Thursday, June 20, 2013

To the Good

There are good people in this world and I do so worry over them. As I type this, a Lady mentioned to me about the Dinar revaluing, so this is for Allison and her wonderful daughter.

My cousin is invested in the currencies and tried repeatedly to get me to put something into them, but in reviewing all the information, it appeared to me as another matter of things promised like I could purchase an Army jeep for 100 dollars, so all of us signed up for one, and in the end no jeeps ever arrived. Thankfully I never put 100 dollars down, just my name.

My great Grandfather was a homesteader immigrant. He loved bananas, and one day a person from  Texas came through his part of the country, "selling shares in a banana plantation in Texas"
Grandfather was all for it, but Gram told him, "NO YOU ARE NOT".
Turned out it was one of those hustlers who just took people's money and ran for the border.

I have not inquired Allison if any of this will revalue. I sincerely hope that it does for you and you become very wealthy. I worry about good people like you who have donated to this blog in always saying you would liked to have been able to give more. You are someone who has already donated too much in what you have given like the Viking or others who have children.
I ponder these things in if I was rich, I would try and find ways to get not rationed 1000 dollars like Dinesh D'Souza was bragging about giving to George Obama, who he made millions off of, because what is that but a slow death and it is always odd to me how people who have large sums of money, always think the poor would blow it on stupid things, when they blow it on the same kinds of stupid.

When I was a child, my 5th grade  teacher read us the the Little House books. I never forgot Almanzo Wilder as a child at the fair. He wanted a glass of lemonade which was 5 dollars. He asked his dad for the money which I suppose would be like asking for a car now, as pigs are only 200 bucks in price.
The other men thought old man Wilder mad in handing Almanzo the money, but the old man said, "Almanzo, you can go buy that lemonade and it will be gone, or you can take that 5 dollars and go buy that piglet over there and raise it for a profit".
Almanzo bought the pig.

I have always tried to buy things that would not break and that I could hold. Yes I have some stupid purchases like books and Wedgwood I picked up at penny prices that could burn or break, but the thing is, unless George Soros or Warren Buffett bought things, I doubt any profits will ever be. Soros dumped gold and seems to have disappeared. Buffett bought ketchup and plastic pipe. Most corporations seem to be hanging onto their cash, preparing for some type of 1929 crash to buy things up for pennies on the dollar.

I only know I never have had any spare cash to invest in anything and when I bought the lottery to rob me, I regretted it.

The thing is Allison, is you find excuses to apologize for not being able to give more. Rich people find excuses without apology for their reasoning in not giving more. Allison, you are part of the good and I pray for each and every one of you to be blessed physically and Spiritually. I actually have prayed that God would make people rich, so they could donate large sums, but as of yet that has not materialized.

People like you though touch TL and my heart, for how good you are, and in days when ringtones change, backgrounds are changed and of course some pervert is thinking if they can knock me around, that will validate them, it is the things you represent and are which makes me smile inside.

It has been a rough day. I do not expect you Allison ever to give more. I would that I had to give to you. Today is one of those exhausting days that I feel I can not do this any more, as I care for Mom, am building a shed out of waste lumber for a sick doe, who has run me into the ground as I have to get her up several  times a day and am checking her at 6 until midnight, plus this listening to God, doing the blog and assorted other things that require doing.
I do not know if I can do this blog as am exhausted. I have posts into mid July, but it is the devil's work when I get hammered by these asses online, the satanic attacks non stop, and it takes time to recover and deal with this stuff, as people are not meant to operate at the levels I do.
It is worse with this Jinn thing, in I honestly thought the surveillance would leave me in peace, but it only became worse in new forms of monitoring, before backing off today for the moment.

I do not know what to do from the dangers in all of this as the asses think this is some game to hide behind screens and be rude. Frankly, in begging, I would that I was like Oral Roberts in saying he needed a million dollars or God would take him out.....and then some millionaire was leveraged into donating the money to save face. I would that I could be away from all of this, and then just in having the funds, focus on God, and then start a private blog, email the people who donated where it was, tell them to never share it, and just do things that way in posts when God brought them, instead of striving even in sleep for one more revelation.

TL tells me I should quit and just tell the rich, no more blog until each of you come through with the big donation. Let them try and figure it out blind.

You, Allison are perfect in who you are. You have treasure in a daughter and like so many others, you are a light in God shining through you in this dark world. I never have the time to reply to everyone who writes or would like to have coffee, but each of your good blessings is cherished and honestly my children are all good children who are on this blog.

God bless each and every one of you.

There is always tomorrow for dreams to come true.....and tomorrow can not be far away.

I apologize but I have a doe to get up as she is down again.


All in a Fargo Shit Bag Solution

I monitor things via the internet as it allows one to visit the shit holes in America, and the latrine of the central United States is absolutely a cesspool.

I have mentioned Scott Hennen who was once Tea Party and is now someone who is non stop promoting Mexicans, as the Mexican slave labor market, fuels this entire commerce industry of America for their rapine.
Yesterday I was watching 8 Mexicans in a Subway. They were the ENTIRE road crew for a highway project. The electricians from another company were all white, but these Mexicans were earning high salary jobs, from a company which employed only Mexicans and not Americans.

Think of it in tax dollars are from Americans, and the federal and state, issue contracts to companies which in turn in racism only employ an entire Mexican labor force. This garbage is what America is now.

So in answer to Marco forked tongue Rubio, this blog in honor of Scott Hennen, who was whoring an old woman with asthma named Mary today, in sticking up for Big Pharm as "all those profits go back into research"..........yeah Hennen, I'm certain that all the CEO's of Phizer wipe their asses with pages from the newspaper, as like you, all the profits go back into running the company.........this blog answers the Mary question with a common sense solution.

Oh and Common Sense is the club Hennen once ran for the Tea Party..........and I will state that this Minnesota transplant to Fargo Doncha Know, is a person who shits in a bag or something as chemical poisons ruined his guts like so many people.
Difference in Hennen went to the Mayo Clinic and got fixed, which cost a fortune just like his other twit mic head, Mark the Freedom Poet, who just can not see a fraud when looking into the mirror.
The point in bringing up the Hennen condition, is Hennen has FIVE DOGS, which you know in vet bills and feed now cost a fortune, but he "rescued them". Factor that out in five dogs and  one more HUMAN EMPLOYED at his radio network.
What is more important, a North Dakotan WHO IS HUMAN TOO, or a dog?

I bring up the HUMAN TOO as a woman phoned up complaining about what I had posted on here in that mutant from South Dakota, Dennis Obama Republian Daugaard, had after the state Congress had pulled out the funding for Mexican health care, in stealth broke the law and stuck it back in against the will of the people.
Hennen lectured this woman as Mexicans were people too in the worst kind of commerce racism.

Get the point, Hennen has his uber bucks backing in North Dakota from the tycoons and barons, because those slave holders are employing all these Mexicans. Yes Hennen never equates how many Americans died, so he could shit in a bag.......because that high cost comes when Americans who can not afford things have not sought treatment and died.

So Scott Hennen of Fargo North Dakota is literally killing people for his space on earth, and denying Americans their place in their own country, because those Mexicans are more human than Americans.

Let that soak in, let it drench the mind, because from dogs to Mexicans, this fraud, Scott Hennen, equates Americans who need jobs and health care behind dogs and Mexicans by his very espoused policies in lining the pockets of the nation rapists..

Now degrade this out to Mary, who is complaining about Big Pharm and her trying to survive on 1000 dollars retirement or cripple funds, and 200 dollars of it goes to asthma meds.

Mary sees the prices of Big Pharm, but Mary does not see what the cost really is as it all factors down to Forked Tongue Rubio's Mexicans.

This blog has exclusively run the numbers in this, in there are 40 million beaners in America, half of which work kick back jobs in fake Social Security Numbers like Obama has.
The companies say they pay one wage to the IRS and then pocket the difference paid the Mexicans and the government gets the taxes.

Businesses love Mexicans, because Mexcians rent homes, Mexicans buy high end used cars, Mexicans buy groceries on welfare, Mexicans do not pay for health care, so Big Med can shift that cost to private insurance screwing Americans over, Mexicans buy gas, and Mexicans buy bling, with the added bonus Mexicans compete with poor Americans, forcing poor Americans onto welfare which is what this is all about in the overthrow of America.

The Mexican is the economic saboteur to America and it is all by design from the Ford Foundation which started all of this, where Stan Ann Dunham worked along with Tim Geithner's old man.

The solution is simple as has been stated here to save Americans.

Put a 1000 dollar bounty on every Mexican, so Americans can catch them and collect the fee. Enterprising Americans will become an economic base in what would be 40 billion dollars flowing directly into consumer's hands.
RFID chip the Mexicans for when they are dumped back across the border, and the reality is, if they come back, they will be shot on site for 10,000 dollar bounty for invading America.

Ends the Mexican problem.

As for the jobs, these will be filled by Americans who are unemployed at 90 million in America. John McCain will be made to pay a living American wage to Americans to mow his lawn and construction jobs will be only allowed to American Citizens.

This evolves as the old west did as few people know. See the government shot the buffalo in order to subdue the savages. When the buffalo was gone, the hunters took up the trade of picking up the bones of the buffalo cleaning up the plains.
The cattle and sheep ranchers moved in, and the wolves and coyotes ate the stock, so this provided jobs for wolfers to kill this vermin.
As civilization became a reality, the buffalo hunters had gone from that, to bone pickers, to wolfers, to actually retiring on small farms in making a living.

One buffalo hunter, became thousands of jobs. The same would take place in one bounty hunter will open up millions of jobs in an economic boom for America.

You like high gas prices? I already ran the numbers on this years ago, in you take out 40 million Mexicans burning gas, and all of a sudden there is a gas surplus and prices go down, putting that money into your pocket, so you can fund more operations for Scott Hennen to shit in a bag, instead of you dying as food for the worms.

See that is the deal in this, in the Rubios and Hennens like the Hamms and the Freiss, they all have their cake and bags to shit in, but the Americans can all just be shit buried in a hole as there is no money in Americans.
GET THAT POINT, in Americans do not make money for these nation rapists in the quantities they demand. Americans budget and Americans do not accept criminal jobs for kickbacks and slave wages. That is why Americans are being replaced with another majority as the black knows welfare is a better deal than gutting chickens and white Americans who would work, are now simply not hired as there is such racism now, in not one American is employed, but entire work crews are Mexicans.

Scott Hennen is not some unique village person. You have these shills in every region as your mic heads. They manage the populations to not revolt. They slip in things like.......oh yeah Mark Levin promoting a fag society not long ago, and now he is supposedly the one against the fagocrats led by the Bush family.
This is all about the Mockingbird rewardees telling the Americans to suck it up, as there are more important things like Big Pharm research than sick Americans........and never bringing up the root problem of all of this is the Mexican slave labor force.
It is all about deflecting all of you long enough, so when the skeeter drones are employed to assassinate you in your front yards, that Mark Levin will not have to be around to tell Americnas to "wait around again and be patient" as my new book will have all the answers in this difficult struggle.

Yes the last book was supposed to save America, and look what it got you, but now you must  waste more precious time as Levin cuts and pastes a Mockingbird solution which is "difficult".

Hell this is not difficult as Milton Friedman would have just turned market forces loose, and that is what beaner bounty hunters are. There is a commodity there worth harvesting. Put the fine on the companies and the real estate renters.........hell on Ford if the beaner is driving a Ford when caught, and make them pay for it all out of their "research fund".

Slave labor market dries up in two seconds with this solution and Mexicans flow out of America, but this time in trying to get out, they have to pay 1000 dollars, plus if someone needs a kidney they donate that too.

For states, the reality is simple........tell the feds to get out of their states, and arrest any of them that interfere with the 10th Amendment due process of states securing ALL that goes on within their borders as sovereign entities, protecting LIFE, LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS of Americans protected under the Constitution.

Solves it all, and you do not have to buy a book here, nor wait around from Mark Levin to delay you as he cuts and pastes things.

This is Franklin economics and the proven forces which the common sense Milton Friedman would utilize to fix this for an economic boom that would not be a bubble but progress to more jobs.

The great part is Scott Hennen can still shit in a bag, keep his five dogs, and actually get 5 more, as with Americans having jobs, and the surplus of commodities, deflation will make everyone that much more wealthier.

You will never hear this though from the frauds like Hennen, Levin, Limbaugh or whatever flavor you got in your Ohio Andy Dean as they are corrupt and it is in their interest to protect their benefactors who are using Mexican slave labor to genocide Americans, black, white, brown.......and that does include the Hispanics who are Americans as you do not abort your babies, you are moral Christians and you do not squander your money.

Yes the Hennen problem is he kept taking in far too many foreign bodies instead of taking a good dump and shitting it all out. America now is shitting in a bag and dying from toxic beaner slave labor waste. That is the reality, and the reality is America needs a good roto rooter bounty hunter system and a good flush to get rid of the septic tank the economy has been waste mismanaged too.

Once again the only solution which will work immediately and states can employ it with a willing American work force which is armed as the militia to protect all of this.

nuff said


The Jinn in Berlin

As one can find in the evidence of Barry Jinn in Berlin, that Obama has left the building. The reality is, the European princely demons were on display in Berlin for the Obama Nightmare Speech.
In the picture from 2010, Merkel of Germany is shaking hands with an equal. By the 2013 Obama Nightmare Speech, her hand is visibly now in the dominant position.

It was only covered here in that creepy Merkel / Cardinal George photo, that a deal had been worked out with his backing for Merkel to keep power in Berlin in the coming election, making the false prophet to be, the king maker.
That event is backed by the European princely demon in control of this region. It was backed by satan, and satan backed what the anti christ accomplished in the sun blinding the

Pic circa July 2010

Pic circa June 18-19 2013

What is she smiling about as if she knows something the rest of us don't?

Merkel is clearly the dominant position over the Jinn which is impersonating Barack Hussein Obama. She is the cat which has the canary, as her demons backing her power run, are of the higher order, compared to the reptilians, which is the class which possesses Vladamir Putin.

Upright and hand on shoulder for control (2010):

This is what wanting a kiss looks like:

Why is she shrinking away?

Changes in behavior mean something.

This Jinn did not know it's place. It can in nuclear reduction attempt the weakening of the west to bring about the hordes of the east in victory in  the next war for an Obama legacy. It can not though elevate greater than the order of demons who are the principalities and that special order which is part of that unholy trinity in the false Christ, the false prophet, nor the false messiahs.

There is destined to be a greater force of darkness arisen in Europe. It will be ushered in by the false prophet overthrowing the Vatican as a miracle working angel of light, who will assist in bringing forward the anti Christ, who will share the stage with no one as this blog predicted.

Do not be captured by one dimensional thought in only one plan to remove Birther Hussein. The feudalcrats agreed to the Bush family removing Birther by helping out his aneurysm. When this medication did not bring about results, another party engaged in this action which the feudalcrats of Europe had an understanding on, and that brought about the events of June 13th, 2013.
Once again, these were humans engaged in this, and there was also another European plan meant for this period which others had hinted at from the beginning in a messiah sacrificed. This was the apparent chosen time for this to take place in Europe with this group led by the anti Christ and satan were going to complete.

One though can not sacrifice what is already in the morgue under 1600 Penn Avenue. One can though sabotage a teleprompter a Jinn has no real experience with, exposing it as a fool and that it does not belong on the anti Christ stage, as those princes and principalities of the order, are for this time, and will not share that stage as there moment is coming.

This Jinn has been allowed to replace Birther, and it can lead to the American Israelites to the grave with western Europe, but it will not contend nor be allowed on that stage with the demonic royals.
Americans may be fools in inserting a foreign agent of Barack Hussein Obama into their Throne Room of Christ, but satan and it's princes have standard which will not be violated.

agtG 257Y

Walking that Way

Certain things need to be noted, in the Jesu of man's Desiring is thee most perfectly joyous music ever produced in pure holiness by Johan Sebastian Bach.

In that, it is a conclusion that the most perverse lewd song in human history is the masterpiece, Walk this Way, by Aerosmyth.

Walk this Way is the sound of a sodden pussy strummed by mid stroked erection full with desire.

Lame Cherry

The first time I heard Walk this Way, it was on my brother's car stereo and I knew the lyrics were bad, but over the years in listening to the licks that Steven Tyler and Joe Perry created, it is such a fantastically created sexual song, which even surpasses Strangehold by Ted Nugent for the murderous grip a male has upon a female threatening her with deprivation of life by throttling.
Granted the sweet emotion of murder is different from the dream on of cat scratch fever, so comparisons do not relate fully, but for sexual genre built upon the blues of high intensity Afroid beat, Walk this Way is perfection as pure physical sexual deviancy in music.

It is amazing in artistry, that Lawrence Welk could create Baby Elephant Walk and Henry Mancini could create Pink Panther, both expressing creatures of nature, because Flight of the Bumblbee is like a perfect capture in an LSD "sounds like red to me" in sounds in mirror image of the creature it should.

Sex in it's most carnal form is Walk this Way, and that is something I'm envious and jealous of, as creating something so perfectly matched in sound to known human experience is a remarkable thing.

The shrieking music of Psycho which Alfred Hitchcock used is the perfect example of that intimate knife slaying only steel and blood can unleash as it cuts life away.

Tyler and Perry literally have the anti thesis of the Joy of Man's Desiring in Bach to the Carnality of Man's Lust. Forty years ago was this song created and it has never been fully expressed, expounded upon or rated a deep enough X as it is not just about fornication in hormones unleashed, in words, but this music is pure genitalia engorged in the sultry slap of an orgasmic scream.

Aerosmith - Walk This Way - YouTube
Nov 30, 2011 - Uploaded by MusicRockRulez
"Walk This Way" is a song by American hard rock group Aerosmith. Written by Steven Tyler and Joe Perry ...

It is a remarkable thing in lewdness and I do wonder in an all knowing God, after He created sex, witnessed it unbridled and wondered if "daddy took it a little too far". Then again with the mess, the PMS, the babies for 21 years and a family literally killing people, sex like that is probably necessary in perverseness as love would have refrained in joy from procreating that insanity in sacrificing one's life.

The human desire for God mingled with the human desire for each other, creates the reality of the family.

Such dichotomy in walking this way to walk that Way.
