Saturday, April 13, 2013

America You have a Hero

Yes America, where but in Nebraska, in arm pit Omaha, next to that shit hole Council Bluffs Iowa, would you ever think your salvation would come from, but I have found the cure for all the Mark Levin tyranny there is, ended in the fat flabby body of a pissed off white bus driver.

In watching this video, the bus driver, pounces on some Afroid passenger who is not in the back of the bus, and wails on his head with some right crosses.
This fat white dude is really in shape, as the Afroid then is in the opposite seat and fatty pounds him there too.

Wait though this is not done yet, as the saltine drags this Nigs ass off the bus.......but it gets better as the Nig is desperately hanging onto the bus handle you use to get on the bus by the steps, and the white guy is just pulling for all the load he is worth, and finally gets this black onto the sidewalk and leaves him there.
At this point, fatty moves that rotund pretty good in getting back on the bus and closing the door, as apparently this Afroid likes getting his ass beat and is going to going to try and get back on the bus.

You will recall that Obama mama, adoptive Stan Ann said Obama liked having rocks chucked at him by Indonesian kids and being called a Nigger, so apparenlty all the propaganda has been wrong in Jim Webb Nigger Knockin' in college for democratic sport was what these blacks have always wanted.

Why else would a black just lay there getting whooped on, and then try to hang on to the bus in not being dragged off it, as he liked getting a bruising from a white man.

In noting all this Obama based psychology, this is your salvation America. I move that you find this white bus driver, who got fired for this apparent act of Negroid Enjoyment, and put him in charge of like 100 Mark Levins give em the business Russian imports. Set them loose on the South Border to beat the hell out of Mexicans and then send them through all the Nig Neighborhoods on their way to DC, and turn them loose to smack down on all them Obama fags in Washington who are raping and looting America.

Hell you don't need no drones. Just send out this fatty white guy and some Slavs and they will put everything jack straight in a few weeks. Let them pound on the state police as highway pirates and anything else that is pissing America off.

Call it Representative Smack Sarah Palin Big Gulp needed for 2014..........just some petitioned angry white guys who are in shape, though fat, and they will beat America's liberal ass in non racism, black, white and apparently that is what this Nig and Obama have testified too, in they like getting a good whooping for some reason.
Retire the Angry White Man title to Elected Representative Smack Down and it will all be much more entertaining in giving the libs what they lust for.

You just got to give them liberals what they want. Who knew that mouthy Bill Maher and Noel Sheppard were just begging for someone to whip their ass. Who knew that Chris Rock has been asking for it for years. Yes who knew this Omaha Afroid was showing the world what Obama used to dance to, in liberals just love getting a good beating.

Yes it is punishment for feeling guilty for being born and the need to be punished for what worthless tramps they all are, but I move for this to all be legalized. Forget that gun grabber stuff, and instead Congress should pass the Smack Down Law, and Troy Fisher is the guy just to make everything right in America.

No bus driver should have to put up with no dumb ass asking him questions. What the hell is he an Almanac? Hell no, he is a bus driver and got stuck in that shitty job because nothing better was around in this Obama Super Depression.

The Troy Fisher Law must be the next bill signed by Obama. Granted Fisher does not throw rocks so Obama can dance, but maybe Lindsey in the gay ear Graham can put in something special for Obama.

It certainly is better than what Obama did at Sandy Hook and to Hosni Mubarak, bin Laden, get the point.

Hell even Russian Boss uploaded this YouTube video....see I tell you the Russians just like Mark Levin just are itching for this smack down.

StarTran bus driver fired, accused of assaulting rider - YouTube
19 hours ago - Uploaded by RussianBoss61
StarTran bus driver caught beating a rider on video and then dragging him onto O Street was fired this week ...


nuff said


The HAARP Storms

There is a live time event taking place this April 13th, which is an impossibility and yet it is being generated by unnatural manipulations to the weather system.

This evening at 11 PM eastern time, a massive LO pressure system is going to organize over the North and South Dakota border, producing near blizzard conditions, massive snow, and followed by a drop slot of no moisture and NO Canadian cold winds from the northwest as is normal in weather there blowing for several days after a front.

Traditionally normal weather on the American Great Plains involved two systems. The Oregon LO pressures would slam into the American Rockies, reorganize, and produce dry weather fronts with mild weather.

The California LO pressures would slam into the Sierra Nevadas and Rockies dropping most of their moisture and power, and then reform in Colorado to produce the infamous Trinidad Lo Pressures which would bring Cyclones and Blizzards across the American mid section.

In addition to this, Clippers, which are Arctic Lo Pressure ridges in the winter and early autumn would bring chilling winds of 50 mph and above, but little moisture.

That is normal weather patterns, but now in HAARP, the Northern Great Plains are experiencing massive LO pressure systems forming when they absolutely can not form.

First one needs a Lo Pressure energy ridge to for a storm system. There is none.

Second, weather is generated by uneven heating and cooling. That is why Trinidad Colorado produces those systems as it involves dry air over the plains, warm Texas air and cold North Plains air.

Third, none of that is available now as the heat is in Texas, and the entire Plains is cold air due to HAARP trying to keep early drought from taking place in America by keeping it all in the freeze box.

As another exclusive here, the Obama regime has really f*cked this up in the delay of spring using HAARP as spring wheat for your Mark Levin bread must be sown this week on the high plains and into next week into North Dakota. It is buried under these HAARP storms and every week it delays, means lower production per acre.
Mark Levin will probably blame it on corn planting again as his oil tycoons write his talking ponits hating bio fuel production.

So a climatic impossibility is taking place in America, a super LO is forming tonight, and it will dump huge amounts on Grand Forks into the buried Duluth Minnesota area. None of this should be possible, and yet it is taking place due to HAARP.
There have been a few other storms such as this, this season which leads one to conclude that HAARP is learning to "spin the atmosphere" and load it up with these freeze dried snows, which are absolutely worthless as they evaporate when melting and there is absolutely no moisture in this odd fuzz fiber snow that leaves CHERRY CLOTH in the underlayers named snow mold.

Amazing in this that the Great American Desert is known by that name as their are no oceans with moisture to produce rain or snow. Yet in Obama super snows flooding the American interior out and these HAARP storms, one finds "moisture" being spiked like an ocean wash basin being dumped into the upper atmosphere to produce these cyclones on land now.

HAARP is learning to push moisture into areas which none could possibly be generated. The only natural means for anything such as this were hurricanes slamming in from the Gulf of Mexico or Pacific hurricanes hitting Mexico and reorganizing to pull moisture from the Gulf to the interior........and yet now there is by HAARP a moisture dump rolling in from the upper atmosphere, and in the heating of the upper levels, this LO Pressure is being created in the desert which is winter cold and covered with the last blast of HAARP winter that you probably missed it, but places like Sioux Falls South Dakota were destroyed by an ice storm and places like Duluth were buried under this HAARP storm.
Interesting in the reports though there was not any BROWN SNOW in this as this blog reported in the yellow snow evidence posted here. The current snow is blue and white again with no Peking toxic pollution.

Yes you can call this Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusives again as they are, and are according to meteorologists going to produce an event this evening which can not be, and yet it is due to HAARP.

Why is only this blog posting about Peking toxic storms dumping poisons on America? Odd is it not that none of the environmentalists have uttered a George Soros or Birther Obama word about it.
Why the cover up or was it only to destroy America that "acid rain" mattered in that farce, and when it is Peking poison dumping millions of tons of pollution on America that it a form of warfare by the global feudal Marxist state which must not be made known to alert the public.

There is a real danger now in this as wheat planting will not take place for at least one week in the Great Plains. This is deliberate now by HAARP. That will mean a 20% reduction in wheat crop production this season.

Only this blog told you last year already that something odd was taking place in Soros, Archers Daniel and Cargill were hording wheat and making huge shipments on Buffett BNSF trains......that grain never left America and these conglomerates have been hording all grains and not selling them, for reason.

HAARP is delaying another Obama drought. It now is reducing wheat crop planting and that is a huge problem in food prices and feeding people. This is all engineered, and by evidence HAARP is learning to roll the atmosphere to create cyclones where they can not appear.

nuff said

agtG 269Y

Anne SmedinghoffGATE

In a most troubling criminal cover up, concerning the mass murder of more Americans, this time in Afghanistan, the heart tugger, Anne Smedinghoff, age 25, was somehow in the lead on this diplomatic mission, in a war zone, a female who could be barely out of university, having no combat status nor status in comprehending security, was prettily in charge of this "donating books to an Afghani school".

There is a huge problem in this, besides a girl charge in a combat zone, because the Obama regime was caught lying again just like at Benghazi.

Anne Smedinghoff left a secure column, took US Soldiers out into the open, for a 200 yard walk in which all got lost in thinking a Ministry building was a school.
Then they walked back in this exposed combat zone to the target base, where a suicide bomber was waiting and then blew himself up murdering and injuring the party.

This party included an injured Afghani reporter, LOST in his own city.

Instead of stating the reality of this, the Obama regime and all media instead stated this woman was in an armoured column and was rammed by a suicide bomber in another vehicle.

The Obama regime got caught in another flat ass bold faced lie, and they told all the families the same lie.

For the reality, Anne Smedinghoff, was in over her head. No diplomat worth anything ever exposes themselves to the kinds of danger involved in combat zones, as high priority targets are targeted. THAT is what was wrong with Chris Stevens at Benghazi in Obama is sending in diplomats to unsecure zones they have no business being in.

What on earth the Soldiers were doing is beyond belief, as the commanding officer there knew damn well not to do this, and yet he or she must have been a political officer who allowed this carnage to take place.

This blog noted in Obama on the Korean border looking through binoculars at North Korea exposed, is something no officer would every allow, and it was allowed.

At this point I do not know what was taking place in Afghanistan with Anne Smedinghoff, but the reality is she was either murdered for something she knew or this was such incompetence that the military officers and the Obama regime are guilty of murder.

This Germanic hottie was a target in this. There is a cover up involved in this, and that is the entire story in this.
There is not any way that a military officer would have allowed this, no more than a combat crew would have condoned this as one gets a court martial over this stuff. Any commander is going to raise holy hell on an Soldier exposing themselves to danger, and yet I will repeat the Germanic hottie part in she has a German name, but this woman was JEWISH.

U.S. Diplomat Anne Smedinghoff and Others Killed In A Bombing In ...
31 posts - 4 authors - 5 days ago
(CNN) -- Anne Smedinghoff lived inside a heavily secured compound. But the public ... another jewish spy posing as a do=gooder. bruatally ...

Anne Smedinghoff versus Rachel Corrie
12 posts - 4 authors - 4 days ago
Anne Smedinghoff a young jewess in afghanistan - Praise as a heroine Rachel Corrie is ... Marines in Helmud Province protecting Jew Heroin ...

I will point this out and make this point again.

Barack Hussein Obama stationed a homosexual in Chris Stevens into Muslim Brotherhood territory and he was brutally raped and murdered, costing others lives.

Barack Hussein Obama stationed a Jewish woman in Anne Smedinghoff in into al Qaeda and Taliban country, and it caused her murder and the lives of others.

She was a target in being Jewish and now the question is was she an Obama Muslim prize to his al Qaeda operatives to murder a Jew?

This woman had no sense or she would not be walking around and exposing her escort to danger in a war zone. So why did not the military have sense to protect her?

Who gave the orders to expose this diplomat and how was it that conveniently there was a suicide bomber waiting there to assassinate her as the prime target...............and once again like ANALGATE, there was the Obama regime with a cover story that was an absolute lie again to cover up an operation apparently once again directed from 1600 Penn Avenue.

The very idea of sending a Jewess into a Muslim war zone is a death sentence. This is the work of Hillary Clinton and John Kerry in exposing these diplomats to apparently murder trophy status for Islamists, and that now means that JEWGATE is the match for ANALGATE in the Obama regime guilty of the murder of US diplomats in exposing and not keeping them secure.

There are reports in this orginally that the convoy crossed route with the provincial Governor's convoy, but that is not what is currently being reported in the revised reality.

There is though this interesting bit of information:

Her first assignment for the foreign service was in Caracas, Venezuela, and she volunteered for the Afghanistan assignment after that.
This Jewess from Obama Chicago, fresh out of university ended up in Hugo Chavez's Venezuela, hot bed of counter Chavez operations and the operation to cancer innoculate Chavez.

What did Smedinghoff really do in Venezuela, and what did she know about Chavez's murder, that questions were now surfacing around the globe calling for investigations into how Chavez was given cancer?

What better way to end an operatives life with too much information, that was in reality flowing directly back to Mosaad, by offering her up as a trophy to Obama's al Qaeda in ending the Chavez connection.

Exactly like Benghazi in ANALGATE as broken only here in matter anti matter exclusive, there was the Obama regime cover story of Governors and convoys, but now the reality appears in Smedinghoff left the convoy, and the regime's real operation was a car bomb ramming into Smedinghoff's convoy, but the operation was changed when she left the convoy and any approaching vehicle would have been strafed and ended before it approached.
That left this back up plan of a walking bomber who closed and murdered this woman to silence her in what she knew about Hugo Chavez's assassination that she had been giving intelligence on to Mosaad.

The Obama regime caught flat footed in another Muslim al Qaeda change of plan, published the car bomb story as they did not consider confirmation as the plans were in place and after Benghazi no more alternatives were to allowed.

This though then is SMEDINGHOFF GATE in the Ghost of Hugo Chavez.

The regime wanted her dead and offered her up for a trophy.

This woman did not have to perish with others if ANALGATE had simply been exposed.

nuff said

agtG 217

When the American fall comes

When the fall of America comes it's iniquity will be like the bulge of a high wall, jutting out, that all have witnessed for years, and yet pass by it as a thing which will never come, but the ruin of it will be fast and complete.

There will not be left even small pieces for the mason, pieces for which to carry fire or pieces to dip into water for a drink. The ruin will be utter and it will be complete.

America is a rebellious people who demand that the Prophet not speak nor that the Seer see. They would rather have their own lies to hide in than the Truth to save themselves and be set free.

You trust in cunning and oppression, in crookedness and being perverse. You rely on deceitful illusions.

You rely on your treasures now bankrupt. You rely on your military now broken. You wax old and wane feeble. Yet you say you will flee with speed and yet those who pursue you will be swifter than you.
Such bravery in cowardice in running away from your punishment.

One thousand of you will flee from the threat of one. The voice of one will set you at alarm.

Five of them will chase you to the mountains and there will you shine in hiding as beacons to all you are.

Isaiah warned your parents of these things, and they would not stop sinning. Their graves were their fields as they were the harvest of death. Yet the remnant of your parents survived to the Lord, and what have they given, but another generation to slaughter for your sins.

The things which would make your Grandmother blush are now the flame or your lust kindled in your throbbing genitals. She would recoil, while you thrust your hips at it all hoping to bury yourselves deeper in the inferno you are driven insane by.

One does not pine for a whore nor sorrow over a pimp. One shrugs and is pleased for the end, before moving on in silence as the taking out of garbage is not an event one enshrines.

A maggot's meal, a bone crushed for marrow to dog, mice making nests of your hair. That is the nature of America in her fall. Her beautiful people in a stench of death, earthen and acidic, as the insects, animals and plants feed upon that which they fed.

No wailing of coyote or wolf. No dirge of owl or hawk. Just the lone wind of silence, in affirmation of tree and grass, that they have witnessed this Prophecy before.

agtG 302YY