Thursday, August 30, 2012

Brigadeführer Hermann Fegelein

Come to me hero in noble Goethe by the phrase of well noun praise
Wear in the knight of Tigris burning bright all in Aryan raise of days

Too much too much of a jove and god in sleeping nod
In an abode of flesh road in the bond of surly Nimrod

Oh jack pole in the rhythm and roll of the dark of the Faustian age
Rhythm and rhyme in undersheet time in the turn of the labia page

Tormented in thought by dream caught in prose master race rose
There in the crypts of parted lips the tongue traces for chosen those

Born of empire in fiery fire in the natal blood worn leather glove
In sultry wept in menstrual wept the phallic of fidel love

Sacrifice of virgin for raise of dead to be wed
The marriage of deaths breath shed by the altar bed

The seed there born so forlorn once egg of German womb
Now the grave of none to save gestation of nation in American tomb

Shot this son in the setting sun in spring of winter summertime
In the sunset of season life met does the night not twinkle or rhyme

Call to me hero in Schiller spoused verb in the word silence there unheard
Call to me hero of nation low of Faust lost stirred in romance never again heard


50 Shades of Tavistock

As another exclusive of a years in the making "This blog warned you", the seeding of the pedophile promotion book, 50 Shades of Grey, is for those who are in the ........never mind the knowledge, but common sense tells you to follow the pecker trail to comprehend this book is a product of Tavistock, the mind conditioning programme of England and it's counterpart in the Standford Institute in America.

I have been the sole voice warning the world of this, starting with Hillary Clinton and Janet Reno's emancipation of children in the courts to be adults to John Kerry's daughter at the DNC announcing it was not a woman's right to choose, but a CHILD'S RIGHT TO CHOOSE, that thee entire homosexual agenda which Barack Hussein Obama progressed to those demented both gender cross dressers, was all bringing the world to the point of legal child rape.

50 shades is couched in  the pedophile genre of pigtails, cartwheels and baby oil, all terms to get the mind of the soccer mum and pop, into thinking about raping their wards in "playtime" roll playing first of the daddy of mummy of the week, and finally to rape the child of their choice like that Southern Poverty Law Center's goon showing up in his teenage step daughter's room twice in his undies and with a dong stating he was going to show her how to use it.

The warning signals in this were when Mr. Mockingbird introduced it to his audience in Rush Limbaugh like the good doctors introducing acid to the Beatles so they would introduce it to the mass mob experiment of the 1960's.
Limbaugh cleverly couched it in real drama, of his blondeberry sitting on the couch with him in the story he told, in all intimacy of the showing the apple to Eve, and Eve saying "Why yes all my girlfriends have been tempted by it and have taken the bite.

Limbaugh's snake oil was very astute in the imagery portrayed and the next step to get his female mush minds to buy the book, AFTER SAYING I DO NOT RECOMMEND SO DO NOT TAKE A BITE, in Elton Blonde stated that this book would be hated by feminists, which of course his browbeaten stay at home girls would naturally grab up as their new Bible as feminists would hate the message they would embrace as SUBMISSIVES, as that is what Limbaugh focused on cleverly that a sub is the one in dominant control as this blog explained is what is the allure of Islam in the women submit but rule the dominants in Islam.

That message goes over very well with women who are of the Limbaugh traditional genre.

CSI in Mistress Heather episodes touches upon some of this, and while is perverted, it is the fact it is the stronger who submits and is in control in true Dom and sub, while in practitioners like gay males and lesbians, the Dom sub roles are ones of weaklings beating on others pretending to be Masters while the subs are those who want to be punished for being queer or whatever.

I digress......

It is important to note the head of Mockingbird media was involved in this introduction to America and Matt Drudge featured this in Shades replacing the Bible in hotel rooms.

That type of situation just does not happen without the cartel pushing things, and they have in John Maynard Keynes been pushing this child rape manifesto for over 100 years, and were indoctrinating it via divorce, free sex, homosexuality and as I have exclusively warned the next step is child rape which will be legal.

It is what was pointed out here in the Penn State child rape fiasco. That was set up for the expressed purpose of conditioning people to exposure to numb them to it. They have vented on it, and now comes the "goodies" as people are tuning out, in another Harry Potter book being indoctrinated like Karl Marx's work upon the mass populace to condition them to a new thought.

The thing which interests this profiler in this is the overt message of all of this that the "child is the one who is control" of the sexual perversion. Meaning these pedophiles have it in their psychology that the infant actually is asking to be part of the rape.
That is no surprise as Camille Paglia and that slobbering Noel Sheppard of Newsbusters were putting out that message in 2008 which got Sheppard pissing at this popular girl in nasty emails after I challenged him on this, that Sarah Palin was not asking for political gang rape just because she was running for public office.
It was though radical Paglia and fag Sheppards hot spot in all women are asking to be raped, so in Shades, it is the pedophile perverts who have the propaganda out that the children are really asking for sex in being provacative in being children.

Disgustingly warped, but it is how this is promoted and will be thought of as the elite child rapists have it in their mindset that children really want this.

It was this 5 year old sexualization of children which were in other books like Heather has two Mommies or that nonsense. You do not get books published unless they have the Mockingbird seal of approval by the elite in order to move the societal abnormal along this child rape trail. It has been explained often enough here that this is Greek in nature in it is fine to rape a child, as long as  the child gets a good job out of it eventually.
Huma did a pretty good deal for Hillary Clinton in this same "ideal" which rape the intern was introduced by Bill Clinton.

I told you that Obama was caught on camera "leering" at that girl in Rome. It was what was in his mind, even if the photo was just a lucky strike. It is why Obama kept referring to his daughters as sexual objects and dating them.
America has basically generational perversion in this Barry Chin and Mitt Romney in his Mormon exploitation of women and "child brides" is of this same disgusting abnormality which is going to be brought forward as "normal".

I warned here that the Penn State pervert is going to probably be a sympathetic hero before this is over in the media, the same way Phil Donahue was promoting homosexual perversion as "victims" of societal hatred.

It will not be PEDOPHOBES, but there will be another clever word branding all you child protectors as the problem when this gets full blown in promoting child rape, and thanks to John Roberts, it will probably be him and Tony Kennedy voting on making pedophilia all legal.

I had hoped this was a decade away, but it appears the push has started in this for legalized child rape, but then with the 8 Clinton years, 8 Bush years, 4 Obama years, we are approaching the 25 year threshold for these operations to be enacted after activation.

You will hear of CHILD LOVE as code for this and I can tell you right now as certain as Gary Hart had written out the Patriot Act for George W. Bush to sign before 9 11 that the children who will be part of this "choosing to have sex with adults" and the judges in the court cases, the nimble minded prosecutors who are meant to lose the case by bungling it, and the savvy attorneys are already aware of the protocols for this landmark case.......and yes that includes appointed justices on the court of appeals who will not be surprised when this case appears with much fanfare with some tarty legs attached to blonde locks doing the story in sympathetic Michael Jackson talking points.

This is what the English macaroni or fag has been implementing for 100 years, since coming to America in economics. This latest Pedophile Manifesto just did not happen from one of the 100 most influential people in the world......who no one has ever heard of in this Scot Latino vixen engendering tales which are a catharsis of child rape which is mind condition repeated in page after page as "enjoyable".

The numbers are not by accident in it being a trilogy as the triangle is the strongest thing in nature and this was funded directly by the globalists. It makes little difference if this was one of the thousands of books by child rapists submitted yearly and turned over to Scotland Yard for prosecution, or this was "refined" by an editor, or this was a Karl Marx manifesto written for the nice smiling face of  "my fantasies" in E. L. James, for a male sounding pervert who is much more palatable if it is a female promoting 50 Shades of Child Sex.

agtG 251


Monday, December 26, 2011

The Many Forms of Rape