Sunday, April 7, 2013

Nuffer Said

Note to first mate John B. Wells of the Obama flagship Coast to Coast AM in Obama award winner George Noury as captain.

Odd show on Saturday evening in Wells had this ficking cop  crank who said he was a viewer, as in seeing things, but had not a damn thing to say about Phillip Marshall, Sandy Hook or whatever else.
It was beyond boring and ludicrous as he kept saying "I have tapes on things I have done and got it all right".

The cop to medium, also had this thing going on that he could not do things unless on scene or contacting the families.......went onto some skew about he could not teach his sister to do this.

Remote Viewing is something anyone can do, and develop. All of this is not necessary for contact, as one just reaches out and touches the people and places and reads the energy.

Burn notice followed as Jethro had on olde communion himself, in Whitley Streiber. I never heard Whit ever sound off on things, even if he is an anal retentive intellectual about all that demonic stuff of UFO visitations.

Whit though did bitch slap Jethro B. Wells and it stunned me, as John B., said something along the lines of "Well what do you think on that"...........Whit shot back, "Well I do not think like that".
Was bizarre for the bitch slap as it called Wells a complete fumb ducker, and all Wells was doing was asking a question about alien implants.

I guess the deep voice of Wells did not make Whit swoon or there was something else going on in this that Wells offended olde communion of Dreamland.

Tough doing a show and sounding all tough like John B. Wells does and old man Whit comes in and not only pisses on Jethro, but makes him open his mouth for an Obama happy ending too boot, or to tongue as Wells has to take it as he can't fill in 4 hours with nothing as he was already into 1 hour of not a damn thing on it which really sucked.

That whole Obama coast crowd is all the same though in prima dona. Hell you can listen to Art Bell in Somewhere in Time, and there is George Noury chirping about things are bad in the regime, but if we just hang in there America, we can make it all  right.

Fricking eh man charlie chan man, this is from a damned Obama Award Winner!!!!!!!!! What the hell is that but pure Mockingbird conditioning by Noury to keep the revolution cap on the fringe by telling them to wait around to get the holocaust treatment.

Would just like John B. Wells to go on air and make things like that known to prove Noury is a fraud from within as it taints Jethro in what he says he is trying to do.

Maybe Whit just doesn't like to be a whore for Coast to Coast AM in all these jock heads doing the deep suck for Obama.

I don't know about it all, but just make it known on the forensic psychology as it was more interesting than the show.

Maybe I should call John B. Wells, Mr. Spock as he has melded into a Vulcan look of an old geezer Nimoy.

I guess when you go the paycheck going or the Mockingbird skew, you just never ask on air about Obama awards, Noury backing the Muslim Brotherhood in Obama's al Qaeda revolutions and this, "Hey you old sod Streiber, what the hell are you pissing on me for man? Do that in person and I'll whip mine out and golden shower you old boy. Man up or sod off as I'm not taking that sh*t from you alien sexer".

That would make real Lame Cherry Coast to Coast radio worth listening.

Hey Spock about asking Noury why the heck he has Tom Horn on after Horn has been exposed like Steve Quayle in being a liar and moron.

That olde Vulcan bomber from the Brits was the shit was it not eh?

Ass kissing George Noury after he bends for Obama.......damn that is one nasty place to have your head there John B. and having to get bitch slapped by Whit really sucks the turd too.

 Fricking Wells in shades looks like that spook who use to hire Bangkok chics to blow ping pong balls out of their whats its running out of the Golden Tri back in the day.

Better than a bike that was eh......

What do you think Whitley?

I don't think that way John B. as I have an intellectual mind evolved in the ages and you are still the offspring of monkeys unevolved.

Man burn notice baby....burn notice scorcher!!!!

Nuffer said


My Knife

This is so trivial, but so compelling: Which Trapper is it that you have, as I have one of those Swedish F1s, which are too nice, and you can't put in your pocket, and those single blade Old Timers sure look nifty. They are also less than 3 1/2 inches, so non-confiscatable.

A fan of yours...

As I was telling my Mom yesterday,  my Old Timer Trapper is something I'm very attached to.

TL and I have a nice pink camo knife which is quite empowering for defense and opening presents. Our Beartooth Trapper, which is my "good occasion knife" appeared at Christmas to open gifts in being passed around the Tiger Lily family. BT is very good company.

Here am I a knife snob. Schrade Cutlery of Chicago, were American made, and I purchased two of the cheap, but very well made Trappers from Smokey Mountain Knife Works, to replace the small Stockman my Mom got me as I lost another one which I received from her as a youth. They were more smooth on the faux bone handle, than the next run of the BT in a collectors addition from China manufacture.

All have good steal, hold edge and are very durable, with taking a new edge.

As Montana ranchers would rather give up their wives than their favorite milk cow, I'm quite attached to my Trapper knife also and carry it with me constantly. It wears nice white prints into my blue jeans and frays them on the pocket.
Sort of an emblem to people looking at my crotch that a big knife is there and frequently appears.
The Trapper is nice in being made for skinning, so it fits the hand perfectly and has beautiful Euclidian appeal.

I'm a knife snob in like cheap, well made and steal not too hard like Buck, but not too soft like Clyde Hickory.
Case are much too expensive for the knife, and that has always left the Schrade, as the other cheap variations which have a steal of no quality.

No I do not own stock nor receive any compensation for such product reviews, although I would that I did. Just passionate about knives and firearms in the meld of metal and wood and synthetics now.

This is an implement I will never part with in my  Trapper.

Oh, by the way, Mom has a Trapper I purchased for her for Christmas several years ago, which she carries in her purse.

A knife is as important of possession as responsible liberty, a firearm, a good horse, a good hunting dog, a weather proof poncho, a quart tin cup, matches and a friend one can always count on.
The only possession which surpasses all is God and His Speaking to you in a Bible.

There is no such thing as trivial when it comes to an American and their knife.


American business used to be Business

I place this before you my children with 90 million people out of work, needing a job, 90 million on food stamps, why is it that the honored guest in Germany for Global Business is President Vladamir Putin while Birther Hussein Obama runs around threatening Americans with guns and threatening to blow up North Korea.

President Vladimir Putin visits Hannover Messe as guest of honour

07.04.2013 | Source:


President Vladimir Putin visits Hannover Messe as guest of honour. 49780.jpeg
On Sunday, 7th of April 2013, President Vladimir Putin joins the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, at the opening ceremony of the industrial exhibition "Hannover Messe" in the Federal Republic of Germany. More than 160 companies have been invited to exhibit their latest industrial productions, including 11 specialized exhibitions. The Russian Federation is taking part for the second time.
More than 100 Russian companies are participating with  overall exhibition space of 3.000 square metres. The Russian motto is "Global Industry", according to the Russian Federation's investment and modernization programme. Because 2013 is the year of cultural and economic exchanges between the Russian Federation and the Federal Republic of Germany, President Vladimir Putin has been invited as guest of honour. He will attend the Hannover Messe for two days. 

(re-written by Olivia Kroth; source: Voice of Russia)

America used to be about business and making deals to profit and employ Americans. I keep on showing to you that the people in this world like Vladamir Putin and Kim Jong Un have more of the manly American qualities of John Wayne and Yankee Traders than this Chinoid usurper at 1600 Penn Avenue.

When the Germans reach out about business they contact President Putin, When Europe looks for trillion dollar handouts they think of Birther Hussein Obama.

Do you not get what is wrong in this or how many times do you need to be slapped across your faces to jolt you out from being EMOTARDS!!!!!!

Americans need jobs, need food, need homes, need energy and all they get from Obama is rationed death, rationed welfare, and abundant wars and overflowing debt.

Guest of Honour, Vladamir Putin of Russia at a business trade show. Obama was not thought of nor invited as Obama cares nothing about employment for Americans nor for trading American products.

President Putin will be in Germany two days invested in business. Obama won't spend two minutes on business, but will spend 2 trillion dollars creating ZERO jobs for Americans.

nuff said


The Soy Milk Race: THE EMOTARD

My American children, the cartel has castrated your males and created testicles for ovaries in your females in this generational rape of the American nutrition structure which had feminist females feeding gallons of soy milk to babies, that has with Tavistock mind conditioning created this western race which flocks to being queer.
Soy milk does this and when engendered with mind conditioning one gets volumes of these screwed up EMOTARDS.

That is what is behind this = sign showing up and these warped children drawn to it in unity like some breath of air. These American and western children are now a race of freaks of nature.
It used to be in World War II that Englanders said the problem with Americans was, "They were over sexed and over here", and this once normal bridled normal sexual attraction has been corrupted to this unbridled queer states of the EMOTARD, which is all emotion and genetically retarded now.

This is all before your faces if just observed. You have literally men, real men, like Vladamir Putin, Mamoud Ahmadinejad and Kim Jong Un, mixing it up physically, liking women and shooting firearms, and this Obama led EMOTARD horde goes berserk in wanting to murder them in the largest nuclear way possible of the most bloody of uprisings.

Examine what is leading the west in Obama, the fag basketball and golf shot queer. America has no manly heroes who hunt, fish, trap, explore like  Teddy Roosevelt. When one steps up like Theodore Ted Nugent, he like these Asians is the  target for smears and death threats.

Ronald Reagan loved horses. Lyndon Johnson loved his ranch like George W. Bush. John Kennedy and George H. W Bush loved power boats. Richard Nixon loved fast cars.

What do you get with Obama, but faggotry as he is a soy boy child like all these EMOTARDS in the EQUALITY SIGNS.

Kim Jong Un, has no intention at this point of doing anything nuclear. This is how he plays and America now by the screeching pansies like George Noury and Mike Gallagher smearing Dynanstic Kim as out of control or making fun of his Asian appearance which is pure racism, as we all know that only Lebanese "white" and Irish "white" folks should be able to ......well shoot bin Laden's corpse, start murderous revolutions all across the Middle East, fire off missiles and fly B 52's over Korea as Designer Negroes doing it for the white folks makes it all sane, as white folks doing exactly what Kim does are always right.

How dare these Asians stand up and be strong men and women. Only Asian Obama as a Designed Negro American is afforded this totalitarian right in doing far worse to Americans than Kim ever has done to his own people.

Let us review this for the ignorant in who was it who blew up the Gulf Gusher and sabotaged it to shut down US oil drilling in the Gulf and polluted all those GOP States?

Kim Jong Un or Birther Hussein Obama?

How about who was it that shifted weather patterns so immense snows fell in the Rockies to flood out the Missouri and Mississippi River systems to GOP states ruin?

Kim Jong Un or Birther Hussein Obama?

Who has been terrorizing Americans with Homeland Security, creating Hookers and Jokers to murder Americans in gun control schemes, while walking weapons into Mexico to mass murder Mexicans?

Kim Jong Un or Birther Husssein Obama?

Get a clue Americans, that Kim Jong Un is being set up just like Col. Khadaffi, Hugo Chavez and Hosni Mubarack, because these MEN, whether you like Marxism or not, are MEN who are not of the Obama feudal order.

Kim Jong Un is a man and a leader. Birther Hussein Obama is a fag and teleprompter reader. That is why North Koreans who eat American foods have a leader who rides horses and shoots guns and Americans have an occupant foreign agent who gets rode by sodomites and shoots golf.
Obama appeals to the EMOTARD as the majority of Americans are EMOTARDS and EMOTARDS are afraid of normal Kim Jong Un males and react in juvenile sissy ways in verbal assassination and hope Obama will make some stage theater, so this independent leader will be murdered and Mark Levin can slobber all over his Russian Ashkenaz mic with the shroud of Reagan being besmirched ruining the American moral code.

The problem is the Amerikan EMOTARD and their fag 1600 Penn occupant from Asian lines in Birther Hussein Obama Chin as this pet Chinoid reflects their immoral, false messiah, sociopathic misbehavior they all want legal.

The problem is you America in the majority EMOTARD condition. That is why you have this insane lust to murder, and you can never find enough people to murder. If it was not Kim Jong Un, you would be dripping with the blood of some other national leader more manly than you fag Obama.

The American EMOTARD majority is a rapist nation and a murderous class all led by their Designer Negro, Birther Hussein Obama.

Lame Cherry

This not Ronald Reagan or Richard Nixon right wing America. This is not John Kennedy or Ed Koch left wing America. This is now a genetic majority fed soy milk and mind warped on Tavistock and Stanford brainwashing techniques creating an animal class of freaks.

Another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive.

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It is not the size of the man in the fight that matters but the size of the fight in the man.

This blog stands up for Kim Jong Un in being a real man, a man who looks to his country in primary allegiance, a man of convictions and of serious motivation. He is not his father of "You worthress Arec Bardwin" Team America fame and it is a fatal mistake to make that assumption. All Obama generated and constantly shared memes currently being vomited all over the Internet, taking up bandwidth, mocking this Japhethite leader in condescension and childish race baiting strategies as OObama himself would be upset by in contrast measuring by his inferiority complex the effectiveness of said insult is not only foolish but dangerous and ultimately calculated to pit family against family. Obama in aacting out against his own experiences of being patted on the head and placated with candy for his resentment of being the stupid colored child in his native land as always inferior to the Asian is leading America further down the path of no retyrn as the stage is set for anti Christ unity of all divided by the Obama shadow signatures of the world.

ALSO I will not hesitate to point out here that Napoleon was a man of small stature as well...and somehow he managed to overcome such a debilitating handicap in becoming the real Master of the free world for his time. For all tthe brats who think it is sooo funny and like totally pwning in demonstrating a superior intellect like the know-it-all in the meme, due to their limited experience as all Asians look alike and by nature are polite and jovial and non-confrontational in picking and choosing their battles, when the raping Chin hordes come for you and your women I would like to see you try to tell this same joke to one of them and see what happens.

Someone needs to tell Mr. Jong Un that we are family. I do not anticipate Mrs. Big Gulp ttaking on the responsibility as she is too busy swallowing on camera.

22 But the word of God came unto Shemaiah the man of God, saying,

23 Speak unto Rehoboam, the son of Solomon, king of Judah, and unto all the house of Judah and Benjamin, and to the remnant of the people, saying,

24 Thus saith the Lord, Ye shall not go up, nor fight against your brethren the children of Israel: return every man to his house; for this thing is from me. They hearkened therefore to the word of the Lord, and returned to depart, according to the word of the Lord.

1 Kings 12:22-24

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The Mark of the anti Christ

A witness from God's Holy Spirit

My children and my brats, the time is coming  that each of you must be Faithful or be deceived. There can be no other outcome.
In that, the subject of the anti Christ will be addressed again here, as this son of perdition will arise and be all the things this precursor Birther Hussein Obama pretends at.

It has been revealed here that the anti Christ rules from Europe, but there will now be provided more information from the Bible in exact realities to look for.

The Neo Roman Empire will be formed by 10 leaders. We know this in Daniel from references to 10 toes on a model he was shown and a vision of 10 horns on the head of an empire. The 10 horns are explained as 10 leaders, of which another comes who is more robust than the 10.
This is the anti Christ as revealed in Daniel chapter 7.

And of the ten horns that were in his head, and of the other which came up, and before whom three fell; even of that horn that had eyes, and a mouth that spake very great things, whose look was more stout than his fellows.

Daniel 7:20

A Holy Angel explains to Daniel about the anti Christ in the last verses of chapter 7 beginning with verse 24.

And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.

And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.

But the judgment shall sit, and they shall take away his dominion, to consume and to destroy it unto the end.

Daniel 7: 24, 25, 26

We are informed that this anti Christ will subdue three leaders or nations. It is something to keep in mind that in Daniel chapter 11 in the final verses that 3 nations are mentioned who the anti Christ does subdue in Egypt, Libya and Ethiopia, before going to the Holy Land and placing his government outside of Jerusalem.

Nothing in this is certain, because it might be 3 European nations subdued as Hitler accomplished, but it is certain that the anti Christ does defeat three nations.

He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries: and the land of Egypt shall not escape.

But he shall have power over the treasures of gold and of silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt: and the Libyans and the Ethiopians shall be at his steps.

And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him

Daniel 11:43, 44, 45.

Daniel chapter 11, is interesting as it begins with the Greek leader of the Syrian dominion of Alexander the Great under Antiochos Epiphanes who is the forerunner of the anti Christ. In the last verses though, the illustrious one, is melded into the son of perdition in the anti Christ.

We know this is the end times, because the first verse in chapter 12, tells us that after this invasion of north Africa and gaining control over the Holy Land, that the end times begins.

And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.

Daniel 12:1

In Daniel chapter 12, verse 11, we find the time line for the beginning of the end times in the anti Christ's actions in the following verse, and the definite to the day recording of this period.

And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.

Daniel 12:11

Jesus notes this period that the Gospel of the Kingdom of God will be preached in all the world and then the end will come.
Following this end time advent, Christ quotes Daniel chapter 12.

When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)

Matthew 24:15

So now you have a final 7 year time cycle in the first 3 1/2 years the anti Christ appears, and deceives the unFaithful, and begins to make war on the Christians as this anti Christ changes times, season and religious High Days.

At some point before 3 1/2 years are completed, this European leader invades Africa and then sweeps up into Jerusalem. It is there, he takes over the Temple which must be rebuilt as it is in that Temple he offers to satan and by this abomination makes the Temple desolate.

That event on Easter, begins the final 3 1/2 year cycle of the Great Tribulation in which everyone would die, if the days would not be shortened.

Do not be deceived in reading Daniel 12:1 closely as at that time after war against the Faithful and martyrdom, meaning no "rapture" as that is an invention and is not taught in the Bible, that the Angelic protector of the Lost 10 Tribes, which is America, Britain, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, Denmark etc... stands up, after he was withdrawn at the beginning of 9 11 in Americans having rejected their God, even that Michael the Archangel will then begin the fight for the Tribes of Israel and Judah........and note that only those found written in the Book of Life will be delivered.

Many are called and few are chosen. A remnant, a small Faithful group of Saints is what will be saved, while the majority will be culled and slaughtered.

This is place here before the events so that those who will not to be deceived will know. The very reality that the Prophecies found in Daniel are now being revealed is a sign that the end times period is about to initiate as they were to be sealed up or unknown until that time.

But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.

Daniel 12:4

I have warned here in witness that Jesus warned all in the parable of the 10 Virgins about not having enough oil, and other teachings of "the Master delayeth" and people who claim to be Christian return to their sins, is all about culling and leaving only the Elect.

God has been in no hurry to start the end, for it is the end, and when the triggers initiate the hammer will fall on the firing pin and nothing will stop the motion. All indications are things have been cocked for some time, and only a few things must take place to start the final events.

All of this is in the Bible, and the Bible cross references itself in the Holy Ghost having Inspired Holy Men of God to compose this written Word which is Christ in the Book, and the Bible interprets itself.

Those who did not know Obama for the shadow he is will not recognize the anti Christ either. Deceived brats choose to be deceived and they will be in the majority.

That leader who is the anti Christ, will come out of Europe. He will have the Vatican and the false prophet assisting, and in time turn on the Catholic religion with savage fury for their attempted control.

We are not in the final 7 year cycle of Daniel yet.

 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

Daniel 9:27

That final week or 7 year period is thee important cycle in fulfilling the cycles as one week remains. When that 7 year period starts, it will not stop until it is completed by Christ. Half way through that 7 year period the anti Christ pollutes the Temple, and at the end of that 7 year cycle, Jesus the Christ returns in the Second Coming.

Look for the Biblical events and focus upon them, as they must be fulfilled and if the person is not fulfilling them, that person is not the anti Christ.

You really are required to understand and having a clean heart and a new Spirit be ready for these times.

This is all that will be said now here as it is enough to study and ponder.

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A Snow of Two Colors

I have a first hand reconnaissance concerning the "snow" which fell from North and South Dakota, into Minnesota and Wisconsin while the world was distracted by that "northeastern storm" again.

I made mention of this in there was an off color to this snow in the refractory qualities. By this, I mean snow as you who have snow have seen that when one walks through piles of it, there is in the pockets a bluish tint to it, due to the quality of snow being water and it's nature of blue skies and blue color variant clouds produce a "blue shadow" in snow.

This snow in the Great Plains though from my intelligence is odd, in it has a yellowish brown tint to it. At first I had surmised it was something to do with the sulfur in coal plants, but the amount of snow which fell and this snow drew from the Colorado area would not have pollution factors of soot.

In examination, this snow has a strange feel to it, in being creamy in nature. It also in 20 degree weather is thawing. It literally is absorbing radiant energy from the sun on completely cloudy days at the end of this blizzard, and it is caking up.

It is not making normal cold weather snow sound either in the compaction of crystals. The nature of this is bizarre

It was of the typical nature of the plains snows in being dust and not flakes. It did not compact into concrete as this snow typically does no blizzards.

As you can witness by the above photo, the snow is white and the top does have a bluish hue to it as it typical of snows, but once it is concaved, that odd tinge of a yellowish brown.
If the snow was being tinged by southern yellow soils where this could have originated, but it was not the case as this snow does not have any dirt particles in it nor is of the Dirty 30's variety as reports from that era revealed.

A strange snow fell out of a massive storm on the northern plains. It was a Trinidad Lo as these storms are typical in generating from this area of the United States in spring and winter storms. It is though a snow of two colors, and it appears to be absorbing radiant heat and thawing on a cloudy at 20 degrees which should not be the case. It is also buttery in having a viscosity feel to it, and not sticky as snow is in thawing with the crystals catching on each other.

I recorded a snow fall in 1998 which was equally bizarre in that snow for the entire winter on the plains was as if it was freeze dried, in huge amounts fell, but there was absolutely no moisture in it. When it melted it was "dry snow" in the spring.
This was after the record flooding that minds will remember of the infamous house floating down the Missouri Mississippi River system and graves washing out coffins bobbing around in the central plains.

I had deemed that snow some rare high produced snow in the extreme upper atmosphere, but am now pondering if an effect was created to generate a dry snow to keep the central United States from flooding.
You will recall in 2011 how Mr. Obama and his eco terrorists cheered the massive flooding of GOP states in what was a bizarre weather pattern that seemed generated in storms were arriving in the plains from the Oregon area and dumping a continuous amount of snow that flooded America.
This pattern is unheard of and should have produced dry weather fronts, but it did not.

The 2013 pattern has been one of these southern storms not being able to make up their minds in a pattern that is either striking Texas and then up to the northeast. The Minneapolis fronts in lows sweeping through there, that is February 10th storm was predicted to take, but suddenly swept up into Nebraska and into the Dakotas.
The storms changed after predicted and that points to more than solar jet stream modification and perhaps a HAARP warp in the atmosphere.

This snow is fascinating in this Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive. There should not be any reason this snow is brownish yellow and feels oily. There is not enough atmosphere pollution to cause this and it appears normal until concaved and then this yellow train is noticed.

It is not normal and it begs why or what generated this phenomena and why. Is this some Chinese pollution being dumped inside America, and it that is the case, why did it end up in GOP states prospering How then did pollution if this is the case end up in Colorado to be dumped in America while the Obama northeast got normal snow.

nuff said

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