Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The non Romney Voter

Some might find it interesting that Sarah Palin showed up on the Mark Levin radio program in the midst of the GOP establishment forming a dictatorship in stating that delegates could not vote in the convention, but only listen to their party leaders vote for them.

If only Mistress Sarah would tell what she knows, but then if she did, she would be eating a six foot deep hole as was promised her.

No this is about secretive things like Mitt Romney with Tucker Carlson finding a way to create a wonderful DC Caller site, to be a propaganda launching pad for Mano Romney. Sort of like how Ulsterman got a really top end site and published only pro Romney stories.
They call that gatekeeping in using select mediums to control the message which a Mormon wants published with promises of rewards.

Sort of like how all those Republicans just seemed to back Mitt Romney and never lay a glove on him like Michele Bachmann, Ron Paul and lastly Rick Santorum after Foster Freiss the Aspen billionaire, all of a sudden started paying donations for Mano Romney.

It is doubtful that Sarah Palin is going to be voting for Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan come November. Her not  so united party message is one which hints that someone does not appreciate Romney and the Rovians. It hints that someone might not be so sad if Mitt Romney loses this election, as someone might be thinking that 4 years out is a rather Richard Nixon adventure, as one can recall that Ronald Reagan was out of office for a decade before his opportunity was worked out.

Yes there is that Jeb Bush for 2016, but then 2016 is a very long way away......but then does Sarah Palin have the staying power with a waning Tea Party, a structure which just had her as Governor for a few years, and no one now really cares what a FOX news pundit prattles on about.....unless it is Mark Levin having Gov. Palin on to say she was promoting candidates for Congress this autumn, but no mention of Romney who has no use for her.

Mrs. Palin though had no weight in Missouri for Sarah Steelman. She does not have a great deal of weight even if candidates wanted her endorsement. It is an illusion, and being a Senator is a gamble as a launch, and no return to Governor is an option, and seriously she is not going to be like Ronald Reagan flying around for President Richard Nixon, as Romney and Rove do not even want a Joe Kennedy maritime nothing position for her as FDR did to get rid of Joseph Kennedy.

The wilderness is a long time away, and even Ronald Reagan was a lightweight it seemed in the wilderness, but had to do the hard work in building a base as a political animal. A Churchill event is on the horizon obviously, but being a non Romney voter only gets you a vote not for Romney, which is exactly what this blog intends to accomplish.

Mrs. Palin has her own scarred reason for not voting for Mano Romney. I have reasons of Christian morals for not voting for Obama or Romney. There is nothing on either ticket which would give me a Sarah Palin 2008 excuse in voting for secularist McCain.
That would leave some Libertarian or Constitutional candidate I cringe over as I do not know who those boobs will be, and if I do not know them, then it is obvious how off the map they are.

Mitt Romney is an insider and he has the insiders backing him in a power grab, which drove Conservatives from the race and has a very non united party concerning Mitt Romney. Romney nor Ryan are Conservatives. They are HW big spenders and trickle about taxers.

Romney has allot of propaganda backing him, but no one believes the propaganda paid for, even the cocktail crowd writing it.

There is no leadership in America, and no person God has chosen for 1600 Penn Avenue. God does not pick false messiahs or Mormons who say Jesus is satan's brother.

It appears to me a Zekekiah's time as the greater powers of satan arrive for a great tribulation.

The last time a Republican told Conservatives, Patriots and Christians to shut up and go home, America got Bill Clinton.

America has not had a President since, and America no longer has time to grow a Reagan in the wilderness.

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