Tuesday, July 31, 2012


The Tiger Lily showed to myself the story of a 98 year old woman's corpse being stolen in New Jersey from a family crypt, but only the old gals body was taken.

This fascinates me in the forensic profile as the UK press made the point that other bodies had been removed in the past years in one body per year running.

The authorities hinted at this a cult practice in the Necromancy rites, but it is fascinating to observe this, as if this is the same group, and it would be more than one person involved as that is what the arts teach as no one is to ever engage in the summoning alone, that they are well disciplined in one body per year, and they are keeping their religion secret which points to it is empowering them.

This lead to the conjunction then of the practices of necrophilia to necromancy, in effect what are they doing with the bodies?

Ted Bundy actually would dress and have sex with the decomposing bodies he created until they became too putrid, so a rotting corpse is not when embalmed something which would not be of use to a sociopath or a cultist.
The reason for bringing this up, is if this is the same group, they are requiring a new body every year and that means the body is wearing out or being used up for some purpose and a new cadaver is being initiated which has been aged.

In most necromancy the body was used up to a year after death, and then the ghost of the dead was summoned for information. It does not appear that any "information" is being gleaned from these dead, so the process would be one of a corpse used up and a replacement needed to continue the practice taking place.

It is doubtful as sometimes was the practice of consuming the dead carrion that this is the case, as embalming fluids are not thee most safe things to be ingesting, so these embalmed corpses are being utilized in some other definite manner.

Outside possibility is some individual with accomplice who is collected dead "dolls" to make up for the dead family they were deprived of. In that event, these dead would be on display in a special room for family times in the most festive of times in holidays and perhaps meals in which the practitioner would believe the dead were alive in conversation and familiar kisses.
That though would have to fit a pattern of a perhaps dominant sibling and submissive, both deprived of family, perhaps by their own hands, and this would be a re creation. This would only fit if key family structures started disappearing.

If the idea was mass collection of dead, the entire crypt should have been emptied, but this was just one female. If that is the trend as it appears, then this is nothing but sacred to the practioner and the muses, because this is for specific empowerment rites which must be renewed yearly to regenerate the empowerment effects which appear to wear off.

This then leads to the black arts or nigromancy, as if the dead is not conjured for information, then the ritual is involving a form of offering to that which is being conjured as either a crossover power structure for a human or for a demon.
The mutilation of the dead is where this appears to be the logical conclusion as this is initiated. As this forms from a well plotted series of actions which have not gained criminal arrest, this points to in depth planning in the utilization of times for the retrieval of the corpse, scouting said area, scouting travel routes and noting police and people patterns.
With that being the protocol, this then points to rituals which would be elaborate and events in them taking place for the initiators to keep quiet about, as they are protecting the magik as it manifested for them.

The corpse therefore is an offering. "Respected" for what it will conjure, but an instrument to fuel the process. This is unique as most structures are birth, rape and murder as the power curves in ceremonies. In this necromancy it appears the corpse is a conduit of worship for a power in worship of death, celebrating it.  The ultimate consuming force. This appears to be what is being celebrated in the force of death over life, in the consuming of life, the sting of death in the victory of the grave without Christ.

If one sticks the dead 6 feet under in a vault that weighs a thousand pounds, it tends to keep the zealous necromancer from carting off the body as a great deal of work is not what the lazy necromancer is drawn toward, as this is about the easy deal in having demons and ghosts do the heavy lifting, so you are the Faust having a good time.

The dead would have no more meaning that a cup of juice or black bread. Offerings of living for the  dead in animals would be the same invocation of order in respect. The subject would simply view this as their special right for a special rite.
They do become thrilled over the entire process which would be more drawn out and elaborate in each event to feed the thrill.

Dead bodies do stink, even when old and embalmed. A mummy from Egypt has that like odor, and those who enjoy the earthy tangy scent which makes some puke, are drawn to this.

It is doubtful that any Bruce Campbell is arousing the corpse no more than Embeth Davis is pouting her lips. The practitioners of this would be odd enough to be noticed by the community,  but self disposed enough in keeping to themselves that the neighbors are glad of it.
They must have property  of space though to keep things, including dogs away who would be drawn to the scent of death. They are taking possession of this corpse too in not discarding it lazily. It is either "honored" as a part of future ceremonies taking part in the power structure or what is left is buried upon the property. Once again though deep holes become lazy shallow holes, which nothing has dug up, so perhaps the bodies are on display in the ceremony room.

Enough of that, as I guess we all can not be worshiping messiah Obama.

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