Friday, July 11, 2014

Melissa has Pizza

For some reason Melissa from Singapore ordered pizza and I was notified.

Hi Melissa!

Thank you for ordering with foodpanda. Please wait for SMS confirmation with the expected delivery time of your order.

Ordertime: 2014-06-05 18:15:28
Restaurant: Sarpino's Pizzeria (Jalan Kayu)
Your food will be delivered to:

822168 Singapore
1 X Aloha Pizza S$30.00
Choice of Crust for Pizza: Pan
Choice of Crust for Second Pizza: Thin
Choice of Classics Pizza: Medium 12" - Pay additional
Add ons for 2nd Classic: (Pepperoni Pizza)
Subtotal S$30.00
+ SERVICE FEE (0.00 %) S$0.00
TOTAL S$33.00
INCLUDING 7.00 % TAX S$0.00

If you have questions on your order or the delivery time, please contact:
Phone: +65 66028051

Please note that you cannot cancel your order once Sarpino's Pizzeria (Jalan Kayu) has started to prepare it. This usually happens 5 minutes after receiving your order.

Enjoy your food!
Your foodpanda Team
Cuisines From Around The World In Reach Of Your Hand:

I do not think I will make it over for a slice.

Aloha Pizza eh.........with all the Obama toppings.


Obama Regime DOA

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The following headlines announce one thing, and that is the Obama Regime is dead.

As deaths rise, no end seen to Israeli offensive
JERUSALEM (AP) — Asserting it has broad international support for a fierce military offensive in the Gaza Strip, Israel is showing no signs of ending the operation, vowing to press on until...
World News - Associated Press Jul 11, 4:51 pm CT
 • As deaths rise, no end seen to Israeli offensive
 • Over 100 killed in Gaza as rockets fall on Israel
 • Eastern Ukrainians flee as army suffers losses
 • Ukraine death toll climbs, but information scant

One can always tell when a regime has been castrated and is bled out on the floor, by the way the zoo animals start eating each other without fear.

This is not to state that the Americans are not just as tits up, because Obama is in the death throws exterminating the Afroids and Whitetoids by the regimes invading beaner and takeout army. But who really cares if blacks are replaced by latins, as that Liz Stewart is one hot Nicaragua crossbreed eh


....and as for Whitetoids, can anyone reading this say they will miss:

Chris Matthews

Charlie Rose

Diane Sawyer

David Letterman

Rob Reiner

Billy Crystal

Opie Howard

You get the point. What is better than Mexican shit steaks made of Whitetoids as beaners clean up all the old cars, ugly white chics and Good Will throw aways. Another few years and Bill Maher will be the manure growing your lettuce for authentic inquire yourself, would you either shit a taco or watch Bill Maher.
Hands down there in the choice.

So you get this as the syntac is sometimes lost in the translation...........You got Ben Netanyahu, who Obama image hates, torching up those do not get me wrong as Philistino chics are hot, and who would not want a few hundred thousand Philistine rock throwers being domed, so all those hot Philistino chics can be of some real service to mankind..............

Where was I?

Oh yeah, you got Vladimir Putin or sometimes Vladamir Putin waxing them Ukranians after Obama image and Kerry threatened him.........and Netanyahu doing the same candle job on Gaza boys, so it is like, a big FU to the Fang Jinn.......a sort of FU U Fang Jinn..........yeah you thought you could not speak Cantonese and there you are all don't go rush off to the UN or Lubrisol and get a job as an interpreter.

Where was I?

This is called filler and it is entertaining as it is the best writing online or Beekeeper emails for banter.........

Archer - That Chick is the Pele of... - YouTube
Sep 18, 2010 - Uploaded by tmservo
Archer explains why Lana's boyfriend is not coming back. This clip is ... "Yeah, bet he's not coming back ...

Where was I?

So like the real effects are Netanyahu and Putin mixing it up............that means the Obama regime has had the fangs more magic coming out of that Jinn bottle.

The Chicoms though are dump loading there extras into Latin Chimerica so doubt they will be taking Taiwan, and Iran got nukes...........oh yeah did you see ISIS was stealing Saddam's nuke material which did not exist so that is probably some forerunner of a nuke event where Obama terrorists will be blamed and it is Iran and Putin doing it as I said......SHHHHHH do not tell ok.

'Dirty bomb' fears after ISIS seizes uranium...

So where was I?

Where is Kim Jong Un there auditioning for things happening in THREES as you know in this that the Obama regime is dead as no one is paying attention to it any more.

yupper good old days of George W. Bush..........Putin was a bud and America was in Ukraine and Netanyahu was a bud and........well the Philistine widders was not hot on the market.

Just thought I would tell you that is all as I had few minutes for an exclusive while waiting for rich person to donate a big God blessed.........that is BAH less SUD when it is written........I know keyboard does no phonetics, but all the same waiting for a rich person to donate a big blessed news from estranged sister through the grapevine that unc is not looking good, so I do need the cash to buy the home place and to get out of not Kansas...........geez what do you think this is Tombstone Territory?

Any way you got more entertainment than all day here in a few minutes and more information than since the last time you tuned into the Lame Cherry.

Got to find some pictures for this to glitz and glamarama it up..........popular girls got to where the face paint.

"Danger Zone" ARCHER (Top Gun) - YouTube
Jan 31, 2014 - Uploaded by Aaron Shaw
2 months ago. When is this "danger Zone" episode suppose to air on TV?? .... 4 months ago. Call Kenny Loggins ...


buncoe banking obama regime

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As always the Lame Cherry is attempting in various parables, not too veiled, to teach each of you by aligning your thought patterns to American patterns and not those of the feudal elite by providing you information in snippets so that you will be able to build an understanding of how you ended up being in a gulag in these United States.

All of this was by design, and the main foundation of it in internationalism began in 1897 AD in the year of our Lord. For your breaking it down into a simple idea, it was European aristocracy luring American finance into trade relations to exploit the Eurasians and to exploite Americans, so a reality progressed that these American bankers joined a "higher order" of sitting on a world committee in deciding the fates of humanity, and were no longer Americans.
Most have no comprehension they are dupes, as they are brought into meetings where they are told they are superior to you, the sheep of the pasture, so they become this revolving door of being mind warped to the arousal of power.

At the start of this in World War I, there was a weapon employed by the cartel of Europe called, Marxism. It was as system to exploit peoples by enslaving them so they could not revolt, as the resources of the nation were plundered.
There was great fear as these community organizers like Barack Hussein Obama Chin appeared and riots started taking place, scaring people, as workers were being exploited by much of the elite, and once workers like the Pullman rail car workers were paid higher wages, they naturally believed they were worth more money still.

It was that backdrop of unrest, which the speculators, Money Trust, or the American robber baron, was viewing the world. They had been approached for American global leadership, and desiring not to be the poor cousins any longer, but pigs as in Animal Farm, to set at the table with the humans, sold out these United States.
For the bankers and industrialists, the war was a way to divert public rage at Germans and  give the mob something to gnaw on instead of John D. Rockefeller and JP Morgan.

"The speculator group, have believed for some time that there was danger, from its viewpoint, of strikes and even revolution as a result of the greedy operations that have taken place. They thought to head off their danger from that direction by exciting a war fever, and to even bring about a war if they could in that way prevent trouble for themselves, and with that idea in view they went the limit of their capacity in speculation. The speculators had some ground to base their views on, when they surveyed history, because it had been largely true of past wars.

We are also opposed to a part of the system we (Americans) are governed by."

Lindbergh, Charles A. (Charles August), 1859-1924. Why is your country at war?

This same system which Americans are opposed to has since 1917 AD in the year of our Lord, overthrown the Republic and created an Obama gulag of rationed death all by design.

To understand this though is to understand what the Federal Reserve Board was created for. In America, it was designed with the 1929 AD in the year of our Lord, stock crash, to force all American banking into the guild or dictatorship of these foreign elite financiers.
Overseas, it was designed to tap into global assets as American assets, and through trade exploit the Eurasians, literally turning millions into billions.

"To promote that kind of trade the Federal Reserve Board appointed, through the Federal Reserve bank of New York City, the so-called Bank of England as its agent—in effect, putting the credit of the United States back of this foreign corporation, also organized for private gain. The bank of England, is no longer able to make payments in gold and fails to make a statement of its true condition. The Federal Reserve Board was also seeking to make other foreign alliances with foreign banking instructions, with a view to promote further trade of the kind that we have described which has been so injurious to the American people.

But before the war Congress had tied us to foreign nations by authorizing the credit of this country to be used to exploit foreign peoples as well as our own."

Lindbergh, Charles A. (Charles August), 1859-1924. Why is your country at war?

To start the war, there was "European Relief" to feed the starving, and this was done with American loans, which would never be repaid, but it was the anchor then that the bankers used to drive America into world war or German Genocide.
You must understand key parts of this. The Warburg family of Germany were conduits of the Rothschild financial empire. They controlled Germany and American finance in that facet of the Federal Reserve. The Rothschilds could never gain absolute control over Christian German Kaiser banking, so Germany had to be destroyed.
German "militarism" was no threat to America nor Great Britain nor Russia. But the militarism would not allow itself to be subjected to overthrow, as the Kaiser would have just said MARCH, and the people would have hung the entire banking crook council.

In that Britain wanted the Germans dead, as competition in their colonial market. Russia wanted Germans dead to annex eastern Europe. France wanted Germans dead to keep from being annexed. Austria wanted Germans dead as Germany would annex them again. Italy was jealous of empire. Japan wanted German possessions in Asia. Americans just wanted to validate themselves as world leaders, and as the seat at the table was held by a counsel of Rothschilds from France and England, that meant it was not a German seat to deal with, so Germany was made the enemy.

Theodore Roosevelt was duped into American militarism, to build his American empire in leadership on the world stage and Woodrow Wilson was duped into American intellectualism to prove Americans were superior racially to those Europeans who made war.

In examining this, it is insane, but the message of 9 11 in the 21st century herded Americans into terror wars for this same global rapine. In Gulf War I, Saddam Hussein used oil money to bribe his way to keeping power and Gulf War II was never to have taken place as George W. Bush ended the money flow to the leftists in the world.
9 11 was to bring America down in economic terrorism for 2008 Obama installation, but 9 11 was about Stan oil in Asia secondarily, but primarily about ridding the world of the Taliban which had ended the opium trade for these European cartel members.
9 11 established the dope trade again out of Afghanistan for European profits, and in 2014 AD the image of Birther Hussein Obama, in having killed off all the Islamists who would not joing the cartel as dope lords, turned over Afghanistan to the new dope lord Taliban to manage the production for the Europeans.

I am sorry that you thought this was all Patriotism, because that is how it is always seduced to Americans. You were not going to go to war to re establish the opium trade in Asia, wiped out by the Taliban. So the cartel using KGB proxy Dr. Zawahiri, to get Shiek bin Laden to attack Saudi Arabia, by attacking America in New York City.
Americans were not going to become involved in German Genocide in World War I, as this was Christian Germany, and over half of America at the time was practicing some form of German Lutheranism without any danger, so Lutheranism became MILITARISM, and Germans were the enemy and all those American low Germans were shipped over to slaughter Assyrian high Germans in the name of Patriotism to save "Americans from the danger of German militarism".
Odd part was that Theodore Roosevelt advocated exactly the same standing military that Germany had, and Franklin Roosevelt being anti Hitler in World War II, establised the same national socialist regime which the Germans were so efficiently running their re established empire.

You see how you are as we all are preyed on in this, in your good feelings to your higher ideals are used against you, when all of this is always about the worst kind of exploitation of peoples for power and that wars are thrown in as destractions to vent off your frustrations, so you do not march on these elite and hang them all.

The image of Obama in the 21st century dawned a new structure in this as in 1917 AD in the year of our Lord, it required means to siphon fuel from the US Treasury in loans, wars, speculation etc... With Obama, Geithner and Bernenke though, and I will add the linguistics to this in Geithner is Ashkenaz German and I can tell you that the name Bernenke is Germanic, so literally this was the high Germans of the Warburg group installing a direct pump into these financiers accounts.
You have to get this fact in under Obama's regime, money was no longer laundered, but was directly pumped from the Treasury illegally into these bankers accounts directly. These were called "bailouts" and these were called "Quantitive Easing" and these were called "e currency creation for the stabilization of the Stock Market", but this was all illegal in direct money dumps into the cartel's bank accounts.

It is why a world war was not necessary, as the people were so conditioned and doped in various methods that their fury was checked, and with enough evil Libya, Egypt or Syria to distract, a global war would actually get in the way as why take 4 years to transfer trillions of dollars, when Geithner, Obama and Bernenke could do it in seconds in a e currency transfer.

The one thing which amuses me about Congressman Charles August Lindbergh of Minnesota is that in 1917 AD in the year or our Lord, he had absolutely no idea how this economic rapine would devolve to, and no one has born witness to any of this except the Lame Cherry in matter anti matter exclusives.

It has been my purpose and hope to educate you, to give you a correlation between events, so that you can look at what took place and is taking place, and finally understand how this is being used against you. It is brilliant and those behind it were the most seductive of satanic agents in changing billions of minds to keep themselves for slaughter in a gulag without bars or locks.

 I leave this installment as enough for you to understand and hopefully link up with more information, so you have in time an entire house of intelligence, so that when events take place, you will immediately contemplate, "What are is the cartel initiating this time?" instead of being wrapped up in emotionalism or intellectualism like the mob.

nuff said


7 November

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

A Marine landing in Tennessee sounds as odd as a foreigner in the White House, but in the study of the inland water war in the American Civil War, there is the first combined Naval and Army landing at Iron Banks on the Cumberland.

It was a quite amazing land battle as the gunboat steamers, Tyler under Commander Walke and Lexington under Commander Stembel, which were transporting 3000 Soldiers under the command of General Grant who landed the Soldiers at Belmont, across from Columbus and the Confederate guns.

The Confederate forces were easily vanquished on shore by the Union Soldiers, and the Tyler and Lexington engaged the Iron Banks batteries of the Confederates which were throwing shells easily at the Union boats, as the Confederates evacuated on their own transports.

Commander Walke ordered the ships out of Confederate range as this operation by General Grant was simply a diversion to occupy the South.

The Union Soldiers were lapse in returning to the Tyler and Lexington, flush with their victory as the Confederates pressed on to the shore. The Union gunboats opened fire with cannister and grape and mowed down the Confederate ranks.

Most of the Soldiers collected, the Union boats went back up river, with the Tyler losing one man KIA  and two WIA.

On arrival, General McLernand, noting that not all the Soldiers had not been collected, send the two gunboats down the river into the jaws of the Confederates.

All went especially well, in the Soldiers were collected and 40 more prisoners were taken.

This was the first Naval battle and landing inside America and was quite a hot zone, but the gun boats in these water tanks were remarkable in this battle.

The history of firepower on the American freshwater. You do not have to go to Omaha Beach in France or Iwo Jima to find landing zones. Americans landed on American shores which were river front properties.



2 Front WAR

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In a Ken Burns liberal fiction of PBS Civil War, there was never found the reality that the Union Army was under constant threat from the Lincoln Administration "to not lose a battle" so as to lose a Presidential election or give the peace sympathizers the leverage to demand a Confederate arbitration when the South was whipped.

General Sheridan in the Shenandoah had to deal with this in vehement instructions from the Sec. of War to not suffer any defeats in that campaign to cost Lincoln the election.
Upon victory in the Shenandoah, Sheridan marched south to Petersburg to join General Grant entrenched there against General Lee.

Upon meeting General Grant, Sheridan unleashed a protest in orders which were re applied in his having to join General Sherman in the Carolinas. Sheridan wanted to be in on the kill of the Army of Northern Virginia and as an independent theater General of his own department, he desired to be a part of the final outcome.

It is interesting in General Grant quietly listened to all of this, and his Chief of Staff in General Rawlins felt exactly as Sheridan did in not sending him to join with Sherman, and in this Grant replied in the following explanation:

"All this was said in a somewhat emphatic manner, and when I had finished he quietly told me that the portion of my instructions from which I so strongly dissented was intended as a "blind" to cover any check the army in its general move, to the left might meet with, and prevent that element in the North which held that the war could be ended only through negotiation, from charging defeat."

Personal Memoirs of P. H. Sheridan, General, United States Army

Consider this for a moment to the depths of intrigue the South had in loyalists in Washington DC, in General Sherman had just made his epic march to Atlanta, and was moving north toward Richmond. General Grant had crushed the Confederacy in the west before moving east.
Gettysburg was a massive Confederate defeat.
General Sheridan in 1864 had smashed General Jeb Stuart's Cavalry of the Confederacy and then followed up in independent command, the shattering of General Jubal Early in the Shenandoah.

1865 was the year of the end of the Confederacy, and yet General Grant had to engage in military plans not to just defeat General Lee, but to take into account any semblance that anything he did would be seen as a defeat, so in military battle plans his contingencies had to take into account those events which could be seized upon for negotiations to snatch Confederate defeat to Confederate emancipation.

The United States military was quite loyal to the Union, under States Rights and Grant had to fight Lincoln's politics, a military loyal and in love with General Lee, foreign intrigue, domestic intrigue and the Confederacy before him.
It is a reality that Generals Grant, Sherman and Sheridan were fighting not just the Confederacy by the Union too, in every war plan they engaged in.

It is impossible enough in most wars to just win a battle, but consider these men had to win a battle being aware of political consequences. This was an extreme measure in trying to reduce an adversary who had the best officers in Lee, Johnson, Stuart, Forest, Johnston, Hood, Gordon and Early with highly motivated Soldiery.

People should always be aware of this in what a military commander has to deal with. It is not just victory, but how that victory is achieved is what completely matters.

nuff said
