Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Vaccine Sexual Epidermus Course

As another Lame Cherry exclusive from the combined desk in matter anti matter............

Neither TL or I got a flu shot, and never will as we both prefer our egg content to come from the frying pan with bacon than through needles filled with things that Michael Savage was being mocked about.

The problem with Doc Savage is he is not seeing the picture, as the photo is kodachrome in too bright of colors that even Paul Simon can not sing the song in the right key.

It is like this my baby bumps, you know of the hazards of the vaccines, but you do not know of the hazards of "Naturally Occuring Poisons" that the conglomerates do not have to report to consumers or whatever the livestock are called now who are being poisoned and tested in all forms.

See if things are "naturally" in the product, say canned tuna for example, then of course it does not have to be reported, and that leaves the reality of how all this "organic" shit and it is shit, is being one load of Mexican taco in the toilet flush, which ends up fertilizing all those spinach greens on BMW blonde chic salads.

Think of a world where naturally occurring poisons are not legally reported. Fluoride is a natural substance and it shows up in manufactured products, as in bottled water, but does not need to be reported as it turns brains in docile Obama voters. This is a world where one just has to look to Fukishima in Japan, which in itself is not that large of a problem, but what happens when some clever production vessel decides that the fishing is good in that radioactive fish zone and does the big haul and starts mixing it up with the fresh fish from other fisheries?

You do realize now that Alaskan fish now are not hauled in by American or Japanese boats, but are hauled in by Russian trawlers who then take them back to slave wage Russia to be shipped to America.
One only has to taste those Walmart priced Chicom fish farm stuff to realize that is not food, but some kind of product where 1 billion Chinese have toilet flushed and industrial wasted the Yellow River to a color that is not soil any longer, and all those bottom feeder mollusks are filtering that into the mainstream food supply.

I wrote years ago how the Rothschilds were buying up Indian land. Those lands were growing rice, but that rice had metal poison content in them which was naturally occurring. That rice was caught, but it was not dumped nor fed to livestock to hide it. It was sent to other markets as no conglomerate is going to throw away a billion dollars.

I remember a story my dad told of a trucker on the loading docks of Duluth. He had a load of grain which was required by USDA to be clean as farmers were docked for weed seeds, chaff and rat shit. The trucker was looking at another truck and asked what the guy was hauling as it looked like "shit". The trucker replied that it was exactly that, as the USDA allowed so much inert matter to be included in shipments ot Eurasia.
So the farmers were docked for grain, it was cleaned, and Cargill turned around and loaded a truckload of shit into the grain to increase weight.

I will not tell you that your hotdogs you chow down on are all from meat scraps on floor sweepings, but I will tell you that your processed meats are all pumped full of water........that is water my children that is not from crystal springs, but that stuff that comes out of taps you wonder what that smell is from.

So that all brings us back to flu shots in those same labs where AIDS just happened to end up in hepatitis vaccines to loads of sodomites. There are so many ways in this entire conglomerate structure which is designed to .........well my children, all those ferrous products in your pasta are not there for health reasons, but because the chemical giants got Congress to pass laws which allows them to dump chemicals into food for their product structure.
Dry pasta for goodness sake is dry so that it keeps. It can not spoil. It may get bugs in it from the grain it is made from, but it still gets it with that sulfate poison in it.

Americans are a nation of inflamed joints, intestines and organs. Diabetes is not from eating sugar, but because the pancreas is inflamed and that inflammation causes the cells which create insulin to be repressed.

The danger is not what Michael Savage is warning of primarily, but all the other poisons literally being incorporated into your veggies you eat from the root source in the soils to the fish in the oceans where all those "natural"  things are being fed to you.

You do realize that by radiation and excited currents that cells can be transformed into cancers as you have been told, but you do not realize that with those same microwaves that new viral, bacteria and fungal forms can be generated inside a living host to kill it.....the host being you.
They can concentrate metals into key areas of the body as a poison all by wavelength technology.

No one speaks about that though in wave length technology in ways to end human life in "natural ways".

Call that a Lame Cherry exclusive from the combined desk in matter anti matter.

nuff said



I was reading through some historical texts and came across something interesting which took place in 1680 in the year of Our Lord, AD.

Yes the Lame Cherry does not hold with this bullshit of common era or whatever unsaved peoples are pissing upon the Glory and Honor of the Lord Christ. That ends as the lamb grows the mane of the lion.

What was fascinating in this was the entire world witnessed something which endangered all of planet earth, for in December of 1680 AD a comet appeared in the sky. It was so notable that it had the title of the Great Comet.
It was by this tailed vistor that Sir Isaac Newton proved that comets were in orbit around the sun.

Great consternation arose at this sign, while others in scientific interest like Robert Cavelier La Salle noted it's passing.

This though was an immense comet which passed by a little too close to earth. It was said that the tail ascended about 60 degrees to almost the zenith. It was not even spoken of as a tail, but as a "blaze".

The Great Comet would appear in the sky for almost 3 months before vanishing again at the end of February.

Granted the year was 1680 AD, but this was a transitional period in world history as empires rose and fell. In that year the Iroquois Empire of the America's had crossed into the Illinois and were committing genocide on those peoples, as they had other tribes. The feasting on tortured women and the ravages of horror upon the buried dead was what 1680 closed out upon.
It was an era of upheaval which literally would not abate until that victory of Washington with the French over the British. During this time the world would be divided, the world would come under British rule and the rise of America would usher in a new age.

The Great Comet of 1680 has been forgotten, as have the effects which formed the world in that hundred year period. It is a revelation in passing that indeed visitors are out there and they do traverse in signs and make the human mind wonder.
