Wednesday, January 29, 2014

God answers a Lame Cherry Prayer

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.....

The Washington Times has caught up with this blog in something I was moved to intervene on in Vladamir Putin in being at the crossroads of Christian defense, which if God Wills, will mean a complete re write of the oracles which were predicting the worst of the worst.

I am not stating that the Book of Revelation has been changed, but what I am stating by the below article is what I posted on days ago that if Vladamir Putin chooses God, the world is going to be far less destroyed in the End Times.

This is the most vital of times and if God has His Cyrus, things will be so much better for His children. I have not checked and nothing is done until Christ comes, but hundreds of millions of people might have just been taken off the slaughter block.
I pray it is so. I pray that Vladamir Putin will be a conduit of Christ and God protects that conduit for His children.

If you need reminding, it was here that this blog exclusively stated that Mr. Putin viewed himself as the opposing force to the anti Christ. All of what the Wash Times reported leads directly into those reports here and this blog was proven correct again.

I am most humbled and most excited that perhaps by God's Grace I was utilized to help bring about one of the greatest deliverances for peoples in the intercession for Mr. Putin to become an instrument of God. Peoples and nations will not now be obliterated. I pray God keeps this and I give thanks for it.

I hope the world has been changed and I have played a great role in it.


Who’s ‘godless’ now? Russia says it’s U.S.

Putin seizes on issue of traditional values

MOSCOW — At the height of the Cold War, it was common for American conservatives to label the officially atheist Soviet Union a “godless nation.”
More than two decades on, history has come full circle, as the Kremlin and its allies in the Russian Orthodox Church hurl the same allegation at the West.

“Many Euro-Atlantic countries have moved away from their roots, including Christian values,” Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a recent keynote speech. “Policies are being pursued that place on the same level a multi-child family and a same-sex partnership, a faith in God and a belief in Satan. This is the path to degradation.”
In his state of the nation address in mid-December, Mr. Putin also portrayed Russia as a staunch defender of “traditional values” against what he depicted as the morally bankrupt West. Social and religious conservatism, the former KGB officer insisted, is the only way to prevent the world from slipping into “chaotic darkness.”
As part of this defense of “Christian values,” Russia has adopted a law banning “homosexual propaganda” and another that makes it a criminal offense to “insult” the religious sensibilities of believers.
The law on religious sensibilities was adopted in the wake of a protest in Moscow’s largest cathedral by a female punk rock group against the Orthodox Church’s support of Mr. Putin. Kremlin-run television said the group’s “demonic” protest was funded by “some Americans.”
Mr. Putin’s views of the West were echoed this month by Patriarch Kirill I of Moscow, the leader of the Orthodox Church, who accused Western countries of engaging in the “spiritual disarmament” of their people.
In particular, Patriarch Kirill criticized laws in several European countries that prevent believers from displaying religious symbols, including crosses on necklaces, at work.

Prague Plough: Vladamir Putin the Tipping Point
January 25th

At this juncture, Vladamir Putin is the tipping point. I have work to do, and if successful in Christ, my pet Slavs will not be destroyed and the events will deflect and project to Armageddon.
Having brought others out of hell, I will see if by Christ I will be able by a new Cyrus to bring Christendom out of a nuclear hell.

I told you rich people that by donations your life hangs in the balance.

Russian Limbaugh's American Smelting Pot

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter......

My children I am here to warn the rich of who their worst enemy is. It is not democrats or the Fang Jinn jigger on the White House lawn. It is not even themselves, although they come a close first.

The wealthy people's worst enemy is Rush Limbaugh and his caste like steak eater Mark Levin and exercise cycle buyer Sean Hannity.
You have to get this, because America under Obama has been Sovietized. Some of you like in Minnesota will dust off the brain bank and start to remember things in the experts who lived there before Reagan knocked down the Berlin Wall forever, in you will remember things of how bad it was in the Soviet Union.

To refresh or re educate the wealthy, one must know Russia in that nation was filled with crude poor people who suffered every moment under Czar or Kremlin. They had no pot to piss in nor window to throw it out. The KGB criminalized every person while the elite lived in extravagant retreats.

There was Soviet propaganda about how bad the people of the west were, but the Russians were never listening nor looking at the propaganda. They were instead looking at the cars in the background, the shoes, the clothes, the food......all the things the Russians had no access to except by bribes.

All of the Soviet experts became absolute overnight after Berlin fell and have just vanished. I can recall a story of a Russian complaining about no shoes in the long lines......and the other Russians reply was, "Well if you are that stupid to stand in line, stand there, as everyone else asks for shoes, is told, "There are no shoes", they then pay the bribe and shoes come from behind the counter.

See what Russian Limbaugh has no conception of, is when he gets on the radio and rants about paying income taxes, in New York hounding him for taxes if he worked there, or his being asked to come and live in some tax free state...........a poor person like me has their hackles raised, because that means Limbaugh has the money in the bank to PAY TAXES, meaning he has means he has money to means he has money for not just one home paid for but TWO HOMES..

The reality of America is this is a Soviet now of 90 million not working, another 90 million geezers trying to make it on retirement, and a whole group of poor children taking on rat qualities in the ghetto. All of those people are tremendously attuned to not having things and Russian Limbaugh having a horde like all these elite.
When the NFL sodomizes their audience and that audience leaves, it is not the lone reason for their not buying NFL tickets. The further reason is AMERICANS ARE BROKE and they do not have the thousand dollars for air travel, the two hundred dollars for lodging, the 200 dollars for food and drinks, in they do not have 2000 dollars to just blow on more millionaires like Russian Limbaugh living in the opulence of the dacha while the peasants are castigated as Limbaugh focuses on for EATING.

I have warned all of you that Limbaugh has been scripted to put the greedy capitalist epitaph on the Republican and Conservative parties. That program is sending a message and it is far more sinister than anything coming out of Obama Jinn's mouth, as Limbaugh is spouting the "let them eat cake" mantra as Obama Jinn is inciting the masses to loot the bakery.

When the engineered crash to America comes, people are going to come to a point of just starting to take things. If you remember under Bush, there was in the Gulf War "a time allowed" to Iraqi's to plunder the Saddam elite's properties? That was buy design as that kind of rapine terrifies a specific group in power and ends them as a problem.
When the time comes, just as the papers are now printing up gathered concealed permit holders, there is already that GPS Obama voter list, that shows every GOP donor and Conservative in America. The next "Occupy Wall Street" movement will instead target rich enclaves of like people on the right, and you can bet the police will have stand down orders, and the leaders just like in Libya will have GPS targeting to direct the mob to exact locations.
There will be a protocol worked out of Molotov cocktails through the front window with gunners at the back door to shoot the males, and seize the women and children to rape them, before all witnesses are purged.
Of course it will be blamed on some "right wing extremists" in the media, as that is always the protocol, but the genesis of all of this is Rush Limbaugh, and those ignorants like Levin, Hannity and Ingraham who just can not like Mike Gallagher shut their affluent mouths in words like "steak", "vacations", "air travel" and "10,000 dollar exercise cycles" into those mics.

Russian Limbaugh this week was stating that all Americans should want to be like the rich.

Oh yeah? The rich I see non stop, drive around in SUV's and Beamers, have scowling bottle blondes behind the wheels, NEVER put on a turn signal making me wait for them to take their time making a turn, and often enough they are cutting me off in traffic or not getting out of the way in the grocery as they are just too important to notice a poor person.

Obama and the democrats tried to breed class envy, but there is class fury building in poor people being mistreated by the rich.

So all the warnings this blog has given to the rich who have not donated is a reality of what is coming, in it is your Scrooge, with your friend's 'let them eat cake" as Russian Limbaugh is your daily example before all the world as most hated and detested, because of his hypocrisy and he keeps rubbing poor people's noses in it, as he makes fun of them by mentioning chemtrails or getting a southern redneck on talkin' bout that Sarah Palin.
Everything is by design and it is a project complete.

When America becomes the SMELTING POT, you can thank Russian Limbaugh for stoking the masses kindled to a fury by his incessant verbiage about all that wealth you welfare rich have been plundering off poor people since Bush41 undid Ronald Reagan's American Dream.

That is the reality, and when the looters have burned out the millionaires and billionaires, they are going to descend on your communities where like minded right wingers are in enclaves and do the same thing, as the police state is just going to set up their perimeters around Obama enclaves of the Chris Matthews and David  Letterman elite.

You have no idea how bad this is you wealthy people, because you do not know what it is like to not have money for gas or food.

"Russian Limbaugh is turning America into a Smelting Pot and you wealthy are the dross going to be burned off by the fires of the mob."

Lame Cherry


A Visit with Cecil Rhodes

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter......

The world often has NRA lines about Hitler and gun confiscation as the NRA has watched over the hindering of gun sales and ammunition in America, but why is it that one never hears of another leader in German history who warned his people with the simplest of mandates as Emperor of Germany.

"Keep your powder dry and your swords sharp"

Kaiser Wilhelm II

That is about as clarion call word for word as one would hear from any American from George Washington, Davy Crockett, Sam Houston, George Custer, Theodore Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan.

The Emperor of Germany issued that warning to friend and foe alike, as Germany was an armed nation and the Fatherland would fight to defend itself.
The Emperor willed that any enemy would think hard before engaging itself in war with Germany and to instill a manly spirit in all German males. Any enemy as the Kaiser said would find a strong race to contend with.

Compulsory military training was mandated for all Germans as it brought about a continuity that brought the wealthy into contact with the poor, all classes of society were one and united in defense of their home.

That was the understanding of  the military man, Wilhelm II in trusting the armed people.

When Germany fell, it was from traitors within and foes without, because the men of Germany who were the best were under the green cloth of fields of war, and what was left was overrun by events.

Germany was an armed and well regulated militia under Kaiser Wilhelm, exactly as the United States Constitution mandates that all Americans be trained.

The Kaiser was a great huntsman and loved the sport as did his associative caste of nobles who governed Greater Germany. America is having this all removed  from her now by the very traitors within.

The Kaiser though did not go down without a fight nor did Germans as they were an armed people of blade and bullet.


When Nigs Stole White Jam

If you can't be scared of me just be shitless


For those who do not know it, all of that horrid ass Afroid hip hop and gangsta rap, started in 1979 with a white boy named M in a song called Pop Music.

M - Pop Muzik 1979 - YouTube
Dec 8, 2008 - Uploaded by fritz51323
Pop Pop Pop Musik Pop Pop Pop Musik Pop Pop Pop Musik Pop Pop Pop Musik Radio, video Boogie with ...

It was a very good song and groundbreaking, what followed decades later was no talent trash after the lifting of Rick James song for MC Hammer's Hammertime.

Rick James - Super Freak - YouTube
Dec 25, 2009 - Uploaded by RickJamesVEVO
Music video by Rick James performing Super Freak. YouTube view counts pre-VEVO: 3744313. (C) 1981 ...

The reality is that it was those white boys who stole black blues in Elvis and the Stones and made it better in something called Rock n Roll.

This was preceded by the monumental work which started it all in Rock On by David Essex which has never been repeated for talent.

David Essex - Rock On (1973) - YouTube
Apr 4, 2012 - Uploaded by Ulysses Joven
"Rock On" is a song that was composed and sung by English singer/songwriter David Essex in 1973. In ...

The reality is all this was before Blondie turned out her Rapture in not taking that song serious in the least.

Blondie - Rapture - YouTube
Feb 25, 2009 - Uploaded by emimusic
Official video of Blondie performing Rapture from the album Autoamerican. Buy It Here: ...

Now you know the real history of music. Blacks like BB King could play guitar, but the music sucked until white rockers came along, and then white rockers experimenting with sounds, was degraded by blacks who could not play instruments, but could chant like Aborigines hauling freight as porters for white people on safari.

It is time the record is set straight by someone who knows and was there and what is sold today is not music as Eddie Money lamented before most of you were birthed.

nuff said
