Sunday, June 17, 2012

Sympathy for Obama Voters

This blog honestly feels sympathy and compassion for the Obama voters who not just cling to there Wife Beater, but also indulge in beating other women up as they just are so delusionally Stockholm Syndrome that they deem being with Obama is better than being alone like a ginsu girl playing with tampons.

From the start of this Age of Obama the Noel Sheppard fag on the right in hoping for an Obama date to the other skirts on the left who thought beating up on the girl in this blog would fulfill some Lara Logan fantasy, the reality is, this blog was smeared in thee most ignorant of ways in trying to prop up this fraud Obama, aka, Wife Beaters R US.

There are always thee basest of charges from the ilk which always gravitate to "crazy" and "racist" in those of the 100 IQ range, but when the reality is this blog has:

  1. Been the source for Obama wearing his beard in Egypt.
  2. Been the source of Obama wearing the little white star hat.
  3. Been the source of Michelle showing her butt of to Marines in Hawaii
  4. Been the source of Michelle air flipping her skirt in England.
That a reality sets in of Lame Cherry's advice to Obama early was the thing which kept this regime popular. In fact, the throw down of Trayvon Martin and the Nigger Hoodies was counselled to Obama early on, but Obama is too much of a fag to do it hisself. This blog told Obama to slap up some right winger, but in all cases Obama just is too much a coward to follow through on what is required.

This blog championed blacks early in demanding while the left and right kept silence, on Obama should appoint 2/4's that would be half for the Obama voters, of his cabinet to blacks and latins, but Mr. Obama chose to put them all under the bus.

That is why the Obama blogging stalkers early learned in attacking this blog, that they were being made fools of, as Obama was  taking this blogs advice, and when Obama quit taking the directions of this blog, that is when he started to plunge in the polls.

Most Obama voters started wising up, for instance Fogbow, who is an American who likes to play the game well, but the reality is even Fogbow could read the writing on the wall that Obama was not going to appreciate his efforts, and when the time came to throw someone to the wolves when a GOP investigation got under way, then it would be these supporters who would be sacraficed as Obama would claim innocense and denounce his own.
Remember Mubarak and Khadaffi were the biggest of Obama supporters, and look what he did to them when the time came in one he put in a cage to die and the other geezer he tortured and murdered with over 50 of his followers.

I do understand the liberal who wants to be like the popular girl. Sarah Palin had that in both chics from the right and left like the ginsu just hated on her, because she was accomplished at being pretty. I know all the girls and boys want to be like me, and I know some have to feature me in their wife beater blogs to get someone to read them, as the entire country is fleeing Obama, but I truly have Christian compassion on this ilk, as what kind of wretched existence can one have when they are an international  fool made that way by Barry Chin?

Face it, would you like to get up every day and know you are a racist who voted for Obama to prove you are not a racist, and then everything you hoped for in degrading yourself with in sodomy or legal abortion of you at age 35 in Obama rationed death, is all being taken from you as Obama goes out and admits to everything this blog has warned people of.

I mean, the left claims to love gays, but Obama beats on gays non stop, starting with Lawrence Sinclair and makes crude Tea Bag comments in gay slurs.
This blog notes that Obama uses gay males for sexual blow jobs, and states in Forensic Psychological profiling that Obama is engaged in this abuse of gay males because Muchelle will not go down......and then Obama admits it in public in a crude joke humiliating her.

Who would blame Muchelle really in what woman who is not sick in the head would want some penis in their mouth which had in degrees of separation been in every gay rectum in 50 states. That is just unpleasant and unhealthy.
It is probably why Muchelle's children all look like Stevie Wonder fathered them, as who could blame her in not wanting Obama's aids exposed penis inside her vagina.

So while I do have sympathy for the Obama voter smearing this blog in wanting to be popular, and suffering a psychosis of Battered Wife in clinging to Barack, my heart just goes out to them, as nothing is worse than seeing some woman with black eyes and piles of make up and sunglasses indoors, pointing to some other girl in trying to divert attention from their Obama beatings.

There is a profound psychological problem for them as Obama drags them deeper into a dimentia they will never escape from. It is not the danger either of in the powerful elite and their enforcers follow this blog, and get upset about ugly girls calling attention to it, as they try to make their blogs look pretty, so that some Andrew Breitbart team will scuff them up a bit to keep attention from being called to beloved leader, but it is the psychological catastrophe of what these battered souls will do when Obama is not there.

The Bill Clinton crowed went on a hate fest for George Bush, when Clinton loved W. It turned out badly for them in Obama.

See I voted for George W. Bush, and tolerated his Rhino spending as he was the best choice compared to the idiots who liberals chose.
Look at Al Gore in that blubber catastrophe being exposed for a weather liar for profit and that John Kerry whose peace treaty in Sudan is genocide. W at least saved lives and gas was 1.87 when he left office, but when the door hit him in the ass, I sure never followed him around hoping he would invite me over for steaks.

The Obama trolls though who still cling to that, are hoping in Peggy Noonan dating, that if they just take one more beating from him, and go key a car with a Christian license plate like this blog, that Obama will  remember them with some wave as he flies over.
As this blog warned Fogbow here, the only remembering which is going to be done is by the GOP looking at criminal stalking as Sen. Chambliss is already gearing up in that SWAT ting terrorism in Obama voters phone police on people's cell phone numbers to say murders had occurred which is putting GOP bloggers in danger.

Yes these Obama voters are putting themselves in jeopardy in supporting Obama from:

  1. God's wrath
  2. The power elite trying to cover up stories
  3. Obama
  4. The GOP
  5. Democrats looking for scapegoats to hide their crimes with Obama
So when the day comes that Obama flees to Europe in exile, the only folks left will be the gophers poking their heads out of the holes that people like Fogbow had the sense to leave as the handwriting was on the wall.

Look at all the people in Watergate who got tossed to the curb. Scooter Libby in Plamegate got nailed as someone had to get nailed.  Poor Rod Blagojevich took the rap for Rahm Emanuel and Obama in their crimes.
The writing all prophesies that it will be some dink Obama blogger who will get nailed when Holder is not there any more to deflect things.

The last thing that any of the patricians want is anyone reading this blog, as it exposes what a fraud Rush Limbaugh is in plagiarizing listeners to exposing the hireling Ed Schultz is as Ed Schultz before he saw a platform was out shooting cranes with a shotgun for fun.
Even Michael Savage is out promoting Bilderberg meetings as necessary.......yeah the same Bilderberg people  who were calling people outside COCKROACHES. Maybe Mr. Savage would have had something ring a bell if the name was rats like the Nazi termed the Jews in 1940 Europe, and of course Bilderberg is the same Rothshchild and Rockefeller money that produced Hitler.......and amazing in Obama too.

So I do have compassion on Obama voters who are still believing in this Thug Retard of Barry Chin. Yes if Obama was really black with his 97 IQ he would be in the status quo of blacks, but the problem is Obama is Asian and Asians have like a 112 average, and Obama just does not measure up as he ran like a duck there and the Asian Muslims were throwing rocks at him as they were afraid the Chinoid would rub off.

Obama is no magic negro that one can rub and make dreams come true. Obama is a designer negro with only 10% black in being a Chinoid underachiever that even black affirmative action could not overcome.

Just examine the reality in soup spitter Jesse Jackson had nothing and was raised up to be the bin Laden to control black revolution in America after the elite shot Martin King. Imagine what go getter Jackson would have accomplished if he had had Obama's AA handed to him.
Same with Al Sharpton, the self made I FEEL GOOD black man. He made good on his crumbs while Obama got the whole 9 course meal and is a failure who needs Beaten Bloggers in syndrome to try and prop him up to enhance their having no self esteem.

How pathetic do you have to be to make yourself validated in standing up for a man who does not know you exist by attacking thee most popular blog on the internet in Lame Cherry, and everyone including Obama only is interested in what is being posted here.

It is all just sad in Obama whores for the camera, but it is my picture which keeps coming up on the flash.


Obama's Asian Lips

The following is I suppose in honor of Uncle David Rockefeller, as without his Ashkenaz research into the cranium shapes built on Jewish scribes studying such things, the world would not have bothered with forensic racial genetics or pulled out brains to figure out that Asians have large skull capacity compared to Negroids.

This blog has been exclusively following the Obama face paint in how his yellow skin changes color. Yes B. Hussein does have yellow skin at times, which of course points not to Stan Ann, his adopted mum, but his real Filipino mum in Anna Chin Soebarkah.

The forensicis of Obama are exclusive here in linguistics to his ethnicity in being the biggest changeling sham ever foisted upon 7 billion humans.

The above reveals Barry Chin's real ethnicity in he is a Chinoid. The term referring to a Chinese Negro mix. In the photos are my favorite tough guy Asian athlete in Heinz Ward of Korean lineage and Barack Obama's murdered half sister, Lia Soetoro Sobah, who was silenced as she started to expose the Obama New Asian Order Secrets as revealed here.

One can note that the Asian mouth is turned down and rounded. It is why weak Negroids and Caucasoids lust in yellow fever after Asian women, in the rounded and turned down mouths have that comforting appeal to sucking infants.

In comparison, one can compare a real African Arab in Barack Obama sr. and note that Obama has nothing in common with those butt lips, no more than Heinz Ward does.
Furthermore in Malcolm 10, one sees Obama has nothing in common with the Afroid American of European dominated looks with the Negroid influx from the maternal side in willing slaves copulating with white masters.

None of this is to say that Barry Chin aka Barack Hussein Obama, does not have white racial lines in him, because he does have Arab and quasi European lineage, Quasi being he is in being risen up from the Asian dope fields of Islam, a progeny of great interest to the Rothschilds who plucked him up and rose him to heights no dope headed mentally retarded runs like a duck illegal border buster should ever have showered upon them.

This then brings one to the Obama Filipino comfort woman and the Horn of Africa dock worker in Obama's real genetic lineage as photographed together in the welcoming party for B. Hussein sr. to Hawaii.


 As one can see, Obama's biological sperm donor father is an almost handsome man, in having that Somali thing going on from the Horn of Africa like Ethiopians exhibit also, as well as the Egyptian.
This points to the rectangular face of the Semitic Arab and due to Rothschild interest, their central Asian rectangular face structure also as one sees in George Soros, who is Ashkenaz also.

The dock worker is actually more attractive than Malcolm 10 and is why people gravitated toward Malcolm X as they could see something in this Obama facial profile which resembled Mr. Little.

Obama though does not have the Semite or European Asian facial structure though, and his dominant gene is Asian form his Chinese Japanese mixed mother of the Phillipines.
While this comfort woman is Chin, she is not dominant Filipino, and leads one to conclude that somewhere in her background, perhaps in transit a Japanese marauder introduced the Rising Sun to her line, and this then further explains why Obama was bowing to the Peking and Tokyo boys, and holding up the Koreans as nuclear fodder, as Obama is rather race oriented in his foreign policy in promoting Osseiran Shia merchants, Kenyan Muslims, while shooting Somali pirates in some retribution in his psyche for the Horn of Africa impregnating his prostitute mum.

Barack Obama in forensic racial profiling recognition, triggers Asian in his mouth structure, Asian in his yellow skin tone, Asian in his slanted eyes, and, Asian in his rounded cranial structure.

He is in absolutely not in any way European in the Dunham, in either English or Irish, in those groups of Israelite Europeans are thin lipped and straight mouthed with a more gaping structure as Malcolm 10 when crossed with the Negroid.

Barack Obama is in genetic order, 60% Asian in a 30% Chinese, 15% Filipino naive 15% Japanese structure.
Into the remaining 40% one has the structure of the Horn of Africa "black", which would entail a structure of 15% Arab from Iraq, 15% Asian Ashkenaz and a 10% Negroid, which is in effect close to the original Obama faux bloodlines from the Luo African Obama at 13% Negroid blood in Obama's veins.

 This is the genetic makeup of the Horn of Africa sperm donor father mingled with the Asian comfort woman which produced this Chinoid Barry Chin, foisted and fabricated upon the world, as Barack Hussein Obama jr.

It is obvious that Barack Obama is not a black African or American Afroid, as his skin is yellow, which all points to south Asia. 
The only mystery of Obama is where those Dumbo ears came from, as blacks do not have large ears nor do Asians, and that includes Ashkenaz like George Soros, Rob Reiner or Billy Crystal as examples as the Ashkenaz ear structure is unique.

One will note though in this mystery, as further exclusives when this blog noted that Lolo Soetoro was Barry Chin's biological relative in being Uncle Lolo in why Obama was named Son of Soebarkah, that Barack Obama and Lolo Soeotoro have the same Indonesian South Asian ears exactly,
While Mya has the same ear structure of her birth mother in Stan Ann Dunham.

Barack Obama though is an Asian by forensic bloodlines and profiling. Facial recognition does not lie. It is just one of the many scientific realities exclusively always found only here, as the world passes by being deluded to the realities plainly before them.

Barack Obama is not an American, and he is barely legally black. All of this has been postulated on for a few years, but no one took the time to take this apart scientifically to show in detail the documentation of this in proving what a fraud Barry Chin is, well Barry Chin is real, but Barack Obama is the fraud.

More to come as I would not want you children getting bored or led down the path of the abyss.

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