook, the trapper making a set to catch the coyote, the hunter knowing how to track the animal and receive the gift of it.............
I remember the first time I trapped, as I looked at the prairie I was on.........then I looked at that two inch trap pan and I thought, "How in the world do you catch anything when that 2 inches is surrounded by thousands of miles of places not to step?"

It all helps in the sets one constructs in like metal making a predator flow into your trap.

There are so many lovely things in this life to experience which are all there at our fingertips for us to become craftspeople at................Mom always says at funerals in how it is amazing you can have 10 women with the same recipe have 10 different hotdishes show up, that look different, taste different and you would swear they are different recipes.

Making wine, brewing beer, distilling liquors so you don't blow up the still..............the crafting of leather from a hide............wool shorn and spun into yarn............the turning of a range horse into a friend who you will trust your life to...........the beauty of a hunting dog coursing after upland game in your is so wonderful in things which people who are elite scorn at as they are terrified of life.

I have in my possession a pen which I was Inspired to construct on my I like working outside, though my dream is to have a shop some is built out of the old frames of the doors of a railroad hotel now demolished.
I remember doing my Roy Underhill eye balling in measuring in I thought it was close...........and in times past it would have been an inch off........but as I sawed the boards, I put them together to check the sides and they all were equal.
I smiled at that one.
The pen is lovely in I love making metal and wood form together........hammers to guns to knives are remarkable in taking two forms which are at war at each other to function wonderfully.

I do make for my incubator in charting the wiring to make sure, but sometimes like in this pen I just build it in my head and thank God it comes out as all things do like this blog when God is moving me.

Well here am I off to an adventure as that is life is even with Obama has it sucking.........there is always something out there to experience.........not as the twit does in having to go to Paris to feel something..........but all times it is just something like looking at the wildlife in your world as you take a walk.

God bless


Advice to Scott Pelley

This blog seeks to help temporary CBS anchor, Scott no chin Pelley.

This advice is sound and it is to replace the FOXHOLES for Obama at that fraud FOX with your own Dan Rather version of bringing down Richard Nixon in a coup.

Yes temp to make your job permanent, to become the next Bob Woodward and Walter Cronkite, all you have to do is assemble a team of investigators...........I prefer some yellow, tan and chocolate chics with short skirts, cow eyes and serpent tongues with big tits representing Jews, Asians / Latinos and the majority 3/4 white and 1/4 black mingled population of America, and make this a coming time in which you force Barack Obama to resign as RMN at maximum in order to go into exile to escape prison for his crimes, or leverage this to LBJ in "I will not seek and will not accept........"

This is easy Mr. Pelley as your entire field is open on Obama crimes from the 300 million in terror fraud funds Americans were stuck with, Obama money dry cleaning in Chicago, his Black Panthers, creating a narco terrorist commie Mexican mob to shoot Mexicans and Americans for his dope benefactors......Obama's coke pipeline into Africa and the Europe.....and yes Mr. Pelley, that Jerome Corsi Brither issue which has this White House scrambling.

If you want to go down in history Mr. Pelley and restore journalism and wipe out the Obama voters at FOX, you do your job and bring down this crook Barack Hussein Obama.

You have cover in this Mr. Pelley and you know it. There is a combined Republican and Democratic corp who are in the process of doing just the above. Your becoming their mouthpiece along with the Washington Post will form the Watergate corridor and you will take your place with Cronkite and Rather.

I will not go into details Mr. Pelley, but if you got your nut sack yet, you can undo the damage of Katie Couric at CBS in her set up of Sarah Palin. You can cement the place in broadcast journalistic anchors everyone said was dead, as you will be the force who will take the FOX audience and every other audience as you will be the lone voice exposing the Obama crimes.

It will not matter once this starts and the Obamalings try to catch up. Americans and the Europeans will be looking to you as the trusted dispenser of news on this issue.

If you choose to be traitor to America later, then by all means that is your liberal going to hell choice, but if you build on this exposing Karl puffy lips Rove for the Palin Administration in the prosecution of all these nefarious traitors to the Republic, you will be a little olde man by the time this plays out........and America is played out with prosecutions and just wants some people in power who do not need to be they will want to go back to watching football and porn.

So that is your career opportunity of a lifetime advice Scottie. Take it and run like the wind throwing lightning bolts and thunder and you will make CBS what it was when Walter was doing the news.

Talk to Bill Daley and talk to Bill Clinton and they will fill you in on what you need to know.

I leave the chics up to you, but for your sake, no damn lesbians for Mark Levin and find yourself some right wingers..........think Lee Atwater and the ghost of Richard Nixon in a skirt.......and the rest is history.

nuff said.


.....and then came Obama

“The President replied that there was only one concession he thought he might offer, and that was to give him the 6 million Jews in the United States.”

Yalta: February 1945

Exchange between friends Joseph Stalin and Franklin Roosevelt

Subject: Concerning concessions which might be offered to King Saud of Saudi Arabia after World War II in dividing up the world.

I would be most fascinated to observe a brain scan of Dr. Dennis Cuddy as his mind was working as it must first in diverse regions all at the same moment, as the information he comes up with is so detailed it is like.........well me.

He was noting that America has had a long symbiotic history with the Muslim Brotherhood in for some of these most bizarre of reasons, it was concluded that Arab Nationalism should be replaced by Islamic unity.

Why yes the threat of a Pan Arabia is much more an obstacle to global domination than Pan Islam. After all, it must make perfect sense in why just face 300 million Arabs who like nothing better than murdering each other, when you can face 1 billion Brzezinski Isalmic militants welded by a fanatical religion.

Turned out really great in Lockerbie, Embassy bombings, USS Cole, 9 11 twice..............and how many wars is it now Obama has going....................five?

What you have to comprehend in all of this is the thread which weaves all of this together in the creation of B. Hussein Muslim Brotherhood Obama.
See in Kenya, the communists were in control. You could either have an Kenyatta Odinga type Soviet Africa, or you might be able to stick a black Marxist Luo penis into Stan Ann and convince the natives, this was their Nassar...........a Barack jr. communist who hated America, but hated the Soviet Union worse.

This is the insanity creep which has now engulfed America in the manifestation of B. Hussein in the White House.
What started out as a way to disrupt Arab unity to not be a competitor on the world stage and a way of stealing the Holy Land for the Ashkenaz secular Rothschilds, became Zbigniew Brzezinski importing all those radical Muslims, teaching them how to build nuclear bombs and then giving them Muslim militant training to be unleashed in China and Russia.......problem is Zawahiri is a communist and he unleashed it all on America as Putin's 5th column.

It even becomes more crazed in the Shah is removed as a great American ally, for these Muslim communists in Iran...........who in turn the Saud's seeing the immense threat, create Wahhabism with the Muslim Brotherhood to combat the Persian Empire.

So what if it is now a nuclear arms race and America will have nuclear Islam blowing up it's cities in terror........hey we got Imam Obama, the mahdiest of the mahdi's in power, and with a brush of his hand, he will wipe Mubarak and Khadaffi off the land, murder with Predators and transform this all from Pan Arabia to Pan Roman Empire reborn.

Those observations Dr. Cuddy never connects the dots on, as he is so immersed in details, but the reality of this is, we have before us the Islamic policy of FDR, and in reality, Obama is not going to send the Jews to Saudi Arabia to be Mr. secular Islam Obama is going to keep slugging these Muslims, giving them time with their nuclear bombs, so they can all be buried in an incinerator called the New York City crater.

But hey, at least those Ashkenaz propagandists who keep spouting off about those 6 million holocaust Jews dying in World War II will finally have a real 6 million figure when Jews are mass incinerated by Muslim nuclear holocaust inside America.

Why ship them out FDR, when Obama can just bury the Jews here.

That Yalta Conference was anything but what all the American Soldiers were fighting for. Stalin made the demand that the Germans be mass slaughtered................and here is FDR joking about slaughtering 6 million American Jews in the Democrat Final Solution.

The son of all of this genocide is Barack Hussein Obama. The son of Marxist Stalin and the daughter of FDR community organized fascism with a touch of Muslim religion to keep those Arab Luo loyalties from turning you into Nassar.

Sure just depose and murder all the Arab leaders as that Muslim Brotherhood thing in Egypt is the way to run this enterprise in little communist satraps ruling for the boys in Berlin.

Each of you children now should comprehend more fully, this Kenyan Obama in why he was created and installed in America on so many levels as he is the political chameleon who serves the master at their every whim.

I guess Franklin Roosevelt only joked with the butcher of Ukraine and the rapist of Germany in Joe Stalin about murdering 6 million Jews............

Barack Obama is beyond joking and is carrying out the policy, and not just Jews this time, in he is importing Mexicans to replace blacks as his policies Death Panel whites.

Barack Obama is a full spectrum secular Muslim genocide kind of joker.

This 1961 joke was only supposed to be on Kenyans. It was only supposed to be funny in replacing Jesse Jackson to lead blacks into their abyss of being replaced.

Now Obama has targetted all Americans for annihilation, has put Arabs under Roman rule, has put Slavs under Putin's rule and the Chicoms get the rest, as long as the Berliner boys run the new world order.

The darkness crept in
But it was just a shadow
The darkness grew darker
Now a shadowy foe

The darkness it came
Then it just stayed
Then it consumed
The darkness never went away

The darkness it was
So little at first
It was not just bad
It grew to be worse

It has been so long
It has now clouded our sight
It now seems as always
That darkness was always light
