Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Obama's Sinking Ship

My children, this is real raw data in mailings from the Obama Biden campaign, and as this blog exclusively noted in their giving away merchandise early this week, there are now these two letters from Obama's main operatives.

The first is from Ann Habershaw begging for 5 dollar donations, because Mitt Romney has 45 million more in the bank, which is Obama running in the red ink, but notice in this the cryptic phrase of waking up on November 7th with no regrets.

The internal polling for Obama is even more horrendous than is being made public.


Listen -- we're not there yet, and I'm not one to sugarcoat things.

Mitt Romney and the Republicans entered the last leg of this campaign with $45 million more in the bank than us. That's a problem, no matter where the polls stand.

It is simply not an option in my mind to come this far just to have the other side buy this election at the very last minute. We have the momentum in this race, but it's going to take every single one of us -- and that means you, my friend -- stepping up and taking ownership of this campaign.

Chip in $5 or more before our final budget deadline at the end of the week (yep, you heard right) to make sure we can give our amazing organizers and volunteers what they need for these last, and most important, seven days:

Here's to waking up on November 7th with no regrets.

Ann Marie

Ann Marie Habershaw
Chief Operating Officer
Obama for America

P.S. -- Two supporters and their guests will be flown out to Chicago next week to meet President Obama and watch his Election Night speech from the front row.

Second there is this loser email from Minnesota, in that Obama felon who was impersonating me in signing up for these mailings by Mitch Stewart. The key doomsday phrase in this one is "If everybody shows up to help get out the vote, I know we'll win this."

This is an absolute disaster for Obama in the things coming out of his own campaign telling the world they have lost.
For real data, Obama is stuck at 47% in the polling. He can not break that number. The tracking polls nationwide all show that democrats are getting out the early voting by a two to one margin, BUT ROMNEY IS LEADING IN THE VOTE COUNT BY DOUBLE DIGITS.

That means democrats are voting for Romney and not Obama.

To further this, the GOP efforts are focusing on election day voters in that vote, meaning the GOP numbers should hold.

Obama stole 2008 and could do it again, but the literal polling data is all showing a reality that even with this 49 49 tie the press is chanting about, in those skewed polling numbers, which always sample ten percent more liberals, Romney is beating Obama.

 Friend --

It's crunch time. We're planning ahead for Election Day, and we need to know how many people from Duluth will be able to make it out to volunteer.

So I've got a quick question for you:

Will you be coming?

We'll be making calls and having conversations with voters to get them out to the polls. If everybody shows up to help get out the vote, I know we'll win this.

That's why it's urgent that we have as many volunteers out there as possible, and fill every shift. So we need to know if you're in.

Commit now, and let us know you'll be a part of this:



Mitch Stewart
Battleground States Director
Obama for America

What is strange about this Duluth email is Duluth is old democratic Iron Range country, and Minnesota supposedly has that horse face Senator chic who was led about by Obama as his nag in 2009, in a 20 point lead. Obama is supposed to be ahead in Minnesota, and yet they are worried about not garnering Minnesota.

Obama's ship is sinking and this hurricane swamped him. He has no momentum except going down. That is what his campaigns are telegraphing in they apparently are preparing already for Hillary 2016 with Bill hitting the trail for her now under the guise for Obama.

agtG 218

The Laura Ingraham Syndrome

I was just listening to Laura Ingraham and as is typical of hot blondes who think they got where they are in life, they offer advice about career choices like to dipshits who want to be bakers because they love it and then find out it is hard ass work and hate it.

To assist dear Laura, the following is what all of you know already about life and work.

First Laura Ingraham got to where she is in life by being a Nordic blonde who Richard Nixon lusted after first and her brain came along for the paycheck, and is how she got to be a spokesbabe on the McNeil Lehrer News Hour, unlike 100 million other qualified women who were not attractive.
Oprah got her job as groups of women were not threatened by a fat ass ugly black bitch lezbo who was not going to be any competition for the manfriends and husbands.

Ingraham is where she is now, because she has control issues and after auditioning that limp dick Dinesh D'Souza for the Obama role of green card boy husband, she chose instead to adopt kids and forgo the man thing as men scare her who won't put up with her bitchy moods.

Everyone here reading this knows what work is, work is a place where employers never hire people who can work, but instead worthless shit to validate corporate id's.

You know what is employed are ass kissers to make the boss feel good and laugh at their stupid jokes. Then there are the fat, bald lazy dolts who are not going to look too good to make the boss look stupid, and then there is always the eye candy and toy candy, both male and female, for the lezbos and lounge lizards to masturbate over.....and then the thin veneer of Asians and Whites from the Midwest who work their asses off, so the rest of these lazy bastards and bitches can look good and get a paycheck.

Laura Ingraham has of course this same structure about her in subordinate males she is "married" to and can boss around to validate her, like that simp producer who lies about bio fuels as he gets his talking points from Rush Limbaugh.
Hell Limbaugh marries his bottle blonde daughters, because he is afraid of women and they grow up and get tired of his acting like a 10 year old boy on pecker dope.

Is just what this is and always has been.

According to Ingraham, if you speak Obamese and go be an engineer as China will be something for that job interaction, you will of course then have a great job.

Yeah right, and you know how that goes as there are five jobs at engineer firm, and two go to Bearick and Muchelle who can't add up the fingers on both hands, one goes to some hot ass in a short skirt as she promises to suck the boss, one goes to some snail who is working on the Hoover Dam prints yet, and one goes to an Asian who is doing all the work as the boss smiles about all the money he is being paid.

You on the other hand, have just spent a hundred grand on education and learned Obamese, and are waiting around for interviews that will never come as it is an insiders game.

Look at this blog in being the best and having the most breaking stories. It has no big money donors like Foster Friess who buys whores like Romney for a million bucks and never is heard a Ben Afleck word as that trash does not want their sins exposed for complete assholes they are.

People with talent never are given a thing in this life. This blog still gets told it should learn to speak English, and yet it is successful due to the fact that people who are intelligent, who do not hide behind college degrees actually comprehend the language spoken here and are not so anal retentive they fear to actually think.

Laura Ingraham has the best talk head show around. She whines far too much and she has started to think she actually got what she has on merit. Laura Ingraham got where she is by people wanting to f*ck her and the closest they could do that was listening to her.
Rush Limbaugh got where he was by following a scripted message that stole from numerous people like this blog as he tried to prop himself up in gay shit for showing his beaver to the camera like being a whore for 24.

Limbaugh just rode Morton Downey......that was his name I think, not the former Iron Man doper, but that Clark Kent guy with the teeth from the Andrew Dice Clay stage personas, and Mockingbird paid him a fat guy salary because he could parrot his parents Conservative ideals.

You can either build something you want to do or you can start working the system of "who you know" to get a job, and then do the work, and go home not so exhausted and do the things you enjoy like baking or pretending you are me.

There is not one of the famous people you see before you, who does not have a thousand better people who could do that job. I would quantify that with me, as I know of no other, but if God put His Spirit into someone, hammered the hell out of them to the point of suicide, humiliated them, mixed in various parts of the Virgin Mary and Ezekiel, then they could do this too here. All Prophets though are different and why they read different from Isaiah prose to Daniel humility.

All of these rich people do bother me, because since the Dotcom bust, Americans have had a hell of a time and been going down hill ever since trying to hang on. Laura Ingraham talks about "going to school" like that just happens without selling your soul in loans. She talks like doing things the way she says will open the doors to prosperity, when she has never been a big assed, cross eyed, ugly, chicken shit brown haired woman with the same qualifications Richard Nixon showed the door to.

How many women did Richard Nixon interview for the job Laura Ingraham was given for her looks? Richard Nixon was savvy in he knew he wanted Nordic boner appeal to help resurrect his public persona from Watergate.
See it all just works out and in deluded Laura Ingraham's mind, she actually thinks she was hired and had doors opened for her, because she actually passed classes.....of course she worked so much harder in university too in why she was so successful and it was not her looks which influenced the professors......just like she gets Obama book deals, because both of them are such intellectual titans.

I'm not saying Laura Ingraham is not a nice person. I'm dealing the reality though that Laura Ingraham like most people success was awarded to, that they got there not on merit, but on exterior reasons they will not discuss because even Donald Trump does not want to be known he traded on being a good looking young guy in New York who had the bass tacks New York wanted, along with all the bribes he shelled out for his projects.

Laura Ingraham was hired and people wanted to have her around Conservativedom, because more people thought she was pretty than ugly. People listen to her, not for her whining voice, but because she espouses things they already are thinking, and they put up with her deceptions in how to get a job, because her being a blonde idiot is not so bad when weighed against her sex appeal.

Oh and by the way, Laura Ingraham never donated to this blog either. I doubt after this bubble burster she will either......but then hey, I'm sure she was going to invite all of us over for turkey on Thanksgiving as she is just that kind of girl and is why Richard Nixon hired her in the first place.

I wonder what she wore to that interview as she blinked those big blue eyes all pouty, looking vulnerable under those bangs framing it all.......

6 figures Laura.

agtG 263

This is what Lame Cherry winning looks like

My children, do not Thomas Dewey your way to being complacent, but this is what Lame Cherry winning looks like in a long 4 years of Obama jihadist terrorism against America waving bye bye to Obama.

You know the Obama voters are furious when one is hearing about cock punching by them.

Personally punching one in the penis, does not accomplish a great deal. Certainly not as much as a testees shot, but them perhaps the balless liberals have their Obama nutsacks so far up the gullet that none of them have ever taken a shot to the gonads.

Michael Moore/MoveOn.org: We will burn this motherf*cker down and c*ck-punch Romney... 
Storm Upends Campaign Plans... 


Personally in operations, I do enjoy this part of this most in the cleaning up of the board. There is great satisfaction in this human chess to see the powerful moving by direction and implementing the plans as Mr. Obama is now a prisoner in his "president of some nation".

If this goes according to operations, Mr. Obama is going to rue the day he ever took the bait in bastardizing the US Presidency and raping the American Virgin. He will long to be dictator of dung heap Kenya, if this unfolds as it can.

Do  not get caught up in storms nor in looking to a week away in elections. Savor this, as you have worked for this as this is what the real powers have engineered.
They desire you to be aware of their work. They desire for you to appreciate their efforts in engineering all of this. They desire for an audience to join in this feast to acknowledge the intricacies in all of this.

They have gone out on a limb. Put themselves in jeopardy and  still are. If this buggers up yet, they are going to have to pay for their sins in not following Obama. There is real danger in this yet, and that is what makes this so enjoyable as things are not certain really and one must cherish every slow turn of this spit to remember the 2008 election theft, the tyrant Obama with boots on the throat, global fraud, murder and lies, and now it comes down to the despot Obama locked in his thorn boma of roses trapped by another storm demon, as the gods of the storms really hate this guy for upsetting the dominion and principalities.

This is the start of the Obama erosion. Every day that the "associates" will pin down Mr. Obama under house arrest, means one more day in one more percentage point for Mormon Romney and the GOP.

This is the time of body shots to just toll away on the opponent and make them go down on their own, to punish them for the crimes of two centuries.

You remember Cindy Sheehan dragged around in her mental condition to beat George W. Bush over the head. You remember all the lies about Iraq WMD's not existing when they were removed  and W. having to take the punishment for taking Saddam's bribes from the elites. You remember Michael Moore housing senile Charleton Heston. You remember all that savagery and barbary of all that Obama represents in babies pulled live from the womb and murdered to Fort Hood with no justice. You remember it all, and then know that Michael Moore, Chris Matthews, David Letterman, that entire cocktail crowd have been made fools like all the blacks and hispanics, all the hot pussy white hags who voted for Obama.
You remember the lies they have to tell themselves now, as they slowly twist in the winds of Obama and are furious cock punchers now in they know they lost and that the entire world knows what damn cursed fools they are.

Enjoy this in those who were from the start of this fraud in standing with Lawrence Sinclair who is the one who started all of this and suffered more than most. The Americans who stood against Obama have lost their health, their homes, their families, their jobs and their savings exactly like the Founders.

This Obama ilk knows they have lost. Now is the time to rub it in. Worry them. Make them sit in their puke and vomit of booze, pizza and dope overdosing, so they do not show up on election day in saying "F*ck you Obama" in blaming their wet dream for all of their faustian flourish.

I will not vote for Mitt Romney even if this blog has handed him a victory he only has to show up for now.

Barack Obama is incarcerated at 1600 Penn Gitmo, a prisoner of the Rose Garden, and an entire hurricane epitaph to his abyss. He has idiots for followers in the abyss. His elite loathe him for the bastard he is. John Boehner is scowling in having to deal with Americans again in their demands will arise for rolling back Obama.

The Obama ilk will hate Mitt Romney as they hated George Bush, because they can not hate the reality of themselves.

Lame Cherry

You Obama voters are losers. You are the refuse of the animal kingdom. You are fools made madcap by Obama without the hatter's excuse.

You can spy on me and log me out of my site in criminal stalking, but it does not change who you are and what you are.

You are evil Obama voters and you have harmed the good in God's World.

 The reality is.............the Obama voters should be donating to their Father Confessor Lame Cherry in the Mother Superior with all they have, as piles of cash is not going to do them any good in hell.........and that hurricane is just the start of the Obama wash of what is coming due them from the matrix.

What comes around goes around.

Who do you think is going to intercede better for you sinners........your anti messiah Obama or Lame Cherry?

My children, you have my blessing. Enjoy what is beginning in the removal of Mr. Obama.

The rest of you brats God saw. Deuteronomy 28. tick tock tick tock.

agtG 274

Et vidi et ecce equus pallidus et qui sedebat desuper nomen illi Mors, et Infernus sequebatur eum.

Revelationem; sex octo


In a continued exclusives of Lame Cherry matter anti matter......

As was first reported here, B. Hussein Obama fled Florida from attending campaign events due to the reality credible threat sources emerged in the exact details as was revealed here when he was on his "Minnesota Junket" a year ago.
When Mr. Obama then spent an entire night on Air Force one it had to do with the facts that he has had on his ledger "Obama scuff events" in a graduated scale since autumn 2008 when BATF arrested those two dope heads and had them confessing Obama was a Martian, all to intimidate and suppress the white vote.

The Minnesota events of last year were designed to take this ledger event from Mr. Obama, and the exclusive of the diversion of Marine One was to reinforce the message from these sources that Mr. Obama would not be allowed to conduct there operations as a matter of 2012 election theft.

When Mr. Obama was attempting the Benghazi hostage situation to seal his victory before Debate Night 1, followed up with fraud jobs reporting numbers which involved on major population state did not even report job claims, which is what gave the great job numbers of  8.7%, there was on the Obama ledger, the fag file as exclusively broken here, the reality of game  changer scuff event when the intimidation of white Christian voters failed in the Benghazi murders.

We now know as with other revelations first proven here, that there were videos of Benghazi, that Mr. Obama watched it live in the middle of the night. He did nothing to rescue the Americans there. This terror attack lasted almost 8 hours and in response, Mr. Obama jetted off to a Nevada campaign rally, and was telling jokes.

In knowing that nothing has stopped Mr. Obama from vacationing in Condom  Bombers, Ford Hood Masssacres, states flooded out, do not be led into the falacy that Mr. Obama cut off a Florida and Wisconsin election rally, and sent in Bill Clinton and Joe Biden, to fill in.

Bill Clinton loves this that Obama has been penned in by the credible threats in being a hostage of the Rose Garden, as Bill Clinton was aware of the Marine One diversion, and do not forget that Bill Clinton was behind that Bart Sestak election fraud which tagged to Mr. Obama via Rahm Emanuel in the Pennsylvania elections as was exclusively reported here.

In that proof of understanding in patterns, the following is what was initiated.

Certain elements who have been upset over the events of the mass murder of Team Six have been making waves for the past months. The events of Benghazi in Obama's failed hostage taking and anal rape of Chris Stevens which caused the murder of American assets in Libya, is what set this situation in motion for the Florida flight.
The hurricane was perfect cover for this, as this blog wills to make clear, the group behind this credible threat, have no intention of a Grassy Knoll event. Their purpose is to disrupt Obama's election theft at this key juncture by their own operational blackmail in enjoying the situation of making him be Jimmy Carter of the Rose Garden prison of 1980.
These days are crucial for Obama election theft, and this group has literally shaved off several days now which are the precise time that voters cement their vote.

There are 3 packages involved in this which makes this all click.

The first package points to the real Sheik bin Laden corpse murder which Andrew Breitbart was assassinated over.

Package two deals with the mass murder of Team Six with seeing is believing digital in who fed the Ca'an terrorists the operational information which blew their helo out of the sky.

Package three contains the Benghazi revelations of ANALGATE in this was a Barack Obama initiated campaign event for a hostage rescue.

These packages are designed to be released on scene of an Barry Chin scuff event with full internet release for the world to see. Putting a KATE as a signature would gain the public's attention in missing Barry Chin, while the real political assassination was the information packages at the scene bleeding out over days.

Mr. Obama left US assets for hours, begging for help, and did nothing as he tried to cover up his crimes of this hostage campaign event. The group behind this, fully want Mr. Obama to twist slowly for days in watching the events unfold as things are taken from him, while he is in his Gitmo Rose Garden........some have said in jest this is Operation Gitmo Obama.

The deft of this was the "press conference" on Tuesday, October 29, when Bill Plant, the old sod from CBS decided to be given one hanger pitch to Obama, so Obama could explain the reason he fled Florida and was hiding in the White House was because he cared about people getting food and help.
Once again, this is the person who has had no time for any Americans in any disasters and has gone out of his way to make things worse in traffic jams in blizzards, just so Barry could get a piece of cherry pie.

Barack Hussein Obama has had an October Surprise reverse engineered upon him. It is stealth and perfectly subtle and nothing like Lawrence Walsh indicting Bush41 cabinet members to install Bill Clinton, nor B. Hussein's super depression meltdown in 2008 for his foreign agent installation.

Do not miss the satire, amusement and cat playing with the mouse in this though, in this credible threat surfaced on October 29th, the anniversary of the planned Stock Market crash by the same financiers who installed Barack Obama. It was 83 years later, but the Wall Street Insiders who had a diversionary hand in this, did their own "special date' as Sheik bin Laden and B. Hussein Obama chose September 11th for their operations.
That date alone points to this being not a reactionary model, but this was projected out several weeks ago to send a direct message to Barack Obama.

Bill Clinton rubbing this in with glee in having to hold up "that bright boy's behind" with white man Joe Biden, is not lost in any of this, as Mr. Obama was forced to be Jimmy Carter at this critical juncture. Obama can not make up this time as voters decisions are made.
Bill Clinton reminds them of what a real black President was in success and Joe Biden reminds them of all the thug Obama could never measure up to, without looking like a bully.

This is one of thee best intelligence operations ever devised on American soil. It is better than the Obama "enemies of the state" gambits in his attempt to destroy John Edwards by Axelrod leaks in torturing cancer stricken Elizabeth Edwards and using that baby in the mix, as Obama released Holder and Justice to wipe out Edwards from a 2012 challenge.

This was a whisper, a promise of a KATE signature, which if Mr. Obama did not fly back to his Rose Garden prison, he would have a trail led back to a book depository with a video library of three packages explaining directly the crimes involved in Sheik bin Laden's corpse murder attached to Andrew Breitbart, the mass murder of  SEAL Team Six and the Benghazi hostage fiasco which became ANALGATE.

That is the way real intelligence operations are run. Just a whisper and the puppet dances marionette all on their own, accomplishing self suicide as was the intent of the operation.
This group is tracking Mr. Obama in operations in swing states. It is why he waved off Wisconsin, as "they" are ready with their flash drive packages to be found.

It is most interesting all of these visitors to my brier patch. I do like the company as one bumps into so many intelligent types who like to sing.

Oh let's sing a song......

Bob Seger & the Silver Bullet Band - Turn the Page

www.youtube.com/watch?v=osR1vxhuahoJul 22, 2011 - 5 min - ozzy9656
Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet Band Turn The Page 1978 Stranger In Town Lyrics : On a long and lonesome ...

Or just pretend we did.

agtG 251Y

decapitating a king

The suicide and murder of King Saul is a most interesting vanishing point in a people chosen leader of Israel subverting the Will of God.

Saul was a weak person for being the tallest, most popular of men. He descended into pettiness, thinking himself greater than God and in the last days was inquiring of witches as God had chosen His leader.

In that, the last hours of King Saul or descriptions of him are telling.

It begins on Mount Gilboa with his sons in battle against the Philistines. The record states that the archers wounded him.
Saul was known to have armour, but  in a later period Ahab had an archer wound him at the joints of the armour, and it would seem that the Philistine archers must have been amassed and it they numbered 1000, they could effectively if having 100 arrows per quiver deliver literally four thousand eight hundred arrows per minute. It literally could rain arrows as an archer could shoot four arrows every five seconds.
Accuracy would not matter in this flock shooting as massed troops receiving massed volleys of metal tipped arrows would provide the desired effect.

In this, even with armour, the "chance" would be that arms, legs, feet and neck could be effectively pierced. Even if the archers were not massed, the reality is enough damage could be inflicted on a human body to "worry" a body.

Arrows with metal tips could indeed puncture armour if it was brass and later the English long bow worked on armour in piercing it at considerable distances. The point in reality is Saul could have been wounded to the extent he would order his armour bearer to kill him, so that he would not be captured.
Saul might have not been capable of walking. He was though afraid of falling wounded into the hands of the Philistines and being like Khadaffi in roughed up before murdered or his wounds ending his life.

It was at this point his story states his armour bearer would not kill him, so Saul fell on this own sword, at which point the armour bearer committed suicide too.

A further account in Samuel progresses with a foreigner finding Saul, and Saul stating that he was "dizzy" and that the foreigner should kill Saul, to which he did.
The foreigner was probably looting the bodies and in taking from Saul his crown and things, in presenting them to David, Saul's rival, he thought he would be rewarded.
David had the assassin killed.

At this point, the Philistines arrive on the scene and decapitate Saul's corpse, parade his head around and hang his body, with his son's on the wall of their city.

The men of Israel then go and retrieve the bodies, cremate them and then  bury the bones.

In all of this, King Saul, appears to have been wounded sufficiently to not flee. He must have suffered some would where he presumed he would die in a liver piercing or an arrow might have come from an above trajectory as arrows for distance were fired as such and might have pierced in he upper torso into a high lung. That would indeed cause incapciation in coughing up blood.

Saul falling on his sword must have pierced himself in the upper abdomen and not in the rib area. Correct dispatching would be to center the sword on the left or right side by the heart, next to the sternum, planting the sword but in the soil and thrusting the torso forward.
This should open major veins or arteries in which one drowns in their own blood or dies from loss of blood in internal bleeding within minutes.

The Romans executed Marc Antony down through his armour by the neck into this region.

Saul though apparently was not having any of this go his way, and the foreigner did inflict the final wound would was probably a chest thrust, as the Philistines came later and cut Saul's head off.

In that it is interesting in, Saul was dead and the Philistines discovered this event in picking over the battlefield. They had no idea what had taken place. That too hints that this was some type of archer attack on the battlefield which slaughter the Saulite royal household.

A ruler chosen by a nation and rejecting God. It all started out so exuberant, as no one was like Saul and in the end, Saul was desperately attempting suicide and could not accomplish the simple task when all hope was gone.
