Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Lewd Pornpane Content

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The words Lewd Pornpane Content, are exactly the situation of the American energy fleecing of Americans as we are told of North Dakota Oil Booms, pirating that resource from that state for Wall Street rapine in 85% tax deductions for the rich, and now comes the reality of with all the natural gas being drilled and pumped out of the ground in America, somehow there was a shortage and 5 dollar propane in America this past season.

The official reports are damning and are proof of what this blog has stated in the shame of Keystone XL in that pipeline, which is nothing more than cutting Texas oil into Canadian control of their high sulfur oil being mixed as it is now with North Dakota Montana sweet crude.
With all that crude flowing and all those refineries, gas is still over 3.50 a gallon in this rapine of Americans by Big Frac and the Obama regime.

That is why I am against Keystone as it is proven exactly in the natural gas prices of 5 dollars a gallon.

Care to know who is to blame officially?

First it is the cold. Well the cold would not matter with record production on pricing if the gas was there now, so that answers that.

Second, it was a "record corn harvest" which was taken late and the propane was used to dry the wet corn it is stated. In speaking with people on the ground, the corn crop was not as large as they deemed it would be as it was extremely dry late season in the corn belt. The large ears had SMALL SEEDS which was only recorded here. The corn did not do as good as expected and the beans did better than expected in that severe drought.
So this record corn harvest is a myth, and was used to drive prices down on farmers as is part of a scheme to divest rural America of wealth.

Third is the stunning revelation and is exactly what I warned you of in Keystone XL, in officially in the mumbled Obama puppy press reports was the admission that the United States had RECORD PROPANE EXPORTS.

Now there is a difference between propane and natural gas, but both are linked in price and you have to keep that in mind in this shell game. Propane is produced by oil refinement. Until Big Frac worked a scheme to screw Americans over, most propane was burned off at the well as it was too expensive to bottle.
Suddenly propane was driven up in this scam and it became another profit of Big Frac and the cartel. This in turn drove up natural gas prices which suddenly was in short supply like carbon tax air in this scheme of rapine.

No one though is asking what in the blessed Heaven is America doing making record exports of propane when Americans are being destroyed economically, except save this blog. Limbaugh and Levin will not mention it as their MIC Big Koch makes billions off of this scheme and Obama is not going to say a word from the grave as impoverishing rural Christian Patriots means one less contender to unseat his pet Boehner  or Jeb Bush.

I have warned you that Keystone XL would do nothing for America in oil price or energy for Americans. All that oil was to be shipped to China, and if you recall Rush Limbaugh was stating in the Crimean Crisis, that his benefactors in Big Frac were offering to Europe to ship them American energy to cut off Vladimir Putin.

What on God's Green Earth would having 320 million more European Mexicans sucking life gas out of America do to our fuel prices which are now at 3.50 a gallon for gas, but drive it to 10 dollars a gallon, as we note that "someone" was getting a hell of a flame from propane and it was not Americans.

So foreigners were sold in 2014 record amounts of American energy, and we are told that America will be an energy exporter by will notice in this that none of this propaganda says one blessed thing about American consumers having cheap energy, as that is not the scam in this feudal rapine.

It is criminal to take American fuels and export them, when Americans are being destroyed by these high prices in energy. For God's sake, even Col. Khadaffi did not do this to his people and Hosni Mubarak gave Egyptians bread, and that is the dastardly example of this Birther Obama image and his feudalcrats in nationalist Muslims do more for their people and are murdered and caged for it, while Americans are under police state order to be content with this pornpane content of lewdness.

Have you heard one word of this from the right free market people or the left consumer advocates? No you have not, because I frankly ask you where are the Milton Friedmans and where did Ralph Nader disappear to?  I am the only one stuck doing this as this is all covered up in this economic war and economic enslavement of Americans. The Lame Cherry is the only voice in this left as you are being robbed and murdered, and told you have economic recovery and are living a great life.

Seriously the business of America used to be business. Men like Henry Ford, Andrew Carnegie, Howard Hughes, John Rockefeller had no problem with rapine, but did it to the world and understood that they had to protect and provide for American a decent living. What this Obama socio conglomerates are about with the Koch MIC heads is about destroying you and having you die a rationed death in a gulag.

Unless you have heard one word of the things the Lame Cherry publishes on any right media outlet or left, those people you are listening to are leading you instead and are collaboraters of this global system which views your children as DNA worms to exploit and exterminate.

America is being frozen and scorched in plunder and the policy is to sell American energy to foreigners who want to see you dead in having either terrorists, carpetbaggers or nuclear missiles arrayed at each of you.
You will not hear one word of this from anyone in Congress, your states or by no surprise the Courts, the guardians of your rights in groups like ACLU or the Levin foundation, and certainly not from the Oval O.  That is how absolutely corrupt all of this is.

They have stolen your bread, stolen your gas and are stealing your air by stealth as they ration death to you.

I am not going to admonish you nor warn you, as it will do no good. The rich do not donate and the Christian has only resort to pray like the Israelites in Egyptian bondage for mercy.

Jeremiah 51:5; For Israel hath not been forsaken, nor Judah of his God, of the LORD of hosts; though their land was filled with sin against the Holy One of Israel.

You are though enslaved and as a warning to every one of you millionaires and billionaires, you are no different than the rich Ashkenaz signing over poor ghetto Jews to Nazi labor camps, as you sit with your Wall Street luxury. All of you are going to face the same Judgment of God and have the same groaning masses begging God for Justice, which God will perform in sending you to hell.

It is the worst sadness to see the world a Dickens serial of such heartless predators living for the moment but dying eternally in thinking they are going to get away with their crimes.

It is a crime to take American energy and sell it to foreigners when Americans are being despoiled and by high energy prices. If Ronald Reagan could drop record gas prices, if George W. Bush could have 1.87 gasoline on even higher crude oil prices, then what is taking place now is a criminal act.

This is a crime in which human traffick in slavery has been replaced by oil and the Nigger is left to be exploited on the native, white, red, black, brown and yellow soils.

nuff said


Hog's Puddings

I was curious of Martin Luther's associate counting puddings in his chimney and I believe these were the types he had hung in his larder for keeping, and probably were quite nice to stick your head up a chimney and see meat puddings all smoked up there to make yourself content if not covetous to be struck down by God.

The recipe is interesting in while it speaks not of hanging or smoking,  I would consider it something created to keep for some time as that is what was done in food preparation of several hundred years ago.

This is for fun now, but is something to be cloaked away in starvation times to remember how to eat more than the grass of the field after the pork goes bad in one day.

I realize some will cringe at the "guts" reference, but that is what most sausages were  made of for years were the intestinal tracts which were washed and cleaned to store ground meats.
This is just making precooked hotdogs really and it is interesting how sausages were once puddings in English.

Very fine Hogs Puddings:—Shred four pounds of beef-suet very fine, mix with it two pounds of fine sugar powder'd, two grated nutmegs, some mace beat, and a little salt, and three pounds of currants wash'd and pick'd; beat twenty-four yolks, twelve whites of eggs, with a little sack; mix all well together, and fill your guts, being clean and steep'd in orange-flower-water; cut your guts quarter and half long, fill them half full; tye at each end, and again thus oooo. Boil them as others, and cut them in balls when sent to the table.


The Bees Knees

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter........

On growing up we had a hive of honeybees which lived in the roof of our sharecropper house. I was always delighted with them and often studied them as bees are very pretty creatures, including all the types from bumble to mason to sweat.
It saddens me that most of the bees are now gone. I have not had those stingy sweat bees bother me forever and I rarely see the other types.

This though is not about the sadness, but about adventure as I came across a story on Asian bees which really intrigued me, as they were not like regular bees.

I will post the narration, but it is such a wonder that there are bees which are huge, and miniature, bees living on tree branches and bees living in tree hollows.

"The largest and most extensive honey-maker is the "bambera". This is nearly as large as a hornet, and it forms its nest upon the bough of a tree, from which it lines like a Cheshire cheese, being about the same thickness, but five or six inches greater in diameter.
The honey of this bee is not so much esteemed as that from the smaller varieties, as the flavor partakes too strongly of the particular flower which the bee has frequented; thus in different seasons the honey varies in flavor, and is sometimes so highly aperient that it must be used with much caution. This property is of course derived from the flower which the bee prefers at that particular season. The wax of the comb is the purest and whitest of any kind produced in Ceylon.
So partial are these bees to particular flowers that they migrate from place to place at different periods in quest of flowers which are then in bloom. This is a very wonderful and inexplicable arrangement of Nature, when it is considered that some flowers which particularly attract these migrations only blossom once in "seven years."

The next honey-maker is very similar in size and appearance to our common hive bee in England. This variety forms its nest in hollow trees and in holes in rocks.

Another bee, similar in appearance, but not more than half the size, suspends a most delicate comb to the twigs of a tree. This nest is no larger than an orange, but the honey of the two latter varieties is of the finest quality, and quite equal in flavor to the famed "miel vert" of the Isle de Burbon, although it has not the delicate green tint which is so much esteemed in the latter.

The last of the Ceylon bees is the most tiny, although an equally industrious workman. He is a little smaller than our common house-fly, and he builds his diminutive nest in the hollow of a tree, where the entrance to his mansion is a hole no larger than would be made by a lady's stiletto.

It would be a natural supposition that so delicate an insect would produce a honey of corresponding purity, but instead of the expected treasure we find a thick, black and rather pungent but highly aromatic molasses. The natives, having naturally coarse tastes and strong stomachs, admire this honey beyond any other."

I love honey bees, but I would really like some of these molasses bees, as not so much for this honey tar, but if they were wee little bees, I might be able to keep them in little boxes and bring them into some shelter to over winter them for their survival.
My main interest is in pollination. I have never been stung by a real bee or wasp, because I do not bother them. Sweat bees only bothered me as a child as I was too miserable in the fields to figure out not to be rubbing on the bees sucking sweat off of me.

This has brightened my day in knowing God made some most odd bees compared to what one normally thinks of as bees.

Honey tar bees, how wonderful can that be eh.
