Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Obama's latest murder victim

REDDIT Founder's Father: 'Aaron...Was Killed by the Government'...

This blog has compassion on the Swartz family in the murder of their son, Aaron.

Aaron, like Andrew Breitbart, had thought America was a place where "the guys with white hats won" and barvado is what won out in knowing the Truth would triumph over evil.

America though is not John Wayne nor Clinton Eastwood morality of the lone American facing the world and riding off into the sunset victorious.

America is a place of organized murder projected at home and abroad. Few have connected the dots of the start of this in Obama predator strikes, Hutatree, Gabrielle Giffords, Sarah Palin and the growing numbers of Jokers and Hookers, representing the thugocracy of the Obama regime.

Swartz family were naive like most in thinking exorcising racism by installing a foreign bred agent like Barry Chin would make America a better place. America is the place of political gang rape of women whether they be Christine O'Donnell or Lara Logan.
America is a place where children crawl through pools of blood in the bin Laden staged home and no one bothers to cover the story of what the occupants saw.....and only this blog notices no follow ups were allowed.
America is a place where Khadaffi is brutalized in the streets before he and his followers are mass murdered.

America is a place where SEALS are murdered in quid pro quo and Chris Stevens is anal raped in a botched Obama 2012 election theft wag the dog....both events are connected and both are the equal brutality of Obama and Holder dumping guns across the border in Mexico to slaughter latins and Americans......yet no one investigates that, nor does New York Cuomo suddenly pass laws convicting Barack Hussein Obama, but Sandy Hook, just whores it's way into being as the Age of Obama shrouds the American corpse of the Virgin who was raped and murdered before our very eyes.

The father of Aaron Swartz does not know the complete story in surmising that it was just the Patrick Fitzgerald thug crew who tortured his son to death. It is deeper than that, and other families in America and abroad are in the same limbo of what went wrong in this Nobel Prize Age of Barry Chin.

The Obama regime is Murder Incarnate. It slaughters by missile, by poison, by cancer, by wave and by means of the undiscovered country.

Aaron Swartz joins a list of whispered names all accidental and all suicidal. Some are familiar, some are not, but the reality is when there is a culling of the most gifted computer programers, that is a pattern and the links all were about elections, Obama and data protocols.

The silence of the Judas Goats is deafening as this murder spree consumes more lives of people daring to speak out about what is right, and finding too many facts, and soon enough finding mourning families who do not realize just how dangerous America has devolved to in the Obama Abyss.

The father of Aaron Swartz is a brave man driven on by grief. He will be discounted as unbalanced by the media and coddled that way, as Eric Holder and Patrick Fitzgerald continue on for Barack Hussein Obama.

No mention of the Rod Blagojevich family though in his being a political prisoner at the start of this no more than what was done to Lawrence Sinclair in his suffering as Aaron Swartz from the start in knowing too much.

John Edwards hounded by the regime to remove him as a competitor in 2012 as his cancer suffering wife dies.

The Swartz family has a great deal of company. They though remained silent when Terry Lakin was ruined like most did.

The question is how many dead are there, beyond the thousands of Soldiers offered up for Obama quid pro quo to Muslims in his slaughter pits.........how many dead have not made the front pages in the stories they knew in the details of the regime like Donald Young of Chicago?

How many Aaron Swartz's never were noticed and they were just buried by grieving families as accidents will happen and suicides are just the way it is.

James Forestall, J. Edgar Hoover, Joseph McCarthy, Chandra Levy, James McDougal, Vince Foster......

Lame Cherry right again in matter anti matter exclusives. The patterns do not lie. Forensics always uncovers the cover story.

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Lamce Arsewrong

I really do not care about this fraud Lance Armstrong, as it is not my French cycling career worth millions that was ruined by his fraud domination of a stupid bicycle race. That is the problem with Europeans in the first place in they gravitate toward fag sports and then have to stick knives in people's asses at soccer games or go beat up their Italian wives, because there is no manly blood involved.

Why I address this now is simple. People are holding up Live Strong, which is when they are attacked by cancer, want some support system to make the terror of it not so bad.

Armstrong is a reprehensible ass, like the New England Patriots are assss in stealing Super Bowls, several of which would have belonged to the Pittsburgh Steelers.
Armstrong is a bully, and whether his bullying was due to his whatever he was taking is a Joker point.

That same point though in "his cancer survival" is something no one is addressing, because maybe Lance Armstrong brough cancer on hisself by his additive intake, and when he stopped doping, the cancer lost it's food source and the body healed itself.
Furthermore, did Armstrong keep doping and that is the reason he was able to overcome whatever cancer he had.

See that is what Lance Armstrong would come clean about if he cared about people. Armstrong should be a lab rat for testing to examine exactly what was his miracle cure. For that matter how about hauling in Ruth Bader Ginsburg to see just how she lived through pancreatic cancer which kills all others in about 6 weeks.

Is always odd in these things in how for the longest time people just died from cancer, and then the majority quit being poisoned costing all they had, and then by miracle these cancer survivor stories started showing up in people were cured...........
Yet now we see Lance Armstrong, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Fidel Castro free and cured, and yet others like Hugo Chavez is a living corpse, like so many other people who are poor for instance..........just what is it in the cancer thing that LIVE STRONG represents a segment of well insured and moneyed people who survive cancer, while the rest of the bunch like my cousin Dottie with liver cancer dies in a few months.

Of course, Oprah Winfrey is not going to be asking these things. Like how autism comes more with vaccines. How fast food additives now give asthma. How the connected elite never get cancer, and cancer is just one of those things that culls the ones who are not of the upper classes.

Lance Armstrong only came clean on this stuff because of that money pit foundation. That is why they changed the name of that place long ago, so as to keep the money pit piled high as cancer people flock to it for an illusion to keep them from this terror experiment which this population of Americans is being studied in the mutant self regeneration of cells for immortal existence.

So everything Lance Armstrong is, is a fraud, like riding a bicycle is some sport or Olympic event. Bicycles are what fags ride, because the small penis bunch is riding Harleys with leather to make up for their psychopathy.
Yes all of this starts getting really disgusting when one knows in forensic psychology what is going on in the grey matter. Europeans like fag sports, because they have lost every war since the 7 Years War........that is almost 300 years of losers where the aggressive ones are dead under the sod, and the sods are above ground breeding with shemales a bunch of queers who ride bikes and lose to Lance Armstrong.

Do you really get how fag Armstrong is, in he had to dope hisself up to beat a bunch of queer Europeans with girl DNA?

Daisy Daisy
Give me your answer do
I'm half doped up
Trying to win the tour
The dope might give me cancer
I can count on a cure
But I know conceit
Will be discreet
With Oprah and Gayle on the view

Hey Lance, how about donating a few hundred thousand to the blog as penance.

Let's end with this..........

Yes more comforting than that guy girl Lance photo at the beginning.

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Arrest B. Hussein Obama

I wonder how many are going to get the real insult.

I will not be sucked into B. Hussein's nor Aaron Burr Biden's infringement upon gun ownership, because the reality is this:

A well regulated militia means a civilian population who is armed, and not a standing army.

A well regulated militia means not regulated by laws, but regulated as in Naval gun terms in well trained.
The US Government has been in violation of this Constitutional mandate, in the Government should be providing firing ranges and ammunition, and arms necessary to every Citizen to be well practiced in firearms use.

The shall not be infringed is simple. You know what a fringe is on cloth. It is anything that frays the cloth. Anything that gets in the way of any Citizen owning a firearm freely, is an infringement.

For the record, the 1968 Gun Control laws are an infringement as they stopped the ability to order firearms through the mail. Anything that hinders a person's free access to firearms is a viiolation of the Constitution.

I have a great fondness for Kurt Russell and Val Kilmer in Tombstone, but the banning of firearms in any city is a violation of gun ownership and the right to have ready access to those firearms.

What Barack Hussein Obama, and for that matter the unConstitutional mandates of New York and Chicago, are illegal. What Mr. Obama is engaged in is the overthrow of the US Government on many fronts, with the Second Amendment his latest attack.
Mr. Obama literally with the Congress and Justice shredded Article Two of the Constitution in he is not Natural Born. In this Mr. Obama can not be impeached, as he is not an American.

Mr. Obama can only be arrested for high crimes against these United States, as he is in fact unConstitutional.

The reality of all of this is simple. Congressmen threatening to impeach Obama are ignorant of the reality of this foreign agent, B. Hussein. Barry Chin should be arrested and can be arrested by anyone from Justice to the US military.

“It was all focusing on enforcing existing law, administering things like improving the background database, things like that that do not involve a change in the law but enforcing and making sure that the present law is administered as well as possible,” said Rep. Bobby Scott (D-Va.).
The very laws that the NRA and other violators of the Constitution have imposed unConstitutionally on Americans is an infringement. The Citizen has every right to order a Browning II Machine Gun if they can afford it through the mail according to the Constitution, and that without background checks or illegal Class III federal firearms regulations.

If said person is criminally insane, it is the local jurisdiction which is responsible for convicting them, and once convicted legally, they are then legally barred from owning firearms as they are barred from voting.

That is the key in this, in Mr. Obama wants illegals criminally voting for him, but he coddles the criminal wanting their vote too, instead of securing them in the courts while allowing the medical establishment to enable them because threats are not "crimes".

The enabling of criminal misbehavior is the problem in this, whether Mr. Obama not being a natural born Citizen in the enforcement of the Law.

If any of Obama's Jokers had threatened Obama, they would be in prison. They instead threatened others and were allowed to continue on being initiated on drugs and mind control.

Enforcement of laws is the key, in laws if someone uses a firearm or does not use a firearm in a criminal act, bars them from owning a gun.
In Hebrew Law, parents were responsible for bringing their children before the elders of the city, to denounce them and provide evidence so they were stoned. There was not any aspect of the need for the reprobate to have raped someone or murdered someone first. Unruly conduct was all that was necessary to bring this before the Judges to start the process.
It was not a matter of degrees in banning sword ownership.

That is the Constitutionality of this and it falls on Mark Levin and his apologists for not dealing with Obama being disqualified from the Office of President. It fell to Terry Lakin who they abandoned too.
It has now fallen to this blog and Dr. Kate who are still marked as Birthers to tie this entire criminality together.

Barack Obama has had no authority to do anything from the White House. His executive orders are subversion of a foreign agent against these United States and that has been proven here time again according to the British Nationality Act and Indonesian adoption laws, along with Mr. Obama's illegal re entry into America, after being the adopted son of Stan Ann Dunham, with Obama's Asian Chinese roots as is proven by his genetic traits.

Arrest B. Hussein Obama, that is the Law of these United States. Enforce the Second Amendment and get rid of all of these gun laws as every one of them is an infringement and unConstitutional.

Someone breaks the law in a felony, the execute them. That solves the problem of the criminal misusing firearms which are the Right of every American Citizen.

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Playmate wanted at 1600 Penn Avenue

Everything it seems falls to this blog as the Ulsterman Insiders have absolutely no information on things........in they are so boring  for rich people, especially RIP.

This is about Barack Obama and his press conference in which he was pleading  for Republicans to come over and play cards with him or something......and smiling about in telling how great him and the Mrs. are as playmates.

Here though is the thing...........

Call it a Lame Cherry matter anti matter exlcusive............AGAIN.

The Washington elite, really dislike the Obamas. They had enough of the Obama whore hand parties with the Salahi's in palm sex and those gyrations of salsa dancing to Stevie Wonder.
Look you want the inside story on this in what is being said, it is Joe Biden's definition in the Obama's smell like clean blacks.
Yeah black folks have an odor when clean and the crystal cutware crowd just do not like Barack Hussein and Muchelle Hussein Obama.

Obama cheats at sports and he always is trying to grab a cuddle. The wives of gay men do not like it, and the gay men do not want to be known as Reggie's sloppy second Love.

Muchelle is boring. She has this victim thing going on........she is pleasant enough according to the crystal sect, but she shatters it all after about 15 minutes as it is this same whining thing going on in a constant repeat........is like listening to Carly Simon in YOU'RE SO VAIN.....great song, but geez louise mildred it splits your brain after the 500th loop.

The Obama's always got this ............Nig group around them..........and I do not mean blacks. They got these pale faced wacko women who get abortions when nothing is up the uterus and they got these terrorist sympathizers who come up with ways to abort Jews out of the womb. Sure the Letterman cocktail crowd  can joke about that stuff and implement the policy, but who wants to look at Amy Carter's bush snatch when one drops their fork and sees that under the table.........and you wonder if that fat Arab across the table has a suicide bomb around his paunch.

That is the Obama problem in the Nancy Pelosi types hate the Obama's. Obama is begging for the GOP to like him, but they do not want to be Newt Gingrich with Bill Clinton or have to put up with sleep overs with Barry in bed.........and his mentioning it as jokes in press conferences.

Barack Obama is lonely. He only has Jarrett and mummy is not amused. The inner cell is trying to fast track the diversions on gun control and making illegals Americans in order to keep the public from talking about ANALGATE and the 2012 election theft.
Obama has real problems in the blackmail coming out of the Middle East...........the Muslims do not want to be around him at 1600 Penn any more than Jews do now.

Old Bob Schieffer summed it up in his consternational look about Obama at the press conference in not comprehending what the hell this retardo is about as dictator.

It is all a matter that one has to be a crass asshole to be a darling of the DC elite.......John Kennedy was the last perfect boy for that job.........Obama just likes things up his arse hole, and while the elite having things shoved up their's, with Obama it is more like at the geezer home with a suppository for fun.

It has gotten so bad that the Obama daughters have gone like the Reagan daughters in Ron jr. and Patty........meaning, the Obama kids do not want to bring people over as their parents are so mocked by the establishment they go to school with.
The girls have gone over to the dark side and are talking trash about parent 1 and parent 2. Got so bad that the "Obama is not really my daddy comments" have been rumored about. Although flipping it is Scottie Pippen or Stevie Wonder only gets one the, "Yeah but it is still black sperm", that the comments are not repeated.
Works better to say it was Rahm Emanuel in why he got the Chicago mayoral job.

Look I will write satire on this for later, but will preface it, with I told Obama he needed John McCain to take him out and do manly things like shoot guns and kill things.
For a governess fee, I will volunteer to teach the Obama's how to be acceptable in patrician company. I would take them to Texas and Barack and I would go shoot some whitefront geese.......Muchelle could pick them and cook them up......do a job she was born to, like making sure our sleeping bags were aired out for a warm night's slumber.

We could bring in Scalia and his wife.....maybe Cheney and his wife, and the Obama's then could see how real Americans act without that fag thing going on.....Mr. and Mrs. O could do some foot rubbing and serving of hot brandy by a fire........and if Muchelle chopped off her toe, I could sew it back on as Tony bandaged it.

It would all work out, and then they could go back to DC and throw a party letting the interesting people do the talking and the elite would start tolerating the Bobamas.

That is the insider stuff on the Obama's. Look I can't write Ulsterman's stuff too as I'm not paid off to do it. I could do it if I had the six figures, but right now I'm in a fix just surviving here.

The Obama's are just not likeable people. It is why they had no friends anywhere.......well except those pedophiles in Hawaii. They are all election thefted up and no one wants to cuddle with them over ANALGATE.
Bill Clinton could rape women and it was something exciting, but Obama fingering up the a hole is just nasty.

You want to know the damned thing in this..........the joke in the crystal service set is, "We miss George W. Bush.......well we miss Laura".

Yeah it is that Obama bad.............you did notice no huge name New York or Hollywood is turning out for the Second Inaugural Election theft right?

You got it as TL and Baby Sister know.............Obama is on nig status with the elite. The novelty of the designer negro has worn off, and no one wants to play with the bathed nigs at 1600 Penn Avenue on the liberal left or the lincoln log right.

If you think the above is harsh, you should have heard the jokes being told about why people were not attending Obama events.......there is actually a comic pool operating in odd reasons.


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