Wednesday, September 5, 2012

As the Last of the Obamites cheer....

As the last of the Obamites cheer in the slave bastion of the Carolinas for Barry Chin, as the wife, tells the world the facts that the address of 1600 Penn Avenue reveals the true nature of what Barry Chin really is, once again the exclusives of this blog come thundering home with a clarion call ONLY COVERED HERE FOR THE YEARS OF THE OBAMA BAD OMENS.

This is not by chance, but design. Literally the "weather demons" have been after B. Hussein from day one. This is a most telling event as Obama was initiated by hanuman the monkey homosexual demon of Indian and brought into being by the stolen graft of the European lords and priests to initiate the anti Christ in Europe in the old order.

Obama has had wind rip the Presidential Seal from the Presidential Limo. Obama has had trees shattered in storm in front of his office. Obama has had snowstorms deluge him. Obama has had lightning strikes about get him. Obama has had storms cancel Lincoln Day parades.
The weather demons are in a rage against one of their own and now when Obama is going to follow up his Mile High Greek Temple display in Denver from 2008 with a worshiping of hisself in a stadium, the weather demons have prepared to unleash a storm on him forcing Obama to flee.

Think of the sand castle bust earlier in the week only explained here in the rain eroding Obama so he had to be rebuilt in that horrid omen that is. Now follow this with the storm demons of the Middle East in all their bowed to might and power from antiquity, and now they are seeking retribution against B. Hussein for his disturbing the principality order.

For those who do not comprehend this stuff, demons have operational authorities. Obama has been blowing the hell out of the dictatorships which those demons are assisting with their promised short time of glory as of olde, and all this murder and mayhem unleashed by 44 has a demon corp hunting his every move.

There is fury in the story and the matrix has fury unleashed for Obama in a continuous medley of signs which are bad. If the Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks and Romans had this kind of display arrayed for years, I have told you that they would flee from this leader and be terrified for all it meant.

The 'gods' are not angry. They are furious demons and they are taking every opportunity to thwart and seek retribution on Barry  Chin.

You can call these storm gods Thor of Norway to Marduk of Babylon or the original initiators in Adad in Akkadian and Ishkur in Sumerian, there is a storm brewing.

Do not overlook how this magik in Samuel Jackson lusts for Obama tried to conjure up a hurricane for the GOP convention in  Florida, and Isaac, the first born of Abraham, friend of God, stopped in ocean as if contemplating America before him, and then drove straight for New Orleans where Obama's ACORN birthed his election theft, and then was utilized to soak the region with rain from a record drought.

Force are at war in this, and Obama is the center of this and America is the bullseye.

Will a Morman chant for Mormons alleviate all of this. The answer is a negative as God will balance the scales for this false messiah Americans  in mass chose in national sin. God  is not mocked and God does not forget.

The last Obamites are cheering  for this chinoid, and they have no idea how close they are to the chosen electrical bolts of this matrix.

The Obama bad omens are concentrating again as thee emotional pitch reaches a higher order.

Read that over several times and learn it's several figurative meanings in the literal.

agtG 331Y