Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Charles Lindbergh American Diplomacy

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I place here the Wisdom of American Hero from Minnesota, Charles Lindbergh, who if he had not been destroyed by Franklin Roosevelt, America and the world would have had millions of it's best producing a better generation, in there would not have been a World War II, there would not have been a Cold War, a Korea, a Vietnam.

Nazi Germany would have defeated Soviet Russia, and all would have been right with the world.

Charles Lindbergh's assessments were absolutely correct, but FDR was driven for war and dividing up the world with Stalin.

April 1941 that “even in our present condition of unpreparedness, no foreign power is in a position to invade us today.If we concentrate on our own and build the strength that this nation should maintain, no foreign army will ever attempt to land on American shores.”

Though he thought that America should be militarily prepared for a war with
Germany, Lindbergh never saw the Germans as a major threat. Before World War II, he thought that it was highly unlikely that Germany would attack Britain or France,
and even after the outbreak of war, he argued that America had little to fear from Hitler’s forces.

Rather, he feared Joseph Stalin’s Soviet Union, which had, in Lindbergh’s opinion, a culture and political system which would, if given the chance, radically alter Western civilization. He thought that war with the Soviets was inevitable, and his greatest hope lay in the possibility that a war would be confined to fighting between Hitler and Stalin. It seemed probable that Germany would be victorious in such a conflict; and by that time France and England would be stronger. Under any circumstances, I believed that a victory by Germany’s European people would be preferable to one by Russia’s semi-Asiatic Soviet Union. Hitler would not live forever, and I felt sure the
Germans would eventually moderate the excesses of his Nazi regime.

As such, Lindbergh’s second suggested way of preventing Germany from going to war with America was for the U.S. to improve its diplomatic relations with the Third Reich. Such a move would not only would prevent Germany and America from fighting, but it would also limit Soviet expansion.
In October 1938, he readily accepted an invitation from U.S. Ambassador to Germany Hugh Wilson to a dinner party at the American embassy, at which Lindbergh and Field Marshal Herman Göring were to be theguests of honour. Wilson hosted the dinner in an attempt to improve American-German relations, a turn of events which seemed possible after the Munich Conference two weeks earlier, at which France and Britain opted for a policy of appeasement.

At the dinner, without the permission of Wilson, Göring presented Lindbergh with a medal, on behalf of Adolf Hitler. Though Lindbergh was viciously condemned in later years for accepting the award, Wayne Cole argues that even if the Americans had advance notice about the medal presentation: They probably would not have changed their conduct significantly. To have refused the medal in that setting would have embarassed America’s Ambassador, offended [Göring] and worsened German-American relations at a moment when they showed a possibility of improvement.

In addition to expressing support for the Third Reich through diplomatic channels,
Lindbergh also wanted the U.S., as well as France and Britain, to strengthen their
economic and political ties with Germany.

Charles Lindbergh should have been President and should have been defended from that same ilk which dragged America into World War I. He as American correct and Franklin Roosevelt was murderously wrong.

This astute Gentleman should not be lost to history, but his vision echoed in this 21st century to save America from the Obama abyss. Instead of instigating conflict with Vladimir Putin for the profiteers and division of Europe with Big Frac selling American oil to Europeans, there must be a Lindbergh Doctrine as this blog has advocated.

American foreign policy must be AMERICAN FIRST and not this internationalism of despots as Wilson, FDR and Obama Jinn.

"If any one of these groups--the British, the Jewish, or the administration--stops agitating for war, I believe there will be little danger of our involvement.

           Charles Lindbergh- September 11, 1941


Too shiftless to eat

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I wanted to thank the few who have donated. It was kind and generous of you, in your poverty and in your illnesses. Your offers of places to stay are Christian and I pray God blesses each of you for your kindness to me.

I was thinking about in this tea talk or coffee chat about something Kim said in a note. Kim lives in the Garden of Eden in the same country that the beekeeper does. The beekeeper said he had like 100 apple trees and assorted things which to me is like the treasure at the end of the rainbow.
I grew up in an area which was horrid as I never knew if my plantings were going to be froze out, scorched out, dried out, flooded out, or blown out of the ground, or some satanic herd of cattle or rabbits was going to show up. More times than not the weeds germinated to a carpet  before my plants did.

It required skill which I thank God for as it is survival lessons which are vital for what is ahead, but it is a distant dream of mine to now what it is like to plant things in the ground and to watch them grow and produce something, which is what most of the world really is like, except for where I was produced.

I think of things like a noted seed producer has this farm and if I lived close I would beg to just hoe an acre as my donation to the project, just so I could be around thousands of varieties of plants to see what they are like.

Apple are an example in the production varieties are even different from each other in leaf, bark, branch and fruit which is at sometimes subtle, but there is something unique about each, and I am currently freezing and saving some apple seeds from Honeycrisp to see if they will sprout.
God gave me two apple seeds He sprouted on his own a few years ago and they are pretty good apples in one is out of my Grandpa's MacIntosh (I dislike those mealy things) and one is out of a Chestnut crab apple (which is more like a minature apple.
They are  September apples in early and late September and the one will hold apples all through the winter. I hope to graft them before they are lost, as the thing about Johnny Apple Seed is that numbers of seeds will not produce any fruit at all and the remainder are these things you can not eat.
That is what is special about these two as they are apples which surpass most apples in production.

I figure that in saving everything I can save for money in donations, that with an immense financial collapse, some nuclear warfare culling a hundred million or two, and people just abandoning places for my good looks, then I should be able to afford a place after that.

I always thought it would be Eden to grow peaches too. I ate a peach off my Aunt's tree in California once. You can not believe how good peaches really are if ripened on a tree.
I hope to grow things after Jesus comes back. I do well with melons now and am quite thankful for that blessing from God.

What this was all about was what Kim mentioned in she gardens and then invites people to come over and pick things, but most people will not even show up. I surmise that people are so mindwarped now on one hand that they are phobic of any person alive in thinking they will be locked in some closet or are just too stupid to know what to do with anything not from a grocery display.

I at times would love to have someone let me load up from their garden, but most people do not garden that I can see from my vantage point. It does make me consider just how ignorant and phobic people are. It is like the Indians who would not eat wheat, because it was not rice.
I conclude that numbers of Americans would starve because they would not know what to do with wheat in grain form, or kill the cow for a steak,  when the cow if they knew how to milk it would feed them 9 months daily.
It just all strikes me as odd in how shiftless people have become.

They can see what is coming. Should be laying in a 7 year supply of what they need for their families, but it is all either pizza delivery welfare or those who think that electronic money is somehow going to not disappear when the lights go out.

I honestly can see this in someone telling a grocery, "Well behind that blank credit card screen I have a million dollars. You can trust me on this."

I have absolutely no time for gold or silver in bulk. Either you will need a metal cutter to hack off a bit of gold for a roll of toilet paper or the person with the goods is going to take the whole bar. Metals just pick up nuclear radiation and I see no purpose in it as your grocery or the blackmarket guy is not going to know what a chunk of gold is worth any more than what a diamond ring is worth.

If I had it, I would probably have a few thousand dollars in silver coins hidden somewhere, and then forget I had them, and try to barter my way through things or rely on paper money, but you know very well that the first six months some bright boy is going to figure out how to hammer coins into existence and find a way to print up money on something which will make everyones money worthless.

I grew up in we had no rhubarb on our renter place. I hated it that Mom had to go ask Grandpa for rhubarb. I hated the stuff then, and it galled the hell out of my 5 year old heart to have to ask someone for something so worthless as rhubarb.
I may not have much, but Mom's place does have a few fruit trees and some rhubarb, walking onions and maybe artichokes. It is pure stupidity in not having at least something growing in your yard.

I was just puzzled in how someone who is good, could be offering free food to people, and Americans are too shiftless to even put in the effort. Hopefully they will be the first Darwin candidates to bite the dust. Probably be hauling their Steve Quayle radioactive gold down to Wendy's for a soylent burger and wonder why they are crapping blood.

Enough of that pleasant thought.


The Tool

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As of late some have espoused some ending of the Monroe Doctrine by Sec. of State John Kerry and others like half brain Rush Limbaugh ignorantly stated that the Monroe Doctrine was about only non interference by European powers in the Americas, there arrives another time in the Lame Cherry to expound upon this document and it's namesake to explain this.

I will utilize two quotes. One from President George Washington and one from Henry Cabot Lodge to explain what Mr. James Monroe was in American history, for he was nothing but a tool. A tool in the intrigue of that nasty little man Thomas Jefferson and a tool in of his hot blooded French Revolution which burned up Joan of Arc's possessions.

"For this there is no better proof than his (Monroes) own opinion; whilst there is abundant evidence of his being a mere tool in the hands of the French government, cajoled and led away always by unmeaning assurances of friendship."

-George Washington

"......with the violent, unscrupulous, and extremely light-headed politician who figured as senator from Virginia and minister to France at the close of the last century. Monroe at the time of his appointment had distinguished himself chiefly by his extreme opposition to the administration, and by his intrigues against Hamilton, which were so dishonestly conducted that they ultimately compelled the publication of the "Reynolds Pamphlet,

....he at once occupied himself with the French proposition that we should lend France five millions of dollars, and France in return was to see to it that we obtained control of the Spanish possessions in North America. Monroe fell in with this precious scheme to make the United States a dependency of France...."

-Henry Cabot Lodge

Yes this is rather Jeffersonian French James Monroe in all his faded glory, a sort of Mom jeans John Kerry bowing as Obama to the French in Thomas Jefferson worship while hating real Americans.

As John Quincy Adams was Secretary of State in authoring the words of the Monroe Doctrine, I will again repeat the reality of the Monroe Doctrine was not alone in keeping European powers from control of American States, but it was to keep those European powers who had ignited the first global war in the 7 Years War or the French and Indian War in  the Americas, from starting another global war by friction in the Americas, which would then pull the United States into the war, as these United States were in the Americas.

James Monroe was tool. He was like the 60 years of Jeffersonian democrats who ruled after John Adams in all were extremely weak, except for President Andrew Jackson who made a horrid mistake after correctly removing a corrupt central bank, which caused the first Great Depression in America.

America has had far too few great Presidents, but they saved America from tools and from traitors of the Obama orbit like Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

The great American Presidents would be George Washington, Theodore Roosevelt, Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan.
Some attended to greatness like Andrew Jackson and Abraham Lincoln but fell short. Mr. Lincoln should not be sympathesized with for being murdered. His great falling was not comprehending almost his entire military command was loyal or sympathetic to General Lee and the South in States Rights. Mr. Lincoln only won that war due to the sympathizers being killed or replaced.

James Monroe though like James Madison was part of this nasty little man crew of foreign intriguers, who encompassed to include Bill Clinton and that very small Jimmy Carter.

These facts should be remembered and noted. When President George Washington, the greatest of Presidents and the first of Americans, defines you as a tool, that is an epitaph which does not cease, even if French lip movers like John Kerry or half brains like Rush Limbaugh have no semblance of what the Monroe Doctrine is, or make mention that James Monroe was a tool of France and assassination politics by poison pen.
