Sunday, October 27, 2013

No Good Deed

My Grandfather was a man who lost his farm when he was in his early twenties. He had to borrow some money from his brother in law, and lived on apples off of his tree he had, all winter.......that is what he ate.

He had a rule in you never went into debt.

My other Grandfather who came to America with his family when he was 8 had another rule in if you did not have the money in your pocket, you did not buy it.

My dad was someone who liked to play the roll of success, but was a horrid person in dealing with money. He had all my work destroyed by bank loans which ate up our farm we were trying to buy. I learned about money the hard way, and it is money never comes easy to honest people and it always spends even easier as you never have enough as the world sets the prices, and you end up paying for it all.

There was a question about reverse mortgages or bankruptcy for someone in financial problems. Reverse mortgages are basically selling part of your home on a loan and bankruptcy is a restructuring of your debt.

The one reality in life is if you have a home paid for you, you do not mortgage it, as being in a home is a place they have to dynamite you out of to get your carcase out of it. There are realities in this in bankruptcy buys time and costs money.
Reverse mortgages provide a slow death financially.

Without knowing the details, there are but two realities in this. You either find a way to keep what you have by cutting back on "things" you are living with, as in cable, internet, cell phone etc... In numbers of cases that is going to be, 250 dollars per month or the reality of making the difference in a payment on debt.

Fix your own meals for work lunch, as you can eat 5 times longer on a sack lunch than something you buy.

Internet is available at the public library. My cell phone is that prepaid thing, and as I hate the phone, it is all I use and I do not have my ear glued to a phone the minute I leave the door. Cable.......I can not think of anything on television I miss.....most localities have enough broadcast television to be bothered by.

Do not do credit cards, as late payments eat you alive. Try always to if the debt is great, to do FmHA or FHA on a reduced loan rate to restructure if the restructuring fees are not going to add to the debt.

In sticking my nose in where not asked, but being informed of one of the children's difficulties, it is the reality of getting rid of the things you can live without in discipline. If it is too great of debt, then sometimes being foreclosed on and stopping the debt may be the answer. Interest though, or mortgages are robbery and are designed to be bad for you and good for some financier.

There are investment people in radio programs who offer advice. You could always email or phone them and at least get a bit more detailed advice for free on your situation.

I knew a couple in Ohio where the husband was making 50 grande a year and the wife as a dental assistant on part time was making 20 grande. It was a second marriage so child support was involved, but all the same they had an older home in Ohio at not over 50 thousands in mortgage and I kept telling them to pay that house off.
In the end, they divorced, she got 10 grande and the house was dumped, so after 10 years of payments they had absolutely nothing.

After you are in a mess, it is not the time to say, do not go into debt and manage your money.....that is after the problem is resolved. What requires doing is examining the debt, the outflow of necessities and then making certain  the small holes first and then the big holes, as the small leaks do amount to a large portion of money being wasted.

I take no comfort in too many people being wiped out and under great financial difficulties in the Obama Super Depression. If gas was simply at 1.87 as it was under Bush43, people would have a huge 2500 dollars more to deal with than the oil barons having billions more.
It is what it is, and I still do not know if I will be in prison over Obamacare as I will not sign up for that no matter what........just like when the Ag department mandates my getting a premises ID and I just ignored that too from their threats as I will not be ordered to do things the regime has no business dictating to me on.

I hope that helps and I hope I do not get my ass in a sling for putting out some advice as no good deed usually goes unpunished in I take the heat for people and end up getting blamed for being satan.



From the Combined Desk.

It has come to our attention to further revelations for the Remnant.  First, the Two Witnesses have now been made aware their identity and accepted their calling.

Second, there is a building reflection on the past event in Israel in the dividing of the Kingdom of Israel from the Kingdom of Judah in God's Hands.  The first event took place after the death of King Solomon in which his son by a foreign woman, had his kingdom divided from Rehoboam and given the ten tribes of the North to his former military leader in exile, Jeroboam.

I have not bothered to deeply inquire of this due to the condition of the chicken entree and the ruling Fang Jinn.  That reality is one I do not want visits from in even speaking of.  The reality is though a horizon event appears to be building which will have a divided America in the form of two leaders.  The American leader will not be one to cleanse the nation, but a leader of God's choosing to divide the states too. 
The standing leader in whatever form it is will be powerful in the military access but ruling a small area compared to the America at large.

There have been rumors of this being staged by the globalists for a number of years.  I can only speak to hints the combined desk have received in the progression of this.  A house divided cannot stand.  But then neither can a dead American virgin in the grave stand on her feet.  Such events would be welcome for people of America yearning for leadership, but with frauds like Teddy Cruz dampening the people's will, it only increases their yearning and in projecting this out whether it is King David vs King Saul or William Wallace and Robert the Bruce disputing over Scotland, it always falls to a spoiler like Edward Longshanks to profit in any civil war in power grabs by outsiders.

This appears to be the God played future of these disUnited States due to the rejection of Jesus Christ directing from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue His Josephites for a birther Obama who has sold and slaughtered the American Virgin upon the altar of the new world order in a pending feudal state pyre.

You have been warned of this and should not be troubled of the things on this blog.  If floods come you will be aware by events before the floods coming.  The wilderness of America is now peopled with savages.  While the same cold and heat prevail, the problem will be the masses who will require a firm hand to direct them and control the spirit they are.  I can only do so much in what I know as the people with resources have kept them to their harm.  They fear death and death will find them.  I loathe life and it finds me. 

They fear death and death will find them.  I loathe life and it finds me.  -Lame Cherry


FUXNET: The Mussy Bed

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter......

In observation, in the subject of FUXNET, it has been interesting in the rat maze to view subject Rush Hudson Limbaugh's scripted talking points focus upon Obamacare as a deliberate incompetence to usher in Single Payer.

On the Obamaniacs protocols, the talking points on Twitter manifest to the extreme that the Tea Party is behind the crash of the Obamacare computers and they are to blame.

I find that most interesting, like the speaking points on Stuxnet when the regime had that cyberwarfare unleashed on the Islamocommunist nuclear program in Iran. You now have two competing factions of Mockingbird pointing fingers at each other and that means they are distracting all from what is the reality of FUXNET, as the regime does not desire the mob to realize how vulnerable it is in not being a full dictatorship and the mic heads do not desire the world to realize that a cyber virus was unleashed in order to save their assets in a continuing Edward Snowden protocol against the Obama regime.

I was from the start of this, in the mix of the Mockingbird internet conditioning of the masses in studying the effects and realities of it. If you were not there on Jeff Rense, Art Bell, Alex Jones type sites, you would not have witnessed the vast array of hucksters to literal intelligence implants conditioning the mob.
I actually had a great fondness for Art Bell before he went Obama nuts, as Mr. Bell made all of it fun as it was supposed to be.

There were people who would make careers on just one of the exclusives pointed out here. Peak Oil propaganda made a spin for years until was exposed. Jeff Nyquist did a great job until he burned out as all do at this game. Then there were the Soros overt Capital Hill Blue lies network which had unibrain dolts like Steve Quayle biting on stories that the entire Bush administration was going to be arrested and in prison.
There has always been a multiple level in this and George Nouri of Coast to Coast is the chief minder now  in censoring news.

At the genesis of all of this were stories and counter stories, like The October Surprise of Iran Contra in which Rayelynn's Gunther flew George H. W. Bush to France to meet with the Iranians to negotiate hostage release to sink Jimmy Carter for president.
Those stories were investigated by Congress on no evidence, but because of the gravity of the charges.

Just do a quick review of the myriad of exclusives here from Powellgate, ANALGATE, Benghazi, the forcing down of Marine One, Stuxnet, FUXNET etc... as I will not list all the exclusives of this blog which trump Bob Woodwards intelligence feeds. They have all been proven absolutely correct, and yet, I have not had one request from any Coast to Coast media for an interview.
The same holds true with the various scientific discoveries or inventions posted here.......absolutely no contact from the fringe media, when this blog is exposing and generating more than thee entire fringe and World Net Daily and World Tribune combined.

The greatest buzz source in media, and no one wants to deal with the source.

It is fascinating in Rush Limbaugh used to think he could get away with plagiarizing here, until it became too evident like Glenn Beck. It is fascinating to observe how Jerome Corsi attempted to influence content on this blog for World Net Daily use. It is fascinating to watch like dominoes the Robert Morton types at World Tribune censor this blog like Newsbusters, when all is well at the start, but suddenly word comes down that Lame Cherry is not to be  played with, and the hope was that I would just go away, as everyone burns out in the psychological game.

That brings the subject back to FUXNET and as in astronomy, one can tell some booger star is out there because it keeps affecting everything around it. If you notice in this, no one is  touching FUXNET when it is in their interest to run with this story. I repeat Capital Hill Blue by Soros used to publish all sorts of lies and it never stopped the Mockingbird from making their satellites in the fringe and mic media from running those feeds of propaganda.
If you are paying attention, I am showing you Mockingbird in action and how absolute it's control is in funding and publishing information to mind wash you.

You will not find one story in Obamacare even speculating that a virus might have infected those programs. You would think in a world of Anonymous hackers who seem to have disappeared after this blog revealed they were under regime protection, and with all that Peking cyberwarfare, that someone in passing would have questioned if a virus was in Obamacare, because the odds are someone would bring that up........yet no one has.
That means the word is out, to not bring any of that up, to keep people's minds off of that reality.

Why would they do that if this was not a virus as that would create a fill in cycle of the news to hold peoples attention? It certainly would give saving face to the Obama regime as this would not be their fault at all.........but the regime instead went at the Tea Party in a lie, because like Limbaugh there is a cover up of the reality in this, that FUXNET was a created intelligence operation in this Snowden series of pushbacks against the regime.

Of course I named by Inspriation FUXNET as FUXNET to take in the sexual properties of how this all started, and to dare the media to use it, to make their perverted natures uncomfortable, and to remind all that Stuxnet was broken here first too. The reality of this is though, neither side in this wants the public focusing on FUXNET because of all of what it really means in what is taking place in America, due to what was inflicted upon America in the allowing Obama Chin to be installed at 1600 Penn Avenue.

FUXNET in the cover up is a strange mix of crusty undied bedfellows as it always is. Rush Limbaugh is failing so fast in listeners and monetary bankruptcy  that the Obama media is trying it's damnedest to prop him up with featuring his name so he can run a mind wash on the half brains of how important he no one.
Ignoring Lame Cherry is accomplishing no objective for the feudal elite. They have the bot brains so numb that nothing phases them, but the real channel being tuned in on, is cutting through here and people are thinking on subjects and looking so very bright, as I only deal with sexy media here in what appeals to the thought process.

For any of these exclusives, this blog should have made the circuit and been offered up a payoff deal in a book.....yet not one bit of interest, except when as in the Boston Blow Job that World Net Daily pasted it's plagiarism on the North Korean involvement and it was all dismissed.

You do though have a front row seat in obseving Mockingbird in action spinning the public away from FUXNET in an entire clampdown mode. That alone is proof of FUXNET existing as no one speculated on the story.......and if it does appear in the months ahead, then it will be some grande discovery again some Mockbrain will be taking credit for, as their minders handed them the story in making it time to use it for leverage in another operation.

I am still getting that a series of horizon events are coming in connection with FUXNET, and it starts with the welfare credit cards. Will see if this blog is still around or shuts down due to poverty as the rich are not donating to keep you in the information flow or not.

nuff said
