Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Obama in Debate Admits Foreknowledge of Libyan Terror Event

Who gave Obama the questions in the Crowley campaign commercial for him?

The staged questioners of course who were seeded into the audience.

The reality is Barack Obama has a bobble head look which is annoying, from bug eyes, bouncing head and big ears, as he had that annoying cadence about him.

The problem is the staged event afterwards which Obama had the crowds standing about him for effect as this was scripted.

I did find it amusing the woman who stated she was undecided looked very Romney voting after the debate and the black man who was not impressed with Obama, looked off in the distance.

The reality is Candy Crowley and this mob majority was pro Obama from the cheering which was allowed to the Dom attempts by Crowley.

For the reality, Obama trying to look the thug, did not give the impression, as Obama retreated and that was telling as Romney ordered him around.

Obama was helped by Crowley on the terror issue of Benghazi in  Obama coordinated with CNN on the issue in he at the Rose Garden called it a terror issue while his team was blaming the Christian movie about Islam for it.
Problem is no one seems have asked, :"Why is it Mr. Obama knew these were terrorists and the UN Secretary and Hillary Clinton did not?"

Yes there is the rub in this like Mr. Obama knowing bin Laden's DNA was bin Laden's hours and days before it could have possibly been tested, now has the problem of how did he know these were terrorists unless he was in direct contact coordinating with them to take Chris Stevens hostage.

The debate was not that memorable, but that coordination with Crowley and CNN which  kept this  secret from the public and the Romney camp, to set up this "gotcha" has now captured Mr. B. Hussein Obama in, how did he know these were terrorists as Panetta, Clinton, Patraeus, Mueller and Rice said absolutely nothing about it, and were feeding a different talking point.

Yes Mr. Obama just admitted in this debate with CNN covering that he knew these were terrorists, and Joe Biden was not even in this loop.

Barack Obama admitted before the world information no one else had, that Libya was a terror operation, and the only way he could know this was from direct contact with the hostage takers who he employed and they informed him, new terrorists elements Mr. Obama did not employ had infiltrated the operation and murdered these 4 Americans.

Once again, another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive.

That is the story of the debate that it will require  time to filter through. You know it first here.

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PS: Just as a note in this, when this article was posted it took over 5 minutes to load the blog to check it was posted.
When I disconnected from the internet,  the Windows put up the connect window, but the monitors were still flashing I was hooked up.

As an interesting "proof" this is a screen grab of the Paypal log in page which is only in basic HTML, which I do get a great deal of when I have a great deal of company.

Someone was grabbing the live feed off the blog and reading it, as in multiple sources on this exclusive, and they were bumping into each other wondering what I was doing about the shop.

The story is not the spin in a rancorous debate, and the people who monitor the spiders with the plasma's knew immediately what this blog was posting was a NET QUAKE if the Romney camp, their backers and the internet group figure out what this blog uncovered
The story is not Romney being corrected on Obama terror speak, but how Obama knew they were all terrorists.

Barack Obama was caught with CNN in this question feed set up by that idiot Crowley chiming in on the defense, but the trap for Romney caught Obama in the "prior knowledge" in how he knew when only this blog was breaking the story from Source.

Obama in trying to save his teabagger ass just got caught like Jimmy Carter in 1980 blurting out about Stealth technology when Reagan rattled him. Obama was not rattled. This was planned, and B. Hussein and his dolts have no idea what they just admitted to in hostage taking confirmation.

The people who are the elite became very interested in what was posted here as they know it was Obama outing hisself in an even which got 4 Americans murdered and a clean up crew sanctioning the witnesses days later.

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Debate Nightmare

You know if Jim Lehrer would have pulled out a gun and shot Mitt Romney, the liberals would have just gushed about Lehrer the way they did about little state Martha Raditz or whatever that shrews name is, as Obama voters just loved Joe Biden's attempted homosexual rape of Paul Ryan.

See that is what you children missed in this. This was not Wall Street Journal drunken Joe at the end of the  bar bullying people or Andy Bean going on about Biden being brain exploded. What Joe Biden was reinacting was the old fag butt raper always after a new piece of ass.

'I'm not a fly on the wall'...

The real issue in this is, is this blog advocates a change in debates. Women who are ugly on the inside should not be allowed to moderate, as like in Martha Raditz's case everyone knew she was not going to get her cobweb covered snatch violated by Joe Biden but the reason Paul Ryan was drinking so much water was he was trying to deal with olde Joe rubbing on his leg under the table.

This Candy Crowley for example. As a shemale she is perfectly safe from Barack Obama as he has that at home. Mitt Romney of course might end up being torn in two by Candy and Barack as they fight over him.

Originally I had hoped this was Monica Crowley that blonde thing conservative's sister, but Candy is........well of a different branch of the missing link than Monica, even if Candy dyed her hair blonde.

I know that for debates America should just put this all on the venue of women who are attractive. I have nothing against geezers like Jim Lehrer as he is quite pretty, but should not we have on stage a woman who everyone would say, lesbian, sodomite, normal and bestial that they would tap that if she would assume the position?

I mean Candy Crowley would be fine at a Catholic boys school threatening those little perverts to fright they would never get an erection again. She would work at a girls college making certain the whores turned back into virgins, but at debates one needs some enticement as one's mind wanders to keep the audiences attentions.

Why is not Keiran Chetry asked to moderate or some other snatch showing talking head? Debates would rival football games then as everyone would be waiting to see when she shifted her legs and we could see who the real man was in the debate as they shifted their johnsons after getting a view of beaver country.

Perhaps if Candy Cutie was her name and not a sinister croaking bird, Candy might have turned out looking like someone showing their legs off on FOX news, but right now she is just scarier than Joe Biden and name change will not help.

So it would be a good thing to only have hot looking women as moderators as no one would care what they would say like Candy, but at least people would enjoy watching.

To help viewers this blog advocates printing up some photo of a Lame Cherry model and holding it over Monica to help their attention spans, and so they do not ghetto green vomit upchuck.

People should not be subjected to things like this and as voters have their votes flipped by Scytl, should not we have our moderators flipped for a more numbing effect on the psyche. Everyone can not be gay. There have to be a few breeders who are into sex for normal reasons and not to be gay parades.

No viewer should have to be distracted in wondering about too many X and Y genes and have nightmares wondering what got up her privates. Debates should not be fag in Obama being fag or Biden being dirty old fag, with geezer Lehrer shocked by the fag and Martha wondering why all the men in her life turned fag.

I say from now on that we only have moderators who gay people would turn straight for. It would make everyone happy and Candy Crowley could.........well be employed as the Russian communist bikini woman spokesmodel. Russians like this look in a woman. I do not know why but Candy would be a treat in Russia. We all win and will feel better about American election theft.

Thank you and have a nice time.


America the Beautiful


America is a nation where thereare the Obama haves and the majorty of the have nots.

In a sea of all this ugliness sometimes a refreshing course of beauty is necessary to delve into.

Perhaps the people in business, the retirees, the investors the workers who are slowing having all the things of this world siphoned off from them are really in preparation for Christ's Kingdom and God's Heaven.

It bothers me immensely in touching the land of America. As I have walked the rock strewn ground my grandparents hometeaded on and know the effort with shovel and horses it took to clear that land, to pour concrete for foundations and now it is all gone.

There is not a road I travel on that I do not think of the horses with fresnos who laid those beds so people had gravel roads to travel on easier.

Bridges..........hospitals.........schools........Churches.........homes, all from hand labor, square nails, real boards two inches by four inches.......that is what took generations for America to build and it is now gone.

I ponder about my mistakes in life in doing the right thing in trusting in God's Provision, working myself to sicknes in that service of others, beign lied to, robbed, soul raped, plagiarized and sold as a slave as the elitists all think they have affinity with the poor who are nothing more than ad revenue for their massive whore paychecks.

That is why some beauty in what is America in artists who create something unknown and allow others to share in their delights.

I watched America disappear before my eyes
I watched the blues for rain tear skies
There was no rainbow in hopes to send
There was just mysts in this end

I was there when this land breathed
From natal blood in birthers womb
No I stand next to her grave
The silent cry beside the tomb.

There was a time when it was said, "We either all hang together or they will hang us separate".

Something new has arrived now in we will all hang together in hanging together or separate.



The Fuck Stops Here

Fraud is an illegitimate thing.

When one has nothing but frauds, one has nothing but bastardized truth which is deception which is lies, which is the spawn of satan, for that is the father of lies.

When the establishment conservatives suddenly seize upon the exclusives of this blog and still remain too pansy to actuall say the words in ANALGATE over Chris Stevens and others murder, it is no different than Mark Levin taking years to utter the world MARXIST concerning B. Hussein or taking 6 weeks to come to the conclusion in his cowardice that the Gulf Gusher was deliberate sabotage by the regime to shut down American oil production.

This blog has led the way in ALL OF THIS. It has been banned from posting comment on World Tribune after Robert Morton requested me to write an editorial.

None of this is any different that Daniel Pipes coming to the "conclusion" on subjects after I posted on this site the same thing weeks prior. I have been banned from Huffington Post, Front Page and yes that Tony Wiener, Noel the Coward Shepherd thought he too could come in and bash around a woman who called him out on saying Sarah Palin liked political rape, with his chumster Camille Paglia.

It is all the same my children from Rush Limbaugh plagiarising this blog, to the use of this blog by World Net Daily. The machinations of this established machine goes from top to bottom in these homosexual honeys have me doing the heavy work and then they like their brat commenters rip this blog ON THE FIELD I CLEARED in removing racism, homophobia and the untouchable Obama, so they are not having federal police banging on their doors to shut them up, the way Lawrence Sinclair experienced in 2008.
I promised I would never forget that American and I never will stop making note of what Obama, Greta and the rest did to him in making him a political prisoner in America like Lt. Col. Terry Lakin.

You have this field, because this blog did the dirty work. Because this blog took the mines out in stating the rude and profane things in driving back these thugs and exposing their crimes. By God's Grace this was accomplished, and it included stomping Rush Limbaugh into losing radio stations and exposing his lies about biofuels which if America did not have alchohol fuels as George W. Bush created, you would be burning 7 dollar a gallon gas right now, funding trillions more in 9 11 events.

Where this foundation or prelude is going is important as Ambassador Chris Stevens and his gay entourage were murdered in mass with anal rape. These frauds like Mike Gallagher the happy consevative, can whisper about it being bigger than Watergate in the murders, but they can not as cowards say the word ANALGATE as broken by this blog.

Gallagher will champion that liberal fraud Obama voter from FOX in Chris Wallace in taking on Adolf Axelrod spinning Romney was using ANALGATE as a political event, but the problem is when Axelrod was spewing about "let the investigation take it's course" all Wallace could do was shout..............

Hey Chris Wallace you Obama voter, how about calmly just stating the fact in, "Mr. Axelrod what investigation, in you took 2 weeks to get the FBI into Libya and only as far as Tripoli. There is no investigation, but a cover up of your regime's crimes which FOX has been a part of in your blackmailing Rupert Murdoch and taking away his media empire!"

That is the fact my children and it was broken here as thee only new stories which have been broken for the past 4 years have been broken here from Stuxnetgate to now Analgate.

If you want the connect the dots it is simple. Stevens wanted security. He applied to Hillary Clinton, who denied it, so that a hostage even would take place that she had intelligence puff lip rumors on to tie this directly to Barack Hussein Jimmy Carter as in 1980 to bring down Obama, as the Clinton's are in bed with Mitt Romney for his win, so Hillary can win in 2016 as she does not want to face Jeb "clinton skeleton's in the closet" Bush.
Hillary knew what was up, and helped set up the hostage taking. Of course as was reported here, Obama thought it was going to be hostages taken, and then rescued before the first debate for his to seal the election theft.

Problem was the Obama al Qaeda is a bastard lot like him, and they sold out. You can not keep secrets in the Middle East as Ronald Reagan found out in Iran Contra. Every damn one of those merchants is a gossip and sells out their own sex partner camel for a bowl of couscous.

This is Russian Roulette in a Mexican stand off and I informed all of you about this, as they are all dirty and all shooting at each other, and Chris Stevens gets anal raped and mass murdered, and Hillary was plotting something and got screwd on it, Obama was plotting something and got screwed on it and then there is Romney in the Casey Associates who got wind of this nightmare and "for the cause" were doing a non hostage rescue but release as in 1980 like Iran to benefit Romney as it helped bring down Obama.
All blew up because it was Muslim murderers involved, and the Casey Associates went in and shot the entire lot with a mixed bag of civilian and military enforcers.

This is what ANALGATE is. Muslim Obama playing with his terrorists for an election theft. Hillary angling for 2016. The Cowboys getting into the mix as everyone knew Obama was behind this hostage taking, and the Marxist mullahs raping a sodomite Ambassador who had no business ever being stationed in a Muslim nation, no more than his gay parade being put into this situation where a mass murder took place.

It is pathetic in Chris Steven's father being quoted by Adolf Axelrod in his not liking his son being politicized. Perhaps the reality is a father should be marching like Cindy Sheehan not in BUSH LIED PEOPLE DIED, but in THE F*CK STOPS HERE at the gates of the Obama occupation of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Until these pansy fraud  conservatives get off their asses and just follow this blog in stating what this story is in ANALGATE to bestow on it the bestial nature of this heinous crime, they are as has been since Day One, nothing but enablers of this criminal Obama regime, now being blackmailed by most the countries in the Middle East costing you billions of dollars over this ANALGATE.

Oh yes, Sean Hannity, Mr. Abyss, that defination came from this blog too, but you rich bastards of Mockingbird  can not quote what goes on here or else everyone is going to know what frauds you are from top to bottom on the right and the left.

This is no Harry Truman fraud in his giving away central Europe, the atomic bomb and China in claiming THE BUCK STOPS HERE. No this is the Obama equal in giving away central Europe, giving Iran the atomic bomb and Asia to China in electioneering THE FUCK STOPS HERE, as this all comes from the Barack Hussein Obama desk, and every Mike Gallagher conservative is there holding down the American Virgin to be  raped as the Adolf Axelrods provide the whips and chains and broom handles.

Come on Chris Wallace, Mike Gallagher, big mouth Mark Levin, how about doing your satan cursed jobs you Faustian Freeloaders in someone asking the obvious in the pattern..........

Gee John Roberts looks like he was blackmailed for Obamacare.

Gee FBI Director Mueller has been absent for 4 years of Obama crimes and his FBI was kept out of Libya so the crime scene could be wiped clean, but CNN could get into the anal diaries with Teabagger Anderson Cooper.

Amazing how those facts are never brought up except here.

.........or is it, there is so much blackmail dirt that all these Obama enablers just never find the stories, until months after they are broken here first.

That is the Barack Hussein Obama legacy. The Fuck Starts Here. The Fuck Stops Here and his rapist mob on the Chris Matthews left and Rush Limbaugh right are gagging the Virgin so the electorate will not call the FBI on these crimes.

For all of the frauds who do not like the f word or profanity, and have used it more than this blog ever has, just remember your profane natures hiding in Christianity, sodomy or liberalism, and how not defining Barack Obama in ANALGATE is only getting more people murdered daily around this globe.

The f*cking all starts and stops with each of you as you protect your piles of money in your fraud jobs parroting your puppet masters stories, all so you can go home at night and lie about how much better you are than the rest of the mob.

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Danger is my pronoun Name

Ok kiddie bumps, I know you are just like me in you have had it in the American gulag in all those blacks and whites getting their own Mexican slaves and you and I only getting to be slaves.

Therefore I have a new policy for Mano Romney if he steals this back from Barry Chin.

Why should all of the rich white and black folks have these Mexican slaves? They get them for their votes and for their social security wages they will never collect......and you know them white Spaniards in Mexico installed by Scytl that they got their gold mine in these workers too.
Every person in the planet it seems is making out like Obama's Birther Luo slave traders from Kenya and the rest of us are getting just the bean fart.

I move that America open season on Mexicans on this side of the border. It is simple in every American if they can catch a Mexican, that Mexican is their's for liek 7 years. Sort of indentured servants.

Now I know there have to be rules in this. I say if someone gets like 10 Mexicans he can keep them, but can sell them to other people who are lazy.
You treat the Mexicans like a good pet.........no sex, good feed and water and a nice mat to lay on.

If Mexicans run away to Mexico, they can stay there, but if they hang around they can be shot for being illegals and escapees at large.

Now for the real deal in this.........

Asians are the only ones, besides those who catch a beaner who can have more than 1 Mexican. See Asians work so hard, that it will take 4 beaners to keep up with one Mongoloid. Plus we do not want these beaners getting so Asian industrialist that they work themselves to death or put themselves out of jobs, as 1 beaner doing the work of an Asian is ........well we would not need 3/4's of the Mexicans.

Blacks can't have a beaner, but they can borrow one as we do not want Mexicans turning into Obama pretending he is a black man.

Whites can have 1 beaner on  1 to 1 ration, providing they did not vote for Obama, as we do not want   Mexicans who are insane and collect welfare.

Say like Michelle Malkin has 4 beaners under her porch. Jesse Jackson jr. can phone her up and borrow one to mow his lawn or like wash his car......if he feeds them and lets them rinse off with the hose before the beaner is brought back.

Now that should please all the American slaves, as nothing perks up a gulag slave than like having a slave of their own. Is why Obama loves making slaves by the billions.......makes him feel good.

To make things good, really good though, I say we invade north Mexico as I advocated and take it over..........no Mormons though as Romney's wife snatchers only went south for pussy and when the banditos showed up they all ran back to Texas for welfare.
So I say let's arm some million Americans and give them the title of Don El Amerixo and give them land, and then all these trained beaners by Michelle Malkin can be shipped back in 7 years in learning things and not being beaners any more.

We arm them with guns and hoes, and make them like the quasi territories of America, and cut them loose to make Mexico land of the former peon and home of the former beaner.

It is just a win win........all those American after Obama need a 7 year rest, and what better way than to liberate Romney and Obama's Mexican slaves, and make them democratic slaves in the poor folks will have their own slaves too. They can rest and the Mexicans can learn to work like Asians and white people, and blacks too who feel inclined to wash the lawn or mow the car once a week.
This really will help Mexicans as this Mormon Obama slave trade has only taught cowardice and slovenness. You never hear a Mexican say, "I want to grow up to be a black Mormon"......and children, you know there is a reason why for that.

This Mexican situation is now solved, and Jeb Bush can now go back to plotting to be president in 2016 if that fat goblets on his face are not covering his eyes, as that boy is quite porker........looks like Pepe when he got into the sow feed and she went all starvation razor back as the beaner at all the hog chow.

Remember you heard it here first and this blog is always the last word on any subject.
