Tuesday, September 10, 2013

What could be done

Some have asked what could be done to help this blog and the answer is in lieu of donations that those who have finances or contacts might be convinced to invest in a syndication of this blog and others for a Netvision, an internet broadcast of two levels proving both free and pay per view as in cable in entire segments.

The idea that a few hundred thousand in investment could generate a billion dollar corporation rivaling FOX for those on the right, might be an enticement as people always respond to greed. I attempted this, but had doors slammed in my face as things were about exposing all these frauds on the right.

Syndicate the blogs, run them in loop daily by a female reader, as blogs with a pretty face will trump O'Reilly and Limbaugh ranting, and of course being built, it will be attacked like the Tea Party and then control gained as this kind of thing could not be tolerated.
It would though produce a huge selling price like Michelle Malkin and I presume by that time the world will be something normal people will be glad to retire from.

Syndicate the blogs, pretty face it or long legs it, and the rest is the next Face Book billion dollar money flow.

There is only one Lame Cherry and she can not be reproduced, so content is secure. I am the vision of the internet, and with others syndicated it becomes the reality of piles of cash for those who would invest.

Everyone makes money and everyone is satisfied.

nuff said


The Misogynists in the Right leading you Wrong

In another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.........

I monitor things, not closely, but closely enough in areas of the United States to note trends, and this blog now calls attention to the rampant sexism on display in Fargo North Dakota, which links directly into the Rush Limbaugh program.
This is important because it is this ilk which is hiding behind the name of Jesus and Ronald Reagan as "conservatives" who show their real David Letterman misogyny and no one calls them on it, as they are all women haters too.

I have from time to time outed the frauds in Scott Hennen, Mark the Freedom Poet Skogerboe in their "What's on Your Mind" and the "Common Sense Club".

This is the group who has been advocating animal rights, imported Mexican slave labor and the plundering of North Dakota resources, while stealing programming ideas all under the umbrella of the "Tea Party" as Michele Bachmann has gone into exile in the very region they espouse to cover.

Bear with me on this, as this is explosive what is about to be revealed in this in the psychology of this bunch and what Limbaugh has been experimenting with, proving he does not give a damn about any of you listeners.

To background this, as I was involved in parts of this clandestinely which I will not reveal.

Hennen was at The Flag in Fargo, AM 1100, and was ousted for this Bruce dope head they brought in, who put in Ed Schultz in favor of Limbaugh. Bruce pulled something on me as did the staff there and in Jesus he was removed within weeks by my prayers and God's Grace.

Enter back in Scott Hennen who appeared with wads of cash and started buying up radio stations with great promise, and then produced thee most boring 8 hours of radio in the world from Bill Bennet, to this Marko to this Scott and Steve show.......until of course Laura Ingraham came on to lead into Mark Levin.

Take a breath now and follow this as this is where the juice starts to flow, in Limbaugh during this time was experimenting by running his show on FM in Fargo, leaving all of the hinterland listeners out in the cold in the deal he cut.
This was the deal, until the FM station went tits up in programming as no one was listening to Limbaugh...........get that point as it proves how bad Limbaugh's numbers are as he could not move into this massive Conservative market, but had to run to an FM station that only covered Fargo.

Track this now to Hennen made a big deal about, getting Limbaugh back, as Limbaugh could have cared less about this region of Umm Dakota as he and Levin have no idea what is out there.

Now comes the kicker as the misogynists were on air in Scott Hennen, Mark Scoberboe and a Steve Bachman or something, and the buzz was Limbaugh would be brought back from 11 to 2 and then in already discussions, Scoberboe piped in that he would just love to have Limbaugh as his lead in to the program.

Ah who was in 2 until 5? That would be our girl Laura Ingraham, who was in that slot by work I did to get her there in the way I operate to get things done. Even if I bust her blonde ass,  I still was behind her ungrateful asses place in Fargo........like I helped other powerful women gain access and have been pissed on since.

We go back to the misogyny in not one mention of regret or remorse was uttered about these men who were just Sean Hannity gushing over Elton John Limbaugh's return, could have cared less that this Conservative woman in Laura Ingraham was kicked to the curb like an Ed Schultz 20 dollar whore for a blow job.

The few callers who phoned in about this farce never mentioned about Laura Ingraham either. None of these male misogynists of Fargo had one thought about the one woman on the dial, but were pissing all over themselves about the fraud Limbaugh and then had already decided about putting this worthless Freedom Poet in her slot.

To give you an ideal of this geezer who is the Unabomber look alike apparently of talk radio, his voice is melancholy. He has had to for show content resort to sports and weather. NO ONE PHONES THAT DAMN SHOW, like few bother to listen to or phone that Hennen brain snore which was pelvis rubbing Obama stooge Heidi Heidkamp non stop since the election and that fraud Senator Hoeven who is John McCain's 3rd ovary.

I told you that this region was the reason America was rescued, and Hennen was a part of it, but he has now become this Karl Rove bushite big oil, big business, slave labor and nutso animal wacko stuff, and under the new regime, they are producing thee absolutely most boring radio in Conservative nation.
Boring which suppresses voter turn out........now why would that be?

Would not Rush Limbaugh have a huge listener domination in the Conservative west and yet he could have cared less about listeners there. This then dovetails into the reality  that when thees boys got together, their first thought was how to put on more boring radio in wiping out Laura Ingraham from the format.

Their first thought was not listeners, but how to suppress listeners. Their second thought was how to rid the airways of a Conservative female voice.

You would think that would be a major story which the Ed Schultz types would raise unholy hell over in exposing all of this, along with the Obama liberals of Minnesota who are served by this misogyny boys club.

Hennen has repeatedly stated on air that the listeners have been jerked around enough, and his first opportunity was to jerk the audience around and not give a damn about the female part of that audience.

This is all being engineered in the Conservative heartland. Hennen could not bow to Michele Bachmann enough when she was on top, but now he has added women to his hit list.

Yes, removed Laura Ingraham, a show with national content on feminine perspectives, and replace it with a local Unabomber showman who has to give away prizes to get a few people to listen to 3 hours of boredom in sports talk.
Yes let us all indulge in the Roman circus of distraction in the world is melting down and instead daily, the people must be made to listen to about loser teams from Minnesota and Fargo.

There is not any way, this is an isolated event, as Limbaugh experiments with FM in the hinterlands to run a trial balloon and women are given the curb seat while the Rovians ride up front.

It never occurred to any of these "conservatives" about female voices in programming, nor did it become a focal issue in the political gang rape of women starting with Sarah Palin and the exile of Michele Bachmann. They simply use popular women to jack off on and then dump them to the back alley where they belong when they are done with them.

It is beyond disgusting in this as Scott Hennen is always trotting out his good pope credentials as a Catholic and Scoberboe is invoking Jesus like he has turrets. When that forensic psychological slip though happens, it is Limbaugh doing experimenting to cut listeners off who would challenge his propaganda and it is this duo of Scoberboe and Hennen who never have a thought about Conservatives who are women when it comes to that thinking thing.

This is what the hell is wrong with the Conservative movement in America in their knee jerk reactions of being intimidated by women and wanting the old fat white guy in power......from McCain to now Jeb Bush.

The problem with this second tier high fund lot minding the flyover country for the cartel is they are all entitled and they think they are entitled to what you worked for, as they import Mexicans for their business bosses, support these McCain frauds and best of all cut half the voting block of America off in women, as it never occurs to them, as they rub up to a lounge lizard like Limbaugh.

The danger to America is not Washington DC in this Obama regime. The danger to America is there are forces at work which destroyed the Tea Party from within and are putting in programming to turn off voters.

Yeah the first reaction was to get rid of an information source in Laura Ingraham on a national scale and replace her with a Unabomber mic head whose pressing subject are the Minnesota Twins and yes........giving tickets away to the Mall of America.

Limbaugh cuts off listeners in an FM experiment and Hennen in a radio monopoly of men rids the airwaves of the one voice in feminine Conservative radio established in that area.

These Mockingbird choices are all telling you exactly what they are and their first response is to get rid of the women.

I wonder if Katherine Limbaugh is mistaken by Elton Blonde as a pillow and if Maria Hennen is left at the curb with Scottie saying, "Sorry hun, your bag was in the car so I thought you were here".

The worst is the liberal press in the region which is all baby killer in Fargo and all sodom in Minneapolis never even noticed a woman in her rights were violated across this region in not being given a thought. One would think in political hay on the left it would have crucified Limbaugh in abandoning listeners and Hennen curb kicking the skirts.........yes why was none of this ever noticed  by those on the left?

Hypocrites one and all. This is a regional management of America and it is for the barons and tycoons of the feudal state.

agtG 223

Is Obama a sub human Nig

This blog frequently enough makes note of real racism when perpetrated by the ruling elite, and I came across this on Face Book, which was interesting as it was in a Netflix link and making money for none other than Ashkenaz Mark Zuckerberg, the Obama supporting billionaire shill for  Facebook.

You will note in the advertisement that this is about making war against CROSS BREEDS.

For an American Indian, that word of "Breed" is every bit of a racial slur as using the racial epitaph Nigger.
It degrades in this even more, as the female, and yes this is about making war on Face Book against large breasted women with little clothing, which is also sexist, and promotes of course the old maxim of, "WAR IS ABOUT SPOILS AND YOU MAKE WAR TO RAPE THE WOMEN OF A NATION".

This ties directly into the reality of the political gang rape which American women have endured since the Age of Obama from Hillary Clinton to Sarah Palin, and hosts of others. All promoted by the ruling elite, including Rush Limbaugh chanting that Bristol Palin had no talent on Dancing with the Stars.

If you look close at the female to be made war on in martial rape, you will notice this "mutant" as cross breeds are termed in the mongrel Obama definition of the elite of mixed races, in she is slant eyed, as in Asian.

Considering that Birther Hussein Obama Chin is Asian, but of course is chicken entree cool in a freezer now and replaced by a Jinn shapeshifter, the wonder in this is, why is Mark Zuckerberg making money off of ads to games which treat people of mixed races as mutants who must be made war against, with the definite focus on rape of the spoils of these "sub humans".

Where is the ACLU or Southern Poverty Law Center when it comes to things like this posted on regime approved websites.

Why is it that only the patrician elite making genocide on blacks in replacing them with Mexican slave labor in body and Asian slave labor in technical venues, while blaming the Christian white group for all evils, is allowed to as this blog has noted from day one, to put up monkey ads pointed at blacks and to run these "rape and murder the Asian" games on Face Book?

Does this not bother a Michelle Malkin or did her 30 pieces of silver in selling her site to Mockingbird funds cause her to have a blind eye too?

I know that none of the elite is ever going to bring any of this up on their Limbaugh or FOX programs, and you will never hear a Boehner or Reid condemning any of this, no more than the Obama regime as it is all part of the established conditioning. It does though require someone to note the racism, sexism and genocidism of rapine involved in this, as this did not happen by chance, but was engineered to steer those idiot "equal sodom sign" dolts to view the world in this way, that there are subhumans who require war to be made on the, and in this case they have slanted eyes.

Face Book makes money off of this, and that money flows into the Obama regime for 2014 election theft.

ONE MILLION people on Face Book played this "game", a game of gladiator mutants, the same "games" of Rome which had Christians and other dark skinned peoples fed to the lions or having to fight to the death like animals.

Ashkenaz Mark Zuckerberg makes money off of this "game" focusing on people of mixed ancestry as sub human, and the Obama regime is a part of this Mockingbird.

Where is the outcry on this?

So is Birther Hussein Obama a sub human Nig for this cocktail crowd to jack off to in Peggy Noonan crusty undies or is something more going on here in the disappearing monkey ads of 2009 along with the Negroid white teeth ads, and now in the Asian heritage of Barack Hussein Obama Chin, is there now a coordinated push to make this Mongoloid slant eyed group sub human to be raped and then exterminated?

What is going on with the Face Book games?

Where is Chris Matthews apologizing for this as he did for all white people in Trayvon Martin?

Why is it that only this blog, not taking Mockingbird funds,  is the only one which calls attention to this atrocious and heinous marketing and mind conditioning of the masses? Yes it is because I depend on donations which the rich do not pay in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Thanks for nothing as I am left on point exposed and all of you pretenders lurk in the shadows pretending you are part of some fight and making a difference.

agtG 224

Analgate the Final Fissure

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

With this Syrian genocide dance looking more like the runs like the duck retard with a palsey, it is at this juncture time to revisit ANALGATE, the exclusive series of stories broken here in the Obama regime running al Qaeda out of 1600 Penn Avenue, the arming of terrorists with advanced weaponry, the botched kidnapping of Ambassador Chris Stevens for the Obama 2012  election theft based on September 11th, and the use of Libyan weapons to attack Bashir Assad's Syria, that a futher rendering be undertaken.

It is with somewhat regret in this, as this involves the Saudi regime, and I have a fondness for them as an Ishmaelite people, having been good allies to Americans, and only getting into trouble when betrayed by cartel cronies in America.

As exposed exclusively here, the terrorists who murdered Chris Stevens, were out of Afghanistan and imported into Libya for that murderous rampage. They flew into Egypt and Egyptian intelligence was well aware of what these terrorists were up to.
One must understand that everyone has operatives basically in the east Asian theater of Islam, from Israel to Saudi Arabia.
Saudi Arabia in conjunction with Pakistan "runs" specific al Qaeda networks as their "Sunni" force against the Shia's run out of Iran and other places.

While it was not the head of Saudi intelligence, it was their minder in Afgahnistan which informed these Obama al Qaeda terrorists of some of the facts of the Chris Stevens anal pleasures. Neither Barack Obama nor Hillary Clinton had any business sending a fag into Islamic militancy no more than sending in Jew girls who knew too much about the cancer gun murder of Hugo Chavez as exclusively reported here. They are to blame for this catastrophe, and the reality is the Saudi operatives had no idea about the kidnapping of Stevens as a political stunt, because the Saudi's were on the page of those munitions which the terrorists had been awarded, and now the Obama regime was desperately trying to get them back, as that reality had been broken here in the arming of terrorists.

What this branch of al Qaeda was operating on was simple, in there was a coming war expansion in Syria, and that land was going to be handed over to the Isalmocommunists of al Qaeda being managed by Saudi Arabia and by the Obama regime.
al Qaeda was not of the mind in the muhajadeen to be handing over weaponry they deemed was their weaponry, and a message was about to be sent, in the Obama regime could not hardly cry foul over an anal raped Ambassador when he was there trying to buy back weapons the regime had given to these terrorists.
The abomination of sodomy was about to have a message of cleansing sent, that the weapons were not about to be handed back to the American intelligence running out of State, and a dead body was the exclamation point.

One can see by Obama and Hillary Clinton in the political playbook, they were dealing with the smearing of right wing Christians as that was the programme initiated in their YouTube funded propaganda. This was par for the course, and they kept on the ludicrous track of the talking points like Susan Rice, when they literally had no idea that at least two other intelligence operations, one meant to humiliate Obama like Jimmy Carter and one meant to execute Chris Stevens as a big NO on returning weapons for the current Syrian genocide were taking place.

It was a Mexican stand off really, and the Obama gun was not loaded, while the terrorist broomsticks were, and only after the fact was a clean up crew sent in to punish those who betrayed the trust.

That is why and how Chris Stevens was murdered or in the Islamists view, he was executed for sodomy with a big exclamation point in they were not going to return the weapons, even if purchased as they had been promised Syria, and a little blackmail over Obama regime illegal arms shipments to terrorists, was the knowledge they banked on to keep them safe from retaliation.
The Saudi's are major players in this, and you will note except for Libyans and a few squatters in Egypt, the operatives behind this in al Qaeda are not being hunted down, as the Syrian genocide is a much greater necessity than the murder of a few Americans.

Now you are aware of more of the details in this as it was a maze of intrigue. The blame rests on the Obama regime as this blog warned not be cuddling with terrorists from the start of this, and yet the pillow talk continues, with Vladamir Putin now the peacemaker out maneuvering th Fang Jinn and his best minions starting with John Kerry.

That is about it and as I am exhausted I end it on that.

agtG 318

The Navy SEALS were not alone

For those who have yet to grasp the reality that the Navy SEALS who were set up to be mass murdered for their part in unknowingly murdering a bin Laden stand in to change the Birther debate encompassing B. Hussein Obama, let us not forget that when any regime is busy covering their posteriors, that the lives of the Soldiers are of no consequence.

Here is the account of Trumpeter A. F. Mulfiord's ride over the Battlefield of the Little Big Horn in the same slaughter of the George Custer Heroes for which Indians foolishly take the credit when it was set up in Washington to cover up their crimes as the SEALS were slaughtered.

Make special note in this account of the sightseers made it to that battelfield.

The bodies of our dead had never been properly buried. All these months had passed, yet the little band whose brave deeds of heroism will ever remain a matter of history, have not received decent burial. Their bones, divested of clothing by the heartless and brutal savages, and of flesh by wolves and other animals, lie bleaching on the ground where they fell, a sad result of the failure of Major Reno to give expected support.
Two days after the battle a small detachment was sent to bury the bodies, but not one was given proper interment -- graves were shallow, and dirt thrown but sparsely over bodies was soon washed away by rains or dug away by scavenger animals and birds

Do you not see the damning evidence here in these Americans had been murdered, and it was known, now changed to propaganda that "Custer was to assist Reno" but that RENO WAS TO push the attack to assist Custer, that Washington in guilt wanted nothing to do with the Custer command in burying it.
They so hated General Custer they treated those Americans like trash in they did not even send anyone out to bury them.

Think about that damning reality out of Washington DC and the Grant military command. There was time for numerous military sightseers to look over the battlefield, but when it came to burying hundreds of Americans, not one finger was lifted to keep these bodies from being washed out of shallow graves, eaten by insects, birds, rodents or predators.
How absolutely deplorable is that in the reality of what the Grant regime, and worse Custer's own immediate superiors in Generals, Sherman, Sheridan and Terry, that they did nothing to send a burial detail.

That is the way a corrupt regime handles their Soldiers and their dead.

It is the surest sign of guilt in no one ever likes in these political murders to hang around the dead bodies and given them proper respect and reward.
