Monday, November 25, 2013

save me from swedish terrorists

 Yes New York has Muslim 9 11 bombers and Boston has Obama bombers, but this blog is bombed by Swedes, thee most heinous and audacious of terrorists.

Here is more proof in the second ransom letter the Lame Cherry has received in thee worst terrorists on the planet.

Why my terrorists make........make bin Laden, Arafat, Castro and Obama all put together, but butt sex boys not capable of that feces penis smell.......yes my terrorists are the cold savage scent of beaver on the dam with a pile of woody set to make a lodge in my pond.

Where is Eric Holder? Where is that new cover up guy at FBI? Where are the drone strikes to protect me when it comes to Swedish terrorists?

Anna Andersson (
Picture of Anna Andersson
You have been awarded, contact Ms Hirschi xemover, via E-mail: for details.
Sociala sektorn
Borlänge kommun

Where is the nuclear protection for this blog in ICBM's and stealth bombers when it comes to heinous Swedes out to attack me?

They put Andrew Breivik in prison, but when this blog is mowed down by the keyboard bullets and the flashdrive bombs, these heinous Swedes are left to prowl and strike again.


MIC me out to the Movies

Interesting what not eh? Someone does not like the pet critters being film kill............yes that is my word and if PETA or other terrorists use this word I will require a million dollar royalty.

NYC SECRET: 1 million bodies buried in mass graves...

Invisible island for poor and unidentified...


We do not care about the dead people during the regimes, as this is really important in dead critters and the culprits being blamed.

Interesting that Mockingbird is now using the bun huggers to expose a direct attack upon the Obama voters who are the direct cause of Birther Hussein's occupation of a doomsday freezer.

HOLLYWOOD REPORTER: 'LIFE OF PI' tiger 'damn near drowned'...
27 animal deaths on 'THE HOBBIT'...
Dog punched repeatedly in popular DISNEY movie...
Secret emails, documents exposed...
Spielberg protected by cover-up of 'WAR HORSE' death... MORE...

What is interesting in this is the pissy pissing in all of this. Alec  Baldwin gets canned. Steven Spielberg gets nailed for dead nags. Someone was at the glam parties and did not get bent at the waist proper.

MIC is having an interesting effect in all of this as more and more of this money flow is being strangled and the MIC is taking things back. It should be interesting in that little nuclear war the Obama regime just staged in the Middle East.
Yes give Iran full nuclear development and nuclear Saudi Arabia and Israel are just going to wait to be vaporized.

Well enough of animals which are not machines, but break down and die like machines when in use are now the dead horse being whipped to attack Obama liberal movie patrons.

Think of it all you hobbit fans on the left in your enjoyment came from killing poor critters.

Wars kill animals and abuse them, just like all the Scott Hennen types of North Dakota abuse their puppies by neglect as they have lives just like the Obama's never look at that Teddy Kennedy pooch who is neglected.

I am all for this MIC coup though. Nothing like smearing Hollywood for not bending at the waist properly for the real lords who rule the world. Nice the aristocrats are back and demanding more than Paris Hilton.

Yes there is road kill and now the Lame Cherry exposing all of this in FILM KILL>>>>>


Thanksgiving Love Cake or TL Cake

I have been working on this cake and it is in the healthy taste stage.

TL was on adventure in squash and we tried a Red Kuri which is aka Red Maikado of the land of that rising sun. It resembles Boston Marrow as is  bright red orange fruit.
We also tried the white Acorn and it is sort of sour, and not much flavor.

So use rhe kuri in this as we will be planting this next year on our place as we live in Hope of the big donation.

Recipe is:

1 red Kuri squash baked and meat removed

1 1/2 cups whole wheat flour

1 cup white sugar

1/2 cup brown sugar

1 tsp salt

1 tsp vanilla

1 egg

2 tablespoons olive oil

1/2 cup cream or milk

1 tsp cinnamon

1/2 tsp nutmeg

Mix squash, sugar, salt, egg, vanilla

Add flour and mix

Add olive oil and milk.

Add spices and mix

Place batter in 8 x 8 pan which has been greased. Sprinkle with sugar. Bake 350 degrees until toothpick comes out clean.

Serve with whipped cream or vanilla ice cream

The Kuri fascinates me as most orange squash make me want to vomit in being too strong flavored. The Kuri is light and with no strings. Baked with cinnamon and nutmeg in the shell, covered with foil, they can be topped with real whipped cream and make a nice desert as TL dines upon them.

I like acorns as they have little flavor, but this Kuri is superior.

This is a good way to get rid of squash in it does not have a strong squash flavor.

Another satisfied customer from the kitchen of TL when Lame Cherry invades the place.


Woodrow Fuck Me Over Wilson

As a Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, I place before you the criminality of the Woodrow Wilson regime in America after World War I.

To refresh your memory, the US Dollar and English Pound were pegged against each other in the war in US Soldiers were paid from London banks by check.
After the Armistice, the pegs came off at ($4.76 1/4). US Soldiers who had immense amounts of back pay coming in having served on the western and especially eastern front in the Wilson unsupported war in Russia against the communists, literally saw the Dollar rise against the British Pound which the Yanks were paid in.

Effectively, the Wilson regime, robbed US Soldiers of their paychecks after serving in his damned European war, by raising the value of the Dollar, so their Pound checks would be reduced in the exchange.

Poor families in America saw this rapine, and poor Soldiers terrified of losing more of their money simply sold out to speculation and were robbed.

This becomes worse in the US Veterans after the war having no work, and no money as they had been robbed, gathered in Washington DC for redress in camps there. In response, the government called out the military to rough up and shoot the Veterans of World War I.

I detest Woodrow Wilson for the damned socialist trash from the university he was. He started the world domination of the League of Nations which became the United Nations. He was as vile and manipulative as Franklin Roosevelt, in when Wilson had a stroke and should have been removed from office, his power grabbing wife was signing orders and laws with Wilson's signature on it, in another usurpation of power exactly like Birther Hussein Obama.

An American fights in a war and the damn regime robs them of those few meager dollars so the regime reduces debt for a war they waged and robs Americans who fought it.

Woodrow Wilson is a disgusting treacherous socialist who should be wiped from the list of American Presidents as he was nothing but a feudal stooge of world domination.

"Hundreds of American veterans of the North Russian campaign lost ten to twenty percent of their pay check's hard earned value."

Lewis E. Jahns; Joel R. Moore; Harry H. Mead. The History of the American Expedition Fighting the Bolsheviki / Campaigning in North Russia 1918-1919 (Kindle Locations 4550-4551).

nuff said


Pineapple Upside Down Cake

This is another of my recipes which TL kindly partakes of for me.

2  tablespoons butter
1/3 cup brown sugar
1 tablespoon water

Butter bottom of 9 inch square pan. Cover with brown sugar and add 1 tablespoon of water.

Next drain and lay out in bottom of baking pan, 9 sliced pineapple pieces, and then place one pitted cherry in the center of each slice.

1/4 cup butter
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla
2/3rds cup sugar

Cream and then mix in

2/3rds cup milk


1 1/3rd cup flour
2 teaspoons baking powder

Mix to smooth consistency

Carefully dab a heaping tablespoon on each top of the pineapple and cherries in the bottom of the pan. Fill in the remainder  between the slices. Again carefully so you do not lift the cherries from the pineapples, smooth with back of spoon the batter across the pan.

Bake for 35 minutes in a preheated 350 degree oven.

Remove from oven and cool 5 minutes.

Run knife around the edge of pan, place flat pan on top of cake pan, and with pot holders carefully flip the cake to right side up.
If you find that a few of the pineapples stick as the cake drops out, do not panic and simply use a spatula and lift them out and place in their spots on the cake and smooth out frosting.

This goes very well with homemade whipped cream of 2 cups heavy whipping cream, 1 tsp vanilla and 3/4's cup sugar.

