Sunday, December 23, 2012

Why Food Kills

I believe I understand now why genetically engineered foods poison and kill human and animal bodies, because the genetic DNA is altered in such a way which changes the Amino Acids of the host food.

Simply put, the greatest concentrations of two key elements in genetic or frankenfoods are the fats (oils) and the starches (sugars and syrups) and they hold the greatest amino acid structures which the bodies readily absorb as ready energy to convert to life.

How the poisoning occurs is connected to the Amino Acid base structure of Amine and Carboxyl groups. Amine groups contain nitrogen which are connected to ORGANIC SUBSTIUENTS such as alkyl and the Carboxyl group builds upon hydrogen to from the acids the body is made of.

These 2 groups are they syrup which is the building block of the human and animal form. In understanding this, take an Amine which the body says "ENERGY FOOD" but instead of natural organic compounds there is a genetic engineered organic compound attached to it. The body absorbs it due to the signature it is natural life building energy, but once the "food" is attached and embedded in the cells it's coding sends out an alert to the body "it is a foreign organism" and the body reacts by inflammation and swelling to try and contain the intruder.
It progresses to sores, aching joints, further inflammation of arthritis, auto immune diseases as this embedded "poison" is coded into the body and the body begins attacking itself.

To further show the cancer of this the Akyl's as a group are free radicals which naturally search out in the body on the atomic level as it's main programming is to pair with something else to loose it's free electron.

I believe I understand now why genetically engineered foods poison and kill human and animal bodies and it is because the genetic DNA is altered in such a way which changes the Amino Acids of the host food.

Simply put, the greatest concentrations of two key elements in genetic or frankenfoods are the fats (oils) and the starches (sugars and syrups) and they hold the greatest amino acid structures which the bodies readily absorb as ready energy to convert to life.

How the poisoning occurs is connected to the Amino Acid base structure of Amine and Carboxyl groups. Amine groups contain nitrogen which are connected to ORGANIC SUBSTIUENTS such as alkyl and the Carboxyl group builds upon hydrogen to from the acids the body is made of.
Remember the atomic structure is joined to an organic structure please as you read.

These 2 groups are the syrup which is the building block of the human and animal form. In understanding this, take an Amine which the body says "ENERGY FOOD" but instead of natural organic compounds there is a genetic engineered organic compound attached to it. The body absorbs it due to the signature it is natural life building energy, but once the "food" is attached and embedded in the cells it's coding sends out an alert to the body "it is a foreign organism" and the body reacts by inflammation and swelling to try and contain the intruder.
It progresses to sores, aching joints, further inflammation of arthritis, auto immune diseases as this embedded "poison" is coded into the body and the body begins attacking itself.

To further show the cancer of this the Akyl's as a group are free radicals which naturally search out in the body on the atomic level as it's main function is to pair with something else to loose it's free electron.

I was inspired a year ago to reveal the danger of these genetic foods was they changed the vibrational frequency of the body, so it would attack itself. This is the science behind how it is being done on the atomic and subatomic levels.

In layman's terms so people can get past the science to comprehend, say your husband for example leaves for work in a car.....while at work a engineer kills him, but puts on his clothes and drives his car home to the victim's family.
The family sees the car and says "I know him".....the murderer has the keys to gain access to the body of the house in the genetic code.......the family sees the clothes, the scent is that of the husband and all seems well.....until they start interacting with him.........the conversation is not the same, the sex is not the they call the police (white blood cells), but the police can not tell the difference as the murderer has the keys to the house, his ID says he is the husband, his wife even has his scent, the family has picked up his the police end up killing everyone in the house, because they all appear as intruders.

That is why lupus, arthritis, allergies, cancers and a host of illness are plaguing people. Their bodies are changing and I even suspect that the chlorine in our water has an amplifying effect on this entire process.

Some people are more sensitive like finches in the miner's shaft dying to the poison as others gobble it down and think it is not affecting them, but the same genetic poisons are there embedding and will manifest in time with the same deadly results.
The concentrations though are in the fats and sugars of vegetable, fruits, seeds and nuts which are dumped into everything.
MSG is an amino acid receptor and is why so many people react to it in is not any different than if someone took a tiny needle and injected cyanide into each of your cells. Every cell in a person's body is being changed.

As a side note to this group, Sodium Nitrite is used as a slow oxidizer to retard the bacteria which causes food poisoning. It though is also toxic to people and animals and as it hinders bad bacteria it also hinders good bacteria from breaking down food for absorption into the body and it sets off an auto immune reaction as these larger food particles invade the body.
Sodium Nitrite also is an intestinal relaxant which for people with Inflamed Bowel Syndrome being set off in the mucosa being inflamed in the intestine from the above mentioned genetic poisons literally has people crapping themselves to death in diarrhea.
This additive is in all the meat you purchase now and is why it has that forever color and does not rot when you bring it home.

I do not know if it helps to know what is killing a host of people, but I hope that if enough sick people start screaming about how food is killing all of us then maybe these hybrids which are poisoning everyone to death will stop being purchased and the corporations will have to stop the nonsense they are working.
I want to add though for those who are smug thinking they eat doesn't matter, because these poisons do not have to be eaten. Corn for example generates tons of pollen which you breathe in or absorb into your body via your skin. There is not eating your way away from all has to be stopped from polluting the environment.

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e suckers

Do you know what the richest man in the world does?

Pump oil? Nope

Build cars? Nope

The richest guy in the world is a beaner out of Mexico who gives away free Obama cellphones in Tracfone, and his US folks donate 600,000 dollars to Obama.

Think of that for a moment in the richest man in the world, sells air time on celluar phones.

What does George Soros build or create? Absolutely nothing. He is like Warren Buffett in being a billiionaire nation rapist who created all there wealthy by electronic robbery. They only started buying things of substance after the plunder of your savings.

That is what is troubling to me, as I was looking for major contributors to this blog in what I would like to do with going multi media, and time and again all I find is the richest people in the world on the right and left DO NOT PRODUCE A DAMN THING.

It is amazing in a number of fags, but all are basically these investment traders who combined had hundreds of trillions in dollars in wealth, but it is all stuff out of thin air.

I'm not letting Mitt Romney off either as much as Obama, just look at what they made their millions off of. In Obama it was a fricking book no one ever read, but just placed on their desks to look like they like black people. With Romney, he basically just bought companies, fired people and cut costs, and moved on. The only reason Mitt Romney even made money is because American business is apparently so damn stupid that it can not even make a simple decision as it is a bad thing to not make money.

A generation ago, American children used to be taught to name the millionaires in the world, and they were all Americans. It was men like Howard Hughes who built aircraft and made things.
Americans used to be rich because like Cabot, he bought furs and made a fortune. Ford made cars. Carnegie made steel. People actually created something you could hold in your hand and it made sense like having a pot of gold.

Now America and this world is this puff and magic in things have value that if there was not an electric grid, there would be nothing that existed. Face Book as this blog predicted was a disaster as it produces nothing. Honestly if Mark Zuckerberg would have a brain and just partner with me, I could turn his e fortune into a real fortune in expanding all of this into things he could never lose.

It honestly does trouble me, that the richest people in the world, save royals like Queen Liz and Sheik Saud who are worth trillions, but that does not count in counting, have absolutely nothing like the Rothschilds who have electric monetary plunder, but they have never produced a product in their lives.

I will call them e suckers, because that is all they are. They have never worked enough in  their lives to have earned a billion dollars. All they do is simply find ways to electronically plunder money, gathered by other conglomerates sheering the sheep of their money in what is now the Communazi feudal state of Barack Hussein Obama.
Seriously, what the scam is, is you are enslaved to work for state run entities in some form, even if you are a private business. The things you need come from a larger corporation, which all feeds the socio conglomerate.
The socio conglomerates like GE, Kraft or Pepsi are awarded government contracts or support for funneling money back into the leviathan.

Into this are the e suckers who do the electronic money trades on your savings, as Obama keeps interest  rates down as he plunders for the financiers, and it all rotates in this commerce which makes billionaires out of nothing.

Pirates really used to be honorable compared to this lot, as they at least stole from rich governments or people who had piles of  gold they stole from some Mexicans. There were things being produced and not this puff of smoke stuff of e commerce which is inflated to immense levels all to make you poorer, as when a million dollars is cheap, what the hell good is your 15 dollars an hour or 800 dollar welfare food card as you are never going to get any money near to have a life.

I have explained this previously in 1 million dollars is nothing. 500, 000 for a nice home. Two nice vehicles is another hundred, the IRS takes 300,000 dollars, and the remaining 100,000 you could blow on a boat, property taxes and something the kids just have to have in more electronic toys.

John D. Rockefeller actually produced oil. Granted that went up in a puff of smoke, but that oil made lives easier for people when men like Case, Allis, McCormick and Deere made implements so you did not work yourself to death by the time you were 60.
See that is what Social Security was about in FDR in 65 figured most people were dead by the time they reached 67. Now with the heavy work all being done by machines or Mexicans, people just are living to great ages, but on handouts they are designed to give back to the leviathan in Medicare, pharms, commerical foods and energy.

It all is a vicious cycle and people have been spun so fast, they do not realize in 1970, that being a millionaire was the kind of money you could buy a dozen states with.
Bill Gates even with his billions could not even make a dent in a few counties to try and control them. That is what this inflation has done and was geared to do, as these e suckers are making fortunes off of you, in doing absolutely nothing.

This is thee most insane of things, because Hong Kong, Tyre, Copenhagen, New York all were made by things moving through them that were goods you could touch and use. Now the world is confined to some computer which loots billions, transfers them to some looter and we have a world of e sucker billionaires who do not work, do not produce a thing, but are gathering that money from your savings as this huge sponge is sucking the world dry.

Frankly, this is going to stop as a system like this of feudal lords and billions of preyed upon just will not sustain itself. The time will come when some security types will start figuring out that having the weapons they can just take that concentrated wealth, spread it around more to their armed followers and work a better deal, until the mob figures out that all their money can be retaken if they care to die for it.

The reality no one is  bothering to point out. The richest people in this world have made more money under Obama, because he has been dumping Treasury money YOU OWN, by Tim Geithner in these bribes to Wall Street to give the illusion that things are not falling apart.

Every person in this world has become poorer under Obama's looting, and that includes the millionaires and billionaires as they can not garner enough plunder to ever keep up with the inflationary spin this piracy has installed.
You though are now in the gulag and at least you know why and how you are where you are. No comfort, but it is the fact in these Foster Freiss types. They are all e rich and that money is your money which has been stolen legally.

e suckers, the creatures of the leviathan who are rewarded for sacraficing to the plunder of you.

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