Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Wailing Wall Sheldon Insider

I really do not give a poi turd, even from Obama, in this parade of former Obama voters who have brought out the long knives against Barry Chin, as 91% of blacks have not been shamed enough and are still desperately clinging to Obama in the hope that the affirmative action job Obama holds at the White House will in another 4 years at least give something to blacks to point to instead of fictional horse sized dicks and vulvas to validate them.

What the hell is wrong with these Afroids in liking this kind of degradation from Obama? He is either in Dreams fiction 70% white or in this blog's reality 70% Chinese as Barry Chin, and blacks still in delusional call him black and he is the worst stereotype of blacks in being stupid, lazy, sodomite and is either grinning like a baboon picking poop balls or snarling like Chris Rock with one caught crossways in his rectum.

What really are blacks waiting for in that 91% slave ship? Obama to auction off their women to white men  to pay off the national debt as Obama puts chains on those welfare and prison males and sells them to China for organ donations in interest payments as Mexicans replace the whole lot?
The American Afroid lusts not for sex, but lusts for humiliation. It makes one wonder now if the slaves whipped were actually acting out to gain massah's attention, as they got off on BDSM, as they sure have not have enough of Obama selling them into 15 trillion dollar international slavery.

Lincoln Emancipated slaves. Obama put the chains back on.

What scares me is the continuation of the socialist-style economy we’ve been experiencing for almost four years. That scares me because the redistribution of wealth is the path to more socialism, and to more of the government controlling people’s lives. What scares me is the lack of accountability that people would prefer to experience, just let the government take care of everything."
Take that Big Bang Theory of Romney being hosed down by Wall Street in that Netanyahu fellow worker days and those Wall Street Insiders all pouring the money into least the lesser Jews who got screwed over by Obama after voting for him as Ashkenaz Jew Tim Geithner did not pass the bribes around equally and not all the Jews got paid off.

Nothing anti Semitic about any of this, as I doubt Sheldon Adelson is Judahite which would be Semitic, but is Ashkenaz Jewish and that makes him Japhethite, and this blog is anti nothing about the Slavs as this blog has been warning of the murder of the entire Polish Government and the Obama enslavement of all the Slavic peoples.

So this Deep  Tutu,  Rahm Emanuel......crap that is the wrong Jew there..........say do you think that the White House Insider is a Jew too as there seem to be allot of these Ashkenaz lurking about giving Obama the business for being screwed over in the Obama jihad.
I mean this Sheldon Adelson, who is part of the Jewish gambling mob.....nothing wrong with that, as John McCain and that Joe Lieberman passed all the bills for this gambling expansion on Reservations in America, which brings in the bucks on the Obama Reservations......where was I?

Oh yeah, so Wall Street Insider, I mean Sheldon don't mean him as he was a television producer.....

Sheldon Adelson, a Ukrainian America Jew, with a Norwegian name.......say Michelle don't suppose Muchelle and Mr. Adelson are both related now do you?

Never mind.

So Adelson is like Bill Krystol and that entire "neocon" tribe, which is quite anti semitic, but as it is liberals using that racial slur it is like.....Robot Chicken in you can do anything you like as long as you got a Jew writing the show with you........

Where was I?

Oh yeah, so Adelson, or is it Sir Adelson as the Wall Street Insider likes being called sir, when the help from  the Pentagon are around after handing out KATES to the lesser peoples and ........

Where was I?

Oh yeah, and the people of the WSI's pasture are bleating and mooing away, having Wall Street moguls decide life for them, so Sir WSI........

Hey would it not be cool if the Sir Wall Street and Sir Adelson were locked into a room for a Spartan cage match with naked bodies and things and we could watch the shalom break out in a former democrat wrestle off of two democrats who brought this scourge to America, now are repentent in showering money in breaking unions in Cheesehead Wisconsin and backing Mitt Romney over Designer Negro Obama.......

Be more something if there was only one person in the room with two personas invited.

Adelson told her that "old Democrats were with the union and he wanted to break the back of the union, consequently he had to break the back of the Democrats". The Boston Globe also noted that Adelson has "waged some bitter anti-union battles in Las Vegas."

Amazing friggin' frickin' coincidence eh there what not? Union buster Sir WSI in Cheeseheadland and Sir Adelson Union busting, and busting democrats heads in Vegas.....and Obama hates Vegas.

Pay no attention to any of this as am just rambling and all credit for this to another Author, but I make a better target in I rest easier with the match grade on me.

Where was I?

Time for a quote.......yes time for a quote.

“I'm against very wealthy ­people attempting to or influencing elections. But as long as it’s doable I’m going to do it. Because I know that guys like Soros have been doing it for years, if not decades. And they stay below the radar by creating a network of corporations to funnel their money. I have my own philosophy and I’m not ashamed of it. I gave the money because there is no other legal way to do it. I don’t want to go through ten different corporations to hide my name. I’m proud of what I do and I’m not looking to escape recognition.”

I actually agree with Sheldon Adelson on most things, but not on Romney. I actually would help the United Nations get the hell out of America and into Jerusalem as Romney announced he is for......along with the Philistines are like a sub human class. That is from being Communist Muslims though and not from being an invented race of Palestinians.....the west bank crowd are wetback Arabs and the Gaza group are close enough to Philistines, but I love them all.......just their fury women should shave as that much hair on thighs and abdomens probably creates terrorism in them being so uncomfortable all the time.

Where was I?

Oh yeah, I like Sheldon Adelson. He is what George Soros would be if Soros was not such a global rapist. I would be more respectful to Sir Adelson if he was handing out the cash to me like he does for these Romneycrats.....or to the women Karl Rove raped in the last election.

That kind of offering would at least bring respect, even if I will not vote for Romney, no matter how much I would like about 3 of his policies.

Got a deal though for the Sirs in I will assist them in building the 3rd Temple which their Rothschilds will offer to satan on, just to get the ball rolling in things, as Obama is going to blow up the Mideast selectively and it is time for the real Jewish messiah appears for a return trip.

That should be about it as these girls are shy in the Sirs. All talk to the Irish, but get all timid around the girls who are popular.

Got to close up shop as have a trip in a few for something I will not divulge.

For the money Sir WSI has wasted on the GOP and Obama, I could have bought them the whole country out from under George Soros and the Rothschilds......I know they like the Rothschilds, but I could have purchased control of America for what they wasted......and I would have done it for 10% of price.

One does get one pays for.

nuff said
