Friday, January 24, 2014

D'Souza and the Wall Street Vaseline Investment Portfolio

I wonder how that Indian ass of Dinesh D'Souza is going to hold up in black prison with all those Obama voters now that D'Souza, who plagarized from the Conservative net in stealing the Obama past for his movie and book.

Then there is that little thing in pimping Obama's brother........

Yeah, the guy who once told me he was not a Conservative, and learned it off a nexus search really is going to get a ream job once Obama sticks his ass in the grey bar hotel.

1/23/2014 8:43 PM CST
The same Dinesh D'Souza who wrote the "The Roots of Obama's Rage" charging the president with the sin of having an anti-colonialist father (because colonialism is so admirable and all)? The D'Souza who, as a married man, had an affair with a married woman, all the while serving as the president of a Christian college? (Both women apparently participated in this little scheme.)

The guy whose lawyer says, "at worst, this was an act of misguided friendship by D'Souza"?

Conservatives: So, so predictable.

The problem is with liberals is they think DD is a person of the right, when he is just another Obama offshore border buster who touched penises apparently.

'2016: Obama's America' filmmaker -- I am not having an affair | Fox ...
Fox News Channel
Oct 17, 2012 - We are not and have not been having an affair. ... Editor's note: In September, author/director Dinesh D'Souza's movie "2016: Obama's America ...

Dinesh D'Souza Resigns As President Of King's College Amid ...
The Huffington Post
Oct 18, 2012 - Prominent conservative author and Obama critic Dinesh D'Souza has ... Dinesh D'Souza Denies Affair, Forced to Resign from Kings College

Yeah everyone resigns from not having an affair........

Yes that little blonde Louisiana wife of white origins has a settlement coming where Dinesh gets the Vaseline budget. I figure in at least two counts D'Souza is looking at 10 to 40 years. Makes me wonder if the Din will be making a bolt for it for India...with like a billion Indians, and him in a man and woman change of clothes, he would disappear and Eric Holder would never find him.

Yup they are starting to come for the ones who pissed the Muchelle legacy off first.

So glad this blog has a history of assisting beloved leader and the Mrs. the past years.

Do you think you rich people who can not donate that 350,000 could invest for Lame Cherry in the Vaseline futures, as there is allot of ass out there that Obama Jinn is going to get lubed up in prison. Rush Limbaugh probably uses a gallon of it with all the Elton Blonde going on there.
Yeah I know that Rush likes to pretend he is FOX and Tea Party under attack but you know he just used his good friend UMMM Dinesh like Ummm Dakota for market share ........nice guy there Rushbo. That is the first BOHICA ole Dinesh is going to get in a long line.

Run Dinesh....kind of doubt that Putin will let you cuddle up with Ed Snowden, so either run for it or plead guilty with the bargain of getting a black husband in prison with a little dick.

Looks like Vaseline is going up in the futures market.



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter........

Awhile back there was a HUTA, a Head Up Their Ass, blogger who said that they stopped visiting here for Limbaugh reasons in I monitored that Mockingbird site, and they were incredulous in not being able to believe the Rush Limbaugh plagiarized content from these pages, when those facts were proven.

It was the same HUTA from Limbaugh when I mentioned I listened to Charlie Rose, and he immediately shot back, "Who listens to Charlie Rose", in a pissy little girl hair tug, as that is what Limbaugh is about.

I monitor Limbaugh for content and observation of what Mockingbird is conditioning the public with. Limbaugh has gone from his Elton Blonde moment in marrying his minder daughter Katherine, to now molesting children with his Rush Revere as he straddles a big ole horse.
See if Limbaugh was not a conduit of Mockingbird, the left would have come up with a Soros smear campaign focusing on "Rush Limbaugh is out molesting children's minds" in his new market share scheme which you are paying for in tax deductions.

Limbaugh is attacked with the trivial and not content, in order to keep his market share from going into revolution as that is what this is all about, including the Chuck Schumer and Anderson Cooper making the fictional Tea Party into the boogerman rallying points in previous elections and dusted off again for 2014 in order to huddle up the liberal mindbots, so they continue to vote in lock step against a fiction as Boehner and McConnell are towing the Obama line.

I listen to Limbaugh as his new propaganda was to repeat a lie in the 2012 elections and 2010 elections were different as different voter groups vote. 2010 according to Limbaugh and pollsters was Tea Party in midterms and in 2012 the Tea Party stayed home as they disliked Romney more than Obama.

Besides the election number total shooting that theory all to hell, it is the heart of this matter in how the public is lied to and conditioned, to keep them away from the reality of what really takes place in America.

I told you that free and fair elections were over. Karl Rove floated enough margin in 2000 and flipped votes enough in 2004 to get George W. Bush into power. Before that Bill Clinton used Lawrence Walsh in fake criminal charges before the election in 1992 to unseat HW from power.
Dole was a strawman so he did not count.

Obama flipped 10 million GOP votes and blackmailed the Rovians into being quiet and having Minnesota stolen for Al Franken for the magic 60 Obamacare vote.
That election theft set off for 2010 a real American revolt. You have to meld this into Hutatree and other things the regime was staging from before day one, in order to smear the Tea Party or the revolt as it was serious.
2010 was not a different voting block, but it was a voting block that the cartel understood if they were not handed enough victories and disappointed deliberately in sabotage of Tea Party candidates, that this group of 60 million had several hundred thousand who would start using armed force, and be backed by the other 60 million.
That is why 2010 was allowed, and was quashed inside the GOP to keep the regime in power and the cartel reshaping of America on track.

Get that point as no one else is explaining any of this and you are being mindwarped by the propaganda talking points.

2012 was an issue of the anger had abated, and Obama had the opportunity to flip enough Romney votes to steal the election and impose that theft on numerous local elections in states.
Limbaugh even quoted the pollsters saying Obama had a 5 point lead. Obama had no lead, but the polling propaganda was preparing the electorate for an Obama 5 point victory, which is exactly what the voting software had been progammed to game from the start.

The Tea Party is dead. It was destroyed by a queer operation and division of it. That is why Chuck Schumer is out giving speeches against it, as it is a wraith of the past.
The interesting part is Rush Limbaugh is heralding Sarah Palin as Mrs. Tea Party, when the reality is her entire selling her soul for her family's life has been to limp the Tea Party dolts along like Ron Paul misled his followers for years in order to keep them as a weapon in keeping real Conservatives from gaining the GOP advantage as Ronald Reagan did.

I have a rule in life. When someone lies to me, I do not care how much they smile at me and pretend they like me. Sarah Palin lied to everyone in promising a run, and instead ran for her life. I will never trust that woman again just like I will never trust anyone in the GOP in Congress ever again who is now seated there.

You will notice in this the frauds like Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz are trotted out as the great taco hope and about the time they start getting traction, they disappear. That is all by design just as this Chris Christy set up was to submarine him so Jeb Bush will steal the nomination and will lose to Hillary Clinton. This was all predicted in 2012 or before.......I do not remember nor do I care, but what I care about is the tactical operations in this, as it reveals what the white coats are contemplating for the game for the rats in the maze.
You can not learn a damn thing watching rats. You watch the nuance of the paid operatives, which reveals the operations of those in white coats, and if you are a bright child, then you can discern the forensic psychology of the Great Oz behind the screen who does not want anyone observing that tribal group issueing orders to the committee.

You do not conceive this, and actually minder Alex Jones should steal this for his program in this analogy as it is quite brilliant, but the reality is what you saw on 9 11 of 2001, was a minature scale pull of exactly what is being initiated against America.
Barack Obama Chin was one of the planes, just as inflation, debt and Obamacare were the other planes.

For these past years, explosive cutter charges have been put into place, which when unleashed are going to bring down the American economy and rob all of you to poverty. The cartel is going to pull America and you are going to be so shell shocked you will not be able to respond any more than you did in the months after 9 11......but by then there will appear another already written bill like Patriot Act or Obamacare to lock the door of the gulag behind you.

HUTA, Head Up The Ass, is what this is all about and none of you recognize any of this, as you were not once little children out trapping predators with traps, so you learned the nuances of animal behavior. You may think yourself wise, but when the time comes you will be caught by stepping in a trap you never saw laid for you.

It is all too late and none of this is going to be stopped. If you actually attempted anything, you would be neutralized or exterminated as you are not an Edward Snowden with that last ditch backing to set the apparatus back on it's ass.
That protocol will not succeed under these protocols.

This should be enough as I am not rich, so I have to things like do some laundry as the white coats watch the daily results of this rat in their maze.

Some advice to the rich and the poor, you should probably start conducting your behavior patterns now much as the East Germans existed under with the ten thousand yard blank stares and looking like cadavers if you will attempt to survive in what is coming.

I would have done much better with a large donation in the hundred thousand dollar range, but then the HUTA rich just could not see the operation and thought all that money was going to keep them secure.

To explain your future........

You have 30 million dollars. The cartel is going to break the finance system in dropping stocks to 30% of value. That leaves you 10 million dollars.

Wait though.....

The dollar is worth about 13 cents currently. That means your 10 million is worth 1 million 300 thousand dollars.

The cartel is going to deflate that dollar by 70 percent when it hits the markets. That means you are going to be worth in reality a little over 320,000 dollars......but wait..........

You will have the old currency and none of the new currency which will have prices spiking to 100 dollar a loaf bread and other inflations. You will still owe all those taxes on your real estate as this is about land confiscation too, and if you are frugal, you are going to last maybe 2 years.

That is if the regime does not start confiscating money as they did in Cyprus to get Russian savings hidden there, then you have maybe a year in that debt crisis.

HUTA do you think that probably you should have donated that  500, 000 to the Lame Cherry when I first asked to be able to do a better job in warning all of you?

The answer is YES as you probably have not come up with that yet.

Thus ends the Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter on HUTA and what the maze is saying.


You Deserve a Break Today

I am not going to say a great deal about this poisoning of Americans and McDonald's like all the food suppliers are behind this.

Just watch the video as this is just one place in America called Minnesota. Each crop has it's special poisons now in the genetic structure and in pesticides and herbicides.

I would that you people would wake up, because I watch corn and soybeans planted with snow on the ground now. Those crops once would rot in the ground if that soil was that cold.

McDonald's Poisoning Americans One Clown at a Time.


McDonald's the holy grail for potato farmers - Business - US ...
Sep 23, 2009 - Potato farmers, researchers and industry representatives are in the midst of ... buys more than 3.4 billion pounds of U.S. potatoes annually, it has the power to ... The company still relies on the Russet Burbank for many of its fries, even ... best practices to cut pesticide use by its American potato suppliers.

Potato Paradise Lost - Harmful Pesticides on PEI - Watershed Sentinel › Health & ToxicsPesticides
Agricultural pesticide use has increased by a whopping 571% over the past 14 years. ... the Island and now almost one billion pounds of potatoes a year are processed. ... to its use on potatoes, and many organizations, including the American ...
Fresh Fruit and
Number of
Samples Analyzed
Samples with
Residues Detected
Percent of
Samples with
Total Residue
Apples 774 727 98 33 41 2,619
Lettuce 743 657 88 47 57 1,985
Pears 741 643 87 31 35 1,309
Orange Juice 186 93 50 3 3 94

Dirty Dozen

  1. Apples
  2. Celery
  3. Sweet bell peppers
  4. Peaches
  5. Strawberries
  6. Nectarines (imported)
  7. Grapes
  8. Spinach
  9. Lettuce
  10. Cucumbers
  11. Blueberries (domestic)
  12. Potatoes

Holy Ghost

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter......

I was moved a few days ago to write something of the Holy Ghost, but at this juncture I am not feeling very Inspired as am not in the mood. I only hope that God is feeling the same things and is about to wipe the world out as promised.

I am a bit different than most people in the Holy Ghost possesses me. He brooded over my Mom and out I popped of a dry hole. The God I know is through Him, and that God has a caustic wit and cutting sense of humor. God was easy on me for a bit when I was young, but after a few tussles things went hard the way life has always been for me. When I state that God hates me for purpose, it is His purpose to witness against all of you rich and wealthy wretches. I sometimes think I would rather have the God kind of hate which would open the earth up and swallow me or fire from heaven, as that would pretty well end things, instead of having to be the Prophet for all of you good people to beat the hell out of as you confess how Godly you are to your sh*t coming in Saran wrap.

Where was I?

The Holy Ghost wants a relationship with good people. He does not condone in the least though people who ask Him for guidance and then reject His direction. That moves Him off from a human faster than darkness in a rising sun.

I have been ordered to do things I did not want to do, and did them anyway as the Holy Ghost does have insight into what takes place always as He is God.
The reality is you might as well ask a rock, a Jew, a Muslim or Hindu what a revelation is from God or Who God is, as without the Holy Ghost, it is just one form of rock with the same earthen ignorant message. That is what the Holy Ghost does in bringing Inspiration in every sort of way, and to the Way of God.
He Comforts as that is His Office and makes the Spiritual Body of Christ One with the Father.

I know what the Holy Ghost feels like, but not what He looks like. I have read of Him in the Bible in having numerous eyes, and would prefer the possessor of this person not revealing as the picture in my mind is just a white glow of energy.

As stated the Holy Ghost brooded over the waters of the deep in Creation. He is the Life Force. The Holy Ghost scans the entire world population to see who He may show Himself strong for.
That would seem an easy task now with all the worthless billions taking up space on planet earth and deserving of death.......I am lead to conclude though if God killed all those who should be, that the world would be an empty place and no Great Tribulation would take place as only a few good people would be left.

The reality is the Holy Ghost is integral and a necessary part of the Presence of God, as the feeling anyone gets before a person appears in the room. Jesus is the actual seen person as the Son of God and the Father is the Thought of that Person. The Muslim like even the Jew worships a God they do not know, and the only connection with God Who demands Spiritual worship is His Holy Ghost through the Redemption of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Holy Ghost is Who makes this blog and all I am possible. I died after a horrible soul rape, and by the Breath of God I was arisen of all things after a more than three day ground occupation on Easter unlike Jesus. I am His and by Him He makes things easy so it is like cheating to me as I just throw things together and it turns out great and I have the answers by Him so it all sorts out quickly.

The one sin which is never forgiven though is the rejection of the Holy Ghost once He makes you a Spiritual creature, meaning a child of God rejects Him and goes back to satan. That reprobate is of the demonic likeness then in demons can not be redeemed, nor can a child of Light become Light again after being seared into the darkness by their own choice.
So the Holy Ghost is high stakes and is not to be taken lightly.

He does injure easily and is offended, even if it never appears like it in the things which appear here. The injury is rejecting His pure Love in guidance and the offense is not honoring Him. The things which appear here should never be concluded a license for sin. When in sodom one speaks to sodomites in their tongue and when they have no guilt about the things here, and the worst of it, when they start casting stones at my great sins, not noting the sins they are condoning, it is all a witness.

Those Scott and Irish circuit preachers in the wilderness used their fists to beat bold sinners into submission or they would have been beaten themselves. I am not in the pulpit here so many years ahead on point here, so if you want churching, you should be in Church and not expect nice things when Elisha is slaughtering the false prophets of Baal.

This has been a really pissy day. Mom called and said all but one of my chickens are dead. So much work pissed down the tube while all the rich people die an eternal death in their luxury. So I tried to do something positive as I wait for TL as a surprise.

I used to be merciful to sinners, but now the Holy Ghost has moved me to hope for a massive cleansing of the world in I will welcome it when it is unleashed.
Time to fold is never done.

Even if I was rich I still would not want some servant pressing my underwear nor sticking their fingers in my not much see a purpose for maids and butlers.


I know not what book it is

I assume this is why the current Pater of Rome has little use for knowing what is in the Bible as the Vatican heirarchy discovered long ago in this Martin Luther story.

"Anno 1530, at the Imperial Assembly at Augsburg, Albertus, Bishop of Mentz, by chance had got into his hands the Bible, and for the space of four hours he continued reading therein; at last, one of his Council on a sudden came into his bed-chamber unto him, who, seeing the Bible in the Bishop’s hand, was much amazed thereat, and said unto him, “what doth your Highness with that book?” 

The Archbishop thereupon answered him, and said, “I know not what this book is, but sure I am, all that is written therein is quite against us.”

Martin Luther.

That Bible does seem to get in the way of religion and those who attempt to rule in regimes and the Vatican.

"Doctor Ussinger, an Austin Friar, with me in the Monastery at Erfurt, said once unto me, as he saw that I diligently read and affected the Bible, “Brother Martin, what is the Bible?  Let us,” said he, “read the ancient Teachers and Fathers, for they have sucked the juice and truth out of the Bible.  The Bible is the cause of all dissension and rebellion.”

This, said Luther, is the censure of the world concerning God’s Word; therefore we must let them run on their course towards that place which is prepared for them. (That place is hell.)"

In the discourse which has become the Lame Cherry blog in matter anti matter, I resolve from past experience that whenever the Holy Ghost starts me upon a path which seems off the road in the focus upon Asia and that road in a few years time became the Asian Barry Chin, that the discourses upon the lost American Virtue and now on Martin Luther to remind American Protestants what they were, portends some great cataclysmic events as this off road will become the main road of the world.
