Monday, May 26, 2014

The Washington Cure

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I place here before you the cure which George Washington advised for the financiers and speculators who were then in the Revolution of 1776 bringing America to her financial ruin.

I place this here as there is no difference from 1776 America and the 21st century America of Obama with his Timothy Geithner looting the United States Treasury, Federal Reserve in QE robbery, to all the Wall Street bribes and Welfare Street bribes, in this group of economic rapists, led by Warren Buffett and George Soros.

"It gives me sincere pleasure to find that there is likely to be a coalition of the Whigs in your State, a few only excepted, and that the assembly is so well disposed to second your endeavors in bringing those murderers of our cause, the monopolizers, forestallers, and engrossers, to condign punishment. It is much to be lamented that each State, long ere this, has not hunted them down as pests to society and the greatest enemies we have to the happiness of America. I would to God that some one of the most atrocious in each State was hung in gibbets upon a gallows five times as high as the one prepared by Haman. No punishment, in my opinion, is too great for the man who can build his greatness upon his
country's ruin."

Henry Cabot Lodge. George Washington

There is NO ONE who has the right to make or take one penny when it has to do with the destruction of America. The fiends of Rush Limbaugh desiring gridlock to protect his money or David Letterman propping up Obama for his 30 pieces of silver are all guilty in this.

General George Washington advocated the Gibbet, which was a form of gallows, in which he would have hung every single one of them. As the patrician Henry Cabot Lodge writes, "If Washington had the power, he would have hung them as he was good as his word."

I do not make light of this in some rhetoric. I place this hear in Lame Cherry exclusives in matter anti matter, to educate people that looting the US Treasury is a crime, as is speculation in commodities and on Wall Street and Welfare Street, when a nation is at peril.

The first American, the first American General, the first American President had one remedy for these economic terrorists and that was to hang every last one of them in public.

George Washington states that these criminals are pests to society and the greatest enemies to America. That is the Founder of America stating this as he knew rightly what an annihilating force it was on America.

It is past time that these economic rapists be known as criminals besides here, and it is past time that those who protect them be named as traitors to America, and in guilt be sentenced in courts and tribunals to public hangings.

America was a living being as much as any corporation is a legal defined person. The murder of America is crime and those who engaged in it, made profit off of it are felons in Crimes against Humanity.
They have appeared in enough media, are at the heads of enough foundations and corporations buying political parties for whores, and have enough politicians and employees exposing their crimes.

George Washington was right in naming these economic terrorists and traitors to America and in advocating the dispensation of justicer by a hangman's noose.

George Washington's reality must become the public's reality to stop this destruction of America by prosecuting these economic rapists.

"They are the hot words of a warm-blooded man, a good hater, who loathed meanness and treachery, and who would have hanged those who battened upon the country's distress."

Henry Cabot Lodge

Yes a good hater. It is a right and good thing to hate all evil and hate all sin.

"Love the sinner? Nay I say, "Hate the sin and punish severely the sinner and then love the reformed soul."

-Lame Cherry

Does this following letter from George Washington to Benjamin Harrison, remind you of anything of the ilk you find in Washington DC today strewn all along Pennsylvania Avenue?

"If I were to be called upon to draw a picture of the times and of men, from what I have seen, heard, and in part know, I should in one word say, that idleness, dissipation, and extravagance seem to have laid fast hold of most of them; that speculation, peculation, and an insatiable thirst for riches seem to have got the better of every other consideration, and almost of every order of men; that party disputes and personal quarrels are the great business of the day; whilst the momentous concerns of an empire, a great and accumulating debt, ruined finances, depreciated money, and want of credit, which, in its consequences, is the want of everything, are but secondary considerations, and postponed from day to day, from week to week, as if our affairs wore the most promising aspect."

Yes the Fiddlers of DC, America decomposes in the Obama Abyss, and their bow does nothing but play the tune of corruption, corruption, corruption.

America needs the Washington Cure to be employed. I do believe the constant verse from the mob about hanging this lot as George Washington voiced would carry enough weight to offset the Obama blackmail voucher or some Andrew Breitbart puffy pink poison on the street.

"Executive orders accomplish a great deal, but executing orders of a fast trial followed by a hangman's knot accomplishes a great deal more."

-Lame Cherry

nuff said


9th Legion

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is a legend of the Roman 9th Legion which marched into Scotland and disappeared. The movie Centurion creates a fictional tale of what happened to the 9th, but I was moved to inquire as to what exactly took place that led to the building of Hadrian s Wall.

There were 3 Legions in Britain to try and control the barbarians there. In the north, of what is now Scotland were a troublesome group of Celts who painted themselves in blue patterns and had tattoos on their skin, hence the name Picts was given them.

In order to deal with the Picts, the Romans sent out the 9th Legion to conquer and subdue them.

Inquiry states that the Picts harassed the Legion in attacks on all sides in guerilla  warfare. In the 5th week of the march, the Roman Legion burned a Pict village, raping women and slaughtering all.
It was at this, that Picts arrayed themselves in battle and were defeated by the Legion in that 5th week.

The Romans were 5 days out from attacking the next village, and began the march to it after the Pict defeat. The Picts harried them each day, but did not array in combat, but instead around midnight of the third day, they swept silently into the Legion camp around midnight, with around 1200 warriors, and slaughtered all but 44, which included the captured General.
The Picts attacked by a bright moon which allowed them to see. The Roman sentries were killed silently and the Legion never knew what exterminated it, as it was so stealthy.

The 44 were all tortured and killed.

This is the history of the 9th Legion in how it ended as inquiry points to.

The movie was much more English entertaining than the reality. It is what it is though in the Lame Cherry upon inquiry in another matter anti matter exclusive in ending mysteries.


The Means of the California Drought

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.......

I always pose questions and answers in the plus minus, as things can only be one of two answers or questions in the positive or negative.

For example when Russian Limbaugh, keeps stating that the California drought is manmade, meaning that there is not a drought, but that it is due to the regime cutting off water supply to the great California farmlands which are on desert lands, is this a complete answer to the problem or not?
What is the plus minus in this, in revealing that Limbaugh is either lying again or that Limbaugh is ignorant.

During the Clinton Gore Administration of the 1990's, Vice President Al Gore appeared as the invited guest of the Future Farmers of America, which is a sanctioned club inside of public high schools in America for children to learn farming and agri  business.
At the Convention in Kansas City, Missouri, Al Gore told a stunned audience of children and their teachers the following now almost 30 years ago.

"All of you are going to have to choose new employment as America is going to import all of our food from South America".

America at the time was the bread basket of the world, and extremely proud of it. California for one example supplied most of the truck produce in America and to the outside world. This was all accomplished in vegetables in the California leadership needing water in the early 1900's for development, and whereby they went into Colorado and stole an entire river, and brought it over the Sierra Nevadas to irrigate the deserts to make them bloom.

It was one of the most heinous and greatest accomplishments in American history, and Americans benefited greatly from it in the produce offered in everything from citrus to carrots.

Russian Limbaugh bases his arguements on the California drought being manmade in the regime cutting off water supply for wildlife preservation, does not take in the Al Gore prediction nor the reality  that the Department of the Interior is using wildlife issues to destroy a key part of American agriculture of these internationalist interests in the destruction of what America was, a self sustaining superpower.

California farming is a self sustained and renewable industry which is worth billions of dollars. It does require water though as it never rains in southern California and the great valleys are deserts.

These California agricultural groups are very powerful, and yet even the California government had turned on them, as the presure like Obamacare had a greater objective being initiated, the rationed death of America, while foreign interests gained the money supply.
In Obamacare it is Big Pharm, in the California drought it is Big Farm, and that means the reality of, truck farms in Mexico and Latin America, owned by interests not benefitting Americans, but instead using human excrement to make people sick and blaming "other contaminants".

When on takes away a multi billion dollar industry, which is being used to import Mexican slave labor for the destruction of America, then that billion dollar industry does not have American funding for political competition, but it ends up in Mexico like Tracfone, funneling money into the Obama campaign, and employing foreigners on their home turf.

The same William Randolph Hearst robber barons who stole Colorado water for their own empire industry, are now the same Los Angeles Times rulers of the cartel not publishing refutations of the farce of global warming, as they are instruments not against Coloradoans now, but against Californians in this international sphere.

Once again this is Al Gore carbon tax for the air you breathe to impoverish Americans and destroy America, and no different than taking the water from a people to destroy their ability to produce food.

In Ceylon, one thousand years ago, a buddhist sect was prosperous there, but an invading Muslim people entered and destroyed the irrigation system which fed that nations of perhaps millions. Cut off the water, and the people can no longer sustain themselves and Ceylon was just a disease infested island.

Wipe out every American interest or like Bill Gates give him a conversion on the Road to Buffett and suddenly one has a Gates talking of killing off 1 1/2 billion people using vaccines.
For you ignorants out there, there was never a North Dakota oil boom. What there was, was oil barons, offering Obama's Warren Buffett a bribe in his buying up railroad lands and rails, to ship all that oil, as Obama illegally shut off the Canadian crude flowing to America to make the monoploy work.
That is why Obama is against Keystone XL as it does not afford a complete control of that network and would profit non Obama interests too much.
I am against Keystone for the reason it runs across the greatest fresh water aquifer in America in the Ogallalah and the pipeline is known for leaks, and it would contaminate all that water which means the entire region would be cut off.

It is always a matter of examining the plus minus, and then asking why those like Russian Limbaugh and Russian Levin, whose great backing is supposed to be California Conservatives, and yet they focus on none of this reality, as the reason is the Limbaugh baron backers are in bed with the Obama regime in gaining monopoly control on all fronts. It is not oil that is the monopoly being engaged in, but water and food for control of nations.
It is why George Soros, with the European Cargill and Archer Daniels of Chicago control all the United States grain supply now. They employ slave millionaire farmers as the farmers are necessary until robotics replace them. The time has come from Californians to be disposed of like the Indians were in 1850, and once America is overthrown, the illegals there will be disposed of too.

The end game of this has been published. The cartel is implementing an agenda, to return America to a form of Serenghetti wildlife park, free of humans, for the elite's pleasure as a vacation spa.

Why none of this ever appears in the Limbaugh mouth manfestos when he is in tune with all of this, and knows very certain that wildlife policy or green policy has been engaged for a generation against Americans owning land in what all the PETA movements are funded by the globalists for, asks again the plus minus questions of is Limbaugh ignorant or is Limbaugh a liar.
The answer is Rush Limbaugh is a liar, like all of these manipulators on the right and left.

In the book Soylent Green, the novel opens with a conflict over farmers being rationed water in New York, as the Soylent Conglomerate turns out it's crackers for the masses, green being the ones made from dead humans.
Why is it that Limbaugh never mentions anyone rising up? He certainly has his Rush Revere which is REVOLUTION at base, and yet his propaganda is only being inflicted upon and suffering in being enslaved by regimes, while looking to the next elections to "free you".
Odd is it not, that after the work here in exposing the fraud of electronic voting in proving what the program operates on is a Vegas odds making protocol to flip elections, and the absolute proof in voting machines in Nevada voting for Harry Reid over Republicans, along with Mitt Romney having won the 2012 election, but by "miracle" the image of Obama stole another election by the exact margin of 5 points which his pollsters had published months before......when Romney had a 5 point lead going into the election.

Could California farmers take that water? Yes they could and would be arrested and shot, as well as their lands seized. The same way that Samuel Adams at Boston attacked the British and Americans were shot and arrested.
Why is it, that there is never a discourse from Limbaugh on any of this in what Californians could do? Would the half brain mind be able to come up with ways of resistance to make the cartel suffer, so as to roll back their agenda and Californians would get their water?
Those subjects are never breached as Limbaugh tells his informed audience about the :low information voters: when Limbaugh provides nothing but no information voters.

There has not even been a semblance of attempting anything in what Ceylon did, in pumping ocean water into Death Valley, allowing nature to evaporate a great deal of water for farming, and then using the salts left as another market crop. Yes this would be environmental quandry, but why is it that no one even attempts to leverage the DC regime into a compromise in if they want snail darter water, then Death Valley becomes an evaporation chamber to compensate for the water stolen from Californians.
America is a nation of Eminent Domain. The regime can seize lands, but just compensation must be offered to those displaced.

Why is it that JUST COMPENSATION has not been even mentioned, except on this blog page? Perhaps these rich California farmers should be donating here in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, as I have given them a buzz phrase and an entire agenda they could fight back with while those they follow have left them to die.

I have absolutely no sympathy for American farming now. It is all a tool of the Obama regime syndicate. No one said a word about family dairy farmers being shut down in their 30 cow herds which was twenty years ago, in those famers giving you 1.50 a gallon milk. Now America is a place of California thousands of cow dairy herds giving you milk, like all your regional milk production is from warehouse herds.
The scheme in this, is milk price is set in Wisconsin in an odd payment system in the cost of production to get it to Wisconsin. That is why your California set price of 4 dollars a gallon for milk is so high. It is a conglomerate pricing racket and why California was chosen as the center of this.

I will give you another fraud in Ethanol production. Iowa produces so much ethanol in the Missouri Valley that when you drive  through there it stinks of corn mash whiskey with your windows up. Ethanol enhanced gasoline is 4 cents more per gallon than regular gasoline, which is subsidized by you already making it cheaper to produce.
In South Dakota, ethanol not subject to the cartel makes gasoline five cents cheaper than regular gasoline, and if one burns E 85, it is forty cents cheaper.
Now this is the same corn, same ethanol plants, same America, and yet due to the price fixing scheme which has kept ethanol HIGHER in all states than where it is usually produced, it is a way of gouging Americans double and no one ever says a word, except Limbaugh attacking it for big oil, just as Limbaugh keeps quiet about the attack on Calfornia truck farming.

The cartel is shutting down American agriculture to a slave monopoly by foreign plantations. That is the reality and the lie being told is it is about drought. Limbaugh tells you about the water turned off, but offers no solutions to keep a revolution from erupting in America.

I wonder what Samuel Adams would have done in 1776, and know fully what he would have done to manipulate this situation to a win. Sal Alinsky who is Obama's mentor, would have probably Paul Revere drove into Mexico with tanker trucks loaded with Atrazine, which is a herbicide for corn, but kills all other plants for two years, thereby ending the conglomerate competitor status for two years, and allowed the conglomerate to only raise corn for the Mexican populations.
Sal Alinksy would probably over run the irrigation valves with women and children turning the waters on, and photographed it all as the regime shot the children.
Of course Alinsky was assassinated by the cartel after spouting off in Playboy about becoming a competitor to the cartel....but it is strange that even an historical examination of past American revolutions by right and left never enters into any of the conversation controlled by Mockingbird.

Interesting in "wildlife policy" is what is blamed in the California drought, and it is never examained that wildlife policy from not wearing fur to turning mountain lions loose in South Dakota to end up on Chicago streets, all RFID tagged, is an American genocide policy to destroy America in use by the cartel.

Once again the definitive Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, so you now are aware of what is taking place behind the propaganda.


The Mass of Idolotry

"If, said Luther, thou hast been a murderer, an adulterer, or a drunkard, etc., so have I been a blasphemer of God, because for the space of fifteen years together I was a Friar, and have blasphemed God with celebrating that abominable idol the Mass."

Martin Luther. Selections from the Table Talk of Martin Luther

It would appear that Dr. Martin Luther, the German Reformist had some very strong judgments upon the activities of Rome, in the above reality which all have been made ignorant of, in the greatest Protestant of history emancipating the world from Vatican domination and blasphemy actually stated one of the greatest violations of the Third Commandment against idols, was indeed the Catholic mass as performed by the Vatican.

That of course would not sit well with Catholic Faithful, but it begs the real question of how is it that in the time of 500 years, the reality of the Mass as defined by Luther in being an abomination, has been censored from all teachings, inside the Protestant Churches?

For those who do not comprehend the mysteries of Rome, the Mass is idolotry, for in it, the Priest takes on the roll of "sin bearer" for the congregation which is only Christ's Office as only He has made payment for all sins by His pure death and taking up His Life again.
He is thee only Person of this Office for He is the Husband to the Wife or the Church, as no woman can have more than one husband.

In that, the Priest also denies the Sacrament to the Wife or the Church in only he drinks the wine or officiated blood in remembrance of Christ. She only has the bread or the body in remembrance, and is denied the "Drink ye all of it, as this cup is the New Testament in my Name".
The New Testament is the New Marriage, the Gospel of Grace.

All of this is going to become more and more important as time passes. The old Protestants were filled with revulsion of the Vatican for the reason the Vatican was murdering the masses who refused to obey Rome.
The Catholic Faithful must be differentiated from the Vatican, but they too as they are led down the Pope Pater path will be turned on by the Vatican and the Empire which will arise.
God rebukes and refuses to be worshipped  by pagan and blasphemous rituals, and that is what Martin Luther was exposing and rejecting in that Universal religion which takes on every heathen rite to bring the sinners of satan into the collection plate fold of power and control.

"That abominable Mass" is what the leader of the Protestants defined Catholic Mass as. Dr. Luther was a trained clergy of Rome and an expert as the way St. Paul was on Jewish Pharisitical Law.

For those who reject this, then prove Martin Luther wrong and prove the assessment of this Lame Cherry blog wrong with the Bible, for you can not and never will be able to do it.

There is a reason Jesus the Christ in His Revelation to St. John, defined the Vatican as the whore of bablylon drunk with the blood of the Saints.

The first sorceror in Simon Pater now has had his bones embraced by the prophetic Catholic oracle of the last pope, Petrus Romanus in a public rite.

Necromancy is forbidden in Hebrew and Christian worship and there those idol bones were being cuddled by the leader of the Roman order.

You are either of the Church of Christ or you are worship of satan. There is reason these revelations are coming forth again in who a Protestant is, as defined by the Divine Inspiration of Martin Luther, based only in the Word of God.
