Monday, October 8, 2012

The Obama Final Solution for Jews

There is a desperate brain cleansing  taking place in Matt Drudge  Billionaires Adelson and Simmons with that Wall Street Bundler Insider trying to beg the Jewish majority which installed Obama to join Prime Minister Obama the Jewish computer contractors and the Russian Ashkenaz to vote for Mitt Romney as the Jewish vote flowing in from overseas are the margin Romney needs to keep this from  being an Obama contested election.

The problem for Barack Obama is not the fallacy of team Romney is to the right of George W. Bush, but the reality that team Obama is to the hard left of socialist democratic policies of George W. Bush, meaning just like Adolf Hitler was backing the Muslim Brotherhood in 1940 against British and Zionist domination there, Barack Obama's policies have all been about showing the bottom of the shoe to Jews while showing bribe money and nations to al Qaeda in a quid pro quo.

The issue of the Persian communists have atomic weapons is not the problem, as Iran was sold a dozen mixed bag of nukes in the Clinton years by the KGB to thwart American policies in dominating the Middle East, and to set this Jewish nuclear domination issue on the agenda.

Obama in his Marxism was writing about nuclear disarment in  college or it was written for him at Columbia by gay college professors and Obama has had this dream about replacing Ronald Reagan on nuclear issues, and that legacy has two legs. One he has started in disarming America in handing Putin domination, and the other is causing a WMD event in the Middle East to disarm Iran and the Israeli state.

That is Obama dangerous policy as this blog warned years ago that when this goes wrong, there are milliions of Jewish refugees who are going to be flowing into America and the parts of Europe which those nations can not economically deal with.

For Jewish reality, in 2008 when they with white females installed Barack Obama, they cocked a nuclear weapon around the world, and in 2012 that weapons has the sear falling. What Adelson and Simmon with Drudge are attempting to deflect is it detonating in the Israeli state and Jewish enclaves like New York City around the world, basically becoming the final solution to the Judahites.
That is what is behind the Romney speech in making Jerusalem the UN capital. If Jerusalem is the capital of the UN, then all nations are going to have a vested interest in not blowing up that  tongue of land called Israel.

That is what the clock is ticking over. Mitt Romney gets elected, and Jews have the time to move the UN headquarters to Jerusalem and it negates the nuclear poisoning of Jewish lands, which are close enough that Philistines and Lebanese are going to be having that radioactive glow.
Obama is elected and he is going to retaliate and use those "competitor Jews" as fodder in WMD attacks to bring about his legacy.

This is the Obama who just blew up 20,000 Syrians, dragged Khadaffi around and mass murdered his people, put Mubarak in a cage, so for the guy with boots on the throat of BP, taking names and a pitchfork mob, with Black Wilding of whites in Wisconsin to intimidate voters there and Trayvon Hoodie Martin sacrifices, so what do you think in that pattern Mr. Obama is going to be restrained by when he told Jews to wait around fora nuclear holocaust and he would retaliate for them.

Sort of sounds like he informed the world that he would allow Iran to build their nuclear arsenal, allow them to pollute the Israeli state, retaliate by blowing up Iranian camels and in the end that is the Obama Final Solution for Jews.

Jews can either vote for Romney or prepare for a reality of becoming refugees like in the 1930's and this time having radiation tumors growing in them

That is the reality of the Obama statements and policy. It is the reality of the Romney policy in trying to deflect this as time has run out.

Another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive.

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Phase 3 Californication

Another Lame Cherry, matter anti matter exclusive...........

When this blog by Inspiration broke as a True Prophet of the Lord, (that ought to simmer the flaming fags who have head hurts in sin and do not want to deal with a God Who is involved in America).......

Where was I?

Oh yes, True Prophet of the Lord, the career making story, but then one will notice this blog has about 100 of them every year of Watergate proportions, and alas no Pulitzer, not Nobel and not even a million dollar donation from Bob Woodward to show his appreciation like Rush Limbaugh does.........
Oh you know Rush wants to donate here, but that wife of his has the checkbook, keeps the credit cards and the er um, er ah, bank accounts have to........well someone is on allowance and on the leash, or you know Rush would be donating as plagiarism and unpaid bills are just not like it must be the wife.

Where was I?

Oh yes for those of you who skipped to this part in speed reading and missed the hidden message in the above, is the deal on California gas prices in further adendum, etal etux.

See the oil barons did not like Obama stealing the 2008 elections, after they made the sacrafice of dropping gas prices to 1.87 a gallon to elect John McCain.
Silly barons thought this was America, where people played fair in the voting booths and it never occurred to them that Obama would flip 10 million GOP voters out of the ballot box for a steal overthrowing the US Government.

So any way, the barons with the Associates got ahold of the Obama playbook, the ledger, the fag file, which has all of Obama's dithering in it, as it is all laid out on schedule in a nice faux leather case. Rather attractive, for having Cheetos smudgies on it.

So any way, I know I said that, but it sounds Office Space, so any way, in the Obama secret agenda, there is a Saul Alinsky kind of thing to deal with a smarter than average Rove scenario where Obama pisses off everyone but the Niggazi on their free cell phones, and they do not vote for him like in 2010 and 2008.
Obama has this plan see, well you do not, but it is why I see, maybe like a Seer as they used to call Prophets as Seers long ago in Israel when they went to see the Seer, and they would bring gifts and cash, as one never wanted to make the Seer or Prophet angry, as then things happened.

So any way, the Obama agenda in one of those etux etals was about how to overthrow the elections like the protocols were initiated by Riala Odinga AKA Cousin Odinga in Obama's Kenya.
For those who were too busy eating Cheetos or having water soup as they have been wiped out by the Obama Super Depression, here is what happened in Kenya.

There was this leader, I don't know his name, but he was President......was black as the whites all got booted out of Africa or put into ghettos like George Obama.

So any way, there was this election and Odinga lost as all Marxists do, but Obama was involved in that community organized stuff there, and had these signs made up that they wanted Obama to be President of Kenya, before the cartel tapped him as the Clinton punisher to put him into the White House instead of Dame Hamrod.

Odinga loses the election, but he and his machete mob, on marching orders from Obama, as Barack Obama needs Odinga in power to cover up Obama's Kenyan registration of birth for when he was auditioning to be despot there..........yes exclusive of only this blog in now you know why Obama was illegally dumping in millions of dollars and directing election stuff from the US Senate for Marxist Odinga, as Obama needed a thug to rough up geezers like Jerome Corsi who came sniffing around.
Odinga almost passively assassinated Jerome Corsi, before they told him to get out and stay out by locking him a prison cell.

So anyway, Odinga's machete mob with Obama money, sets out and starts beating, raping, robbing and murdering wholesale across Kenya. No one stops it, as Obama is a cartel boy and this is important in keeping the Obama files from being uncovered.
It gets so bad that Odinga's Machete Marxists start surrounding Churches, locking the Christians inside and burning them up alive as they start fires.

See this is coming full circle now, as that is what Obama had planned in taking Ambassador Chris Stevens hostage, blaming the Christian film industry, rioting in the Middle East and America, and scaring people in the pulpit from voting for Mormon Romney.

Where was I?

So Odinga burns, rapes and murders Kenya and to stop it all, the President is forced to give Odinga co leadership as Prime Machete or something.

Enter now Obama as he is practicing with gangs in Wilding in Wisconsin as was uncovered know Paul Ryan and Romney Ryan owe me a great deal of gratitude in the green as by what this blog posted, it stopped Obama from raping little white asses at fairs by black thugs.
Anyway, so Obama sends out Trayvon Martin or waits for a Skittles idiot to be shot for trying to murder some white dude or latin fella, and that is to intimidate you white folks fromg voting for Romney.

The stage then sets for the elections as the playbook or fag file, has this clause in it, called the Al Gore clause as it is is about Al Gore not  stealing elections correctly in 2000.

Where was I?

No kidding am asking, because I was just off eating some homemade ice cream..........

So any way, there are various election scenarios in Obama if he wins 299 million 999 thousand 999 votes to 1, it might look odd.
The Al Gore thing............that was racist as hell in saying Obama was sucking lack of O2 in Denver in his getting his ass kicked by Romney, as that is code in Obama is a dumb ass coon with nothing upstairs. Obama is not a dumb ass coon, as he is a Chinoid and plenty of black people are stupid at low altitudes and quite  functional at high altitudes.

Where was I?

So any way, there is this scenario where Obama has worked it if Romney wins the Electoral College vote, but loses the national vote, that Obama is going to pop off on Romney and not leave the White House.
Obama in his ledger has this not like Al Gore winning by a hundred thosand dead people, but by like 10 million Mexican border buster votes.

Yes, yes, there are scenarios about close elections, close electoral college votes and other things to muddle this up and contest it, so blackmailed John Roberts will not just do Obamacare but Obamainstall in this shhhh as you do not want all this information as it is too much to know.

So any way, Obama has this scenario where Romeny wins the electoral college as Kasich in Ohio is a tough load to deal with in Romeny flipped Ohio in practice in the primaries, and the margins will just not pan out in the big states like New York being negated by other big state Texas in  voting, and it comes down to 3rd nation California going ballot flipping for Obama in that 10 million added vote range with all the other Obama red Marxist states adding things up.

What the barons are doing out in California are breaking the gas money early, so the beaners and Obama voters will be tapped out to vote in mass, in the numbers Obama needs.
See Obama needs sandals in the booths to flip, as the software is not like Geither money creation yet in just hitting a button and money is created........that is coming, but not yet.

This then moves......or did you want me to say, So any way first?

So any way, the barons have this figured out if they gouge Californians, the people with jobs will be so pissed  come the election, they will in GOP area which Obama can not flip them as that would be a red flag, show up to offset the Obama vote manipulations and by doing this, the Orange County groups will make California close.
California being close or contested, means Obama will not have that margin to declare hisself Odinga and send out the mobs.

Oh you want to know about the mobs, a you probably will be in a Church waiting to be burned alive?

Sure, the Obama rent a cell phone mob will sort of be inspired to go out and make some withdrawals in early Christmas shopping from White folks. This will be assisted by those Mexicans who Eric Holder was arming.......all coming into play now and are we not pleased that Darrell Issa and John Boehner have been dragging their asses or spreading their butt cheeks on this, as one does not create armed terror mobs for drug importation alone for your bankers.

Yes the protocol is to unleash these mobs to terrorize America just like Kenya, with the puppy press fanning the flames of "can't we find some compromise" as Mitt Romney is blamed for all of this in that antiquated Electoral College and would it not be just better if Mitt accepted some power sharing offer from Obama as Obama rules from 1600 Penn Avenue.

Sounds bizarre but there are all kinds of Alinsky community organized stuff in there and as it worked in Kenya, they will work it in America if this election scenario plays out.

In the play is the California gas lines in illegals will not be able to afford to hit the polling places and the pissed off working people will, and that is why gas prices are spiking there to put Californication into play.

For Romney to have a chance in fighting this on all Obama election theft scenarios, the California vote must be shaved.....they way that bush is trimmed is driving up gas prices to get the voters attention.

Yes, yes that is enough for now, as I saw Ulsterman and the CIA are only two weeks behind on the Obama Analgate.

Hells bells, the election will be over and LA on fire before they catch up to what Obama is up to. I love the CIA, but I suppose I should hint that Drudge posting Detroit is handing out warnings to people to enter at their own risk, is part of the alert the reclusive Mr. Drudge has utilized in Mockingbird to alert you to the danger of what awaits in the Obama ledger in the Al Gore scenario.

Is real my babies or else the oil barons would not be shutting down refineries and driving up prices there.

Got to go as new revelations await.

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Junk Food Romney

I'm telling you children that Mitt Romney's biggest problem is not Barack Obama, nor even this blog, but Mitt Romney's problem in having the election stolen from him is Jeb Bush.

Here, let me quote someone who was involved in successful Presidential elections and over 40 years of political experience in an exclusive here:

Mitt Romney's advisers are not looking to a 2012 paycheck, but are looking toward their 2016 paycheck

Michael Reagan
Son of President Ronald Wilson Reagan

She's laughing at the joke and I'm too slow.........

GETTING SERIOUS: Obama plans three-day debate prep...

MOSCOW TIMES: Why Putin Wants Obama to Win...

That is the reality in all of this what this blog has alerted all to in Mitt Romney's enemies are on the inside, and they are the same treacherous lot who led John McCain off into the oblivion and sabotage Sarah Palin.

This is a decade old Rovian and Bush machinations all designed to pave the way for Jeb Bush to be in the Oval Office in  2016. You need to be reminded of the post exclusively of this blog revealing that Jeb Bush is writing a book for a 2016 run, and that is quite amazing in Romney has Karl Rove working around him, and a host of other Rovians who were working for John McCain.

Amazing if one is thinking these advisers are there to help Romney win, but they are there to sabotage Romney just like they did McCain.
I keep telling you children that these patricians in the Bush clan WANT OBAMA's policies as they make a fortune off of government seizure of tax moneys and then paid out to programs they are making things for.

The same with Mexicans in slave labor, they make money for these corporations in cheap labor, and with no health insurance they are dumped onto counties, the same with retirement they will never collect.

Mitt Romney smugly had his Wall Street handlers tell Sarah Palin she has this 2012 nomination, and then with Gabby Giffords shot, and her scared, they came in to give her protection, only to dump her just before the show started as was planned out.
Romney does not have any idea though, that the people he sold his soul to in the Rovians, that their own people are doing the same shell game to him that he did to Palin.

Romney needs the Rovian machine led by the Prescott Bush people, and he is being led around by this group of handlers being told he has this won, and what to expect on Libya and other Obama blunders, but the problem is it is all by design in Romney was told "this would be close" and that is what the protocols are all geared for to keep Obama policy in place.
That is what Romney promised this group in he would keep Obama policies in place for the Rovian support and he signed on for supporting Jews for their bundling.

If Mitt Romney does not steal this back from Barack Obama, it is not because of Obama. It is because Romney's Rovians have decapitated the GOP of Conservatives, moved Romney from talking to the GOP base on their issues, and is leading Romney to be milk toast in talking to that "independent" group who Romney is told they want him to be the nice guy going to Bill Clinton orgies with B. Hussein.

It is all about doing to Mitt Romney what was done to John McCain.

Michael Reagan exposed the facts in this, in his disgust over Mitt Romney not taking on Obama and firing up the GOP base. Mitt Romney's advisers do not want a fired up Tea Party resurrected overturning democrats in a Congressional sweep and landslide wiping out Barry Chin in the elections, as that would mean the GOP would have to undo Obamacrypt and it would mean that Mitt Romney would be in office in 2016 running as President.

I told you children that Jeb Bush will be voting for B. Hussein in November 2012, and I can tell you that Mitt Romney's advisers will be voting for Obama too, just like they did in 2008, as that is the reason Romney is acting like he has this won....same as Palin was acting.......same as McCain was acting, and these same people all led them to defeat so Jeb Bush would be top dog for 2016 in his Mexican illegals are voting Americans too for 2016.

Yeah she's laughing at the joke and I'm too slow..........

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