Thursday, August 9, 2012

As a warning to the Jews

After showing the sole of his shoe to Jews and packing Mr. Netanyahu into a meat wagon in Washington with very open mic hatred of the PM, Jews should consider the unction of the Obama regime to having Jews wait for their nuclear holocaust as he promises to retaliate for them.

Review all of Mr. Obama's promises and friends he claimed from 2008. Name one person he has not abandoned or destroyed, and name one promise which has not ended up like Mubarak in a cage.

Mr. Obama has thousands of missing missiles from Libya yet. Syria is a virtual cesspool of chemical and biological enhanced weapons from the Saddam Hussein weapon's dump. Ask yourself in the turmoil of desperate despots like Bashir Assad or unfriendly friendlies like al Qaeda in Mr. Obama's backed Muslim Brohood, with all of these advanced WMD's  floating around, in whose interest would it be to lob several at Tel Aviv to get the Jews involved.

The Rothschilds want the right wing Jews out of the Israeli state, so their minority will rule. Mr. Obama has no affection for Mr. Netanyahu. Mr. Putin in the roll of the dice has his Syrian warship port no matter the outcome of scorched earth. Key Jewish security officials might appreciate a reason to turn Syria into rubble.
al Qaeda would appreciate Jews doing their dirty work for them, and, even Bashir Assad could see the help which the IDF could provide if a few chemical and biological weapons from Saddam's arsenal suddenly had Jews dead in the streets.

The reality is due to Barack Hussein Obama Osseiran policy, that the Jews have become a target from New York to Tel Aviv, and everyone has a reason to "have a WMD accident" trying to blame someone else to have the Jewish military do the extermination work for them.

Even Obama's Islamocommunists in Iran could initiate this, as they have been arming all the communist Muslims. Let us not forget that just a few short years ago Tehran and Moscow both were feeding war intelligence to Bashir Assad in order to try to get him to attack the Jews in a first strike in a Mideast reshuffle.

Damascus has always been the target in this in all sides desiring it destroyed. Now there are far too many Obama players seeing that attacking Jews would scapegoat the Jews and the initiators would gain the prizes all as innocent bystanders, lamenting the terrible things which they instigated.
This is all being played both ends against the middle with Jews as the target. It will only be a matter of time, before someone decides to launch something at Tel Aviv or New York and using some Saddam weapon or Obama policy have the regime of DC  running for cover and all others too as greater communist Caliph is brought to the Middle East.

Jews should really figure this out and make it public to protect themselves and to protect the Muslims who are going to die in this retaliation in these Obama wars.

Interesting is it not that Obama's Beirut is where the AP is posting stories from, along with Iran, Turkey and Jordan. The Osseiran traders of Obama's bloodlines directing this.

Gee was this blog the only  exclusive source on this? Sure it was.


Syria launches ground assault in Aleppo

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Aug 8, 8:35 AM (ET)
(AP) In this undated photo released by the Syrian official news agency SANA on Sunday, Aug. 5, 2012,...
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BEIRUT (AP) - Syrian troops launched a broad ground assault Wednesday on rebel-held areas of the besieged city of Aleppo and activists reported clashes as opposition forces fought back in a battle that has raged for more than two weeks.
The official SANA news agency claimed regime forces have fully regained control on Salaheddine - the main rebel stronghold in the northern city. It said the military inflicted heavy losses upon "armed terrorist groups," the government's catchall term for its opponents.
But Rami Abdul-Rahman, the director of the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, said troops met resistance in the offensive.
President Bashar Assad's regime has suffered a series of setbacks over the past month that point to mounting chaos in the country after a 17-month-uprising that has morphed into civil war. Four senior security officials were assassinated in Damascus, there have been a string of high-level defections including the prime minister this week, and government forces have struggled to put down rebel challenges in Damascus and Aleppo.
The regime has far more powerful weapons than the rebels and still has a firm grip on much of the country. Aleppo, the largest city in Syria and its commercial center, holds great symbolic and strategic importance. Some 40 kilometers (25 miles) from the Turkish border, it has been a pillar of regime support during the uprising. An opposition victory there would allow easier access for weapons and fighters from Turkey, where many rebels are based.
There has been a marked increase in the number of refugees fleeing to Turkey in the past two days as Aleppo-based activists reported fresh clashes. Intense government bombardment of the Syrian town of Tal Rafaat closer to the border also sent scores of people spilling into Turkey for safety, the activists said.
Some 2,400 people crossed into Turkey overnight to escape the escalating violence, Turkey's state-run news agency reported Wednesday. Some 50,000 Syrians have now found refuge in Turkey. Even more refugees have crossed into Jordan and Lebanon.
"Unfortunately, there is a human tragedy going on in Syria," Turkey's Deputy Prime Minister Ali Babacan said Wednesday, keeping up Turkey's criticism of the violence.
The regime has been hit by a wave of defections, most recently by Prime Minister Riad Hijab. On Wednesday, Jordan's information minister said Hijab is in the kingdom, ending speculation about his whereabouts. Sameeh Maaytah said Hijab "entered Jordan in the early hours of dawn today along with several members of his family." Maaytah spoke to the state Petra News Agency. He did not elaborate.
A Jordanian government official said earlier this week that Hijab had defected and fled to the kingdom. But Hijab never appeared in public, raising questions over his whereabouts in the ensuing days.
Assad has been forced to rely on a shrinking list of allies, including Iran. Senior Iranian envoy Saeed Jalili visited Damascus on Tuesday, appearing with Assad in a show of solidarity.
The rebels have blasted Iran's influence in the country and over the weekend, rebel forces intercepted a bus carrying 48 Iranians and kidnapped them. Rebels claimed the men are military personnel, including some members of Iran's powerful Revolutionary Guard, who were on a "reconnaissance mission" to help Assad's crackdown on the uprising.
Iran initially said the 48 were pilgrims visiting a Shiite shrine in Damascus. The Iranian foreign minister said Wednesday that some of the kidnapped Iranians are retired members of the army and Revolutionary Guard.
"The Islamic Republic of Iran has announced openly that some of the pilgrims kidnapped are retired members of the Guard and the Army," Iran's official IRNA news agency quoted Salehi as saying during a visit to Turkey.
"If these people had been dispatched to Syria for specific purposes, then how did they drive in a normal bus without equipment and holding their identification cards?" Salehi asked.
Iran's Revolutionary Guard is the nation's largest military force.
AP writers Suzan Fraser in Ankara, Turkey, Jamal Halaby in Amman, Jordan, and Ali Akbar Dareini in Tehran contributed to this report.