Monday, February 18, 2013

Obama's Big Pipe

Just an amazing coincidence that a number of United States refineries just happened to shut down for "scheduled maintenance" in February driving up gas prices, in stealing billions from American consumers again.

Of course this has to do with blackmail, in that Keystone XL pipeline is being held up in the northern tier of states while full construction goes on in Texas.
It is a reality in coordination as Obama just loves high fuel prices which rewards his green cronies and the oil barons who Limbaugh shills for, just love raping the American consumer in this game of getting that big pipe laid.

This is all to increase the trauma on the American people, and it is pure criminal. It was coordinated to shut down these refineries, and as this blog only reported, the right wing Carlyle Group could not bail out Barack Obama's 2012 election theft in saving a Pennsylvania refinery before the election, which would have doomed Obama as the Romney campaign intended, but now suddenly after Obama is in office, these refineries all shut down.........which they should have done in August to create the voter backlash that Obama could not overcome in electronic voting.

The amazing thing in this is there is not one Google search result exposing any of this as no one in the media cares a whit a bout this. The source on this was Scott Pelley of CBS News which is acting extremely bizarre in hounding the Christopher Dorner murder and burning, and now it has stated there is an organized effort to drive gas prices up in America.

Those prices are going to gouge consumers to the core of all they have left.

What difference does any of this make really as this goes on, as Americans are being raped economically all the time, and the government, industry and law enforcement is involved and contentedly is knowing they will get away with these crimes.

Chris Dorner was an excellent example for Americans. Fight back and you will be hunted down like an animal, shot and then burned alive as your mum guzzles wine and crams chips down her throat.

Nothing like stoking a revolution and not giving a damn that people are suffering and mountains of them will be dead.

CBS who would have thunk it...........

nuff said


Ralston Obama

I always have problems with headlines like Country Star.........that is sort of like saying a bullfrog croaking is singing.

I do not know what a Mindy McCready is, but apparently her boyfriend liked little breasted women bending over and selling that stuff with glowing blonde hair.
Apparently the stress was just too much for MM in her boyfriend croaked, and as I did not read the story, I can only deduce she was nuts and the world is better off  without her, except Barack Obama who will use her shooting herself for gun control on that wackos should not have guns.

Frankly, I prefer wackos all be given guns, and one bullet, with instructions on how to place the barrel in their mouths to blow out their brains and not the front of their faces. See numbers of self murderers have problems in blowing a concave out of their faces along the nose.
That kind of thing costs taxpayers money, so if you think about it, if all these country frogs were given guns, with instructions, the world would not be burdened by them, as they apparently are all burdened......not as much as rock types who vote for Obama, but......I fail to see how having boy breasts would appeal to the pubic to purchase a CD of this woman.
She apparently did know though how to shoot herself as she did die. At least she did not blow that.

Speaking of blowing...........

LAST SONG: Country star shoots self on porch where boyfriend died month ago...

Scrutiny turns to gun access...

I see that New York City is rounding up the nutsy ones. I wonder if that includes David Letterman screwing little girls, making jokes about little girls rapes by black athletes and knocking them up.......and the audiences of Letterman laughing at it all.
Bloomberg has this phobia over too many ounces of soda in cups concentrated.

I'm all for in this case too, of just handing out guns, one bullet with directions and solving all of this as it would be much cheaper and the suicide Obama voters would not have to wait for Obama to abort America, and just could join a national shoot out......and yes I mean out, as why should people do the deed inside, as Mindy did it on the front porch. Just can hose things off, and birds and bugs just love eating brain matter and flesh from these events.
Mice probably even carry away the bone........JFK had all that festive stuff in Dallas, and it cleaned up well, so this should even appeal to eco terrorists as you kill humans and feed the wildlife.
I recommend Central Park as it will save time for the morgue detail in they can just collect the Soylent Green there.

NYC Plans 'Mentally Ill Roundup'...

I know I said about blows and here it comes.

This blog's good friend, Alec Baldwin, was terrorized by the New York Post and Christopher Dorner now taking up photography.


 We like Alex here, as Alec is a real man since he got out from under Kim Bassinger's skirt. Never did see that 9 1/2 Bond girl stuff, and Alec has blossomed into a real man since he got out of movies.

The problem in this is the media is always lying about Baldwin. The Post said Baldwin called an Afroid mistaken for Chris Dorner a "crackhead" and a "drug dealer". Those are compliments really and how can Alec Baldwin be expected to know who he was talking to as them blacks all look  the same, and smell the same according to democrats.

To further this problem, Baldwin was recorded saying:

 Alec Baldwin is caught in a photograph during a verbal spat with The Post's Tara Palmeri. According to Palmeri, who recorded the confrontation, Baldwin told her "I want you to choke to death."

See  Alec was just asking for a blow job, like Barack Obama asks gay men for oral sex. Baldwin was doing verbal foreplay with Ms. Palmeri, as she is a hottie, and he was simply noting he had such a large erection and large testicles that Ms. Palmeri would choke to death in the flood of man juice.

Alec just was trying to impress Ms. Palmeri, when he noted Ralston Miller was a "coon". Blacks always have the stereotype of having large appendages which is a myth, and Baldwin was simply mixing it up on the street as he no doubt figured this Italian was sucking the Posts dick while on assignment.
She does have a large mouth, and looks pleased Alec is offering his manhood for a street date, so really how can anyone blame Alec for not figuring out this was not a retired New York City cop pimping one of his white ho's on David Letterman sloppy seconds.

Would not a better Obama solution be to round up all these women, who obviously are all crazed, and save them from blowing their brains out, and instead blow liberal males like Alec Baldwin. The ones that did not drown in cum, could then learn a good trade, as these women obviously think they got their careers, on talent.
They were all given the "break" because they had looks and that is all.

It is all so confusing and that is why Alec Baldwin was confused. He was fearful this retired cop was Chris Dorner going by Ralston and was looking forward to sex and the ho was a reporter, and of course poor Mindy McSomething wanted a man so shot herself.

There must be a national registery of women on the edge, who will be matched to large penis males like Alec Baldwin, where they can lock and Alec can unload, with a background check on all black males with cameras to record these events as they can not be trusted with guns.

All of this makes perfect sense by the evidence. Women are all nuts. Black cops can only be trusted with cameras and Alec Baldwin needs to register his penis.

The alternative is just handing out one gun, one bullet and feeding the birds.

So the correct name for Chinoid Obama is "coon" and Ralston......... poor Mindy never had a chance as Obama is phobic of blondes.

nuff said.


Che Dorner

The details of Christopher Dorner can be summed up in the reality that this man was a rag doll being shaken between two street dogs in the Obama yard. Someplace in Christopher Dorner is a reality that someone in the shadowlands initiated an operation to teach the Obama regime a lesson in reproach as they tied this black man to Obama's gun control tail for a message

Things like Chris Dorner wandering around on the street being captured on camera, and knowing he was on camera, when he was supposedly stranded in Big Bear wilderness, without transportation as he was holed up in a rental property there, since he torched his pick up truck.

Visit that one for awhile in the time line, as Dorner was quite active for the first day of the events in shooting targets, stealing boats, driving from LA to San Bernadino county, burning trucks, walking miles to this rental retreat, it snowing on the day of the torching, and he making it to the rental, so his tracks were not noticed by the Reynolds who were shoveling snow, as Dorner was inside watching them.
....or was it a case that the Reynolds scooped the snow, and  stand in invaded the home and waited for their return at which time the final cleaning operation could be initiated, as Dorner had been dead for several days, when started of figure out he had been drug manipulated and phoned someone in the press.

There are far too many glitches in Chris Dorner which do not add up in the least from his street photos released, to his leaving a cell phone with his hostage as he fled knowing they would phone police, to non of his vast stockpile of arms and ammunition showing up or detonating when the cabin he was in was deliberately set on fire by local police.

This blog has maintained that black Chris Dorner was in profile and then became a white Chris Dorner. His methodical planning, suddenly went into the sloppy. His noted battery, even by police, disappears, about the same time that a second Chris Dorner in persona and in action appears.
A man who rehearses the manifesto in the ears of the Reynolds to mark he is Chris Dorner, in fixating on wanting to clear his name, suddenly is dead hours later...........hours later, that police back off on the cabin and then at twilight suddenly burn it down.
The same live report from LAPD ordering all media back to protect SWAT, but then there is ABC in a helo hovering over that cabin to record it being burned to the ground.

More and more of Chris Dorner is not supposed to add up as this is part of the Mockingbird conspiracy operations to cover up what really was taking place. Paranoia in the masses, who are then deemed Grassy Knoll crazies allows the shadowlands to operate.

What is telling in this is, the reality is just as George W. Bush took office in 2001, that OKC Timothy McVeigh stories surfaced in the government connected bombings there surfaced for a few days........and then disappeared, that someone in the shadowlands was sending a message of blackmail for leverage control, and when they got what they wanted, then the story disappeared.

Chris Dorner is such a story, in he appears self activated. He was tracked as all people are tracked, and one of the mind control operations induced him to zombie status, and he woke up. In logic, he must have reached out to some media, who were monitored in their operations and Dorner was dispatched immediately at that point.
Dorner though had been the can tied to Obama and Feinstein's tail on gun control, along with all the media elite who were horrified. The effect worked it's magic in those who were behind this, and in the ensuing cover was not bin Laden's body this time purchased by the Obama regime over a Birther cover up, but Chris Dorner's corpse as a stand in actor portrayed him to bring this to an end game, where the San Bernadino and LA county police are the ones who are holding the bag for burning up a black man they were lynching.

It is a fact that blacks were ordered by the Obama regime to not make waves for Dorner as they were sent in for Treyvon Martin. "Someone" decided in the Obama second term to throw a monkey wrench into the workings, using a black situation on all of Obama's pet projects to "get what they wanted". It is deduced that Obama infuriated some very connected people, and the hint in this is that Ulsterman assassin in the Military Insider spouting off about Waterboarding Obama in a Watergate scenario.
These Ulsterman insiders are all Obama people, and they built stories on what was placed here exclusively. If you want to know the reality of Christopher Dorner in the machinations of his torture, his life, his death and whoever walked away from that cabin, and whoever was burned up in that cabin, the thread of it all goes to the insiders who thought they had Romney installed and the Straw Man fell according to plan.

These "someones" dumped a 250 pound black body on the Obama regime in Feinstein necrosex, and it all relates to that oriental operative of Feinstein who was murdered as this has numerous threads.
The Dorner situation was used to hem in Obama on "his agenda". CBS has it's blackmail wing operating too in Mockingbird, as Obama has been blackmailing all, and in their focus on the burning up of the Dorner corpse, there is leverage then with the regime and groups to "drop the story", which allows them to neutralize the regime's blackmail.

You want more psychological facts you can not handle as you do not want this to continue on:

The following is what CNN Anderson Cooper put on air. Note the memo which Dorner wrote to Cooper.
The first line goes up. That means Dorner is hopeful and has a positive outlook. This person did not lie as he stated.

The second part in "Here is my vindication" shows a knowledge that he knows this will not vindicate him as the system destroyed him, and Cooper will not assist.

The suspect being kicked in the third thought is a matter of fact statement affirmed by Dorner's handwriting the event took place.

Dorner starts out in closing to be very respectful, but it forms an upside down U. Meaning he shows respect, but is not receiving any.

His name is signed straight, which means he is not depressed with who he is or despondent.

The CD that Cooper and CNN have surpressed shows a reality that Dorner knows the testimony on it would exonerate him, but he would not be vindicated for what he was about to do, as he was living in a future state of mind in knowing he would be executing people for effect and this would not be accepted.

Yes once again the Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusives is revealing the reality behind the scenes with evidence which no one else is explaining. The feel of the Chris Dorner story was "off" just as I was posting the exclusive next steps of Dorner, and it was then he was executed within 24 hours.....or his body or someones' body was burned up in that cabin deliberately to cover up the situation on several fronts.

You will notice that not once did we hear a thing about "DELAYED STRESS" as was the case in the shooting of the SEAL Sniper assassin who went zombie driving around afterwards. No someone did not want any autopsy reports on the drugs in Chris Dorner's system, as perhaps Dorner it is projected out realized he had been drugged and was a Joker and Hooker for the Obama shadowlands in a project turned on Obama from the inside.
Someone white was running this operation, and this Texas sniper being taken out, appears a fringe related event.

Sift through it as the facts are there. You are not going to get the complete story in any of this, except the keyhole version here.

Such non appreciation for the popular girl.

agtG 253

Disarm the cops and put them on foot

I will tell you my children, because I'm doing the telling that the best way to fight crime is to disarm all the cops.

Think about it, it's like that Texican in True Grit, telling John Wayne how to fight crime was to outlaw horses in America. Fewer horses meant fewer crimes as you put the criminals afoot.
Liberals are always yacking about disarming the population to reduce crime, when it is the opposite, so should not the first step be a compromise in disarming all  the cops.

First, if cops do not have guns, the criminals are going to be less violent as they will have nothing to fear from the police.
Second, if the cops are all on foot, the criminals can just get in a car and drive away, as no cop is going to be able to catch them.
Third, let's take away radios too as that would just antagonize the crooks in making them scared of being captured.

A content crook is a happy criminal, and if they are not going to be shot, chased or apprehended, a criminal will be not so violent.

Look, I like county Sheriff's and the FBI. Treasury agents are ok too, but the rest of this stuff with spray and pray blasting at people, that SWAT nuttery or bashing in doors, just has......well it is PROTECT AND SERVE and NOT SHOOT AND KILL, and cops have just all got away with things of what they are supposed to do.

That damn BATF is a terror group for all the burned up babies, in Waco, mother's brains at Ruby Ridge, trying to genocide Hutatree folks.....hell they were in Iraq trying to arrest people......what the hell are they doing in Iraq as Iraq ain't even America!

It is just out of control. We need to disarm the cops and put them all on foot. I don't even want them having British Bobby sticks to hit people with, as they will be hitting people. I think they can have a whistle,  but the one only in their lips as the Irish Officers in New York used to whistle allot and it was comforting.

That is what cops should do really, is just whistle. You call them up on 911 and they never arrive to help. Criminals are gone with your property and all the cops do is write things down and your insurance company is what saves you.
That kind of work you could just phone it in on a report to a computer......teach a computer to whistle and that would be a heck of allot cheaper and safer.

Ask yourself this, do you ever feel safe in seeing a cop now? Those damned black stealth cars they got. Hell I saw one in the garage here, and it looked like a damned torture chamber. Draped stuff over the front seat like some boot camp climbing ropes to keep criminals in the back seat, and those know very well black cop cars are black to scare people......and they ain't trying to scare criminals, but trying to scare Civilians WHO ARE THEIR EMPLOYERS.

In hitching a I do not hitch hike ok, but in going through Iowa for research purposes, I have experienced probably the most penis headed cop in America......state cop that is. Like all that type, he looks like he is vampire in so white he is afraid of the sun. Is one of those highway robbers who hands out tickets to people doing nothing wrong, so Iowa can raise milions of dollars to fund these looters.

So like I said, I have witnessed this oddity, driving around 100 miles an hour. The car blew buy me, and it was floating. You know what I mean in cars bounce when going so fast they almost are out of control. That is what this cop was doing endangering all. No he was not doing anything but running his route as that is what they do in Iowa is drive fast to catch speeders from behind and endanger everyone.
Saw this cop in November too with 5 other patrols, and this danger to all, was in the ditch driving about 40 miles per hour, and there was heavy traffic. Grass and sh*t was flying off that car and no one knew what the hell he was doing.
I don't think this hazard knew what he was doing either. Cops like that shouldn't be behind the wheel of anything including ferris.

Now ask yourself with safety belt crimes, other stuff like you are a good looking woman and some penis head pulls you over to chat you up, to their needing to fill a quota, just what good are these cops as they are making you the crook......oh and I clocked (cop term) US Federal and US military vehicles speeding around ten miles over the limit on these same roads, and they do not get arrested.

Nice little groups of crooks are they not? Cops who enable federal criminals in their little mafia.

That is why I advocate disarming cops as they are doing nothing. You don't need a gun or a car, to eat donuts, look at women naked in scanners or to show up a half hour after a crook has tried to attack you.
Hell the cops in New York show up and try to arrest you for waving a gun at a crook when you try to save yourself.
So in that, cops do not need guns or cars. The cops are as big a threat now as crooks are. The crooks at least have the sense to respect the armed Citizen, while cops pull out their guns and rough you up, because cops have for some reason the ability to attack Civilians but have problems finding criminals.

I want the FBI to have guns, 38 Specials. They can have black cars as they look good in black with shades, as you can tell they are the good guys, but who can tell what the hell you got with some penis head vampire in whatever they are driving around stalking you.

Other than that, I want Obama disarmed too. No nuclear buttons for him as he likes killing people too much. World would be much safer if cops and Obama were all on foot and no weapons around them.

Only thing I would add, is I want the local Sheriff and FBI to have to buy their own bullets. I figure if they have to buy their shells and cartridges then they will be less likely to be blowing up clips at Citizens, even if they are criminals. When people are getting free things, they always are using them up.
For that matter too, I want the Sheriff and the FBI to  get one tank of gas per month. If it is really important, a person can call them up; and say, "Listen here, I got this gang of Muslim terrorists next door and they scare me. As you are low on gas, I just bought a box of 40's and in telling you that, you sign off and I will go over and kill them varmints.
Send in the mortician to collect them, and America will be a better place".

That would solve all the problems really. Law enforcement and community working hand in hand. Save a ton of money and the FBI could investigate Obama on the Birther thing finally.

I do not care what Mark Levin or other apologists come up with about cops. The majority of Americans wince at seeing a cop and wonder what the hell they are going to be bothered about. That is a police force terrorizing the Citizen and not protecting them. For that reason as crime keeps going up with more cops, the direct effect is more cops must be creating more crime.
So disarm the cops and put them all on foot. That is a first step to fighting crime.
