Friday, June 20, 2014

Scott Walker

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Wisconsin Governor, Scott Walker is currently being smeared over charges which have been thrown out of the courts in Walker being a Conservative was associated with Conservative groups outside of Wisconsin his recall election.
No that is not a crime, but it was part of the Union operation to criminalize a Conservative.

The interest in this is this is the Palinization of Scott Walker in the same mechanism which brought Hillary Clinton to heal, has been turned on Scott Walker.

Look, it is better than putting a bomb in the tail of John Kennedy jr's plane to keep him from office in 2008 AD in the year of our Lord, not in the White House, but this is what is being engaged against Scott Walker in the same smears which Mitt Romney undertook against Fred Thompson in 2008 GOP primaries and the same things Romney pulled in blackmailing Michele Bachmann, which drove her out of office.

Hillary Clinton in her illegal campaign finance was hauled into New York court, and when she bowed sufficiently, she was politically raped by Birther Hussein Obama Chin, over Bill's crimes.

Sarah Palin was driven from office on the same baseless charges, had a Gabby Giffords shot across her bow, was lied to she would be the 2012 nomination, and then informed by the insiders that she either get out of the race or she would be shot out of the sky by a terror missile from Libyan stores liberated by Birther Hussein.
Palin took the money, abandoned her supporters to their harm, and then took a chic fil A to try and be the minder at FOX to divide and splinter the Tea Party for a Jeb Bush thrust into power.

That is what is behind Scott Walker's being roughed up. The same thing happened to that Chris Christy in muddying that whale o' lard. There are the insiders in the powers that be from right and left, and they both have the same money fund. If you are a Scott Walker who would return Reagan to power and power to Americans, you are going to get character assassinated. If you are a Sarah Palin who can be bluffed, you will get bought and fluffed. If you are a Hillary Clinton you will get politically raped. If you are a Chris Christy, you get a jar of Vaseline and a promise for a fatter black cell mate if he does not go back to donuts.

Hillary smiled, told them she liked being raped, so she gets to inherit the cum stains of Birther Hussein. The same for Jeb Bush as Romney sniffs the undies, in he has paid his dues in ruining people, and Scott Walker gets reamed to his ruin.

I told you not to trust Taco Cruz, Barrio Rubio or Ruse Paul, as they are all just danglers out there to make you think someone is speaking for you, before they kneel before the Bush of Jeb or Hillary.

To me the sure sign is Scott Walker is probably not a fraud, is he is being anal raped by all the media, in the same way Chris Chirsty was. Christy is a liberal, but he tried cutting his own deal in thinking like Sarah Palin that this was a game of elections instead of selections already made.

I do not know if Scott Walker would find backing nationally. I do know that he has had a shot fired across his bow, and he will be indicted, as sure as Rod Blagojevich for doing nothing, but getting too close to Washington DC corruption.
Indictments do not matter as Lawrence Walsh installed Bill Clinton over Bush41, who was associated with the power elite, in indictments handed down in 1992 before the elections. Little Patrick Fitzgerald probably has the Eric Holder papers on Walker already signed and written for 2016.

It is in the Rovians and Clintons to remove Scott Walker. If he is smart, he will just sell out like Sarah Palin and have a nice Paul Ryan getting on the camera and pretending he is an American pushing illegals for his tour of duty to rise to power again.

This is about all the interest I have in this. I feel lament for Govenor Walker, but I do not see he nor anyone else in power and cash concerned about all I go through for Truth, Justice and the American Way, in defending them by telling the public what is going on. So that is as far as this goes here and now.


your brain on koch

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Let me get this set in stone so a popular girl can comprehend all this broadcast engineering that Rush Limbaugh brags up the Koch brothers over......same Koch brothers which this blog outed were in his own editorial lying about poor rural state farmers concerning bio fuels, which were initiated by George W. Bush and Thomas Daschle to take billions away from terror oil making 9 11 attacks on America.

Let me get this straight, so a popular girl can understand in the Koch brothers donated a fortune to sodomites in the sodomite disease of HIV.

Let me get this figured out in the Koch brothers just donated 25 million dollars to the United Negro College fund........

Ok so let me get this straight in the Libertarian Koch boys, much have they donated to Christian Universities............


Ah how much have they donated to.....well Gun Owners of America........

Ah how much have they donated to the National Trappers Association.........




It seems, appears, is that like George Soros, Warren Buffett, Barack Obama.......that none of these billionaires on the left have donated nothing, just like those billionaire Koch brothers on the right to anything on the right.

Was millions donated to Promise but money was donated for people who got a sexual disease doing anal sex.

Were millions donated to........educational programs to promote Christian Patriot education in America? No, but the UNCF was money dumped into like Bill Cosby did........but Bill Cosby did not donate to a University like Bob Roberts or Bryan College.

I am trying to figure this out as a popular girl, that all these fagsexuals for Karl Rove buy up the GOP, and the Koch boys, this Ashkenaz Adelson, hippy Foster Friess.........donate to all these liberals and Jeb Bush types who want Reagan Road Kill and say we  all have to be like Obama.

I know  that no one buys this blog like Michelle Malkin's blog for millions...........but then I was not a tool of the Mockingbird, telling all of you that the CZARS was the story and not the Birther issue to impeach Obama.
You remember that Czar farce right.....Micki Malkin did her job, and just like Valerie Plame got a couple of million dollars for the Ann Coulter is still on the brothel tab after taking shots at the right wing for Obama joined at the hip with Geraldo Rivera.

What is the good, reason or benefit to have a "Libertarian" who is against rural Conservative states producing ethanol, instead of dumping billions into Muslim terror oil funding..........who then gives money to Sodomites and not Christians, and dumps money into funds to make the Obama 98% voters even more rich so more of this Afroid voter fraud will have finances behind it.

Forgive my ignornance in this, but I thought that when Teddy Roosevelt was promoting the Boy and Girl Scouts in raising Conservative Americans, that it was a way to create more Patriotic Christian Americans of a warrior Teddy Roosevelt was not promoting the anarchists of America to destroy America.

For the record, these billionaire fags set up by Karl Rove from Wall Street, billionaire Ashkenaz, hippies and libertarians are the problem for the American Patriot as all they do is money dump money into dope, fags and Obama voters.

This is your brain on Koch. It is anti American and anti Christian, and it requires being stated. These feudalists donate nothing to Americans. You never hear any of these Obama conglomerates ever donating to any American groups, ever.

Just because Harry Reid rants diatribes at the Koch's does not make them bonafied of the right. This is the same Dirty Harry backed by the NRA which has been overseeing gun confiscation, Obama gun rationing and the driving out of business the majority of gun dealers.

This is your brain on Koch. If they were interested in America, they would like William Randolph Hearst at least be backing a Billy Graham giving some morality to the world, but they never back any American ideologies.

Think about it as this is your brain on Koch.


A Starving Woman's Son

It was in the year 1855 that this story took place among the aboriginals of Canada.

"One winter, a band of Algonquin Indians at Wayabimika all starved to death except one squaw and her baby; she fled from the camp, carrying the child, thinking to find friends and help at Nipigon House.

She got as far as a small lake near Deer Lake, and there discovered a cache, probably in a tree. This contained one small bone fish-hook. She rigged up a line, but had no bait. The wailing of the baby spurred her to action. No bait, but she had a knife; a strip of flesh was quickly cut from her own leg, a hole made through the ice, and a fine jack-fish was the food that was sent to this devoted mother.

She divided it with the child, saving only enough for bait. She stayed there living on fish until spring, then safely rejoined her people. The boy grew up to be a strong man, but was cruel to his mother, leaving her finally to die of starvation."

Ernest Thompson Seton

The Hudson Bay Company vouched for this story in having seen the woman's scar.

In hindsight, she should have castrated the child and used it as bait, as perhaps this Asian immigrant would have grown up to be the first girly American foreign occupant of 1600 Penn Avenue, instead of Barack Hussein Obama Chin.

Interesting in how Obama abandoned his Mum too.  I wonder if Stan Ann had any scars on her legs from fishing for the baby Birther.

nuff said


Southern Cause

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I place this here as reference points, as there were Copperheads in the Union North, as much as numbers of Americans who believed completely in States Rights as much as the Union. The following quotes of Lt. Phil Sheridan stationed in Washington Country is an insight to what was taking place in America in 1861 at the outbreak of the Civil War.

Quote 1:

"I should be relieved by Captain James J. Archer, of the Ninth Infantry, whose company was to take the place of the old garrison. Captain Archer, with his company of the Ninth, arrived shortly after, but I had been notified that he intended to go South, and his conduct was such after reaching the post that I would not turn over the command to him for fear he might commit some rebellious act. Thus a more prolonged detention occurred than I had at first anticipated. Finally the news came that he had tendered his resignation and been granted a leave of absence for sixty days."

Personal Memoirs of P. H. Sheridan, General, United States Army

Quote 2:

"September, 1861, I was deeply solicitous as to the course of events, and though I felt confident that in the end the just cause of the Government must triumph, yet the thoroughly crystallized organization which the Southern Confederacy quickly exhibited disquieted me very much, for it alone was evidence that the Southern leaders had long anticipated the struggle and prepared for it."

Personal Memoirs of P. H. Sheridan, General, United States Army

Quote 3:

"At this time California was much agitated— on the question of secession, and the secession element was so strong that considerable apprehension was felt by the Union people lest the State might be carried into the Confederacy. As a consequence great distrust existed in all quarters, and the loyal passengers on the steamer, not knowing what might occur during our voyage, prepared to meet emergencies by thoroughly organizing to frustrate any attempt that might possibly be made to carry us into some Southern port after we should leave Aspinwall."

Personal Memoirs of P. H. Sheridan, General, United States Army

It is of note that California was in play, and that numbers of officers and soldiers in the United States military were sympathetic to the Southern cause. I have made it plain that I would have stood against the abolitionists goaded by European intrigue as much as Abraham Lincoln who was completely the match set up to start the division of America.

States have absolute rights and the federal government has only those operational articles to protect the Right of the Citizen. Slaves were property and it was a criminal act to deprive any Citizen of their property without complete compensation.

I am all for the Union and it's preservation, but the Unionists in victory sowed the demise of America and created a federal regime of absolute power, absolutely corrupted. This has now made the states string puppets of cartel mandates down to the SWAT police state and the minders of city councils.

In assessing this, the Confederacy should have won. General Lee should have won a Gettysburg and annexed the Union. Slavery due to the industrial revolution would have crumbled under it's not being as productive as the McCormick Reaper.

Jefferson Davis should have been President and the long line of temperate Confederate officers starting with General Lee would have filled out the government to the 1900 period. Sometime in this, it is certain that the entire slave race would have been returned to their African homeland with a conscripted class for public works as the Japanese and Chinese performed in railroad construction.
The Northerners would have by their own industry progressed to self generated wealth, and the entire situation of slavery would have vanished.

nuff said
