Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Without Prep

This blog always tries to help all from the right and left. Today we reach out and help Mark Levin.

"You try to take a cell phone from these morons and they will kill you. You take liberty from these morons and they will vote for you"

Mark Levin

First, I would like to say something really important, that  I decided to feature an attractive woman as no one wants to see Russian Jew snarling about things as it makes reading hard on the tummy.

Second, Mark Levin is invited for three days to utilize this blog to assist his program make meaning of things he seems to have difficulty comprehending.

Mr. Levin was complaining about the Obama morons in why they will protect their cell phones, but when it comes to handing over decisions to their buying chips or soda, they prefer the Obama regime to decide for them.

As the premier forensic psychologist in the world, this blog on social devolution is without equal, as it is on numerous subjects. The reason that a liberal will protect their cell phone, is because they are terrified of intimacy, and terrified of being alone.
A cell phone, Twitter, Face Book etc... is the perfect psychological crutch for a modern Godless idiotry, because it allows them to have a night light, blanky and someone to comfort them from the boogerman they know is in the room who is them.

See a cell phone allows them to think people like them. Allows them to message people at 3 AM in thinking they have friends and allows them to think they have relationships, when in reality when they look around all they have are fraud mobs of BMW drivers arriving at soccer events pretending they have lives by the bling they are hiding behind.

On the opposite, the reason this same idiotry demands the Obama regime to decide on how fat their children are, makes them eat vegetables and tells them they have to wear a helmet, is because of this..........

A liberal is someone who in school, was at a party and drugged a person to have sex with them. They saw a relative passed out in their home and felt them up. They saw a credit card which was not their property and used it. They do see pieces of pie in the fridge left for their parents and eat both, and act like they never did it.
A liberal is all of these things in not ever  being able to eat, steal or have enough to fill the void in them to quote Doc Holiday as Val Kilmer portrayed him in Tombstone.

A liberal  can not be trusted with liberty as they view it as license to indulge. They can not be responsible as they are going to be holding some child they are watching and just can not help but touching them inappropriately because no one is watching.

Barack Obama is the perfect leader for these people as he is one of them. He thinks he deserves the good life and it never occurs to him where the money comes from and that people are suffering in this Obama Super Depression. They get cell phones and it never occurs to the people that other people are suffering in paying for those phones.
Obama goes on vacations and never contemplates that there are people who have not had a vacation in 4 years under his regime, and instead their vacation has  been called unemployed.

These people are sociopaths and parts of them are missing in the humane conscience. They see bin Laden's stand in murdered along with others, and the children left to crawl through that blood and all they consider is a lust of their revenge has been satisfied.
The SEALS are assassinated in response, and they feel nothing as they did not know the people who were murdered.

Simply put in all of this a liberal is phobic about being alone with themselves and needs a crowd around them, and that crowd is a cell phone list of people who would not care if they lived or died.
A liberal is phobic about having any freedom as they have proven time and again by their own actions in which they were not caught, that they can not be trusted, as they molest, steal, glutton and whatever else their demonic minds can register when alone with themselves or someone who is incapacitated.

As JC Watts stated in he always lived like Jesus was watching when no one was around. A liberal makes laws for the times they do immoral things, so they can soothe themselves into thinking manmade laws make them out to be not the refuse of human garbage they are.

These realities need to be spoken of as if Mark Levin in doing 12 hours of show preparation a day can not come to that Holy Ghost Inspirational explanation, then someone who is utilized as a Prophetic Conduit must speak these things so the masses do know.

As promised Mark Levin for 3 days can have carte blanche in adding to his programs understanding to answer the questions he grapples with by using things from this all encompassing blog. It will help him come to things he has come to already like saying Obama Marxism first defined here when he was too timid to utter the words.
(I must include a caveat here as I tried to post this and the Holy Ghost was not allowing it in this not having some donation attached. OK, I will say for the 3 days the price is Levin coughs up 7,100 dollars. That will cover a 99 Savage firearm with ammunition, a 12 gauge muzzle loading shotgun  and "things" and something which is private.
The way I see it, Mark Levin could sell that exercise thing Hannity gave him for that amount as it is worth 11,000 and both of us will come out better for it, in he get rids of that thing and I'm paid better than slave wage.)
*Note to self, now have important task in deciding caliber of 300 or 358.

I realize he has no Jesus and the Holy Ghost, and has allot of other million dollar things and family he must protect in towing company lines and doing Mockingbird things, but as he pretends in what he is doing, he could become educated and this would assist in his not having to  turn to animals for comfort from all the mean people in the world, and he might find Peace in the Prince of Peace.

That should be enough as I'm  busy trying to stay alive in this Obama Super Depression, the one where Mark Levin eats steak and those other Americans who just trust in God.

nuff said.

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The Ass Kicker

I have something to say.

You know I always do on a  wide variety of subjects as I always have something to say. It is why my 5th grade teacher gave me double check marks on my report card for disturbing others and talking in class. I never shut up, still got A's and all that about being in the slow kid class.

Here am I now making it big, because I won't shut up. The teachers of the world sure had me ass backwards eh?

So any way, let's talk about the fag fighter.

You know that kid in school with the big mouth, like Obama, who was always trash talking and was always bullying people like Obama, and he goes out to the playground going to dick or kick the new kids ass, get's in the first shots as he got this reputation for being a bad ass, as four years before he looked like he beat up John McCain the geezer cripple as the teacher rang the bell, so he shows up again against this geezer Romney..........Mormon pacifist, he calls him out as he knows he can pound sand up his dick.

So the fight starts and Obama Sunday punches the Morman kid as that is what it is in talking about wedding anniversaries and such to get the girls to think he will tell them he loves them after he leaves a load and the guys will think he is a nice guy........when WHAMMO, this Mormon kid decks the fag and keeps decking him, even when the Obama fag starts saying he agrees with the Mormon kid beating the hell out of him.

The bell rings and Obama runs off stage and into the class room.

All the poodles who wag his tail are furious in Obama just took the beating as he couldn't fight back in being a fag. All this goes around all night in people talking about it in Obama getting hammered, and the next day Obama shows up, and starts saying things like Romney didn't fight fair, Romney didn't use the rules, Romney didn't box when he just punched and Romney didn't obey the time limits.

I have seen some fights and all are not much. My Indian friend hit an idiot fag fighter over the head with a timber and bent the branch......I thought he was going to kill that idiot. That idiot was in half the fights I saw. I did him to a draw as the school bell rang, but just the same it was  all the same and no one cares about who cries, who dies or who fought fair, because when it comes down to brass tacks, it is in the human mind to know one thing and that is who kicked who's ass.

In the Romney and Obama debate, it is the fact that Romney kicked Obama's ass, and all of his fag friends running around whining about what Romney did just makes them look more like losers.

That is the worst in this in when Reagan LOST his first debate with kid Mondale, it was Reagan who lost it and not Mondale kicking his ass. Difference is with Obama, is everyone knows he did not lose the fight, but Romney kicked his ass.

Now this is from the real unbias here as I'm not voting for Romney if he is not a Jesus Christian and I'm not voting for messiah Obama as I answer to Jesus. The reality is in the American psyche now is that Romney kicks peoples asses. Romney is a tough guy.

 See that is the peckerwood in this, in you got Obama the supposed black guy, all gangsta in gonna see Marco Rubio gets his ass kicked as he is trashing talking in an airport to some GOP skirt yelling at her, and Obama was supposed to kick Romney's ass, because Chris Matthews and that ilk are still pissed at the time their old man caught them jacking off to Auntie Mills picture in the sh*tter and dragged him by the ear to the Father Confessor.

That is what the Romney Obama First Debate was all about for liberals psychologically. It was about Obama kicking their white daddy's ass, and it was about in 2008 about Obama beating on their bitchy wives as these liberal whites can't handle their women.

Call that another Lame Cherry forensic psychological exclusive in matter anti matter, but it is the facts in Romney was daddy demon to these brats and is why they all went nuts like delinquents juvenile as the nasty black boy was supposed to come kick their grey haired old man's ass for trying to make them men and  dad failed at it.

The forensics are fun to know, but in the reality of it all, Mitt is an ass kicker and he kicked Obama's ass for him. Obama's Arab and Chinese grandfathers probably felt that ass kicking in their graves Romney did it so thorough.

That is the reality no matter what Obama spun or whines about. The public knows one thing, Mitt Romney kicked Barack Obama's ass.

agtG 222

The Strawman

Another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive.......
Beyond the Gemstone File

It was concluded after the failed assassination attempt on President Ronald Wilson Reagan by the families that never again would a Conservative be allowed to govern from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. If said cartel  families could not rule from there directly and indirect oversight would be managed from withing, but in order to maintain this hegemony upon the Oval  Office, a series of Strawmen and Strawwomen would be put forward to rig the primaries in splitting the Conservative vote in the Republican primaries, and insure that a "moderate" would always receive the nomination to go down to defeat, until another family member would be raised to the process to once again rule for the cartel in competing factions.

Competition among the factions though did include political assassinations in the case of the removal of George H. W. Bush by the Special Prosecutor Lawrence Walsh in the 1992 October Surprise which installed Bill Clinton Rockefeller into the Oval Office.
It would be the same Special Prosecutor who would be unleashed in Patrick Fitzgerald on the Bush43 Administration in order to remove Richard Cheney from office in a palace coup engineered by Colin Powell and Richard Armitage in the Plamegate affair which was to punish Bush43 for taking Iraqi bribes from the elite in his invasion  without permission of Iraq with the first coup de tat being Conservative Vice President Cheney.

The primaries were so rigged to place liberal Iowa and New Hampshire to pick the "moderate" Strawman in a diluted field of numerous candidates. It was deemed that America would not respond to a 3rd, 4th and 5th party affair as was utilized in Europe and Asia to fragment governments to gain  control, so the fragmentation would be in the primaries of numerous candidates, followed by "straw polls" which would always point to elections too close to call, so that the vote being rigged could always be flipped using propganda and later the Scytl vote changing protocol to make millions of votes disappear and reappear at will from urban areas which are liberal to cancel out rural area Conservative blocks in states.

In the making of this, the GOP had picked for them a host of anti Reagan strawmen from the get along gang of Bob Dole, Jack Kemp, John McCain and Mitt Romney.
This is why the insanity broke out against Sarah Palin as she was a Conservative, and the cartel realized immediately the danger she was in firing Americans to their passions and the result was the mass political rape of numerous GOP Ladies as when Jeb Bush pronounced that Ronald Reagan was dead, this was exactly what this Rovian political arm demanded, as they had been busy destroying from within the Conservatives inside the GOP from Larry Craig to leveraging Orin Hatch to change his ways to liberalism.
Some like Allan Simpson of Wyoming were always like the Peggy Noonan plants of offering up their services to the high bidder and when the time was right sticking the knife in the Conservatives back.

This media wing led by Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin and Ann Coulter with the frauds at FOX were designed to keep a lid on the Reagan Revolution by pretending to espouse it. Often though the real agenda would be pressed in the constant homosexual championing and the very attuned "gridlock is what we want folks" them to keep Barack Hussein Obama in place.

None of these Strawmen ever were privy to being the fall guy or someone in the loop who knew they were to take the fall, but there was enough of the insider trading of knowing that one either signed on to the contract advisers as in Rovians or one did not receive any financial or media protection.
John McCain was supposed to pick a nice boring white man, just as Mitt Romney was ordered to do. When Sarah Palin arrived though, it was used to advantage to blame her for the loss in the election and to ward off any other Conservatives from making a run.

This is not to hint that Rush Limbaugh is privy to all, as he did believe his own press and it required numerous years for him to figure out the Dennis Hastert Congress was designed to praise Ronald Reagan, but do absolutely nothing to advancing the cause.
None of these Bush people ever cared for Reagan, even if he got them elected as they used his name. The Bush patricians are quite liberal, and were more interested in turf wars over finances as with Saddam Hussein than for the direct promotion of America.
Do not forget it was Bush41 who created the Chicom monster which ate up all the resources of the world and drove up energy prices. The same China who humiliated Bush43 in bringing down as spy plane and forcing him to pay a bribe to get the military people back.

It is a messy feudal group in plotting against each other in all wanting the ruling spot, and all leveraging for their own family control.

Bush43 in taking away the Saddam bribes from the competitors set off a grudge match built upon Allan Greenspan sticking the Europeans with the Dotcom bust in the Bush family's global plundering of nations from Japan, South Korea, China and then Europe.
This was the event which initiated the 2008 Obama bust to install him,when Hillary Clinton was the one who was supposed to be seated in the Oval Office, but was dethroned in a messy affair of New York court rooms in Clinton criminal campaign finance, as punishment for Bill Clinton taking Asians uranium in a 10 million dollar deal and selling the resources to China, when the Rothschilds viewed this as their resource.

John McCain was never to win the 2008 election. He was promised as such, but was sabotaged from within by the Rovian advisers who were in direct contact with Obama's advisers in Axelrod and Jarrett.

The same strawmen were set up on the left with John Edwards ruined by Clinton and Obama in the Riehl Hunter drama and later by the sham charges in court against Edwards in campaign finance misuse.
Rod Blagojevich and even Charles Rangel became examples in the leftists soon learned to bow like Obama and not make trouble for themselves or they would be destroyed like Trent Lott on the GOP side.

Mitt Romney from 2008 on was the Rovian choice for the election which was to set up Jeb Bush for the White House. Barack Obama utterly detests Romney as an unaccomplished fool. That is most interesting from community organized Obama, but what Obama fixates on is bloodlines and his run blue, while Romney's run Mexican.
In the caste system of this order, that gives the Chinese Obama more station with his Rothschild lineage hidden away than Romney. Obama knows that the "recovery" will fall into place no matter his deliberate strangling of the American economy for 4 years to make America a gulag, and Obama does not want Romney taking credit for it when it happens after 2013.

When Obama was talking about Romney in the powers that be, those are the competitor powers of the New World Order compared to his benefactors of the Old World Order in central Europe.

Romney is being handled by the Rovians and like Sarah Palin has been promised the win. He behaves exactly as the strawman should, like McCain in believing what the insiders of the power elite are telling him. Romney was chosen to rule over a do nothing Congress in giving more time for Obama policy to cement for the profits it will generate. That is if somehow his handlers do not have him get knocked down in the election.

The reality is, Barack Obama is the choice for 2012 by the Eurasian for what they can gain from his flexibilty for the gulag control Obama will unleash in America for the cartel. Obama will develop infighting and his retribution on Americans and Jews will be profound. He has one focus in legacy and that is to disarm the Middle East of nuclear armed Jews and Persians. That is why Obama has been arming the Islamocommunists with atomic bombs, so that it will be a trade off with the Israeli state and Obama one ups Ronald Reagan.
This agenda then allows the USA to be dominated by the cartel powers and initiates in a new generation of even more deadly weapons to deal with the Asian hordes in a next designed war.

Mitt Romney though is a Strawman. He will not fight as Reagan would against Jimmy Carter to defeat him. His puppeteers have engineered this to be close to keep the status quo. Romney is a perfect patsy in this in being Mormon outsider and treacherous enough in decapitating the GOP that he has himself convinced he is the toughest guy in the room, when all he has been accomplishing is doing Jeb Bush's work for him for 2016.

Romney knows from Jeb Bush releasing his presidential run book with libertarians for a 2016 run, that Jeb Bush is counting on a loss which Romney will take a fall for. Romney was part of the effort to destroy the Tea Party instead of doing his best to harness that drive from 2010.
These people do face reality in comprehending the dangerous people they deal with, and that sometimes like Hillary Clinton, it is just best to take your punishment, your humiliation, your losses and live another day, than to end up with another fire in your wife's campaign plane in Nebraska as a smoke signal that no one is going to be riding in to your rescue.

Mitt Romney is not part of the family. He is a strawman for the family's in competition for who gets to rape the American Virgin for the next 4 years.

Romney is supposed to go down so Jeb Bush will have the open  slot by defacto in 2016 after Obama digs the abyss deeper. It will then return to the families of the Clintons and Bushs in their feudal feud of the Prescott Bush clan with the John Rockefeller clan, both bowing to the European order led by the front finance men of the Rothschilds.
That is why the families picked this Mormon and why the picked Obama to be blamed for his ruination of America.

Ron Paul was busy as flanker for years to dilute the vote on the right. That was his purpose in what he was paid to accomplish.

There are no contenders. There are just strawmen and the candidates they go down for. Mitt Romney knows his purpose in this race and that is why he behaves like a loser. You are either in things to win them or in things to lose them.

The only way Barack Obama wins any election is because his opponents were all designed to fall down before him.

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