Saturday, May 24, 2014


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I remember that stupid Kenny Rogers song in "It don't mean you're meek if you turn the other cheek", as one of the most blasphemous things ever, as meekness is what God chooses from Moses to Jesus, as meekness is not being a victim, but it is being humble.

George Washington was meek. Abraham Lincoln was meek. Theodore Roosevelt was meek. Ronald Reagan was meek.

Examples of worthless trash who are not meek, Barack Hussein Obama, the image of Barack Hussein Obama and any little 3rd world bastard that says it wants to grow up to be president of some country to validate it's nothingness.

This business of arrogance and haughtiness is absolutely worthless to God and if you think about it as you scorn meekness, do you want the pet humping your 5 year old when you turn your back, or the pet who will defend the kid?
You want the spouse bragging to your friends what a great lay they are, or do you want the spouse who says how great you are?
You want the kids who are mouthing off to you thinking they are smarter than you or do you want the kids who listen to what the blessed hope you are saying to them?

Really simple stuff in this in everyone wants to be the Obama cocking off, until that cock wad pisses  away everything you worked for, then you all want the napping old white dude to figure out how to save you.

Jesus was meek, and that meekness was to God the Father and in serving others to be saved, but He still whipped the bankers out of the Temple.
Moses was meek, and God chose him to lead an entire nation, and he started off killing an Egyptian and ended up wiping out heathens in nations.

Everyone wants the sports car until you got to haul the fridge home with a foot of snow on the road, then the pick up that is not jacked up to Mt. Everest is the glam choice.

In the long run, the ox team gets you to Rhodesia while the horses are laying dead about the time you hit the Rockies.

I used to run protocols in games like checkers, in having a few all powerful kings against a board of uncrowned and you can beat the kings every time. It is the same in chess, in if you have a board of pawns, facing a queen and a king, you will beat them every time, as flash never pans out.

I  was passed over  a  number of times in life, and I have had the nastiest ass rejections from powerful people who had no idea who I was.  So do not think you are alone in getting sand kicked in your face. In most cases I keep my mouth shut, sometimes I do not, but in most cases I do not say a thing, and more often than not, God hauls them around to humiliate them.

You have to remember that when Jesus said to turn the other cheek, He was using the term of "brother" as in someone you are familiar with, not some rapist or bully. Jesus is the same Son of God Who said to buy a sword.

The reason meekness has a bad rap as no one wants to follow Christ's example of serving others and expecting your reward in Heaven. Frankly I would rather do the work now than having to do it in eternity. The Holy Ghost has made me self confident in God that I really do not care how much I get pissed on to it bothering my self esteem, as I know Whose  I am.

God has  proven the always experts wrong in this blog in making fools of some and silencing others. I do not take shit from anyone, but I also put in the effort to be supportive of anyone who talks to me. That is what meekness is.
People always think when you are nice that it is a weakness and they will try to belittle you. That is their low degree in them and I decided I was  not going to allow evil to change me into creatures like that.

As the Bible teaches, you are not to suffer as a criminal or someone wrongly accused, but if you are attacked for being a Christian, then praise God for the Glory it gives Him.

II Samuel 2:28 And the afflicted people thou wilt save: but thine eyes are upon the haughty, that thou mayest bring them down

Matthew 5:5 Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.

The meek will inherit all the goodness of the earth, while God watches the arrogant like a hawk to destroy them.

I know it goes against all people are deceived by, but on average being rich, powerful and arrogant gets you into hell, and being poor, weak and humble by Jesus admits you into Heaven.

I found this blurb concerning a star of the 1980's and it was pleasing to see she is still beautiful and meek.

Ana Alicia

"You know, I had just come from seeing my mother in Texas.  My mother had just had a stroke and so I was involved in helping to take care of her day-in and day-out for like three weeks.  I wasn't gonna come that night, and all of a sudden I decided just to come at the last minute.  To be there that night and have my memories of 'Falcon Crest' so validated and to see the love that we all had for each other and the respect of that time in my life, it was just very special to experience that."   


Nuclear Obama

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I will remind you that Big Frac, Rush Limbaugh is not going to remind you, any more than Mark Levin who is oil soaked anti ethanol in depriving poor rural communities of income, while propping up terror oil prices for Big Frac, that in 2008, Republican Presidential Candidate John McCain with Vice Presidential Candidate, not only advocated "Drill Baby Drill", but John McCain promised to construct numerous nuclear power plants for cheap American electrical energy.

To this the Designer Negro, Birther Barack Hussein Obama Chin, the candidate of the democrats promised he would construct nuclear power plants as he too was concerned about the American energy grid.

How many nuclear power plants have been started under the Obama regime, as electric and fuel prices have literally doubled since President George W. Bush left office in 2008, and the answer is NONE.

Barack Obama lied to Americans to their economic rapine. His sabotage of the Gulf Gusher in ending deep earth drilling and his closing of coal plants across America has been this regimes economic jihad on America.
The only thing which Barack Obama has been engaged in is money dumps to his "green industry" contributors to which they went bankrupt and pocketed billions in money flowing back to the Obama election coffers.

These things are important as who benefited from Obama regime energy policy, but Big Frac and Big Fraud Green. This is an issue of criminal conspiracy in the syndicated robbery of Americans, and no one on the right or left is pointing this out.

Am I in favor of nuclear power? Not particularly as I have put forth other energy programs and continue on them, but in the monopoly control of energy and it robbing Americans, John McCain and Sarah Palin had an energy plan which would have relieved all of this allowing Americans to keep the little money they have.

In considering this subject, I do believe a re design of nuclear power would stop Fukishima events from sabotage and more Obama dithering poisoning Japan.
What the Lame Cherry design is for nuclear power is, that in a reactor meltdown, the core would be able to be ejected not up, but underground.
In this, I advocate under an LC nuclear reactor, a bunker reactor, with a type of NFL football stadium roof which would close to contain nuclear steam ejection.

The reason Fukishima or Chernobyl are a hazard is the core keeps creating volcanic type eruptions into the atmosphere and then they burn down into the earth's crust invading water supply.

The second part of the LC reactor is the core could be jettisoned, onto a rail car, specially designed to withstand this heat and which could be sealed.

This car could then be removed by underground rail to a close secure location, where the core by robotics could be dissembled, ending the danger and further contamination.

Nuclear power plants do not have to be concrete domes. They can be hermetically sealed in the earth partially, and covered with an emergency roof.
The core can be made to jettison onto a rail platform where it could be sealed off and removed to be disassembled.

While the Designer Negro Obama Chin promised to build nuclear reactors, Vladimir Putin is doing just that in Iran, as Iran is moving toward powering itself by investing it's oil exports.
As stated, I believe I have created superior energy plants, but in exposing Obama an absolute liar, and nuclear power is available and powers France, it is possible in the Lame Cherry design to create an effectively save nuclear power plant, so a Fukishima could not take place, unless some 9.0 earthquake turned the whole world into rubble.

By Inspiration, I do solve the problems here effectively. This can be made cost effective and safe.

Yes I should be the Energy Minister solving all of this so people of His pasture may lo in peace.

nuff said
