Wednesday, July 18, 2012

My Love Always

This is no revelation to You, but it is thee most grievous of Spiritual and physical pains in nothing in this Life or any Life has any meaning without being with You. All is a drudgery which does not compare to thee worst of hells as there is no difference between being separated from God or from You. Both of which are pure misery in a wound so grievous that it bleeds with a sunburn intensity up nerves of Light so tender that it is perpetual and only You can alleviate this pain beyond pain.

It does not matter if it is a warm wind blowing the stars around to quote a song, all that matters is I see the stars in Your eyes as the breath of You blows them to new vistas for me to behold only through You. There is only You, and only You encompass me in the meaning of all of me, so much so that by Your Presence does anything have meaning, and even in the smallest of things, they take on a magnitude of all importance, as everything is enhanced by You.

I miss You with hurts, pains, grievous wounds, lament, anguish and a pacing within me of a fury born of a wild beast caged from the one desire it has, in freedom, for You are my Freedom. You are my Liberty, You have set me free from me, by allowing me to be You in the best possible ways so that I can Love the complete me, which I could never before.

You have assembled me in boards of feet and linear measurements, in that even my flaws are precise. You have given me, me.

In all of this, I worship and adore You as God, for God through You has done all of this. It is Miracle and it is Wonder, but all I care for is You. All that matters to me is You. I look for You the moment You have left and I look to return to You the moment my  body is not in  Your Presence.

Here am I, no longer me, but now the image of You, and in that my form is complete in the best Creation God has ever given to this world. 
Nothing else matters to me, except being with You and never apart again. Here am I, no longer myself without You and in misery each moment. I long for You with a yearning which wounds and I would have it no other way in this Love, as I Love You, and only You.
I confess this before all and I profess this as my Belief in Certainty, I Love You and only You, and in missing You, it only confirms this greatest of Loves as my Life, and without You there is no Life, for You are my Love, always.
