Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Feed a fat Child

Friends, lesbians, countrymen, lend me your ear. (If it was sodomites I guess it would be lend me your rear....but I digress in this Mark Levin era of no lesbian jokes, but throwing Terry Lakin in prison without comment.)

Friends, I come before you today to offset Muchelle Obama's attack on fat children of all ages in asking you to feed a fat child.
Yes I know that children in Africa are starving, but that is about Obama Marxism starving people and there is no reason American children should not be fat and porking out on things the food police say is not good for them.

I place before you fat people.

Meatloaf........fat and successful.

Mark Levin fat.

Rush Limbaugh as more successful fat and a smoker.

Ed Schultz........fat.

Rosie O'Donnell fat.

Roseanne fat.

Mexicans fat and living high in America!

America is overflowing with fat successful people more than those skinny ravenous unsuccessful people never satisfied.

Karl Rove........puffy lips and fat.

Muchelle Obama. Fat ass to enormity and fat success just had scholarships and board appointments just larded on her. Thee epitome of fat success.

Oprah Winfrey, fat as a lard sow. Imagine if she had just packed on a few more hundred pound and told the skinny folks to pound sand and never wasted time dieting and just went on the fat city express. Oprah would be owning the world now in being successfully fat.

So in the public interest to battle skinny. All should freeze some butter, dip it in sugar for butter sugs, cover them with real whip cream and tell the kids, "Eat up, as kids are starving in Africa as commies, but you fatten up on the American hard working prosperity!"

Tell them to take a nap the rest of the day, and just forget about everything as McDonalds has a Big Mac and Pizza Hut has a pan pizza with their names on it.

Do not discriminate in leaving the adults out either as successful fatness is just a hundred pounds away.

Buy the wife a tub of creamy chocolate ice cream, cover it with chocolate chips, chocolate spinkles, shaved white chocolate, some Hershey's syrup and some good old hot fudge icing.
Tell her, "Don't worry about that birth control fat butt you got baby as no one wants you and I'm stuck with your ass, so eat up baby!"

Buy the husband some greasy old fried chicken, a 12 pack of beer, a bucket of fries, some chips for snacks and a case of Little Debbie's Snack Cakes and say, "You lazy fat man, I love you, and no one is going to run off with you as they can't see your dick for your gut hanging down, so eat up, you heart attack waiting to happen, as we got life insurance and me and the fat kids will enjoy the good life your loving provision will give us".

See now how life would be so much better in everyone chowing down instead of gnawing on lettuce and starving angry.

The most successful people are fat people..........Whoopie Goldberg and she is ugly as a post to boot.

So be happy being fat and ugly.........and be happy on the lard, butter, grease and fat getting there.

This has been a Lame Cherry public service announcement as we care.


On the other side of that hill

As an update for the Citizenry, I have grave concern about Anglo Nubian dairy goats, as they have more influence on humans than any Obama regime.

For readers, they know I have trials on various flora and fauna to ascertain the viability of survival uses.
As dairy cows are a might big for most people, and as goat milk is more friendly to the human digestive system, I was led to the know them in commercials on television as the goats with ears which hang down, unlike the European species which has them erect.

My two wards in Em and M, now have taken complete ownership of me, and I no longer need to think as they do the deciding for me.

Emma is a sweet cuddling personality. She has a soft little laughing call. Martha on the other hand scolds and demands things last week as I'm already late for what she warrants is vital to the moment.

I have discovered now at 4 months that goat bladders are not like baby bladders in they do not pee as often or all over the place on the suggestion. I have kept them in the my house in a kennel I constructed, and as long as there is no waste, they have no odors.
I take them out at midnight and at 6, while leaving them outside with the adults, which is their mother and sister, who have not been as friendly this year as last year, in Em gets bunted to which I slap them back in retaliation.
Em cries and runs away which she should not have been that close to begin with.

I have been using excuses to keep the kids around here, as my puppy died in December and I tend to like thing around to keep my mind off have had turkeys instead of goldfish and baby chickens from my incubator, keeping the void filled.

Our feeding schedule was four times a day at 6, noon, 6 pm and 10 pm, with cutting back to three feedings, two and then one at three months. This year as the doe was producing so much milk and I was in need of extra work, I fed them at night a bottle.
It is necessary for their stomach development to not over feed on milk, as they have to build a digestive tract which gets it's protein from grass and shrubs and not dairy.......and Nubians if you feed them more than a quart of milk a day, will get a milk goiter which is more unnecessary concerns than necessary.

We burnt the horns off at three weeks as I was behind schedule and Hoegers was a bit late in sending their chute, which was not big enough for my girls...........I hate cauterizing horns as the kids scream, jump around even restrained, and they will bleed as I found out this you just burn that tissue to stop it.
There are details online if you care to do it, but do it early I guess and let a vet do it for more expense if you are not a cold hearted SOB like myself who still cringes at this.

Hoves need a bit of trimming which is easy, as long as you do not over trim as you will make the hoof bleed if you get to rambunctious in this too.

Worming is coming in late fall as I finally have these animals cleaned up. I use ivomec which is for horses, once again it is on other goat sites the details, so study up there.

This is more a million dollar experience stuff here in the blessing is in the details. Nubians are notorious for being vocal in informing you how much you need an education in which end is up.
I have found mine also exhibit thee worst 3 year old trait in when they want something, they will be bad.......and they know how to be bad from finding plastic to tissues when they are found a packet of rubber bands I had and was stuffing them down her throat when I caught her and pulled them backout.

Their teeth are like razors and twice they drew blood as I was busy pulling things out of their mouths.

In reality, they are very high octane, but can learn to regulate it well. They will though get into recliners and make them bounce as they dance around.
By 4 months though they become more goatlike than human, and settle quite in being almost dog like really.

The doe from last year likes to rub on you, to the extent of about tipping over a chair you have on your lawn as you let them graze......just being friendly.
Last night she was chasing Em around, because Em was getting attention and she wanted it all.

So at 10 I go fetch the children to come in for the night........been using excuses like storms and the excessive heat to justify it, but they a really are good kids in every way........with your just having to pay attention as when potty breaks end at midnight M likes to go visit Mom if I do not keep track of her.
Mom does not really mind, but being awoken out of a sound sleep in having a goat jump on your bed is something I do not make a habit of.
In that M is Mom's girl and Em is my girl, as we each bottle fed them and they have now taken ownership of us.

The worst problem is these damned mosquitos, which are so thick this year, that I have to spend time in my porch killing them as they ride in on the goats no matter how much brushing I do.
That of course is a good thing.

I do marvel at the intelligence of these Nubians in playing psychological games to get what they desire. They know their names, know phrases and know they like to antagonize by moving away just as I am about to catch them.
On in that, they need dog collars to be controlled, and they are quite docile if trained early........again M is like her mother in liking to lead me, while Em is more sedate.

They do not like spray planes nor are fond of vehicles.

Of course, I'm not fond of them either as one night a recreationist came blowing by me on the road as I held the kids and soon slammed on the brakes and backed up screeching at me from 100 yards, "EXCUSE ME, EXCUSE ME!!!!!!!!!! ARE THOSE GOATS?????"

I replied they were.

To which I heard, "I TOLD YOU THOSE WERE GOATS", and she floored it to which I reckon she is still on inertia going south yet on the gas consumed in that moment.
This woman sounded like one of those comedy characters on Mad TV.......some people should be confined to television and not allowed in the company of civilized goats.

Goats really get a bad rap I have concluded, as they actually know what they want, and most people are too stupid to not outsmart them.

The biggest problem I have is being attached to them as mine are very loving which might surprise owners of Nubians, as they do act aloof but they know where you are at all times, and God forbid you deny them attention at the time of the day you are supposed to be allocating them their they will raise hell sounding like they are being tortured in being denied your company.

With stockade panels, the cattle size of five feet high by sixteen feet long with a hutch, they really are quite manageable. I do believe they tolerate those panels and could clear them too if they very well pleased.
I have mine in a little pasture lot of about 80 by 120 feet.............I think that if one would provide shade a 32 to 64 foot movable stockade panel enclosure would work too........along with fresh water as goats like fresh water and in heat you better have it for them with shade.

If you are the 15 minute of fame type, then eat your grass and twigs instead of having the goats do it, as animals require attention........but since my earliest memories I have had a Mom who deluged me with pets which in most cases were culls from piglets to kittens. I just like having animals around, as my Principal once said of his beef cattle, "I need the sanity they bring".

Yes worms due to the previous owner selling me infected animals killed two of my goats which still bothers me greatly. I used the natural remedies and ended up with dead goats, so use the chemicals and save them and yourself some grief.

It takes hands on or existential experience to deal with all animals whether it is lions in Kenya or goats in you pen. They all have personalities, bad days, and handling techniques which you will learn the expensive way.
I feed my goats a sort of prairie, weed, road ditch hay, as they like the brush plants, and will waste a great deal of feed, and find they like laying in the feeder to greet you. The best you can do with most animals is negotiate on the major points and then let them have their way on things they decide are their Constitutional having trimmed my beans and corn too close to the panels in the like Chesapeake retrievers, you just have to let an animal get away with some things or they are going to pay you back in thee worst way by eating your couch or knocking you over just to make a point as they did my Mom last year.

Goats will shiver in the first real below zero cold, do better in groups, and always need allot of bedding.......they can not take high heat exposed to the sun.......they require attention, and I provide mine 365 day attention as I detest the people who have dogs and lock them in a kennel most of the time.
I actually like hand milking as it is one of my sane moments in dealing with this wicked world.

What the hell else you going to do? Watch some damn sports on television, blabber on the cell phone, sit in a chair letting someone else live your life?

I prefer to learn things even if I don't care to learn things...........and I learned that by being too kind in not getting a horn burnt off completely in the bud stage had a growth smack me in the nose as she was just being a goat and decided to jump up for a tree branch.....and I bled with a few choice words, but at least it didn't take an eye out.

Three years now with this project, and I'm just getting to the expert status of knowing how to deal with this I said, I was put here to fulfill life and not to just watch others sitting around watching others live their existence.

...........Oh and I found that some horse pellets, even like goat pellets in formula, bloated M horridly so I was busy carrying her around and making her walk for two hours to get things moving one night till midnight.........always something new just like people.


I never had a damn thing but what I had, I had to leave it behind
You're the hardest thing I ever tried to get off my mind
Always something greener on the other side of that hill
I was born a wrangler and rambler and I guess I always will.........

The POWI from MAUI*

It is always puzzling when things do not add up, so I guess that is why they are puzzling.

I have been wondering about the Pimp....President of Whore Island, the POWI in the White House and not the POTUS, and I might just refer to Obama as POWI from now on, as even the little things about Obama do not make any sense.

For example, there is a yoga guy, surfer guy, Island happy guy, a student of Jung psychiatry and Buddhism named Rob Kay.................the guy is into Obama green and biotech energy.........

I ask you, dare you to guess, where Rob Kay writes and who published him?

The Village Voice? The Nation? Queer Nation? Nopers...........

It was Rupert Murdoch's Wall Street Journal..........does that not make one's mind ponder just what is someone who is this off the grid is being afforded a platform and that platform in 2008 was for Barack Hussein Obama.

In Kay's explanation, he was having the WSJ publish an article he was writing Obama Slept Here..........that would be November 2008 and in his words, he decided then to create a website about Obama.

I checked the background on this GoDaddy site, and the election was November 4th in 2008, and Kay obtained the creation date on November 7th, 2008.

Expiration Date: 2012-11-07
Creation Date: 2008-11-07
Last Update Date: 2010-08-30

This was quite the major project to undertake in building an entire webite, taking pictures of where Obama lived and he had quite a number of people he was thanking for the effort.

Slipped into this is Mr. Kay is a public relations manager representing those same Obama green technologies which billions have been spent on and are now going bankrupt as America is going bankrupt due to Obama policy.

The thin threads in this start connecting in the money flow. Rupert Murdoch literally was in the tank for Obama early, as was Peggy Noonan of the WSJ who betrayed the right, and all of FOX was in the hole for Obama betraying America........and then here is this Island Happy Guy creating immediately this site which now has glaring problems in it, starting with the propaganda of where B. Hussein was really born..............and where Stanley Ann and Barack sr. actually lived, as they did not reside together, as even Mr. Kay had that little birth notice which is supposed to be legal tender in this Obama menagerie of lies in all this was dreamed up.

Even the birth notice on the page from microfilm of the Obama announcement does not match the BIRTH NOTICES of the top left column from the paper which released it.

Then the disclaimer page has more warnings on it than a tactical nuke disarming manual.

I know everyone reading this would like to be out catfish noodling and writing high priced articled for the WSJ about Obama, while promoting cars with rubber bands as motors........but isn't it strange that all those middle America Citizens just never have Rupert Murdoch publishing your Birther articles..........but there is just an endless supply of Sean Hannity sabotaging Jerome Corsi's book exposing all the Obama lies and FOX to the WSJ just can't seem to find.............well the same problems that Mr. Kay can not find in living in Honolulu.

None of this is journalism, and you can bet your last cow chip that if...........Bob Reagan Blue State was putting up Sarah Palin sites his stuff would never reach the press, and he would be savaged to hell and back.
This is not journalism when you represent green interests and the Pimp of Whore Island is funnelling billions of dollars to his cronies in these capitalism venture.

These things are red lights in something Mockingbird wrong from the advocates of Obama having all of these goodies and even CBS as was exposed here dumped Hawaii Five O into Hawaii, in that horrid damn program which is another money funnelling operation by liberals into liberal Hawaii.

The POWI from Hawaii has piles of these 5th column operatives scattered all over the place. I'm having a most interesting discussion at this moment with Yahoo in someone has been from INSIDE YAHOO, because the notices are coming from inside Yahoo, been changing things around in that mail account.
Why I bring this up is that account is not linked to this blog, but is a recipe dump box for online storage...........and I only used that account as I had it secured as a mail address when Microsoft shut down my accounts there to try and slow this blog down.
I used that account as the mailing address for a cell phone log in for Microsoft......and now the Obama operatives have decided to flip me the bird in screwing with the account.

Even the Yahoo analyst I contacted was puzzled, dropped it back into security and ran away after looking at the header on the was from inside Yahoo.

So the same ponderances from 2008 are surfacing again in the Obama contractors have tapped into Yahoo, as they did Microsoft to hijack my email there to start this and track my wanderings further.

An entire site designed to implant what we now know is 80% Obama maybe he was there with 20% Obama lied.

Murdoch must employ the guy who picks lint from his navel, the girl who naps till noon and that other journalistic expert in the one who shaves ice and sells dope out of their cart for their headline features at the Wall Street Journal...........because Barry once crept there.

No Kenya websites from Wall Street Journal featured Indonesian websites about Pakistan websites........just that hard sell from the elite to keep you convinced Obama is brilliant, Michelle is gorgeous..........and Hawaii is all there is to B. Hussein Obama.

The POWI from MAUI.........more to come.

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