Monday, April 21, 2014

Sitting in Library

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am sitting in a library for the third day and Google now  makes me log in for each post to prove I am not a bot. All of this chit wears my ass out like the rest of this fricking life in having a damn headache as book mold makes my head hurt like a hammer to the skull.

This is important though:

Last week Malaysian health authorities said a Malaysian citizen had been confirmed as having the disease after he returned from pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia.

This means that this Malaysian Muslim caught the Dr. Germ designed virus to kill Arabs. This means unless this was some Arab, that this virus has just genetically mutated to not just kill the Arabian genetic line, but the Hamite in Negroids and this catches close again into the Mongoloid line of SAARS.

This MERS seems based in SAARS methodology. What is important in this, is this has jumped either to original source or to a new source.........and as you missed this, MERS is a direct infection as a test virus. Dr. Germ just pumped this into an Asian as a warning shot to turn up the blackmail heat.

This is a human bug spray bomb.

All of you missed this reality so have fun with it as this is all  I have the time to say as TL is coming back and I have to be back to do errands.

This is someone murdering select people for blackmail and they have protection and publicity giving them cover just like in OBAMA WEST NILE.


Let there be light..........

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter......

The following is something which TL and I have been working on in the past and it involves producing a self regenerative light source based on fireflies.

It is a simple thing, that oxygen is in the air to start the process of uniting the necessary components, to produce light, and as the below quote reveals, it is possible in a small grub to produce light to read a book by.

There is not a need for these Al Gore curly poison bulbs. Nature has the resource there, and for those who have not bridged this link, with a firefly light, there comes LIGHT which in turn would power?????? Yes solar cells which would create electricity to power entire energy grids.

It could all be self contained and it could be built if the same national plan was put into place like the Kennedy Moon Landing.

As has been this blog's vision in collecting lightning discharge to the creation of a self circulating gravity hydro electic reservior, America could be energy free on a completely new grid.

Amazing how Martin Luther had benefactors. Thomas  Edison had benefactors, but for some reason the people with money can not find a way to donate to release me from the prison of debt and put them at liberty.

"There are many varieties of luminous insects in Ceylon. That which affords the greatest volume of light is a large white grub about two inches in length, This is a fat, sluggish animal, whose light is far more brilliant than could be supposed to emanate from such a form.

The light of a common fire-fly will enable a person to distinguish the hour on a dial in a dark night, but the glow from the grub described will render the smallest print so legible that a page may be read with case. I once tried the experiment of killing the grub, but the light was not extinguished with life, and by opening the tail, I squeezed out a quantity of glutinous fluid, which was so highly phosphorescent that it brilliantly illumined the page of a book which I had been reading by its light for a trial.

All phosphorescent substances require friction to produce their full volume of light; this is exemplified at sea during a calm tropical night, when the ocean sleeps in utter darkness and quietude and not a ripple disturbs the broad surface of the water. Then the prow of the advancing steamer cuts through the dreary waste of darkness and awakens into fiery life the spray which dashes from her sides.

A broad stream of light illumines the sea in her wake, and she appears to plough up fire in her rush through the darkened water. The simple friction of the moving mass agitates the millions of luminous animalcules contained in the water; in the same manner a fish darting through the sea is distinctly seen by the fiery course which is created by his own velocity.

All luminous insects are provided with a certain amount of phosphorescent fluid, which can be set in action at pleasure by the agitation of a number of nerves and muscles situated in the region of the fluid and especially adapted to that purpose. It is a common belief that the light of the glow-worm is used as a lamp of love to assist in nocturnal meetings, but there can be little doubt that the insect makes use of its natural brilliancy without any specific intention. It is as natural for the fire-fly to glitter by night as for the colored butterfly to be gaudy by day."

Sir Samuel White Baker. Eight Years' Wanderings in Ceylon

Let there be light........let there be free generated energy.


her national sins

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was moved to reach Common Sense by American Patriot, Thomas Paine, and was surprised in his Common Sense so very much Inspired Wisdom from God. It is a comfort to find the foundations of life written there, in separating us several centuries, and yet all in the same, we are speaking from the same Holy Ghost.

Thomas Paine in lecturing the King of England and his military leader, Lord Howe scolds them both in reminding them that their is good and evil, and that more to the point, there is Personal Sin and National Sin.
Mr. Paine makes a definition in the eternal and the temporal retribution from God, in correctly teaching that personal sins are when not paid for by the blood of Christ's Sacrifice are a matter of eternal condemnation, but that national sins, are a matter which can not be placed into a Sheol or a Gehenna, for one can not throw a nation into hell, but that recompense for national sins takes place in this world, by the hand of God from the tempest of storm to the fury of invasion.

In Jeremiah chapter 3, this morning TL and I were reading what the Holy Ghost opened to, and the teaching was God was informing His children gone to sin, that if they would just confess their sins and stop sinning, He would accept them back and care for them.
It is an easy thing, but Americans and those in the west are so equalized sodom now, that their minds are all doped by a spiritual narcotic from satan as Christ has been cast off for a caste of messiah Obama.

The answers for America's Salvation are in the Bible and are simple. The rules are to do justice in the courts. To wipe out all the debt servitude the people are enslaved under. To only have the True Christian Faith and removing all other religions and to call upon the Name of the Lord in fasting and repentance in a national action.
It simply is being moral and acting moral after publically confessing the nation is evil.

There is an ignorance in all of this "i am more right than God" cult which is in America now. They are confused in thinking they can pass laws for "equality" for sodomites to "women's rights" for aborticiders to "loving relationships" for child rapists, and conclude in that "tolerance" and "promotion" they have somehow advanced to a place beyond God.
The problem in this, for those who deny and dismiss God, is there is a God, and His Words in Deuteronomy 28 of blessings and cursings are being inflicted on America as much as they have been on every nation since they were recorded. If one violates the human interaction, it leads to the exact debt structure, family self destruction and no matter what that people do, it has no fix and continues to degrade.

There is an interesting observation by Major Ted Roosevelt in 1918 at the end of World War I which he records and in ignorance has no idea what he is witnessing. If the Americans had not been sent illegally into that butcher war, then Thomas Paine's prediction for Great Britain and all evil nations would have come true then. America though put off the reality by her morality cloaking immoral England and France.

What Ted Roosevelt recorded was he noticed in France that it "seemed a nation of old people" while in Germany he noted that the nation was alive with happy boisterous mob of children who were all over the American Soldiers.
France was then a socialist nation which had killed off her French Lutherans and driven them out. Germany was a martial nation, but the Fatherland was Christian Protestant Lutheran through the land. That was the reason Germany was winning across the board of Europe and was only checked because of a Blessing God had made upon the sons of Joseph.
England was one of those sons, but her blessing was running out, and America had just begun her blessed cycle, so God gave America the victory.

America's victories have nothing to do with her being better than other peoples. It had to do with God's Promises to the Patriarchs as America is of Israelite seed in Joseph. That Promise has been fulfilled and America has been moved past the chastisement phase and is now in the Judgment phase, as she put into power an image of Barack Hussein Obama as messiah in rejecting the Messiah in the Lord Jesus the Christ as thee only begotten Son of God.

America until the last years of the 20th century were a moral people in the majority in a moral nation, which was led immorally at times in Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, John Kennedy and Bill Clinton. America in the 21st century had a moral man in George W. Bush in the balance of a moral and immoral people. America in the Age of Obama is a nation led by a blasphemous image of Obama and is a nation of an immoral majority.
God is not going to bless the workings of such a people as it is contrary to His purpose of Salvation, and, it is impossible in sodom lust, ripping children from the womb, destroying marriage, enslaving peoples in debt, immoral wars and the blasphemy of removing God from this government founded by Him and made so in Covenant by the words of George Washington, SO HELP ME GOD, for such a self destructive mob to regenerate when it is all degenerate.

Yes there are righteous Lots in this sodom whose consciences are so soiled by this perversion in the midsts of America, but that kind of filth is not going to save America from Judgment, no more than Jeremiah thrown into a dungeon was going to stop God from cutting off Judah.

God does important Work here on this blog. It is fascinating in pondering that Work through me in how I am mistreated like the Prophets. The most important warning and direction a people can have, and the entire elite censor this work, even if it influences them across the board. Most have given up on viewing the material as it condemns them and that is not what they desire in their righteous delusions.
The people with money refuse to become a William Randolph Hearst in sponsoring Billy Graham as a message to the nation. The few poor in their homes surrounded by the eclipse get the message and shine as True Lights of Christ.
Israel has always persecuted and murdered those God sent to reprove and warn her. America is no different.

My greatest emptiness and sadness is as I observe and behold these western peoples of the Lost 10 Tribes is I appear to be the only one God is narrowcasting through. I do not say that with arrogance nor judging others, but in reality and remorse, that there is such a complete drought of the Word of God in society, culture and clergy, that all that is taking place is the grooming of a religous cult worshipping a false religion of "how good we all are".

I can feel the immovable weight of this out there and it is an irresistable evil. No human hand nor command is going to obliterate it. This evil is squatter iniquity and will only be obliterated by the Rock of Christ smashing it to dust.
I lament for those Christian nations in all they built for centuries in God's blessings, who are terminal and do not know their death is imminant as they fiddle while the scent of fire of Rome is in the air. The work of Christian hands now prostituted by the genitals of societal satans.
I feel the death which is coming. It is like the moments after a lightning discharge, in the tension in the air of scorched earth and smoldering flesh. There is that shriek in the air of so many ended in as they are ripped in their souls to the reality they are disgusting filth and their goodness which is evil did not deliver them.
It feels calm afterwards. The imprints of their wills are like a fading sound. Just those skin covered skeletons in tattered clothes and those white skulls like loaves of bread with a halo of weathered hair rendered to the ground and glued there for a time from fat and maggot excrement as their token manifestation of all the good they are.
Some of you will see this and then you will recall these words and then you will know you have seen what I have beheld as that sour earthen scent blessed by a fresh breeze and a buzz of fly fills your nostril and comes to your ear on a cool day.

Enough of being in the future where I live, for you have enough of the present and you will be where I am soon enough.

You should labor as a nation in effort to remove your sins as in repentance your national sins are cleansed by Christ for a lessening of your recompense. Confess as a people and do right by God's Prophets.

"Oh that I had wings to fly away, but even upon them I would stay, for my place is in the land of the soul cannibals who devour themselves and and each other. Their worm dieth not upon the earth."

- Lame Cherry

agtG 270

Traitors in the Midst

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

American Patriot Thomas Paine in his first article in Common Sense, or the Crisis, reveals the certainty of why war was waged where it was in America from the beginning.

"Why is it that the enemy have left the New England provinces, and made these middle ones the seat of war? The answer is easy: New England is not infested with Tories, and we are. I have been tender in raising the cry against these men, and used numberless arguments to show them their danger, but it will not do to sacrifice a world either to their folly or their baseness.
The period is now arrived, in which either they or we must change our sentiments, or one or both must fall. And what is a Tory? Good God! what is he? I should not be afraid to go with a hundred Whigs against a thousand Tories, were they to attempt to get into arms. Every Tory is a coward."

The British took up the war effort where they had natural spies and traitors to the American cause. People forget entirely that like 21st century America, only 30% of the Americans were American Patriots. 30% were Tories and 30% were indifferent.

The South in the Carolinas was nothing but Tories loyal to the King of England, and it is why no effort was even made until the last end of the war after Burgoyne was defeated at Saratoga, for England to claim that prize.
It was in that same period that the English engaged in scorched earth genocide in Connecticut and areas of New Jersey and Virginia, which included gang rape and burning down villages.

It is the same in 21st century regime America with Homeland's "See something say something" in Americans are not told to speak of terrorists, but to inform on each other.

Who is the greatest target for the Obama regime? Is it Dr. Zawahiri who now rules in comfort after Sheik bin Laden's corpse and actor were offered up? Is it some nameless Muslim?  Not in the least, the person which NSA publishes accounts of desiring to murder is Edward Snowden, for the great crime of revealing to the American people what BY LAW the NSA is required to inform Congress of so Americans would be protected from this assault.
Can anything be more glaring than Attorney General Eric  Holder acidically threatening a Texas House member for daring to bring up Holder's contempt charges with, "Don't go there buddy!!!!"

These despots in federal and state regimes are as heinous as they were in 1776.  The same abuse of power and the same threatening of Citizens. Thomas Paine was a terrorists hunted by the British government for publishing the crimes of King George and Edward Snowden is hunted as the same terrorist  by NSA for publishing the crimes of Despot Obama.

The minders are everywhere in America in these treacherous stooges who set up Hutatree Americans, to infiltrating the Tea Party to destroy it, to spying on Sarah Palin at FOX and getting her to become one of the Tories of the 21st century.
This Obama regime does nothing but salt every event with stooges to parrot some political manipulation they are engaged in at present.

Thomas Paine provides a lesson in the terror masters always go to their treacherous minders in the midst of the people as they make war on the people.

Consider the lesson.

"Should the Tories give him (Lord Howe) encouragement to come, or assistance if he come, I as sincerely wish that our next year's arms may expel them from the continent, and the Congress appropriate their possessions to the relief of those who have suffered in well-doing."

Thomas Paine
