Monday, April 29, 2013

Frying it up in the Bean Pot

As another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive.

It is difficult trying to be a popular girl when all you are is employed by the Obama Holder BATF running operations out of the White House to build bombs for North Koreans and as the delivery chick you get your womb DNA spread all over the bomb.

Now things are not so bad when bombs go off but things get bad when control decides they have had enough of the Holder machinations and are going to frame a wanna be popular girl to blackmail the regime.  This DNA on the bomb according to inquiry is from a government operative who delivered the bombs to the North Koreans who then built their own. 

Control is taking charge over operations and as an exclamation point they have now sealed this with a kiss.  This is all KCCO Chris Dorner in things going on behind the scenes to get Obama to bend over because here it comes again. 

Something is up when Issa starts squawking again about Analgate and the pretty girl in the frameup is Hillary Clinton.  All of this is what one gets with all this Obama fraud from Birther Day 1.

I really do not have a great deal more information on this, other than to steer you children back onto subject in who really set the bombs, who framed this, and where this came out of in 1600 Penn Ave.

The agent with the DNA is scared, but is in no danger as they want her alive and manicured to appear at a hearing, or at least the threat of it.  As Sherlock Holmes would say, the game is on.  All of this only makes sense when based on what has been exclusively posted here first as Mockingbird has been leading this all in a new direction.

Did I not tell you children that more was afoot on all of this and now mysterious DNA has arrived, like that mysterious gear box from the 9 11 floated today in the news. They are telling you this is a license on Chris Dorner's smoking corpse look alike and want you to be in on the joke.

Junk food baby.......


Girly DNA

Cheetos office party

Who got their hand caught in the cookie jar??  Sticky orange fingers leave tracks.

Naughty naughty... Baby knows. Blondes are always hungry for the stage.  Being blonde does not give them brains but makes them feel entitled to their position in life, especially when on all fours.

This is a facsimile of what a blonde looks like above black roots, a strange fad when combined with swingin' low sweet chariots.

(Explanation for clarity:  Time stamp in the upper right corner of 13:50 today, and supposedly something was "published" three hours earlier when "no one" was signed into the blog.)


CONTINENTALIST: For the General Goode

This blog as the Continentalist Party of one hereby decrees another plank in the checks and balances necessary to good government.

This law states that each precinct, district, county and state reserves the  right in the 10th Amendment the following:

Any individual having received money from the public for their wages while in the employ of any local, state or federal government, is hereby subject to the following:

1. That person through petition of any American, upon gathering signatures equal to 2/3rds of the last voting group in that local, state or federal election, can hereby immediately have their employment terminated without impeachment or firing from said executive, legislative or judicial branches.

2. That said person fired from 2/3rds signatures in the local, state or federal venues of their employ, will hereby be responsible for repaying the full salary of their employ for that year to the public Treasury.

3. This direct impeachment by the people of elected and appointed individuals is hereby deemed a Peoples Check and Balance garnered to the people, and such petitions may be signed electronically by phone, computer or in standard paper protocols of individually gathered and signed signatures.

4. Such persons brought to Citizen Impeachment by petition, will be disqualified from ever serving in public employment again.

5. In the case of state and federal employees, districts or states when gathering 2/3rds of the said signatures in their district or state proper, while not recalling the state or federal employee, the said wages will be garnished in that percentage of funds.

6. Elected officials are subject to the electorate of their elections while the public job holders are subject to the electors in their employ, unless interstate association is involved in rail, road, river, air or space traffic.

Now my children to explain what the Lame Cherry has just given you.

Say you have a state patrol who is robbing travelers for the said state. Anyone in state or out of state in that interstate venue, could gather 2/3rds the signatures necessary and that offending officer would be fired and have to pay back the 50 plus thousand dollars for that year's wage.

If you have a clerk in your local government who is snarky to you, you may gather the signatures of 2/3rds of the voters in the last election and that person would be immediately fired and have to pay back the salary of that year.

Even if some judge, legislator or executive might not be able to be recalled, the Peoples Impeachment is empowered to demand that public money in wages be returned fully. If one has a John McCain to a Barack Obama, who might be protected, they still would suffer the public retribution in having to repay that percentage of the wage, even if it was .01% as a reminder they are not serving the public good.

Imagine someone like Mr. Obama with a said 47% approval, what would take place if he had to return over one hundred thousand dollars in wages from disgruntled constituents.

The Continentalist Party fully expects this to flow with vehemence on the right and left, and that is the measure, as judges may be appointed for life, but as all of this regime from all branches has destroyed America, it is the point of:

They have destroyed America, I sure as hell am not going to pay them for it

Lame Cherry

Put this onto your local laws. Put it onto your state laws.Let the courts strike it down in some cases, and then let it become a local, state and national Amendment structure ratified by Congresses and or  returned to the states to face ratification.

You want your country back, the only way to do it, is by a direct petition cleanly without recall elections, as most public jobs are by appointment.

I have no problem for someone like Dick Cheney in the past to have to return 60% of his wages, because liberals hate him. If it could be 70% then Dick Cheney should be forced out, but the same thing goes for Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Lindsey Graham, John McCain, Eric Cantor etc... and like Ruth Bader Ginsburg, John Roberts to some traitor in your local government who thinks they are untouchable.

Elected officials will be subject to the electors, appointed employees will be subject to the people they serve or the public at large.

You want your America back, this is the way to do it, and to put the fear of God into all of these people as nothing gets anyone's attention like having to return wages they have already spent or having to pay back a public who detests them.

The line if from Big Jake by John Wayne, when outlaws murdered his ranch employees and it is the marker for this as quoted above"

They killed McCandles people. I sure as hell am not going to pay them for it".

Get your money back Americans, and start garnishing these suckers wages stolen from you. It will bring a response of people actually serving the public, instead of raping them of their dignity and money.

This is the Peaceful Revolution of the Continentalist Party. It will work as all of the planks will work to resurrect the American Republic. Those smug groups and individuals who think they are untouchable will be rudely awoken when some wildlife damage agent who is raising predators in a city gets a child hurt or a pet killed, and thinks they are protected by the Mayor, wakes up to a petition in being fired and having to return that salary by getting a loan from the bank..........yes that is how one remedies public employment as few will want a job the people can directly fire them from and then have to repay that wage.

nuff said


Obama House

As John Boehner and Eric Cantor, would not go over to the Obama's for card playing and things, as the Obama's are such likeable, wonderful, attractive and fun people, I was somehow mistaken for Val-erie Jarrett by the Secret Service and whisked away to 1600 Penn Avenue for a night of fun with the Obama Chin family.

Here are the photos of my fund night at the Obama's of 1600 Penn Avenue.

First, I got to meet Barry Chin and for some reason the Secret Service all got called out on some "threat" for the next five fun hours repeatedly, and I got to discuss the world issue of how much Barack Hussein Obama likes being pushed around in a shopping cart in the White House supply room and pretend he is a 10 year old boy who likes being pushed around in a shopping cart.....for an hour as he explained that if I flashed him my boobies it would help world peace.

Next, Mrs. Obama showed up after having a fun day, and decided as I rolled Barry up to the family quarters to point out in silence a sign she had painted. She never did explain if it had to do with that cylinder as she apparently enjoyed riding it like a circus pony, as she was walking more bowed legged than usual.

Mrs. Obama, then disappeared, along with Mr. Obama Chin, and the girls, decided to show me how much fun it was to play in the laundry room. They had an affection for the spin cycle without loading anything into the machine.

Next, the Secret Service arrived and summoned me to the Obama's dining room as they said Barry wanted to show me something fun, as they said they had another security emergency and left, as I distinctly heard something in Spanish from a woman down the hall about mucho denaro.

I arrived at the Obama dining quarters, whereby Obama Chin said how much fun it was to play the game, "Suck the Pickle". He said that he really enjoyed having his pickle sucked and it was the most fun game he knew. He said he liked it most when the male reporters would play the game with him.
I told him, "I do not like pickles", and Mrs. Obama came in.

Mrs. Robinson Obama was dressed in something fun, and then started to play a ukelele as she said that was really fun and everyone had a great deal of fun when they listened to her sing for hours, and hours, and hours, saying she looked like Diana Ross, sounded like Diana Ross, sang like Diana Ross, walked like Diana Ross, talked like Diana Ross and had so much fun calling her Diana Ross.

After all of that fun, the one daughter and Mrs. Obama said they wanted to play, "Let's be Sarah Palin", and so they played that fun game, for several more hours, of so much fun, that was really fun, and it was wow was it fun.

The Secret Service returned after their emergencies and I told them I had enough fun as Val-erie Jarrett and would like them to get me out of all that fun and to never be having this much fun again with the Obama's.

I hope John Boehner gets mistaken for Val-erie Jarrett on pickle cycle.
