Saturday, November 23, 2013

It was so funny

This is what I get when asking the rich for donations. Smart ass rich twats sending me phishing emails, promising me I have of course made a million.

Annika G Blom (
Picture of Annika G Blom
Money was given to you by UK national lottery in their end of year promotion 2013, contact your Agent Barrister Terry Woodgate, via E-mail:

I do not hope you people die. Instead I hope you live a long time to deal with all you are.

All of this is so funny, that I almost went through puberty again.

PS: I wonder if a Viking could sail the Hjemkomst in a sea of chicken soup, and when it landed that attacking Vineland with a fork would have made a difference in Normandy, Angleland, America and of course Adres Breivek.
If he had spooned with the children he would probably be leading Norway now as the feudalcrats promote those types or if he had forked in the road, and reached would have all been Birther.

Odd how Swedish terrorists involved in international crimes can email me terrorizing me, but they never are a problem for the peninsular peoples.

I hope we are all over these colds...........fricking eh, like I am behind this semi on the interstate and a putz car will not let us by, and the semi drives off the left side of the road.........then passes, then when I try to pass he or she is trying to run me off the road...........then I see the dolt weave over to the left twice more.

First time a semi was used to try and assassinate us.........was that motorhome before, but geez louise this is getting old.


The Franken Cravass

As further proof, Al Franken the election thief of Minnesota, the 60th vote for the overthrow of the US government, has no caved in saying that Obamacare should be delayed.

This was the cartel's chief thug and robber, put into place to loot America via the medical industry control and ration death to all enemies of the state,  and now Al Franken, is in full retreat mode away from his Birther Obama Chin Jinn.

Fillet by fillet the chunks of meat are being carved off of the ghouls who foisted this on America. Do you realize that for Franken to be running for cover in election fraud, gay state Minnesovietsota, just how much of as shambles the Obama regime is in?

Do you not get it that what this blog has warned of in the coming next events are known by the insiders and Al Franken does not want to be hung on that old ash tree in the downtown metro, when that mob sets the Twin Cities as a pyre.

Ah you do remember only this blog revealed that the Metro was gaining FEMA assault vehicles for a specific reason, and the training according to the Viking was the local police were viewing the public "as the enemy".

More proof of what is percolating to erupt in the next months. This is not Franken just saving his election theft ass in liberal Minnesota, this is Franken crawling for cover from a greater upheaval.

Tick tock..........I have given up hope there are any rich people who will ever donate the big sum to this blog. They have fled in numbers and are hiding behind that cash pile, which in an e vanish point will have them all poorer than me.


The Lame Cherry Address

Three score and four years ago, our fathers and mothers brought forth a new birth in an old  Promised Land, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the truth that we are all but sojourners here where the meek will inherit the earth, only when the sword is hammered into the ploughshare.

Now we are engaged in another peace, where only wars have been the result of that peace. This Promised Land is a great battlefield where empire smashed against empire, to prove that only the Word of God will remain.

We can not dedicate this nation, nor consecrate this ground, nor hallow it, for God is the One Who dedicated this land, this ground and hallowed it, from the first step of Adam, to the offering of Abraham, to the calling of Moses to the ultimate Sacrifice of the Christ, this is a land set apart for Peace, but has been warred over by those who would steal it.
The world will little note whatever is promised over this land, for it is only by men's actions and those actions in protecting this ground, not in trust, but in verification of strength, that all those who are buried in this land, have not died in vain in defending the ultimate Truth, that there is no government of man which will bring peace, for peace, genuine peace comes only from the heart, and that heart only is at peace living a life according to that Sacred Word, which was given to humankind in this land.

This land is about the governance of the heart, for that is where all good government in this evil world arises from. Governance of God, for the people, by the people and of the people, until Shiloh returns with the most perfect union.

So help us God.


The Fruitfly Donors

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.....

In an experiment at TL's, which I am to blame, another experiment has been delighting me as it proves the law of Darwinian balance. No Charles Darwin was not incorrect on most of his observations, in natural selection and mutants, but his failings came from the "missing links" as no species has the genetic ability to move from reptilian to chicken or ape to human.
So your Next Generation or Deep Space 9 stuff of Klingons from lizards is impossible.

Getting back to the experiment. I had little unser tomatoes sitting out for seeds and I suppose here is the million dollar knowledge in doing things, so here is the first as more million dollar things are coming.
To collect tomatoe seeds, you get the seeds, but the gell should be removed, and you do that by putting them in something like a plastic peanut butter jar if you have alot of them or maybe a plastic bag, and let them ferment for 3 days.
You just then turn on the tap, and use a mesh screen sifter, and wash the refuse away and have your seeds, which you then whack onto a paper plate and you have tomatoe seeds to dry, and plant.

OK so the tomatoes were left sitting out in a paper bowl, which sort of produced this swarm of fruitflies. Now I do not mind fruitflies, as in study of them I worked out a way of killing them. I realize it is not humans, but then the clean up is less messy and when in Rome do as the Romans do.

For killing the fruitfly, you take one sheet of toilet tissue, two ply preferrably. You just lay it in your hand, observe said fruity bug as it sits on a flat surface, and you whack it quickly. It is a tissue swatter. You must though go bias toward the head and keep your hand flat, and you will get the majority of them.
That is the million dollar knowledge in killing fruitflies.

There were a number of the swarm here. We noticed they liked the white paper towel rack. I just killed two on my Playtex rubber gloves of yellow color also.
What they really flocked to was the vanity mirror in the bath. Interesting thing here, as they loved to sit at eye level for me, so I was busy killing numbers of them last night and this AM.

I started noticing things though in like forensic profiling of rats in your Wheaties plant. See I have mentioned this from The Trapper magazine when the wonderful Tom Krause was editor, in they had a story about rats in the psychology of killing them.
See an exterminator comes in and traps, lays out sonic devices, sticky things etc...and ends up shooting them, as you never can catch every rat in a place. Some just will not behave in the normal mode of psychological behavior.
It is how the species  perpetuates in a remnant can always be found to breed then which does not respond to certain stimuli.

Humans have many like quirks of category which you never contemplate in some like round and some like square heads. Some like light skin and some like dark skin. Some prefer intelligence and some prefer an idiot. Long list and people are the worst animal on responses as even with Obama methods most of the population did not respond to being demonic pitched or having soiled panties from a Chinoid wet squish like Pegs Noonan.

So back to the fruity bugs. So I am noticing things  that the toilet tissue is white and the bugs which can see color are becoming wild in the survivors whenever movement or white colors appear. There seems to be a "larger" fly which is of this group.
They are learning just like the upper group of insects, for example my Cherry tick in it actually learned to go around a barrier, instead of over it when impeded.

The problem in this is I am busy, and have taken away fruity bug food source and breeding area, so that means fruity bugs will start to disappear, which is not a problem, but it will mean the test will have concluded due to lack of bodies to smash.

Granted the bugs are not Ivy league when it comes to knowledge in the dolts will after I leave the mirror for a few minutes, be back at it. They will still be wild, but the point is, that just like an idiot voted for Obama in 2008 for that election theft, they expected like Mormon Romney to have a different Obama when it is a reality that same mirror and same Obama is going to bring about same results in rationed death.

Humans are stupid and arrogant, bugs are just not up on the learning curve in they know danger, but are designed by mass breeding to only survive so long as some other insect, reptile or bird will require them for a meal. They can not become genius or the higher predators would starve as it is not like a spider is going to learn how to weave a better web to eat.

This now comes to the donors here in they are like all God's creatures, but yet human, so they are arrogant, as they hide behind the fear response. They think that others can feed the Lame Cherry donor icon, because that is how they have gotten all that fortune in being better at not donating money to government, salaries or charity........or gifts in being givers who decide that the presents they get will go to someone else.

See this goes back to John McCain in that Letterman cocktail crowd I mentioned long ago. McCain shows up in Arizona. Arizona has lots of white people who need jobs, but McCain being rich thinks everyone is rich and he wants cheap Mexican slave labor to mow his lawn.
McCain gravitates toward dark skin in meaning menial, as he will only stick his penis into stellar illuminated type blondes to reproduce. So John tells the locals, that we need Mexicans and gets booed off the stage.
There is a trigger inside John McCain like all rich folks. They upon any situation figure out how to not give money to those who need it. I have mentioned that McCain could pay anyone 50,000 dollars a year, which is a living wage now in Obama hyper inflation, and he could afford it. That 50,000 would indeed be a tax deduction as it would be  viewed hired employment by the IRS.
With all of that savings, yet John McCain will not give that kind of money, because if he did, then that lawnworker or beaner would become more his equal, and if John McCain and the rich did not have a caste to look down upon other, they would not be able to validate themselves.

It is at base a psychological phobia and paranoia. A phobia of having their forensic psychology disrupted by how they define themselves and a paranoia that others might just come into close contact with them.

Yes, rich people do not want those other human creatures in intimate distance with them. Yes they will f*ck them for status in psychological consequences, but they certainly do not want piles of those children showing up from that f*cking or they would have human contact which terrifies them.

Donald Trump appears to have a limit on the number of times he will crawl onto a woman to reproduce. It is the same factor that the females he crawls upon, will only allow the mounting for anchor purposes of wealth. Children are a definition for Mr. Trump in what a marriage and family mean. Not too many children though lest Mr. Trump lose the starring role of attention.

That is not in the least picking on Mr. Trump. He is just an example which came to mind, and this pattern would fit the majority of rich people, unless one comes across and Angelina Jolie whose purpose is to deal with her broken childhood by putting a Brad on a leash, and then saving dark skinned children and reproducing a few white skinned children to prove that it all could have been better for the little girl growing up.
George W. Bush had to fix Iraq which his old man H. W. blew his load on in listening to Colin Powell. Interesting in both cases, Powell, sabotaged and destroyed both administrations in his cartel advice. Powell was a sort of reverse Othello, and oddly in this, it is interesting to contemplate what is in the Bush patrician background that they by instinct thought they could trust a black man with absolute power who would not betray them.
Either that or Morgan Freeman did a hell of a hypnotic mind suggestion on them while Driving Miss Daisy, but it is that Obama thing in all of these patricians just have it in their heads that black folks are all wise and trustworthy, instead of being Willie Horton.

See triggers keep coming out, and I always counsel you to observe patterns, because in most instances patterns reveal psychology. I am amused in those who study this blog minutely and think they know me or conclude this is a mass effort of "Drudgelings" who are paid nothing by Master Matt, but is part of a generation curve for media buzz.
Now is that reality or did I just make that up and it will now gain traction in the term "Drudgelings" will now be a new Oxford word?
Will the rich in thinking I have connections to those more powerful and elite decide that perhaps they should donate the hundreds of thousands of dollars, because just like on the Susie Boober Pink Cancer Pins, that big donation always catches the eyes of the other elite so word gets around as a status big donations to military cripples by Rusty Limbaugh........which keeps other charities at bay as he can always say,  "I gave to the military crips and new puss kitty likes Fancy Feast, so the cash is all tappers".

I found it interesting in 2008 how my posts on Newsbusters, before I got too influencial and required being bitch slapped by that cum dripper over there, that my forensic profiling was making such waves that Mockingbird had to hire these skirts to go onto CBS to fabricate some of thee most idiotic of information.
Lie to Me on FOX also appeared and was cancelled as the cartel just does not want the reality that the human animal can be read and triggered happens as part of regime protocols.

Jerome Corsi attempted this with me as he was "steering" people on Face Book. It was a fascinating situation to observe the white lab coat poking at me in the rat maze for response. Yes we all live in a yellow submarine, yellow submarine, yellow submarine, Bristol Palin can not dance, Bristol Palin can not dance, Bristol Palin can not dance.......
What difference did it make if Bristol Palin won Dancing with the Stars that Rush Limbaugh had to ding Pavlov's bell for the dog?

Will a rich person donate 500,000 dollars to save their life? Rich people in group donate money to provide an illusion that they are "good people" under the veil of pissing on other rich people who will then appear cheap and can be mocked in scornful smirks.
350,000 dollars appears much like someone terrified of heights, in they just will not let go of the grip due to phobia. A rich person has money as that is what they are defined by and define themselves by. The larger the asset pile, the smaller the person feels inside as they are driven toward it.
In death, money and assets are only "given away" as a form of control to continue their identity as they think it will not fade, but that reality is no one remembers wealthy people , unless it is mechanics figuring to screw the decendents out of what was left to them.

In any group of fruit flies or rats, or even Obama voters, there is always a 3 percent margin which behave not as the group. The laws of nature dictate that out of all the rich people who read this blog, that there are six in that group, who will not act like the wealthy psychosis, and actually donate because they are humane.

On Star Trek, there was an episode of Gem. The actress played Kim Hughes on the soap opera As the World Turns for years. She was an empath on Star Trek and could heal others. The solar system she lived in was going to Super Nova, and the big brain minders could only save one of several races, so they conducted an experiment as to the qualities they thought were the most genetically proper and human compassion was what they were looking for.
In the story, Bones was tortured to almost death and Gem had to make the choice of giving up her own life or saving it. It is that humanity which is in the Biblical sense of Christ stating that people have to give up their lives to Him or they will lose their eternal Life.

See that reveals in me a pattern, not that I believe people are good, but that there is a group within a group who will do compassionate things, not due to an advantage, but because they are naturally good. Granted that is a very trophy buck group, as upon examination of rich people in all the psychosis they have taking place which was reinforced by experience and grounded in fears, a rich person who will donate their "all they have" in a widow's mite as a poor person who donates gives a far greater share of their is simply the matter of finding that rich person who is  the exception who is humane and will donate.

In writing this, I now conclude that charities should not post what some rich person donates, but instead post this scale, "John Brown who is poor donated 4% of his income, and Rush Limbaugh who is rich donated .01% of his income".
Yes 500,000 dollars to military cripples is a great deal of money, but when one is making 40 million and has Wall Street welfare assets generating even more income off of Obama money dumps, then what is 500,000 dollars.........but a fruitfly squashed as there is always another one coming along.

I should wrap this psychological study up as I am washing germs out of things and was only writing this as I was waiting for TL to return and I do try always fill in time and be productive, as work whether rewarded monitarily or not, does have an effect of focus and betterment.
There really is nothing in this world without TL for me as all is duty otherwise, and the enjoyment disappears.

I wonder if anyone ever says, "I would rather have my blown off arm or my dead parent back, instead of that 500,000 dollars?"
Is a legitimate question as all that money after 9 11 by psychological profiling certainly revealed that a million dollars cut a great deal of family and emotional ties to the dead.

Odd in it all as fruitflies will not donate to save their lives. They know the mirror is the great judgment, just as the Bible in the End Times predicts that people will throw their money into the streets as it will have no value to save them.
That brain stem attached to conductive reasoning is an interesting study. Logic dictates that the human should make the rational choice, but instead trend toward the illogical choice based on emotional fear.

I do keep pulling for you humans as I reside in the future, that the "many are called and few are chosen" will produce the few, but  that eye of the needle for the rich camels making it through, indicates that the Joseph of Aramathea and Nicodemus types really are the exception.

People always delude themselves into constants. When Babylon conquerred the Kingdom of Judah, Jeremiah by the Holy Ghost Prophesied that in 70 years Babylon would be in ruins. That seemed impossible.
In AD 33, Jesus predicted the destruction of Jerusalem, to which the disciples marveled and the Sanhedrin mocked as it seemed impossible, but by 70 AD Jerusalem was leveled by the Romans.

200 years ago most of America was a wilderness waste. New York City was a waterfowl swamp that residents used to hunt. The Bible predicts this generation will not die out until it witnesses the great upheaval.

Just a thought in this, that a generation appears to be on a 70 year scale. The re establishment of Judah as a nation appeared as Isaiah Prophesied in 1948.
2018 would be an interesting year.

There I go again, writing about fruitflies and as usual with this Prophetic keyboard I start to ponder things in Lame Cherry exclusives in matter anti matter.
I wonder what hell bound wretch will attempt to steal that for a Mockingbird book deal.

Then again I wonder what rich person may conclude that they might not even have those 4 years as nothing collapses over night and they will be moved to get their spiritual house in order.

nuff said

agtG 215

Mother Russia

I place here for survival reasons the heating structure in Archangel Russia which the peoples there survived 45 plus zero weather. This knowledge is most important to comprehend as the Israelite German "Russians" who fled the Czar for North Dakota in the 1880's built earth packed wall homes, plastered inside and out, as no lumber was available there, and those homes were warm in winter of 50 below and cool in summer at 100 degrees.

This is the makings of the Russian masonry stove.

The central object, and the most curious to an American, in the whole house is the huge Russian stove. In the larger houses there are several.

These stoves are constructed of masonry and are built before the partitions of the house are put in and before the walls are completed.
In the main stove there are three fire-boxes and a maze of surrounding air-spaces and smoke-passages, and surmounting all a great chimney which in two-story houses is itself made into a heating-stove with one fire-box for the upper rooms.

When the house is to be heated a little door is opened near the base of the chimney and a damper-plate is removed, so that the draft will be direct and the smoke escape freely into the chimney after quite a circuitous passage through the body of the stove.

Lewis E. Jahns; Joel R. Moore; Harry H. Mead. The History of the American Expedition Fighting the Bolsheviki / Campaigning in North Russia 1918-1919 (Kindle Location 3412-3417).

Then the heating fire-box is furnished with blazing pine splinters and an armful of pine stove-wood and left alone for about an hour or until all the wood is burnt to a smokeless and gasless mass of hot coals and fine ash.

The damper plate is then replaced, which stops all escape of heat up the chimney, and the whole structure of the stove soon begins to radiate a gentle heat.

Except in the coldest of weather it is not necessary to renew the fire in such a stove more than once daily, and one armful of wood is the standard fuel consumption at each firing.

Lewis E. Jahns; Joel R. Moore; Harry H. Mead. The History of the American Expedition Fighting the Bolsheviki / Campaigning in North Russia 1918-1919 (Kindle Locations 3420-3424).

"Another of the fire-boxes in the main stove is a large smooth-floored and vaulted opening with a little front porch roofed by a hood leading into the chimney. This is the oven, and here on baking days is built a fire which is raked out when the walls and floor are heated and is followed by the loaves and pastry put in place with a flat wooden paddle with a long handle.

The third fire-box is often in a low section of the stove covered by an iron plate, and is used only for boiling, broiling and frying.

As there is not much food broiled or fried, and as soup and other boiled food is often allowed to simmer in stone jars in the oven"

Lewis E. Jahns; Joel R. Moore; Harry H. Mead. The History of the American Expedition Fighting the Bolsheviki / Campaigning in North Russia 1918-1919 (Kindle Locations 3424-3429).

"The stove-structure itself is variously contrived as to outward architecture so as to leave one or more alcoves, the warm floors of which form comfortable bed-spaces.

The outer surface of the stove is smoothly cemented or enameled.

So large are these stoves that partition-logs are set in grooves left in the outer stove-wall, and a portion of the wall of each of four or five rooms is often formed by a side or corner of the same stove. And radiation from the warm bricks heats the rooms."

Lewis E. Jahns; Joel R. Moore; Harry H. Mead. The History of the American Expedition Fighting the Bolsheviki / Campaigning in North Russia 1918-1919 (Kindle Locations 3430-3433). 

Now the existential knowledge of Mother Russia has afforded you a way cheap and simple way to keep you warm and alive.


See the picture of the stove and the pie coming out of the oven in the American convalescent hospital in Archangel.

Lewis E. Jahns; Joel R. Moore; Harry H. Mead. The History of the American Expedition Fighting the Bolsheviki / Campaigning in North Russia 1918-1919 (Kindle Locations 3426-3427).

The Real Philadelphia Story

As a Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter to remind Americans that they are not Americans, in order to burst their delusions and bubbles of lies, to what the are now as inmates of the gulag.

Once upon a time, America was a fledgling nation which paid extortion money to Muslims on the North African coast, called the Barbary States, as these thieving Muslims were nothing but pirates.
After some time, it was decided that paying tribute to pirates was not what Americans would continue doing, and they instead sent warships to protect American trading vessels.

Amazingingly the grumbling terrorists of the early 1800's suddenly stopped grumbling and asking for money with ship cannon pointed at them. That was all the northern Muslim pirate states, except one in Libya at Tripoli.

The Libyans were not content with the American mandate of free seas, so decided to declare war on America. As communication was not quite fast, the American fleet rolled in on the waves of the Mediterranean not knowing war had been declared.

The frigate 44 gun, USS Philadelphia promptly started it's patrol in the Gulf of Libya and in chasing a ship ran aground in a reef. That was not such a good thing as the Libyans swarmed the ship, captured it and the crew.

These 44 gun ships were a new American invention compared to the British 38, and would a decade later blow the hell out of the British frigates in the War of 1812, to which the Admiralty would issue orders than no British frigate was ever to engage an American frigate, but to turn sail and run.

The Libyans hauled the Philadelphia off the reef and put her into dock and began refittin her, as she was going to be a new pirate ship and a quite dangerous one at that as being the most lethal in the world.

The Philadelphia in desperate attempts threw her cannon over the side, stores and cut off her main mast to try and refloat her, but finally surrendered to the Pasha of Libya and Capt. Bainbridge and his entire crew were made slaves the Libyans.
White Americans made slaves of Muslims, not much has changed now has it with the Fang Jinn Obama in control running terrorism out of the Oval O.

Enter into this, Lt. Stephen Decatur under the squadron command of Commadore Richard Dale.
Decatur being a real American brought forward a plan to remedy all of this terrorism by floating a captured Libyan ketch, renaming her the Intrepid, and sailed off with 70 men packed in to fire the Philadelphia under the guns of the castle of the Pasha and his entire Navy anchored there.

For days a gale blew in the gulf and Decatur could not enter, but one evening the winds lightened and the Intrepid sailed in.

All was quiet as the Philadelphia was spotted and Decatur with his crew drifted among the Libyan Navy. Sailors on board hailed the Intrepid and she answered that she lost anchor in the storm and requested to tie up to the Philadelphia.
The Libyans were clueless until the ropes were tied and then the shout went out, AMERICANOS, but by that time, Decatur was up the ropes leading the charge of the 70 Marines, who promptly advanced under the sword of Decatur and defeated the Libyans.

Swiftly, Decatur sent his men all through the ship with the plan to set fire to her, and the Philadelphia was ablaze in short order with the Intrepid now in danger of being destroyed too.
With lines cut though, Decatur was off with his ship and crew, placing distance between him and the now ablaze Philadelphia.

The Philadelphia apparently had a mind of her own in parting shots, as her cannons grew hot, they started discharging and firing into Tripoli.

She soon burned through her ropes and made her own escape to the gulf drifting to her own power and as her volcanic fires spread to the heavens her magazines detonated in a perfect salute to American bravery.

The castle opened on the Intrepid, but managed only to blow a hole through the main sail, as the Americans made good thee first operation against Muslim terrorism taking American hostages.

Perhaps now you know why the anthem, From the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli, is sung. It was Lt. Sephen Decatur of the USS Intrepid who led according to the British Nelson, the finest operation ever undertaken with success.

This is part of the series of reminding Americans of what they no longer are. You are not Lt. Stephen Decatur, you are not Major General Anthony Wayne.
You are passive prisoners of the Amerikan gulag so stop sullying the name of Americans by your delusions of what you are. Whores and pimps in a prison are whores and pimps in a prison and not Americans.

nuff said
