Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Popular Girl

I decided to make this a matter of public record in the illegal terroristic threats which this blog goes through constantly in the proof of 42 times it was hijacked on August 7th, 2012 in the blog post Wade Michael Page.

What is vital in this in the spiders involved, is the immensity of the traffic pull and recording of the live feed in what was being grabbed by the United States regime of Barack Hussein Obama Osserian.

Now this is all illegal as I certainly am no threat to the anyone, in expressing peaceful elections, complete loyalty to America and being a law abiding Citizen completely. Yet the evidence is recorded in my blog archives which surprised me as they were hidden in the second page of archives for reasons only the powers that be would know.

As you can see after posting, it immediately had 44 view counts. I do not know if this is a Baby joke at this time about Obama 44 or if it was just one of the many coincidences involved in all of this.

This is honestly beyond harassment, as for two days prior to this after posting about the Wall Street Insider the blog would not even post or load, which means there was extra heavy traffic from new sources, and by coincidence simply mentioning in a post I clandestinely posted which the experts did not factor in, immediately brought relief from the attack.

In human psychology I know what was going on, in I pissed off the insider clique, and some loyalist in seeing my name, location and my identity does not pop up anything intelligence connected on first sweeps, they presumed they could come in here and piss on me.
The problem is though, these geniuses never figure out the company I keep, and some of my friends are Vulcans, whom these wise guys of the Mark Levin type soon enough find out, their spiders are bumping into the spiders of the people who black widow these insider types just for fun. The smart insiders run like hell, as the Obama folks did when that happened to them, as they realized this was the type of crimes they would end up in prison, so it in reality ends up in blackmail leverage to get these smarty pants whoring for other words the insiders who got caught pissing on me, are already leveraged in spying on the insiders for the shadow league which controls all.

It is a messy business in the briar patch and all are working some angle and the Lame Cherry is the bait at times utilized to catch the always experts who think it is all livestock of their paddock. It really is not my business if I'm minding my own business and some lion decides to enjoy my scenery and decides to lurk about and bust some hyena who thinks it is an easy thing here to mark territory.

The lords and priests who pay attention to here, who sent Baby and the ape brothers to watch over me, who initiated the demon machine, are interested in me, because they know.
One of their protocols though is using me as bait for others and wrapping them in the web.

I have mentioned enough of this previously, but the experts are just too intelligent to read things and they are so intelligent they think they will never answer to anyone, because foolishly they think they are on top.

None of the intimidation bothers me as why should it. Persons in weak positions threaten. I'm just writing a few notes here no one else will ever read, and that is what this private conversation is all about.
I do realize though that many would just love to be me, in leading this exciting life in having so many dates each day with people so powerful they look at Romney and Obama as lint. It is just one of the many burdens I carry as a popular girl.


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