Monday, June 24, 2013

Open the Hatch

Upon inquiry, a call was made by the Jinn to Mormon Hatch of Utah. The call was conducted directly a the Jinn hates Hatch.

The content was simple in Hatch frequents on a monthly basis an apartment in DC run by a burb brothel which uses under age girls. Hatch hooks up with a regular there in the 16 to 17 year old range.
Cialis is involved.

It was this information which moved Hatch to vote for the border buster overthrow of America. It was not necessary, but as stated the Jinn detests Hatch. That part is fascinating as a demonic entity exhibiting what would seem base human nature in just doing something because it could.

Hatch to save his twilight reputation did the affirmative vote. It was the girl thing which has him as  Ted Kennedy's best bud which never made any sense, unless of course buds of a bush pollinate together.

There are others being blackmailed in this vote too on both the democratic and republican sides.

nuff said

agtG 264

Additional notes:

That Hastings reporter who was investigating the David Patreaus' coup was murdered as he was about to be questioned by the FBI which would have gained access to the evidence he uncovered. The Holder cell was behind the silencing operation.

Addition dux,

That CIA spy which was caught by Iran and executed, was captured due to Birther Hussein turning him over to the Islamocommunists there, as Birther had been protecting the Persian communists their since the Twitter Revolution was initiated to weed out all Iranian Patriots for that Obama nuke bomb legacy thing.
Now though Birther is tits up, and the Jinn no longer fits the face of Birther. Seems exaggerated now. Perhaps more to come on that.

Gotta Jet

American Necrophilia

As just a tits up America comment, I just heard Mark Levin apologize and state he would never vote for that fraud Orin Hatch of Utah, after Hatch voted for the renewal of American slavery.

I just wonder how damn stupid you have to be to be suckered by that Hatch and destroy a Tea Party candidate like Levin was....or you are a damn fraud working for Mockingbird sabotaging things.

I do not have wonder alone about Russian Jews with toxic mouths and no donations, who get it wrong for months until lurching into the Truth, but I wonder about the Afroid being the most stupid race on the planet in they support slavery too under Chin and Jinn.

Really how stupid do you have to be to vote for a Chinese cross called Designer Negro Obama, who aborts you wholesale, and then auctions you off for genocide in bringing in Mexicans to replace you.

The Black Congressional Caucus, also supports this, as they signed on if Rubio would toss in with the Jinn in allowing in more poor Africans to take the jobs of blacks already in America.

Once again just how damn stupid do you have to be to be suckered like this in Levin trusted  Teddy Kennedy's best friend in Hatch and blacks trusted this Barry Chin who did in the blacks best friends in Teddy Kennedy and Hillary Clinton.

How long is it going to take to dump the Levin frauds or traitors or the black idiots and traitors. I think that Conservatism has one Conservative left in the top ranks in farm boy Victor Davis Hanson.....who was on Levin's program.
This entire bunch though is like a bad Halloween party, in which everyone has on Uncle Sam masks and when they come off, they are all satan.

But let us all wait for Mark Levin's next copy and paste book which he says has a difficult solution to all of this in hard. How about that Scott Hennen of the Tea Party who backs this John Hoeven who passed all this Rubio slavery, as that is what North Dakota magnets love in slave labor from Mexico.

America is dead, face that. You are on life support, and face the reality that if you are white, black or brown in being an American, that YOUR HOME has just been awarded to Mexicans who will inherit every thing you worked for and all Americans fought for.
Slave quarters is what your home will be, as that is what will take place as 40 million Mexicans are going to be 100 million latins from all down south, as the white Spaniards dictating there do not want those beaners revolting, so they send them north to annex America into their sewer.

I keep making the point. These people are either idiots or traitors or both. None of the above are loyal Americans.
I voted for George W. Bush twice as that was the best that could be done and he lied a great deal too, and my not being a liar, I did not expect that.

I do expect though all of the above to be traitors and morons, or both.

Have you ever in your life, besides Jews in the European ghettos being sold by their own Ashkenaz elite to the Nazi war machine, ever seen a people more defunct in should not be allowed to vote than the American Afroid. They literally sold themselves to Obama who bought better Mexicans as slaves, and these stupid people never figured it out, but instead wanted more blacks from Africa to take their jobs.
At least those Jews sort of learned in .....well hell they never learned as their leaders have them locked behind ghetto walls in the Israeli state waiting for a nuclear holocaust to final solution them.

I can honestly understand now why the leftists wanted white people a minority in America, and the west, as white people at least learn after making mistakes. I will never vote for a Bush again of any color and I sure as hell was not dense enough to back Orin Hatch.

The real problem is those in power and behind mics have no fear, because they know blacks will not burn down anything for the Chin or Jinn sentencing them to genocide and the whites will just take it.

That is why the elite took America in taxable robbery from each of you all legal. It is why they have turned America over to the slave class in replacing all of you. The idiot can sit and listen to the Scott Hennen minders who like Mark Levin do it on a local scale to try and pacify Conservative areas and delude themselves that there is a tomorrow in this, but that kind of American Necrophilia gets you only stunk up like a rotting body.

The rich are protecting their money and their own feudalism in America. America is now a caste state. It is not a nation. It is a camp like those Stalin and Hitler ran filled with occupants who are criminals now for being Americans white and black, and the mass just is standing around waiting to be exterminated.

Take a look in the mirror white America, as this is the day your extermination papers were signed by the Senate by a body of traitors who changed free people for slaves. At least a semblance of you knew the danger, but for blacks they could not jump into the grave fast enough as Jews were busy digging it since 1965.......but let us remember that a "sorry" from Mark Levin makes it all better in this genocide stuff.

Hitler should have tried it.....he probably would have a radio program now too.

Yes I have a passion for scorched earth and the smell of dead bodies gives the land such a ......reminds me of bbq.


Sundae's Wisdom

Dichotomies in this world are always a puzzle to me. For example, the TL is someone who is so rare in people who are gorgeous, brilliant and talented, are supposed to be the type which does not develop their intellect or talents as they slide by on being attractive.

There is a rare character in people who are attractive and do not rest on their laurels and never develop beyond juvenile emotional levels.
It is equally a crippling thing to have someone who is a cripple like Stephen Hawking relying on his mind to think they are more intelligent than God.

There are all sorts of emotionally crippling defects which afflict people and have to be overcome in Christ, as all know that some of thee most ugly people are the most attractive people, as real beauty does come nurtured from within.

In that, the wisdom today comes from Sundae, who mentioned to me that "she was happy with who she is". That is such a blessing and I would that more people would be happy with who they are, because in the few decades that people are here in this world incubating, it is all going to vanish and everyone will either be in Heaven in new bodies or ashes in hell or in a hell of spiritual death with satan and demons.

What a great gift and inspiration Sundae is. That type of wisdom raidates beauty from within and makes every person magnified more beautiful.

I remember a story in Reader's Digest about a man who was married to the most beautiful woman in the village. The correspondent was questioning him in how he got the best looking woman around.

The man replied that he fell in love with a most average looking woman, but his love for her was beyond all the treasures in this world. In those parts of the island world, a real catch of a woman would be worth 3 cows in a dowry. Some unheard of women had been gifted four or five cows in legend, but this average woman would probably be worth two goats as that is all her father would expect.

As the husband related the story, he stated that he would in fact marry this average looking woman, so he got ready and showed up with the dowry he would pay for her.
The husband showed up with 12 cows to the shock of every one and brought his average looking wife home.

It did not take long before the fame of the 12 cow wife spread, and soon this woman who was believed in by her husband suddenly became this radiate creature the correspondent witnessed, as she became thee most beautiful woman in the country, because she was honored by that dowry in revealing all what love could transform.

There are four letters in English which assemble to the same word. The word is ONLY and HOLY using the same letters.
Holy means set apart, and of course Only means the single one set apart.

Ladies are such wonderful creations in the Breath of God. They are Proverbial as in Proverbs 31 as TL points out to me often. To find a feminine prose of God who knows who she is, how she manages finance and business, her home, her family, her husband and the life God bestowed upon her is one of the most beautiful of things and the most wonderful of accomplishments as a strong woman is the most attractive of creations in God's doing.

I can not afford contact directly with people. I attempted it in the past and had a not so nice person stalk me, try to be a sleuth in tracking me down, and getting it wrong in the wrong person and then they decided to threaten me as this person in making cryptic remarks about this person's children.
TL goes through a great deal because of me in daily antagonisms by Prism Planet. I have the same in events, but I ignore them as it is a point God will have to deliver me for the work here and if groups this powerful decide to murder me, then if Andrew Breitbart was not safe or a CIA Director, then there is not much need to be concerned that I could stop people who are above the law employing assassins who make reporter's cars go crash for looking into Patraeus things.

I honestly would like to sit and chat with each of you, as I know you are interesting and wonderful people. I know I though would be like the person who saw Kit Carson in saying, "I thought he would be taller".
The image of me in the readers mind is the perfect one as that is the person I should be as St. Paul says in being all things to all people.
I do marvel over each one of you in how special you are in creations of God. You are very insightful by the Holy Ghost and you are very good souls. I do though have the protect the good in the best ways I can, as too close of contact means things to the cartel to exploit each of you.

When I first met TL, TL ventured upon the internet on their father's computer. All "hell" broke loose in I knew I had company, as someone was most interested in what LC was making contact with on a different computer. No one should be exposed to that, as things ramp up with me around as there is interest from the real powers that are in what takes place here in information. For apparent reasons, their demon machine only can produce one type of information, and they have interest in the sensor I am in what I pick up.

None of that compares though in all the power of this world to wisdom and the contentment of being happy with the person God made and is producing in this life here.

There is not one spy in the Prism Planet who is happy with who they are. It is why they do what they do and think the Constitution does not matter, and that sticking pins into me is a catharsis which is acceptable as nothing will take away what is their inner misery.

I always liked that Doc Holiday line in Tombstone about people being so empty in all the money, whiskey, sex could never fill the emptiness in most people, and how they all want revenge for being born.

The world really does have three races of people. There is the Spiritual race in God who are happy with who they are. There are the vacuous void who are dead inside and feed off of events and emotions to feel anything. Then there are the spiritual dead, who are driven 24 hours a day on self destruction and most are too cowardly to put the bullet to the brain and instead torture and murder entire nations as their daily bread.

Life is out there somewhere in this world of amoral darkness. It is though still lived by those in  God's Light who can see their bits of this world, but their light drives the fury in those blinded by the light hiding in the darkness.

Lame Cherry

nuff said


Prism Planet

 Editors Note: In posting this now, I was entertained by the page scrolling on it's own from bottom to top twice without my having to click anything or having clicked anything.

Such clever tricks Prism Planet has in glitches and of course terrorizing those who dare to expose what is really taking place.

This is what is behind the refracted structure which the Mockingbird frauds on the right are enabling and the over 500 year history which has set up the Barry Jinn and Marco Rubio final nails in the American coffin.

My children, for some exclusive in matter anti matter, the Lame Cherry presents, Lame Cherry, and now here is Lame Cherry.........

This blog has been thee only historical account of all events, past, present and future. As a professional I have decided this in logging a reality. The Lame Cherry publishes like none other in any media for content, depth and volume. That is 365 days a year, and most of you invest an hour on this site.

But first for something really important, if you are poor, in poverty under 30, 000 dollars a year, I am not addressing you. So do not feel guilty if you donated or did not. I am not about taking widows mites no more than I am about taking money from my Mom who is a widow with no pennies.

Now onto the things of reality.

If I was an auto mechanic, an air conditioner repair person, a doctor, lawyer, dentist, CPA, the cost would be in the 50 dollars per hour average if you visited them. Odd thing is, if you visited them and stole auto parts, legal documents, or medications, you would find yourself incarcerated.

Same situation is a grocery store, Walmart or boutique, if you just showed up for an hour and took things and left the store, you would be called a thief, for that is what is the definition of it.

For some reason, this blog turns cowards who would never dare steal anything from a store or not pay a doctor bill, into brazen highwaymen, who not only steal content here, but then go off and claim it is their own and then decide to turn me into a whore by offering me crumbs to chew on as they woman beat the hell out of me and other women.

Do the arithmetic as it is simple, 50 dollars  times 365, and the grand sum is 18, 250 dollars would be the amount you would be billed for in any occupation or any store if you pulled what you bold thieves pull behind your computer screens thinking you are getting away with it.
I fully intend to make certain this is all thoroughly brought up in Christ's Judgment on a case by case basis for those robbers who passed by on the other side of the road, leaving the poor Good Samaritans to do the "Christian donations".

Some might be speed reading, and I could care less as God records it all in the Books of Judgment. Some might be smug thinking, "Well this blog ain't no doctor or Walmart", and I would answer, of course it is not, because this blog has been the only source breaking any stories, making any talking points and doing anything to save you miscreants from your doom as you sit smugly in your condemned existences rubbing your gold coil like Scrooge between his thumb and finger.
The point is, how much is knowledge worth which saves your life, or how much is knowledge worth that can not be put a price on as no one else published or looked at any of these "gates" as they are all too ignorant of the subjects and have no idea about any of this.
18.250 is cheap when a person is drowning as all of you are in this world, and I doubt you highwaymen would pull out a 100 and ask for change to the person throwing you the rope.

That stated, today's lesson is on the overthrow of America by border busters.

The reality of Rubiogration did not start this year in the least in the fraud involved.

It all began as this blog stated in the Lincoln Era, when all the religions got together and started demanding that Lincoln turn all those murderous, savage terrorists called Indians over to their "care".
If you care to take this back a step, that is what the Vatican was up to all those Columbus years ago in making all the wild men into Catholics by incorporating all their voodoo and shamanism into that religion, all to rob these poor beasts of their few pennies, so the "church" could pontificate in gold and silks.

Eugene Ware in The Indian Wars of 1864 details all of this in what was really taking place in America in the clergy then was aiding terrorists who were gang raping women, kidnapping children and making slaves of them, when not murdering the entire groups.

So the genesis of all of this are those money grubbers in the clergy of olde and of Civil War America, looking to increase their flocks with ignorant dolts they could fleece while dominating  people not of white skin color.

Few people know that Ronald Reagan in his memoirs, addressed the immigration problem, as this was "handled" again in 1965, when there was a direct overthrow of America.
Teddy Kennedy was involved in it, but the reality is, it was Jewish interests who literally joined with the religions in America to change the demographics of America from white European edcuated immigrants to hordes of non white imported slaves.
Up until 1965, America favored white, Christian Europeans who were highly educated for immigration. What the 1965 Act did was open the doors for full importation of the slave class into America who could then be exploited, for the 3rd worlder is predominantly Catholic in the meaning of Jesuit socialist in following orders, prone to union control, and a readily source to be exploited as one herd.

Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 - Wikipedia, the free ...
The 1965 act marked a radical break from the immigration policies of the past. The law as it stood then excluded Latin Americans, Asians and Africans and ...

So for those who thought that the feudal state ended with the abolition of slavery, they had better become clued in, as the feudalists murdered Lincoln and the entire process has been nothing but a genocide on competing white people by a select group of organized socialists who in community organization are nothing more than communists arresting control of the west by using clergy to scalp the poor and tell them to suffer in being exploited as the feudal lords exploit them for slave labor.

See you do not get the historical reality from anywhere else, as it tracks into the Jesuit communists who backed Barack Obama in this "people of color" importation to the west as vast numbers of the 3rd world are filled with a billion Asians, South Americans and Africans who are not like those white skinnned Europeans or Russians who would rise up and not be exploited.
There is are a reason a whore like Marco Rubio is doing what he is doing and why the industrialists are all pushing this, with the backwash of these organized religions running an underground slave ring to get these hordes into there churches to fleece them.

That is what is behind all of this. It is religions who have been overthrown and are interested in worldly power and wealth. It is Jewish money interests interested in an exploitable mass who will not revolt. It is industrialists interested in a slave class they can legally kill by overworking like a Nazi death camp and it is whores like Marco Rubio looking for the same political power that Nancy Pelosi is. The thing is the reality in this in Pelosi or any of these white liberals know damn well their seats are safe, as no damn Mexicans are going to move into San Francisco as they could never afford it.
It is about the auto travel worker from the barrio coming to fix the house and tend the lawn cheaply and returning home at night to be out of sight as Pelosi sucks down caviar.
Same with Rubio in he sees this as an opportunity to be some Martin King of coloreds, a real historical dogma of his day in all these Mexicans will naturally vote for a brown skin as everyone knows Mexicans are idiots and only vote for people who look like them.........
Is why they voted for Clinton, Kerry, Gore and of course Chin.......all obviously are Mexicans, so Mexicans vote for Mexicans.

So now you know what is really going on fully and who is behind this overthrow of America. It is why Obama Chin helped overthrow the Catholic religion with his Jesuit Marixsts in installing that farce being pedaled off as a Latin, when Cardinal George is an Italian communist, and meant to herd these dolts in Latin America into thinking one of their own beaners are in charge.
Same with Obama and the Afroids. Put a Chinoid into 1600 Penn Avenue and of course blacks all thought one of their own was in power so Obama could run them over with the bus, and create a Negroid genocide in America with all these imported Mexican slaves.

The elite pulled this same thing under HW and W Bush in destroying Reagan and Conservatives took it, as they were too trusting to figure out the difference until it was too late.

This same feudal slavery by the "doo gooder" bands is still going on. Hell the Mormons are all over these 3rd worlders now and you can remember those Baptists stealing Haitian babies from those "darkies" who of course were not human enough to raise children,  and then there is that Twatzika of Laura Ingraham going abroad and buying a wide assortment of ethnic children, but just not blacks as those pets are more for the Angelina and Madonna clique of designer negroes like Stan Ann Dunham bought out of a whorehouse.

You have the literal reality of this in the exploitation of the brown and black skinned peoples, by the elites since 1492 and it did not have a thing to do with Columbus or the Founding Fathers. This was this community organized religion, financial cartels and industrial moguls either stealing gold, bison hides, land speculation to put more "white niggers" on the land to develope it to steal it from them 200 years later, to the absolute translation of the west from a white race which would fight back to an ethnic brown slave who would be more productive than the Negroid and be more readily exploited.
They brought in the Asian for the intelligent jobs and they brought in the Latin for the work to death jobs, and drive them all into religion and unions to exploit them.

Marco Rubio is a Judas Goat. He is leading the flock of beaners to their deaths as the White Spaniard feudal lords in Latin America do not want revolution, so they can keep their rancheros and have the socio conglomerates exterminate their beaners for a scraped to the bone prophet.

Take a bow Marco Rubio. Foster Friess' Aspen Institute made a good pet of you, and all of the Mexicans in time will be having body organs cut out to "pay for expenses" as all of this implodes according to plan.

nuff said


Pin-up Patriot
Pin-up Patriot. Menu ... However, reading one of my favorite blogs this morning, I stumbled upon a few gems. This, this should be ... with words. Go read the blog.

Return of MIC

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter...........

If one has noticed the interesting happenings in the Obamalands, those nations overthrown for communists in Turkey and Brazil, suddenly having uprisings, this is not just a coincidence, and it certainly is not the cartel overthrowing what they overthrew.

One has to understand as Dr. John Coleman related at the first revelations of this, is that there is a global mafia, in German it is termed the cartel. It is managed financially by the Ashkenaz elite in the Rothschilds, with their branch managers the Rockefellers in America, with subdivision of the Prescott Bush bag men in all this macro managed fascism and communism.

These groups answer in that structure to the Committee of 300, Bilderbergs or any of a number of fronts which are part of the old order of the empire or aristocracy.

This group took over Britain, as much as Russia etc... They took over America, and through conduits took over all facets of the American Government with the transplanted Nazis of Paperclip and their benefactors like the Bush family.
Prescott Bush took over control of the Texas freelance money as much as Bush41 took over the work of the Casey Associates in Cap Cities, Clear Channel and ABC, in the Mockingbird illusion of Rush Limbaugh.

In knowing that, is the group which installed Birther Hussein Obama into 1600 Penn Avenue, one has the structure which subverted that thing Dwight Eisenhower warned of, and that Oliver Stone spoke of in the Military Industrial Complex threat.
The Nazi transplants actually suberted this MIC, as it was a threat to the order, and it has been busy making certain that individuals like Bill Gates become international baby butchers in keeping control of that order.
Murdering Howard Hughes was one of the ways this order gained control and made certain those tycoons they could not control were eliminated and replaced with their own Bobs.

This fragmented group of MIC, has been about the shop, but in managed control. Things though began to change after the election theft by Obama in 2012. MIC had no real interest in Mormon Romney, as it had made deals with the Obama regime and understood the Rothschilds manipulations in all that was taking place in America, certain events were undertaken though that gained their attention and they began to respond.

The Holder cell at NSA was embarking upon a plan to Howard Hughes this group of capitalists and replace them with regime minions in more of this organized community. These billionaires upon finding this out, began to form along the old lines of the Military Industrial Complex to save themselves and save America.
They do care about Americans, but they also know the other leg in this, and are highly concerned with the reality the American mob is about to go into revolution and take all the tycoons wealth, along with hanging all of the communists in charge of this by tribunals.

So in order to save themselves from Holder and from the mob, they have initiated a series of counter measures, in the Control being the intelligence wing, in manifesting certain things, especially after the Boston Blow Job blew up and odds are it would have started a revolution as Americans were targeted.

Turkey is as stated, the step to gain access like Syria into the Caucasus and into Chechnya, in order to deal with Putin in Russia.

Brazil was as was first exposed here, meant to be the American balance to the United States in being a military, financial and nuclear armed power. Riots in Brazil are the attempts to bring this back into the control of United States interests.

This is breaking along the olde Anglo French Dutch alliance in Europe, as Merkel in Germany is part of the central order along with Italy. Canada is on board, and there are operations to deal with Mexico as much as to save Japan, with a fracturing of China.

This is the only chance the average American has in being saved in some semblance of a life, in a probable reversion to 1950's America in the sheep working for the capitalists to live, instead of the sheep currently being sheared for the slaughter by the communists now in control.

The MIC in attempting to save itself is the process of saving the west and the peoples in it.

As the Lion in Winter line so fittingly said, "When the air is all there is to breathe, then why ask if it is fit".
Now my children you know more of what is taking place in the headlines.

When these capitalists exploited America, it was good for Americans, as they got land to tame and they got things like GI Bills so all those armed World War II Veterans did not rise up and steal things back in 1950's America.
What has been the overthrow of this in this community organized management of the masses has been far worse.

America needed these people to have risen up with Ronald Reagan in that revolution, for I do not believe  they can be successful as the world is too far gone, like a merchantman ship eaten by worms, and it still looks like a vessel which could sail.

The world had a century of building and advancement by God's Grace with horrid wars, and now the world will have a time of destroying it all in this cycle in horrid wars. It is my hope in reasoned outcomes, that this group wrests back enough control from the communists in the west, for the simple reason, a capitalist at least desires to sell you something for which you will be allowed money for, while a communist desires to take things from you while requiring your life for it.

It is the only reasonable outcome at this juncture of time lines to hope that the Military Industrial Complex succeeds enough to save bits and pieces of the Israelite alliance of the west to save a remnant of Americans to rebuild from the ashes a cottage people.

nuff said

agtG 286

American Space

A reality must be realized in first that NASA sabotaged the American space program for the feudal order, as it would be impossible to control the world population if there were space stations, moon bases and planetary terraforming colonies on Mars.
One can not create a New World Order in all the sheep bleating and sheared when one has a world population looking to a better life.

This is not Cecil Rhodes vision of annexing moons and planets for exploitation. This is the order which has a vision of immortals upon earth lording over mortals who will serve them to "give a caste purpose" to those who will never die.

When the Space Shuttle appeared, the American children were promised that the Shuttle would be launched off of Boeing 747's, and yet suddenly NASA forgot all of that and went to booster which delayed things and ran up costs, to the point of costly programs and deadly disasters.

When the Space Shuttle first exploded, it was the US Air Force in moving Titan rockets out of Vandenberg in California who took over the Star Wars program in assembling it. They now have a robotic shuttle which is public, but there are always rumors of space planes on the Aurora model which have been accomplishing tasks as "American vacated the moon".

Yes there is information being censored in all of this and a deliberate destruction of the Star Trek dream where Mockingbird took over to the united planet earth, but forgot the John Kennedy in William Shatner's words of "Space the Final Frontier".

It is feasable and possible on technology as is revealed by the blossoming space independents cropping up to actually attain outerspace safely, easily and cheaply. I built and designed an entire program for my free nation when I had visions of such things, and of course have written of them here, but once again enlist in a simple protocol to show who easy it would be to do this, and it would make a great deal of fortunes for new trillionaires in space mining and colonizing.
That is what is being stopped as competitors of that wealth would not be able to be controlled.

First, you have to understand that there need to be literal space ships. You must understand that shuttles which fly into earth are dangerous and not effective on cargo. So there need to be ships which operate in space, on low gravity fields as the moon and perhaps on thin atmosphere planets of lesser gravity like Mars.

The Space 1999 Eagle is such a ship. These could be launched off of 747's in bare bones packages into upper atmosphere on modified Boeings having their own oxygen stores, and the Eagle would then be released and in rockets boosted into orbit.

The Eagles would then start accumulating what they are in a series of pods which are another NASA design, to build other Eagles, Space Stations or Lunar Stations. Think of the pods as leggo type creations in they are cargo bay areas that can be housing, cargo or space ship, depending if one puts a rocket a command module or a solar cell on them. One size would fit all, and all would be interchangeable.

I actually advocate a time when these pods would be manufactured in other pods on the moon, using lunar materials in injection type moulding. The point in this is that space machines should stay in space, and then like the Apollo or Soyez craft having capsules which parachute in or larger cargo bays dropped into recovery zones of ocean or waste lands for "beys", so in the event something went wrong, no humans would ever die in a burn up.

The Moon has water, and the infamous Helium 3 for fuel. That fuel could power the lunar base, as much as earth to Mars. The point being that there is vast energy in outerspace and that energy could take the strain off the world as colonizing and working populations of a billion people start being sowed on the Moon, Mars and other lunar areas.

It is pure murder in these stories about "humans having a one way ticket to Mars". What kind of propaganda is that to scare people ?

To solve that, one just assembles a pod craft, and sends it to a Martian moon, where it lands, and starts unpacking all sorts of wonderful things called "grow stations" or in other words a greenhouse that would produce food and other materials by robotics.

An Eagle then with pods attached as much as would be required with Lunar water, and dehydrated foods, would then begin the journey to Mars. All waste would be collected and recycled for a common greenhouse pod, such as Robert Rodale designed years ago in an eco living system where human waste and house trash were all converted to methane, and that methane cooked food and heated the home, as the processed sewage was used as fertilizer.
Given enough bacteria that sewage becomes crude oil, which when broken down in distillation, becomes.....yes the poly plastics and various things humans make space pods and fuel from.

Understanding that reality, exposes the scare tactics of the feudalcrats to keep people from liberty and life and the pursuit of dreams as all humans have.

If real Americans were in charge of America, this entire program would be operational and making fortunes in a decade, with literal colonies on Mars in 5 years which would be producing mining revenues and who knows what else in new things would be found there.

The moons of Jupiter and Saturn again have elements, from ice which of course produces something called oxygen. Atmospheric colonies could be created in dome structures on Mars and the face of that planet could become a haven of an earth type environment as development would create thriving communities.

Of course command and control would be based on the American model of the US Constitution in rugged inividuals and responsible liberty in people working to exploit their resources to become wealthy. That is the only model which would ever work efficiently in a conglomerate environment.

What this blog states in the Continentalist Party is a reality that space is there and feudal forces have sabotaged the entire mission to keep control of world populations they are terrified will mass transport to Mars to gain freedom, and in losing that control on earth be ruined, as suddenly they will have an advanced armed people on Mars at odds with feudal earth.

That is what is behind this sabotage of space exploration, and now the promotion of China in owning the moon which is ludicrous. A real American party would put a 10 year plan together and actually accomplish it in 5 years. Robotics busily could be building pods and lunar and Martian stations. The increase of the solar system economy would be a million fold in literal trillionaires and quadrillionaries created in the exploitation of all that wealth, as there is no environment there to destroy as it is all already dead.

Humans could create ecosystems of only good plants without weeds and no insects like mosquitoes to spread disease.

This has always been my vision and something I still am angered over in all of this could have been accomplished by 2000 if this sabotage had not taken place. There is a way when American will is implemented in God given Inspiration.
The idea of men dying on the moon was rejected by Americans in one way tickets and a way was found to in Goddard to make the man the spaceship which returned after shedding all.

For Mars, the wastes would be re manufactured and robots would be sent ahead to prepare a base to explored and build from.

Continentalist Party solution from Lame Cherry in matter anti matter again, exclusively only here.
