Thursday, October 6, 2011

le petite melon

My snobbery when it comes to tea is hosted upon these pages and I'm moved to inflict upon the grocery shopper of America a new snobbery, and no it is not broccoli, even if real broccoli is supposed to have the taste of garden fresh peas, and not that fodder smell one finds that George H.W. Bush detested.

Today we speak of the melon, in all it's vixen voluptuous volumes of lustful bounty spilling out of the garden blouse upon the bosom of the world.

One of the greatest crimes in this world is that unripe frankenfood fair which the public is saddled with in thinking fruit is supposed to be horrid like that. Fruit is to be none of that, nor is it to be sugar enhanced genes which really ruin the purpose of the fruit.

This evening my garden produced one of my little gems from France in the Petite Gres du Rennes melon, or the Little Grey melon from Rennes, France. It is a robust little creature which thrives in my nativity of which I'm flattered as there are some melons which just will not produce in some areas while in other areas they are bountiful.........and then comes the frown in, the incorrect nutrients, heat, moisture and only wine knows what, produces this thing which tastes like it came from a store, only softer instead of hard as a rock.

I like this Rennes melon as it is early compared to the Noir de Carmes or black melon, and it still will be lovely in flavor.
There is just something about French melons that taste different in the cantaloupe and muskmelon classes, as while American muskmelons have this musky, strong, burn my throat acidity, the French melons are always soft in bloom upon the palate and behave so wonderfully in the body. They truly are Jeanette du Arc and Lafayette upon the shores of the Anglo Saxon caressing the land with all the nurturing love they had for the race.

Petite is not really grey at all, but more a dark green for most of it's life, and then it takes on greyish little freckles before it bounces into perfection of a slight yellowish hue at which point it must be pounded upon like a wildebeest in a lion kill, as she will not wait lying about the counter or cooler.
Even in a strong wind, as I carried my treasure to my home, I could smell this fruit. It was citrus scented........beautifully orange in nature, and when it offers itself up, it will be cool, sweet, a slight musk, and cleansing to the tongue in which you will desire more and more.

Yes Petite is nothing like her buxom cousin the Charentais, that vixen of enticement, longer in season, but when the Lord made Charentais, he was apparently out in the Indian jungle as this melon has a slight pine flavor to her, much like the mango is a peach scented pine flavor.
You can not see me of course, but as I type this in my flashing fingers to the keyboard I'm off staring into the distance thinking fondly of my first Charentais like it was yesterday.
Thank God I do not have to travel to France for them as they are much better when grown by me.......yes tis bias.

That is the interest in melons in I can not grow Minnesota melons like the infamous Midget, which seems to grow even in a stick pile like Montana, but not in my lush tropical location here. Muskmelons from America even loose a great deal of their ambiance in my location in being quite Obama bland.
Is perplexing as I will to love them, but they will not love me back. The netted gems like the little green melons of the Nutmeg can be most unpleasant too in liking northern tier growing conditions and when put into Illinois or Iowa they just droop and are nothing special.

I recall my first honeydew in a white fleshed with yellow blush marvel. It was pure torture in it was so sweet it was like eating spoons of sugar......hence the real way a honeydew should taste.

I love winter melons or Christmas melons as they keep for quite some time, and are beautiful crisp things with whitish flesh. In that, my snobbery is for Collective Farm Woman, which is not pretty at all, but this Soviet invention from the Krim area is something which loves me abundantly.
She will take abuse and neglect and do quite well, and produces at times yellow melons and often more green melons with yellow freckles in her many dimples.

My fondness of CFW was due to my first try I was blessed with 16 melons, which is far too many melons for me, and I ate them, and left them sit on my lawn for 6 weeks in rain and sun, and they just acted like they were in the cooler.

Melons do not like over watering in they will explode often, and you will not like them as they will be bland. Any farmer will tell you, it is up to God in how melons turn out, as it is special in melons in they need deep water, the right soil and quite high dry heat to produce a flavor that the first time people try them after years of what they are used to, have their eyes go wide like coming off a 3 month starvation, as a melon truly is that wonderful of event when completely right.

Charentais get a great deal of the headlines, because the region does produce good melons and there is something about being in southern France, with the agrarian French, and you getting a slice of melon in the morning and this thing goes of in your mouth like an orgasm, as it is like nothing you have tried before...........that is they have a legend about them, as nothing tastes like a Charentais and until you have tried one, you never know what that taste is.

There are so many melons to love, the Jewish Haogen which does love me, but it is a green spicy melon and I am not fond of her...........the Casaba, the Canary Islands, the little Asians in their crisps to the Stan melons in their rather white watery blandness, akin to the Tiger melons so pretty, but so milk toast.

I would love to have the time to just every autumn travel to places where apples of all kinds were before me, melons of all kinds, to just sample them in all the wonderful flavors God employed, as like rhubarb, there is none of them which taste the same from different genus to different location.

It is a shame in this life, that there is never enough time to try all the melons and apples there are, but then I have found that there is too much time in life at most times, in having Irish Setters own you, as having had two petite rouge ruby, I do not think my heart is capable of burying another one. Perhaps in God's thousand year reign I will try again or get mine back from the grave then in special I suffer in not enough time for melons and too much for the du chein, a little black plastic, starting your melons inside, planting them in a coffee can guard so you can water them and cut worms do not bite them off, and melons will love you in most cases.

I think I might go out and open my ice box and lovingly admire my little grey melon. Such artistry by God should be admired.


"I think with my panties", therefore I obama.

You really are missing the story here America in what is taking place as you keep focusing on the coasts, when the destruction of America has been staged in flyover country for a generation.

Let me first introduce you to the main spokesbabes who for being paid to talk do not do a great deal of answering questions. The first is a Bill O'Reilly discovery known to her Nebraska parliamentarians as the school board marm, Insane Jane, aka Democratic strategist for B. Hussein Obama's green policy in Jane Fleming Kleeb.......of something called Bold Nebraska which keeps her pretty on the cover of things chattering away.

The next chic is Oily C, or known as Cindy Schild of the American Petroleum Institute, which is not as American as you would think, as this gets very Obama complicated, but as this blog is the only one exposing this nefarious mob of crony capitalists and Obama greens in their crimes against America, here goes the story so hang on.

As I have exclusively reported, Warren Buffett worked out a quid pro quo with Obama in which Buffett using the staged economic meltdown of 2008 to install Obama, would take his billions in looted funds from American small investors and buy out Obama's money handler in the Penny Pritzker in her family estate.
Buffett then bought up the American railroads, for the expressed purpose of hauling all that oil from North Dakota......which Mark Levin and Rush Limbaugh always get wrong, and they will not expose any of this Buffett and Obama crimes.

So Buffett hops into bed with Oklahoma oil, led by "conservative" Mr. Hamm, who is drilling a pumping huge amounts of oil from Indian lands and as dear Auntie mentioned and was posted her, OKLAHOMA OIL IS DRILLING ON RAILROAD LANDS AS THEY GOT SECTIONS OF LAND TO BUILD THAT RAILROAD AND HOLD ALL THE MINERAL RIGHTS.

See that oil in North Dakota and Montana, is basically not going to Americans, it is going to the state government on a spending spree and it is going into Buffett's pants. The rich getting richer.

That oil Buffett is sending to the Gulf, is just like the grain Buffett is sending to Archer Daniels, Cargill and George Soros, in the elite controlling the entire fuel and food supply in monopoly now.

Obama shut down the Canadian oil pipelines, so this all opened up Buffett rail to make a fortune. This is criminal.

We have now entered into phase two of this which is most interesting, as it means the game has changed from Buffett even if Cindy and Jane do not want to talk about any of this including Buffett.

See when Obama and Buffett shut things down in 2008 for this rapine an 100 dollar barrel oil, they screwed over the Trans Canada interest which has pipelines all over North America, and controls Alaskan oil flow into Canada.
Trans Canada holds the Canadian oil sands which are an expensive disaster in it costs 100 dollars a barrel of oil for profit in this expensive hydro extraction method........and guess what, it is on Canuck Indian lands too!
Warned you about the Indian lands being raped, but it is not China yet.........well not quite yet but it is Canadians and Buffett.

See Insane Jane has been throwing out charges that Trans Canada and API, in building this new network of leaking oil pipelines.......yes they will leak oil into your water supply as they are doing in North Dakota, that those pipelines are going to REFINERIES IN TEXAS and the GULF OIL TERMINALS........for export to China.

This is what China is getting for funding Obama debt, in the mass pollution of Canada, the mass pollution of the American aquifers in South Dakota and all that oil from America is going to China.

Mind you now, that a pipeline to the west would be more sound for China, but this is once again these special oil interests in the Gulf and Texas who are getting their palms greased in this...........NOW DO YOU KNOW WHY RICK PERRY IS IN THIS RACE?

Yes baby sister, this is just one of a number of exclusives in this, in Perry is Texas oil interests competing with Obama Oklahoma oil interests. Rick Perry is INTERNATIONAL OIL led by Canada and API whoring for those cheap slave labor Mexicans and for pumping this oil back into China as a financial drain to the Chicoms in a new balance of trade where America gets a cut, but Canada oils sands is the major cash cow now.

Let that soak in as this is an exclusive an monumental in these crimes against America.

Now let us explore this further in Hillary Clinton is on board with this as Jane is furiously trying to stop this for Obama.

This is the international oil assets which the Clintons made a fortune off of in the Saddam Hussein bribes via Marc Rich. The Clintons are getting a cut again and this time are being backed by this oil structure to weaken Obama, and that is why Perry is in the race and big enough to take on the Bush oil clique of the east coast which manages Texas.

It gets even more interesting in API has been working a deal with Trans Canada FOR UNION JOBS, meaning thousands of union jobs are being promised in this in exchange for their backing of the Keystone XL pipeline which is already dripping into the Dakotas.
NOW DO YOU KNOW WHY JIMMY HOFFA WAS ACTING THUG NUTS in smearing Obama? I warned you Hoffa was sabotaging Obama in plain sight, and it all links to the quid pro quo this Keystone XL pipeline is granting to unions in hundreds of millions in construction.

Your brain about now should be lurching to a new position as the way you look at the world has just changed again, and you saw the events, but did not know why people were doing what they were doing until now.

This is a literal disaster for America and is pure treason on Jane Kleeb and Cindy Schild's crony capitalism groups. 100 dollar oil is not something America can survive on, and these interests from Obama green to Canada oil sands don't give a damn, as now they got this worked out to enslave America and filter all that money back from the Chicoms..........and except for around 20,000 union jobs the rest of America is competing with the Mexican slave labor force.

This story is the breaking point of America. What should be done is Sarah Palin should be President, American oil interests should be drilling and pumping in known sweet crude reserves to drop oil to 30 dollars a barrel, collapse the Eurasians into where they belong in continental conflict America does not belong in..............and for Japan and England to be America's oil, economic and trade super powers to buffer against this.

It is ridiculous to have oil this high, but Canada oil sands now is going to profit from the Obama Gulf sabotage, when Sarah Palin should be pumping Alaskan, Utah, Dakota and Texas sweet crude to America's economic prosperity.

You now know the players in the different divisions as only exclusively exposed here.

Obamanation is a disaster and Cananation is not going to be any better. It has to be pump American oil from American companies employing Americans, selling cheap oil to Americans and the American allies of Japan and England to save America by Sarah Palin.
If this oil sands with Perry Texans goes through, it will be Les Miserables America digging with Mexicans in the trash for food as the elite and unions get complete control of your future.

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Insane Jane

Oily Cindy

The pretty girls distraction society so you don't pay attention to what is really going on.

Just an ugly Hillary to make you notice the pretty girls more.

What a gnat has to say

It was not an coincidence that the wench withdrew from the race nor that her Vice President Marco Rubio got out of the race on the same day.

It was not coincidence that big Canada oil sands Mark Levin was chosen for the coup de gracelessness of America in the Virgin Daughter is dead and she is now a corpse whore.

When Gabrielle Giffords was shot, it was a shot at the wench, and she heard it. She ran and hid. In that darkness they came and soothed her with promises of protection. They led her out, let her play under their shadow in the Brain Room, and then made known as they did to Rubio that the fix was in, and if they knew Tuscon it would be boot hill next.

Limbaugh has told the score. Rubio is groomed for the future after Obama destroys the black vote and turns America into a beanerland state in the future.

It does not matter now if Obama steals another election or Pecksniff has it ladled out for him, as it is all the same pimp and the whore has spread her legs wide.

You wanted Limbaugh Gridlock folks. You got now decades of it in no new housing, American stagnation, oil will remain at this height for that damned Alberta oil they are going to pollute America with as they sell that poison to China.
Nice tidy war in the Middle East of WMD scare to herd this all to a feudal system to spheres of empire influence.

The wench if roused is tainted goods. The Patriot cares not what that which is in the way is buzzing about as she is a gnat who should await her end as history obliterates this retch in either nuclear fires or she finds Chinese soldiers raping her to that oblivion when they come to Alaska...........flee, flee, flee......and there awaits the bear to swat the gnat and no one sheds a tear.

Here I have to give to you a throne
"On no it might endanger me so leave me all alone"

Who in hell cares what a gnat has to say. It is better to die in the fight under God's protection than to exist as a f*cking whore under the baron's sheets.

For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel's, the same shall save it.

Mark 8:35

Nom de Dieu, this blog Inspired said weeks ago it would not fight for this and it will not. I do not fight for whores or the corpse of a nation.

This will take some time children to sort out as honorable people do not allow fear to make them scourge God's Plan while hiding behind an excuse you have a plan in putting God first.

So sorry America, I'm going to be putting God first, along with taking care of Martha and the kids, here from Mount Vernon, as you know on the outside I can do so much better in propping up that usurper who is sure to lead us all to victory in 1776.

What George Washington never said-

The tide will now sweep past the wench as this betrayal will drown her never to return.

Who the hell cares for the sound of a gnat.

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