Monday, July 25, 2011

of vital necessity

In an effort to keep those children who will head the advice well fed, instead of eating dung and drinking their own urine as liberal college professors are prone to in swamps..................I do not quite get how one surrounded by water, would choose to drink their own urine, instead of filtering it through moss and grass, as even if one got liver flukes, one would survive and obtain medical attention to kill the parasites.........unless of course this liberal feared Obamacare would deny him and he would perish on the hospital steps..............

I digress.

What I will point out though is that if you care to eat, I have been testing how to grow your own vegetables from seed now for several years to saving seeds to transplanting them.

One thing I have found which is vital in this is one must have a fertilizer for the young sprouted seeds. I have used manure tea from horses, which one makes by soaking horse dung in water. It works alright, but it simply does not do the best.
Denying my self sufficient mode, I succumbed to purchasing a natural product made from a "cold press" of fish nutrients to make a natural fertilizer. It is very low grade in almost no phosphorous, potassium and nitrogen.......which one does not want nitrogen as that causes little plants to grow too much or will burn them.
Note* That is why you should not use poultry manure as it is so high in nitrogen it will burn plants. Horse is not very good in being nutrient free, but one can have very good results with cow and goat manure. Goat is what I mulch my garden with and have had very good results with potatoes.
Decomposed hog manure raised some of the best gardens I ever had........I digree.

Back to the subject.

The fish fertilizer is billed as non stinky. Well it is, unless you are like me and mix it up and leave it in a jar as I do not throw things away. Then it turns into something one can smell, which smells like fish crap or something rotten.

I purchased a quart bottle I believe, and it will make something like 30 gallons. It was around 12 dollars which is allot, but when I tested it, I found I could mix one quarter ounce to a quart of water, and then putting in a "soup spoon" size portion to my seedlings, that is all it required to produce good growth and a very good root system which was almost root bound in 5 weeks.
So for one bottle one could have enough fertilizer for your transplants past Jesus coming back as I always say. I though plan to purchase a few more bottles as it is a vital necessity, and I have a firm faith that spouses will throw it out, childen will pour it out, dogs will bite holes in it and for some reason it will fall off the shelf and crack the plastic bottle and it will all leak out.

This is a very good product and I gave the baby plants another dose before transplanting them outside. I had around 36 plants I was taking care of and only used a pint of the water mix, so it does go a long way.
The tomatoes, of a variety God and I are developing and might just show up in a seed catalogue near you in the next few years if there is interest from the established seed people for this improved paste tomatoe, did well. The other plants I tested were Garden Huckelberry which is a black berry with lots of seed in it, which you can grow in your garden, and providing you neutralize them with soda, put back in sugar, lemon juice and salt, you will end up with a blueberry flavored sauce which I have been using in coffee cakes.

I think that is about it.........I will digress a few as I'm doing a download from eMule which a very good file transfer system and it is dragging a bit with 19 seconds to I probably have surveillance from the regime shadowing me........ I get popular with stories on Sarah Palin deals and Bill Daley running a coup on Obama.

Well that 19 seconds is down to 9 seconds and it only took thirty seconds......but voila it is complete.

Just like the white wing dove............


Whore Island Retreat*

As you most likely missed it in the Obama retreat policy of strategic George W. Bush interests in the world........along with the murder of President Karzai's brother by the Obama good Taliban terrorists, the regime is negotiating probably missed that Leon Panetta, comrade political officer, has US forces in Iraq now in full blown military operations.

What is most interesting about this is a reality in you might recall during Bush43's tenure how vital it was to respect Iraq and those military and police units..........well under Obama, it is a big FU to Iraqi's now in the regime is not telling the Iraqi's a thing and their military and police can go pound quote Elton Blonde.

To quote Panetta, we quote Panetta.

Panetta said the U.S. military would act without Iraq Army approval to stop what he termed the Iranian campaign against American troops.

With so much going on in Obama coloring his hair and Muchelle on African safari................(did she finally get her 12 cow price for the daughters she keeps hauling to Africa for matrimony?)

I digress........

There has been some overt signs that Obama and this Berliner boys have been busy creating a October Surprise for 2012, since Jerome Corsi and Donald Trump took away Obama's special Murder bin Laden and cover it with birth forgery paper.

It all started with Ahamdinejad being impeached or something by the turban heads. That is sort of like a cow impeaching her cud, as there is no separation in the communist regime of Islam.
Ahmadinejad was being punished as an offering and the only offering which seems to be had is Obama dividing up the Iranian house, the way he keeps dividing up all the other nations in the Mideast.

Iran has been not obeying the cartel either in it keeps meddling in Syria in keeping Assad in power..........and Obama just wants the home of bin Laden's mum for some reason. I don't quite know why as Obama likes Reggie Love and all those lovely Syrian women are not exactly the size for his harem bed.
Could be Obama just can not have the Putincrats in that Syrian naval base for the Black Sea Fleet amidst the Roman Empire Obama is forming.

It would really be easier in this if Robert J. Morton would just publish my comments to Ed Koch as I'm really trying to save Jews from incineration in New York and Tel Aviv, but when you got "thou shalt not speak of living Jews who are about to be saluted in death by their friends, Romans and countrymen"..........well it ends up here.
That was not my digressing, but typing vital information..........I know it as it says it is vital information right here.

So Iran is being naughty in not murdering the right folks and upholding puppets whose strings have been cut.
When it did not matter that IED's were boffing US Soldiers during the Bush years, is now a major problem for Obama and Panetta. Is that Shia thing though in the south with Iran and Obama is Suni or something......doesn't matter on that for this, as what appears to be setting up is B. Hussein needs a big bang to theorirze his 2012 election theft.

The scenario according to those Catholic oracles chattering on in Berliner land, talks a great deal about two nuclear bombs in New York City, and the world stating it was deserving for what all the Americans did, but the Yanks deserved it.
This happens during cherry blossom time or summer.

That would fit as Obama keeps jacking these nuclear Iranians, the Islamocommunists he has been affording all the time they need to refine some offshore uranium which can not be traced back to them.
Ok little explanation here in Anglo. Uranium has trace elements from where it is mined, and, the really good scanners can tell where the material is processed to an extent. So when you are a globalist looking to blast America for your Obama, you need some uranium that does not come from the Persian mountains, so it does not trace back to you.

Problem is, Obama seems to like tadpoling all his Mooselums up the arse once he is in bed with them. He whacked Karzai, whacked bin Laden, whacked Mubarak, whacked Assad and is whacking Khadaffi.
Call Barry the black widow of Islam.

Obama keeps fingering Ahmadinejad and keeps poking his knuckle pony into Iranian private zones. Iran is noted for TWA Flight 800 terrorism and trying to sell FARC in South America nuclear bomb making material.
It certainly would be an Obama 2012 policy for his re installment to get Iran to blast those Jews in New York who seem to be turning on him and going to vote for Sarah Palin.

Do recall that Janet Napolitano has been red flagging some attack least until this blog pointed out what she was staging for Obama before Gabby Giffords ate some rubber lead bullets...........and..........
Ok I have to digress as Napolitano was in North Dakota, you know INDAKOTA, where Rush Limbaugh thinks Minot is, and she in turn told North Dakotans in their flooding to pound sand, the the feds couldn't do a thing to save them.
Nothing like genocide of GOP states in 2012...........I stop digressing and return to New York genocide.

So now all is quiet on the Obama front, and Panetta is poking at Iran, and is setting the stage for more slap and tickle. This is something to watch in Obama like starting wars at the drop of a turban or a magic monkey, and if Panetta starts punishing the Iranian communists, it seems like they will retaliate in 2012.

In a summer scenario, that gives Obama the horror of a New York crater in late June, with his own nuclear craters for his August birthday in Muslimland.

Beloved leader would then make a peace treaty for his October surprise and the world would have Obama for another 4 years.

.....of course if the anti Christ in Obama's Roman Empire Europe doesn't get the nod from the Berliner boys to make that Biblical false peace treaty doing his own tadpole on Obama.

Obama has been blowing up far too much real estate and date fed Muslim has to balance out and in this act, of the Whore Island Retreat, that Obama's policy brings the terrorism home to America just in time for November 2012.

This is the Obama who murdered Osama bin Laden and all those Muslims, cutting out the CIA protocols, all to cover up his birth forgery.

If 5 dead Muslims gets a 1 point bounce, then Obama has to have done the math this blog exclusively did in it will take a million New Yorkers and whatever camel spiders he can assassinate to give him the margin so he can steal the election.

There is something definitely taking place here in the preliminary stages. Obama can not shoot Doc Zawahiri in his undies and get the is going to take a big sooooprize (little Mooselum lingo) for Obama to shift things, make his chaos and seize the order.

It appears Iran is the viable target as the plan is in the works.

Let's sing..........

She told me to walk this way
Talk this way
Walk this way.........

agtG 348Y

all it took was a little kiss a like this

PS: I wonder if this warning will one day have Steven Spielberg propagandist heir make a Lame Cherry's Schindler?
I do hope they have no mass nude Jew shower scene as selling porn and holocaust just is offensive as much as beating on Jewish girls by horny Nazi's.
I really liked her though in Bruce Campbell's movie Army of Darkness........that was a fun movie, and now Bruce is on Burn Notice......another fun show.

Where was I going.......oh yes, I don't want Liam Neilsen playing me as I never had a hard to think of any pretty actresses..........never mind as I don't want to be in any movie or any facsimile of me........probably would be some horrid liberal like Tina Fey or that old bat playing Mag's Thatcher.

Pay attention children as there is a strong current running through will know after a detonation who did it by the way the wind blows. If it is outside of Obama's control the wind will be blowing the radiation back into America......if it is a Naps event, the fallout will go ocean.

........and you thought being a Muslim terrorist was easy in just wearing harems and having sex with turbans.......allot goes into stealing elections and nuclear get out the vote results.

whore island


Mark Levin has a 53 year old calloused mind with a 6 year old juvenile tongue as he really flaps his lips to much as he non stop smears a most devout Christian Lady and her entire family name in Hannah Milhous.

As you probably do not link this yet, President Richard Nixon was christened with the name of his mother, Hannah Milhous, and Mark lesbian Levin, had decided in his Limbaugh leaner nature to heap what he terms thee worst insult in referring to Barack Hussein Obama as Barack Milhous Nixon.

What was Hannah Milhous Nixon?

Hannah Milhous was born an American in Indiana in the year of our Lord, 1885. She married Francis Nixon in California in 1908, and lived to a fine old age of 82.

I always look at the ages people live as I consider it one of the trademarks of God's Grace on a family if people life to great ages as a blessing from God.
If one researches the lineage of Richard Nixon and his mother, Hannah, these people lived into their 90's when most Americans in the 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th centuries were dead at age 60.

The Milhous family were very Spiritual in being Quakers. Quakers were Protestants who gained that name as they "quaked" by the Holy Spirit in worship.

Richard Nixon would define his mother as a Saintly Quaker, who had a tremendous influence on the President's outlook on life.

I like Mark Levin the majority of the time, but there are times he is as big of jerk as he yells at other people for being.

What Mark Levin is doing is as anti Semitic as those who snot off about Jews to those racists who snot off about being black........and yet there is Mark Levin smearing the Milhous family name in a most despicable and ignorant manner which in reality makes absolutely no sense.

In Lesbian Levin's thinking, he is apparently smearing Obama for being a that is how uninformed Mark Levin is.

I really do not care for the Mockingbird talking points Mark Levin uses to smear Richard Nixon, in Levin being ignorant the hate for Nixon has nothing to do with the coup or Watergate, but the reality that Richard Nixon if he had been allowed to finish his anti communist crusade, would have exposed the Dunhams, Davis and Robesons for the threats they were to America.

Gen. Nelson Appleton Miles once said it was easy to kick a dead lion, in how the cartels were smearing Gen. George Custer.

It is easy for Mark Levin to be a Christian Basher as his Elton John boys in Hannity and Limbaugh front benchers say nothing to defend Christians from this ignorant rant.

Hannah Milhous Nixon like all of her Christian family are in heaven in the bosom of their Lord, Jesus, for that is how one is awarded Sainthood, as it does not come from the Vatican.

The Milhous name is to be honored as it is one of the finest in America for the Christian virtue it ordained on America.

.........and for the record Mark Levin, there are no Hebrew Christian commandments about a President not knowing a thing about Watergate, but there is one about bearing false witness against people.

Show some class Mr. Levin and leave the Milhous name in peace........or try Barack Levin Obama as you have allot more in common with Mr. Obama politically than the Nixon family ever will have.........dogs called children, Jesus basher Elton John entertaining you, Limbaugh smearing Birthers as "kooks" and your censoring of Jerome Corsi and the Obama Constitutional issue.

Richard Nixon never betrayed America in not upturning every Marxist stone. You Mr. Levin can not seem to betray America enough concerning Barack Hussein Obama.

As you will not shut your mouth Mark Levin, try opening it in apologizing to all Christians and to the Nixon family for your slurs.

nuff said.
