Tuesday, April 29, 2014


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Did I not break the story here yesterday afternoon again by God's Grace that the set up of the Jewish Ashkenaz owner of the NBA Clippers was one which involved in lynching this old man and then stealing his team from him, and it was a conspiracy?

Yes this blog did while Rush Limbaugh was twiddling his balls again complaining about taxes.

I told you who to watch and now Magic Johnson in his financial group of investors, just like Carlyle Group is poised to take over the cheap scraps of the Clippers. This was large in even Oprah Winfrey came out and stated that Magic Johnson was interested in buying the NBA team, as Magic caught black handed in the oreo jar claimed to not want the team which was set up for him to be rewarded with for backing Birther Hussein.

Upon inquiry, this is the situation with Clippergate.

Inquiry points to Johnson approached Obama directly for this operation in gaining control of the Clippers. Obama Jinn handed it off to Eric office space Holder for another operation run out of the NSA Holder cell for deniability.
Inquiry points to Val-erie Jarrett coordinated in this for the White House.

This is why all the cartel member conglomerates like Mercedes immediately dropped the sponsoring of the Clippers, as none of this was secret, and why the leftist media went into hysterics in crucifying this old Jewish Ashkenaz.

It was a set up, and the blacktino girlfriend was obviously in on this, in having relations with Johnson, as the old Ashkenaz literally was telling her that he did not want Johnson at his Clipper games, as it was cuckolding the old man.
This was not just the lynching of an old Jew, but the crucifying him after an anal rape.

This was a conspiracy of an organized crime which by inquiry points to the Johnson investments, Birther Hussein, Eric Holder, Val-erie Jarrett, the Obama puppy press and cartel connections. This is an organized crime, and from what inquiry pointed in addition to this was about the Israeli situation in slapping this old guy around to send a message to Israeli Jews that none of them were safe from retaliation either.

As stated, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Rich people really should donate as the NBA was involved in this conspiracy in the Commissioner. That is a number of crooks who should be indicted.
Donald Sterling can not be banned from going to a basketball game unless he is a threat or a felon.

One last thing, Donald you should be moral, but if you had Asian gal pals, none of this would have happened....
You and the Mrs. really should donate a big wad of cash here.

nuff said.


The Limbaugh Refund

Yes the Earned Income Tax Credit

Poor people pay no taxes, but get taxes back.

This is more of the lies from Rush Limbaugh and as I being poor, am not going to allow that half brain liar get away with his propaganda.

Let us revisit the earned income tax credit. Let us review about getting taxes back.

Every month a poor person, just like you, gets paid money for working. They get taxed on unemployment.

Now let us figure on this the reality that POOR PEOPLE pay taxes every month at around 15 to 30 percent, as that is federal law in WITH HOLDING TAXES FOR INCOME TAXES.

I will not visit excise taxes in those are taxes hidden in costs like gasoline or state taxes you get rung up on.

Now return to this in Rush Limbaugh lying to all that poor people get money back and do not pay taxes. There is no one on this planet that files a 1040 or any other form, who not earning a dollar, are not taxed on that money. YOU CAN NOT FILE A 1040 with the IRS and get 6000 dollars back if you have not paid 6000 dollars in taxes already.
So the regime gets poor people's money for literally 15 months out of the year for free use. The only way a person gets an earned income credit is by paying taxes which poor people do.

The IRS is not as Limbaugh makes it out to be as a place where poor people file forms and the IRS writes out checks to them.

This kind of absolutely lying by Rush Limbaugh gives a bad name to Conservatives, Christians, Patriots and every American, as it is dishonest.

So you get this, Rush Limbaugh speaks for the FEUDAL ELITE of millionaires and billionaires who make you pay their taxes, as they get all the deductions to fly around in private jets.

Examine Limbaugh at 40 million dollars a year. A jet costs around 2 million in rental. That leaves Limbaugh 38 million dollars, but he operates at 30% taxes for example, so that is 12 million in taxes which is a great deal of money.
The problem is Rush Limbaugh has 28 million dollars left to live on, and in that, the 2 million dollars like his Horse Whip Tea and his child brain rape books, are all tax deductions too, which you pay for.

In case you missed it on your 1040, all those rich people drilling for oil, GOT TAX DEDUCTIONS at a better rate than what poor people do.

So revisit it in a poor person earns 20,000 dollars a year in wages, and pays at least 15%, but in reality is paying around 20% as the system is rigged. That is 3000 dollars in taxes they owe to the IRS, meaning that poor person has 17,000 dollars to try and live on with gas costing now around 3000 dollars to go to work alone, and as you know they have house payments, and then real estate is like 3000 dollars for a house to live in in taxes, you soon see that a person is supposed to live on a few thousand dollars.

Is it therefore the same scenario of Rush Limbaugh living in a mansion on 28 million dollars compared to a poor person trying to live on 9000 dollars a year?

I get so infuriated over the lies of Rush Limbaugh in attacking poor people who are farmers, who sell on Etsy online, who sell trinkets in stands at fairs etc... and he is on air lying all the time, making it sound like poor people send in forms to the IRS and IRS writes them out a check for thousands of dollars, which is not the case in the least or ever was.

The only people who get checks written out to them are named Rush Limbaugh, as he like Matt Drudge files his quarterly taxes, and when the tax bill comes due on April 15th, it is Rush Limbaugh who gets a refund check of millions of dollars each year.

Figure it out as Limbaugh always used to say about how much he writes out in tax checks, but he never once says what his return is. Do the math, in if Limbaugh owes 12 million a dollars out of 40 million dollars, then his jet deduction brings in 2 million dollars. His salaries he pays are hired labor which is a tax deduction he is refunded on in his books and his tea expenses. All of that comes back when Rush Limbaugh files his Self Employment 1040, and I will assume that Limbaugh has some corporation set up to represent him, so he can "hide his money" in that structure, as that is what goes on.

Figure it all from Beau Snerdly security, Limbaughs cruisers he drives in are all work related, as are everything he engages in, in "vacations" as if he makes one call concerning work or checks on tea supplies at a Super Bowl, that comes off in tax deductions as it is a working vacation.

I do not know what Rush Limbaugh's tax refund is, but when you know that General Electric pays no taxes, that Rush Limbaugh gets millions of dollars back in that computer typed check or auto refund to his Rush Limbaugh account from the IRS.

Would you like to receive a 4 to 12 million dollar check from the IRS every year? I am sure you would, instead of the tens of thousand you pay in and then are lied about by Rush Limbaugh like the IRS is giving you money when that is money like Limbaugh, that you paid in for income taxes.

The difference is your job sucks at 10 dollars an hour, compared to being a regime entertainer like Limbaugh lying to the world about you, getting paid hundreds of thousands of dollars an hour.


Who needs Salvation

Yes what is the need for Salvation when it is lifetime away.........

"I remember a Fable, said Luther, which fitteth very well for these times, and for this purpose, discoursed of before.  A Lion, said he, making a great feast, invited all the beasts thereunto, and with them also he invited swine.  Now, as all manner and sorts of dainties were brought and set before the guests, the swine demanded if Brewer’s grains might be had for them. 

Even so, in these days it is with our Epicures; we Preachers bring and set before them in the Church the most dainty and costly dishes, as Everlasting Salvation, Remission of Sins, and God’s Grace; but they, like swine, cast up their snouts, and root after Dollars, Crowns, and Ducats; and, indeed, said Luther, “what should a cow do with nutmegs?” 

She would rather content herself with oat-straw."

Martin Luther

Yes who needs the ambrosia of Lame Cherry, when the rich have the fodder of currency, investment and property to satiate them..........up until the time the casket lid is sealed shut, and then all that comfort is left behind by the rich and hell awaits.

nuff said


Whiskey Carrots

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter...

I take no credit in the least for this in this recipe as this is TL, but this we share as I thoroughly appreciate these. There is a bbq sauce called  Rufus Teague. The old black boy with bowler looks like something that came out of Cujo, but all the same it is a pretty good sauce, better than Stubbs.
Rufus T has four types, but this one is whiskey maple.

You never  think of bbq carrots, but that is the thought process in this.

In crock pot you start out with 16 ounce whiskey pint bottle of Rufus Teague. Rinse the bottle out about 1/3rd as the stuff is expensive.

To this add 1/2 cup brown sugar.
3 teaspoons of beef bullion. (I am not talking that cube stuff or those crystals, but that black paste stuff which is high octane.)
2 sliced big yellow onions. (You want slices as you are going to eat them.)
3 bags of baby carrots. (Put this into a container and wash them off with warm water, letting them sit and change water a few times, to get that white film off them which turns the water cloudy.)
1/2 cup of whiskey (This one is for Jack Daniels)

As you can see this makes a few carrots, but they are blessed good carrots. Sort of fire carrots.

So you mix the Rufus, sugar and whiskey. Put a thin layer in the bottom of the crock.  Then you dump the water off the carrots and dump them into the crock. Place the onion slices on top of the carrots and then pour the enhanced bbq over the carrots.
If you have any brains you will leave a pool on one end to be able to dip and baste the carrots every few hours.

Cook until it is done, and you will have whiskey carrots.

I figure you could put in washed potato wedges or like homemade fries in this too, providing the starch was off. Also works for beef, chicken, pork, sheep and I suppose African ass steaks too if you are into cannibal stuff, probably make dinosaur taste like chicken too, if you could find dinosaur or wooly mammoth if you could dig a froze one out of the tundra, but this is for carrots and I  suppose if you served this at an AA meeting for drunks who did not like whiskey, they would eat their carrots and enjoy them too, but not be in danger of addiction.

This makes blessed good carrots though.....just took what a Rufus made and made it better.


Where Truth leads to Tread

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.........

The international Jew as Henry Ford typified the communist secular Jew to the repudiation of the European Ashkenaz Jew being a focal point of political upheaval, but not having the necessity of constructing government of a civilized nature, were terminology which had nothing to do with racism or anti semitism, but of a political fact of what the Rothschild secular or German Jew typified.

None of this was a condemnation of Jewry, but a defining of what the secular Jew was.

There was a reality in World War II which all Jewish elder leadership, sold their people out to the National Socialists of Germany, for their own profit and survival, because "the Nazi would always need laborers and dead laborers were not efficient".
Deals were signed over champagne and caviar, for what later was blamed on the Hitler regime to cover up what the Ashkenaz elite had done to the poor Ashkenaz and rival Sephardic Judahites.

General William Tecumseh Sherman upon vanquishing the South in the Civil War, instigated by these same European financiers to economically enslave Americans, as has been accomplished in the Age of Berlin Obama by design, issued an order barring all Jews from the South, as these carpetbaggers were arriving in mass, buying up anything of value, as Southerners were bankrupt.
Any internet search can find Southern  Poverty Law Center types smearing Gen. Sherman as anti semitic, when that was not the case in least, and it brings to the forefront the reality of how much Ashkenaz elite crimes against humanity have never been punished.

William Greener, the noted British gunmaker, wrote a most interesting treatise on weapons that used gunpowder. In it he makes mention of the dangerous counterfiet weapons which shipped to the Americas and the slave trade, which maimed and murdered thousands of people in substandard guns.

I provide this quote as to who was the main group behind this:

"The trade is over-run with swarms of Jew salesmen and others, who cannot, nor ever will be, able to duly understand and appreciate the responsibility attached to the profession of a gun-maker."

William Greener. Gunnery in 1858 / Being a Treatise on Rifles, Cannon, and Sporting Arms

The hub of the Merchant of Venice trade were Jews who were selling volumes of guns in an arms trade which was knowingly butchering people. In local maxim, this was known in Birmingham of "Doing the natives".
Dead and maimed customers an ocean away were people who did not complain a great deal to those who could punish the criminals.

The Jews have always been astute traders. I have explained in America an early law was passed barring them from the garment trade, because the Jews were so effective at it they obtained a monopoly. What rose from this was the Jews picked up rags and that is where the term, The Rag Trade came from, as Jewish merchants created a profitable industry from it.

Jewry was astute in the Ashkenaz Asians from overthrowing governments for Marxism to the monoply of world banking in the Rothschilds to the entertainment industry in America. These Jews were ruthless in taking over industries and making them profitable, no matter the danger, porn filth or the making slaves of free people.

The "holocaust" propaganda was a cover up of what the secular Ashkenaz elite did to their own people in selling them and blaming the Nazi's for it, all to obtain a Jewish state, which has been intent on the genocide of Sephardic Jews and the poor Ashkenaz right wing class. It has served invincible cover for these propagandists in hiding their own historical crimes in shifting the blame to others in anti semitism.

When one has Mother Rothschild bragging that no war was started in the world, except her sons started it and were making profit off both sides, that is a literal admission of crimes against humanity.

Can anyone say that the work of Irving Berlin, the Jewish American composer is in the same level of the degrading genre of Bill Maher? The problem is not that people are evil and good, as all races impart numbers of evil and good, but the problem is these secular Jews are so ruthless in monopolies that the dominate entire fields.

Are the Obama Islamists just as Talmudic goy ruthless as the secular Jews of the Ashkenaz? Most certainly they are, but the difference is the Muslim militant is like a whirling dervish only disturbing their own space, while the Rothschild Ashkenaz is a hurricane obliterating empires.

The propganda has been the Judeo Christian American culture, when that is a fabrication, as American Israelites are Christians based in Hebrew Law.
Ask the questions in was a Jewish monopoly of cloth a good thing for America?
Was dumping dangerous guns into Indian and poor white immigrant hands a good thing for America?
Were carpetbaggers a good thing for America?
Has Hollywood been good for America?
Has turning the American Treasury over to the Federal Reserve been good for America?

I could ask of other races like Irish or Germans, but it is a matter of it is a bit hard to form monopolies when one is drinking for a monopoly or working themselves to death for a monopoly.

Israel Baline was a force for good in this world in composing over 1500 songs, yes this Russian Ashkenaz was the Americanized Irving Berlin, but Mr. Berlin was not selling dangerous guns to the natives to blow their heads off with nor was he creating massive Obama debt enslaving the American mob.

Evil is threat, but when evil becomes a monopoly preying on people, then it becomes a genocide. All that is required in this is a full accounting of history.  When the Truth comes out, Germans stop goosestepping, Irish stop brawling and Jewry monopolies have to behave according to Mt. Sinai Law and not Talmudic vice.

The people who have suffered greatest under the Jewish elite, have been the common Jews. The elite have the police state protecting them and the poor are on the streets getting the tattoos and their heads bashed in.
One would think the Jewish people would break out of the herd and start denouncing their predatory masters for their own self preservation, but there they are following their Obama voter leaders, while being imprisoned by walls in their own Israeli state to become easier targets for Persian Marxist nuclear missiles.

"Mungo Park detailed some of the lamentable atrocities committed by these guns bursting. The many thousands of mutilated wretches who have lived to curse the cupidity of their fellow -men, form not a bright side in the picture of human nature."

William Greener. Gunnery in 1858 / Being a Treatise on Rifles, Cannon, and Sporting Arms

*Mungo Park was a Scottish explorer in Africa from  1771 to 1806.

nuff said
