Sunday, April 20, 2014

Congratulations to Chelsea Hubble

The Lame Cherry speaks to congratulate Chelsea Hubble on the eruption of fetus cells in her placenta material and withholding her women's rights in removing the intruder, although there is still time in the womb, and perhaps like Andrew Breitbart in his post Obama birth aborticide, the fetus can still be terminated on a Los Angeles street.

Congratulations also go out to the grandmother, the semen depository AKA Hillary Hamrod Clinton, now buys raising her own Huma and Tony Wiener production, for the next democratic man in the White House in 2016, Hamrod I.

If only Vince Foster had pumped a bit harder, instead of had his head pumped into and body dumped at Fort Marcy Park, then Bill Clinton would not have to be concerned about Grampa Day at the Pre  School or who Chelsea will be expecting to hand the scissors to, to cut the umbilical cord.

As the tissue when assembled will be sucking on soy milk, turning into another Barack Obama fagssexual, we can rest assured it will be some thing like the Obamas in Manchulle or a Priss Barry.

Congratulations now though to Chelsea Hubble, for the moment as being a liberal tissue, one never knows in Darwin Natural Selection when the return to the dark hole out of which he spawned will ye return to.


The Putin Protocols

As everyone is distracted by the drama, do not be distracted by the reactions.

Action 1: Repeated underrated response to Vladimir Putin.

Action 2: Spiking of Nevada showdown and backdown by the police state.

When one cared to make a response to Mr. Putin over Crimea and Ukraine, one would park 2 nuclear aircraft carriers off the Baltic States as a message. Not put them into dry dock.

When one cares to make a point, one arrests Rancher Bundy, puts him into federal detention, and then removes the cattle with court order settlement for back BLM payments.

One does not send in the BLM and ATF Gestapo, as in the Branch Davidians as a publicity stunt.

You must comprehend exactly what is taking place here, as only this blog has exposed in Lame Cherry matter anti matter. The cartel with the regime is engaging to get the public to react. The police state has now emboldened the mob by backing down.........for a next step which the cartel is moving the mobs in the maze to take, for a future event.

Gas prices have been spiking with record reserves. Someone is keeping the pressure up. Someone expects the rats in the maze to start reacting, just like the Western states seeking to wrest control of those lands in a fragmentation of the states.

Conclusions in progressing this out point to, someone desires an at war America with herself for the advancement of the police state and an advancement of a better offensive power than NATO America for eastern Europe.
You do get this right that the Neo Roman Empire wants the Slavic lands for exploitation as much as Russian energy and diamonds, so...........figure it out children in the cartel can not take control of Europe from Putin if America's big footprint is there.
Little Obama footie prints of 150 troops is not exactly something other than to embolden the Kremlin and more effectively to force Europeans to effect a goosestepping force occupying eastern Europe.

Yes it is factored in the games what Mr. Putin will act and react with too, just like you Americans. Someone is staging and spiking the situations for purpose. That large American retirement and dollar seizure coming in the revalue of the dollar on the heels of Obamacare and Obamatax is the crux of this operation..........just like Rush Limbaugh is conditioning all of you listeners on the right with his Himmler chants of late for the Koch boys in  "the weak are takers in America" and due to their eating all the time, should be ended.

All of this points to connect the dots. This is for purpose and all of you are being led into the abyss by reactions so you do not think and end up in poverty, war and genocide.

That should keep you ungrateful rich out of the abyss at least until nightfall as you keep walking the edge, but there is only so much I can do in trying to save a caste from their own ignorance.

They are coming for you and you have not a clue.


America over a Century of War

As a caveat in this, except for a few occupational years of "peace" in Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines after the Spanish American War of 1898 which by Gentleman's Agreement with European powers of England and France as those territories were a bribe to America to join in the Genocide of Germans in two wars, which were the terms of GOP Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and William Taft, the United States of America has been at perpetual war, except for a brief period at the end of the Cold War in 1990 during the Bill Clinton tenure, at which he started a war again in Kosovo for Isalmists in Europe, by taking Christian Serbian lands.

There is no peace in America. America is in a constant state of war to profit the same European cartel and finance who assassinated Abraham Lincoln with their same traitors in America who profit and power off of this and installed that foreign agent Barack Hussein Obama into 1600 Penn Avenue.

Just look at that over century of war in which Americans have been robbed and bled except for a moment of time.

Spanish American War 1898 - to present

World War I 1917 - 1918

Sino Japanese War 1939 - 1941

World War II 1941 - 1945

Cold War 1945 - 1990

Korean War 1945 - 1990

Vietnam War 1954 - 1975

Panama War 1989

Iraq War I 1991 - 2002

Kosovo War 1999 - to present

Iraq War II 2002 - 2008

Afghanistan War 2001 - to present

Yemen War 2010 - to present

Libyan War 2010

Syrian War 2010 - to present

nuff said


Hitler at 50

I place here an insight into Adolf Hitler and the Reich, which is fascinating, because it is in contrast to what has witnessed in the Obama birther daze.

Notice the intimacy of this photo in all of these people leaning toward Adolf Hitler and the serene expression on his face. These people truly like this leader. I do not make this as a condemnation of Germans, but a reality that Adolf Hitler restored pride with joy in being a German.

The Nazi's were masterful choreographers in Euclidean 47th, in what was beautiful and pleasing to the eye and stirred the heart and soul. This beauty came from Adolf Hitler and his followers. 

The gorgeous birthday gift of a golden palace inlaid with precious stones. The entire setting was artistic in even the documentation is scripted beautifully.

These Germans even stacked their instruments with military precision on this day. This is the kind of detail of a completely orderly nation and society, not by force by a people who were extremely proud of their heritage and their present.

This photo from a forensic psychological revelation is a study, for it shows the leader of Germany in humble pose. His subject is bowing lower, but Hitler is bowing into the man in gratitude and welcoming warmth. Everyone in that room knows who is in charge, but der Feurher is at ease with power and is showing himself in humility before his people.

The last photo is Germany in all German are. An orderly people, highly organized, observant and resolute. They really are the children of Goethe and Wagner, as much as the Austrian Ashkenaz Adolf Hitler was by choice.

It is a simple thing in propaganda to smear Heir Hitler as a madman or other epitaphs, but the reality is so much more stunning as this group of leftists were artistic, ordered, grande, humble and focused. The German left was absolutely nothing like what the Obama left is in debauchery or shallowness.
They were creative and thrilled with being German.

My question is in all of this, when the image of Obama reveals itself as the catalyst for starting Armageddon and worldwide slaughter, and his crowd of socialists are remembered in photographs, you do know that there will not be anything Euclidean in it as nothing of Obama was ornate of a first world order.

Adolf Hitler would be 124 years old this year.
