Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Obama Just Like Me

I'm so very comforted in hearing from Muchelle Obama, that Barry Chin is just like me.........

Which means that I must be a Chinese bastard with a whore for a Mum and father unknown. It must mean that Obama cringes while pumping his own petrol daily.......that Obama is spied on by Janet Napolitano, and a few weeks ago, he and Muchelle had their eye capilaries exploded when some goddamned intelligence zealot did a radars sweep of he and the her, when Obama was mentioning things in his blog which the elite did not like.

It is wonderful to have Obama being made ill from radar sweeps, to know he is a man who cringes in horror over a usurping foreign agent who just ran the US debt up to 16 trillion dollars as he raped America and murdered his way through Islam and is tending the nuclear holocaust fires for Jews.
To know Birdy Obama is repulsed by anyone who calls  themselves a messiah, abhors someone who robs the 9 11 victims from healing by murdering bin Laden's corpse to cover up their missing birth records and finds it disgusting the wholesale rape of American women in politics.

Here I thought, I was the only one who is alarmed over the dismantling of the US military an the US nuclear shield......and find it disturbing for someone to whisper in a Russian dictators ear that after the elections they will be more "flexiable" in rewarding the Moscow boys.

How about that bowing in I would never do that nor apologize for America? I would never tear down America in hope and change, and it is just peachy that Obama would never disgrace and degrade America either.

Michelle's message: The president is just like you
Michelle's message: The president is just like you

CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) - Michelle Obama's message: President Barack Obama is just like you. "Barack knows the American Dream because he's lived it," the first lady told the Democratic National...

Who could not have an affiliation with someone just like me in worrying about Syrian Christians and Egyptian Christians after the overthrowing of those pro American governments.

I even want gas to be 35 cents a gallon and drill baby drill, and all that green money laundering voodoo energy to be stopped, for real energy production....why Obama wants that as he is just like me.....and he about pukes ghetto green vomit at the sight of Muchelle, thee ugliest first anything since that communist Roosevelt woman.

To know that the world's children are safe from Obama bombs in the Middle East, Obama aborticide in Africa and Obama rationed death in America. Oh what sweet joy that sentence gives, "I know that my Obama child lives!"

No men snorting coke off my thighs. No having a penis inside me which was up a gay man's butt. No adultery, no lies about dating blondes, no fornication, no family clan of pedophile traders.

Why Air Force One is still George W. Bush brand spanking new, as no one flew the engines and wings off of it.

No non stop golfing while America lays dead in the grave. No 2009 strangulation of the Bush Recovery of January, and someone who does not need a teleprompter to think for them.

It is so pleasing to know that Muchelle Obama is not the wife of B. Hussein, a woman who said she hates America and was not proud until a foreign agent was installed into 1600 Penn Avenue.

So nice that kid who got shot over Obama's passport files, never died because I have nothing to hide in my passport files so no one was murdered.

No dead Trayvon Martin for the election. No deposed Charles Rangel. No Jesse Jackson picking up Obama feces as his lunatic son lays at Mayo after Obama drove another black man nuts.

Yes it is so nice that Muchelle, after 4 years told Americans, reassuredly that Barry Chin is just like us.......

Why I bet he had Adobo tonight or was it 300 million Americans had Adobo, because we are all Filipino Chinoid like Barry Chin eating from the land of .........wonder if that Horn of Africa bloodline Obama has though had him devouring some human flesh as cannibals are in Africa..........

So pleased Obama has no slave traders in his background as I have none in mine.......

Yes as a Christian, proud of America, patriotically, loving the Founding Fathers, worshiping the Constitution, adoring all 50 states in a nation created by God and watched over by His Christ.......am so glad that Barry Chin AKA Barack Hussein Obama Osseiran, has a  good solid Christian name, like all the other United States Presidents which Americans entrusted to that God given Office.

Say, chics really dig me.........guess that was a missprint in Obama women leaving him in droves as they do not want that damn fool, infectious one night stand soiling them again.......

That must have been that OTHER Barack Hussein Obama AKA Barry Chin, as the one Muchelle was talking about is just like all of us.


*I wonder when god Obama made two of hisself if he used the foreskin, instead of a rib.......sort of explains why B. Hussein is such a dickheaded dicklicker dickster.