Thursday, August 28, 2014

Reflections of Evil

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

My children, I wonder of heathen liberals, who mock me like the unrepentent sentenced on the cross, in how is it a Fogbow can accuse me of being on LSD, when I am the only one standing up for black people, latin people and noting it was absolutely wrong the political assassination which took place against John Edwards, Rod Blagojevich, Elliot Spitzer, Charles Rangel etc... by the Obama regime.

Is it nuttery and wrong to champion Cornell West and Tavis Smiley?

Yes how can the Lame Cherry be mocked on being right on the Birther issue, and yet the Lame Cherry is stating it is wrong what the Obama regime did to sodomite Chris Stevens......and yes the Lame Cherry was proven exactly right on Benghazi in ANALGATE from Day when the Lame Cherry is right about scandals a year before the information comes out, then how is it I am mocked on the excuses of the enablers of the Obama regime crimes?

As Christ stated, the children of this world are justified in their own wisdom. Their sins are pure, while the righteousness of Jesus and John the Baptist is sin and insanity.
Those who attack me and you my children will face condemnation and not the saving Grace of the Cross at Judgment.

What this is about is "spiritual critters" and I am moved by some additional information by existential experience in how each of the children of God, do indeed pick up the evil of others, as much as if you walked through a camp infested with lice or bed bugs, and would have those critters on your person.

I am reminded of an interview by Art Bell with one of Ingo Swan's operatives, whose name escapes me, in his work in remote viewing of others, and how when he was engaged in reading evil people like Idi Amin, that it required time to detoxify, as those people change the spiritual structure inside of others, and it requires a cleansing.

It is not a secret that one of my abilities is I can read anyone. If I decide to project, I can know any person's secrets as I have the ability to immerse myself in that photonic mass at the center of any of you to know who you really are.
There was only one person, a little bottle blonde in Ohio, who I ever had difficulty with, as she had natural barriers and was able to project lies, and enjoyed herself in sending false signals..........she is though as small, cold steel dead in side in hardness, and even she could not hide from me. She was though the only person I ever came across who could pull on me in attempting to force her will into my actions as she needed me in her life at that time.
I cut it off and to the wind this person went.

So I know the sullenness, the insane glee, the sad heaviness inside my detractors at a flash read of them. Each of you have this, in deciding immediately what the people are about you meet, but you ignore the depths. I simply plunge in and know people for what they are in how terrified they are, how much they glee in afflicting on others in feeding off of it and how they long to share the misery to not be miserable alone.

I try to shield myself from all of this I can, but sometimes there is a 'sticker' in the mix who slips in and implants themselves, causing all sorts of turmoil. I bring this up, as I was sitting here yesterday and not having a pleasant time of it, when suddenly the game changed on the Spiritual sensors and the compulsions ceased.
I was grateful and curious. Upon inquiry this was Jesus, having had enough of my carcase worried by this wolf. Interestingly TL and I both slept like rocks last night and this wolf appeared in my dreams with a message which I could not make the words out of. I was hoping to be liked, but was rejected and hated.
Dreams sort information and they also bring messages.

The reality is though while on the Spiritual this stinger was removed, I could still feel the turmoil and upheaval in my heart or soul. What is dead inside in the detractors of this blog in being over stimulated, is too sensitive in me, and I was feeling the upheaval and fears of this wolf.
TL happened to mention noting a pick up in what this wolf was transmitting early this morning as I noted and felt it too. What this was and is, is people who feed on others or whatever do not realize immediately they have been cleansed or kicked to the curb in their smug victories. When they discover the tie is cut, they come probing around the locked doors howling to get back in, and then skulk about.
I can still feel this high pitch, but it is lessening in strength as the energy is being depleted in not having fed.
By feeding I mean this................think in your peronsal life, how you will notice people you are not that close to even in families, seem to appear almost on schedule. I know you will have a light going off in your awareness now. They really do not want anything, but passively show up in good nature, perhaps things erupt afterwards and then they are gone for another few weeks or month.

What you are experiencing is a feeder, just like people crave pizza, take out, burgers, candy or whatever, these feeders take an energy charge off of you which demons absorb too in the "emotions" of it in sponging it up.
These creatures have a routine of different people they absorb energies off of, leave demonic turmoil and then move on to the new fast food.

You have heard of the heart transplant recipient who started craving the same foods which were the favorite of the person that the heart came from? That person's soul is not in the other other person, but their shadow signature is there, and people who are sensitive pick these things up as their own thoughts.

Ever heard a song playing in your head? Sometimes it is from a person you have connection with. You can pick up sexual arousal, cravings in foods, anger, joy and all sorts of waves from other people, and it is worse if you have a feeder with a stinger in you.
The devil does not make you do things any more than someone else does, but like peer pressure, these pressure waves affect you.
When Idi Amin has no problem in serving up the bishop to guests, yes you will find that cut glass rasping on your inner self uncomfortable, but keep associating with it, and not keeping away from it, and you will start reflecting that aura which has no problems with deviancy.

Why do you think that millions of self loathing failures who get off on dirty sex were naturally drawn to Birther Hussein? They are birds of a feather and were getting a spike off of Barry Chin with some help from the demon machine. The group is pretty much overspiked now, but you will notice their same frenzy is spiking again as they need a fix other than the image now at 1600 Penn Avenue.
Yes the Obama voters desired to lift up a Nigger unlike them as they could not lift up the Nigger inside themselves in the classic Stan Ann Dunham "primitive obsession" in which these psychotics go off unwashed worshiping wolves at Yellowstone or like Stan Ann seeing the beauty of wiping your arse with palm leaves in Indonesia or........the grandiose obsession of a John Kerry in worshiping Europe as the utopia on earth.
These unbalanced creatures simply are the majority in the west, and now, comes the punch line in Genesis 15:16; "But in the fourth generation they shall come hither again: for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full."

Do not miss this reality of what the Holy Ghost was expressing in taking that meaning apart.

Iniquity is an absence of moral values. Full is something containing as much as possible. So the Amorites as much as other destroyed peoples, including the deluge, had a iniquity or a rebellion against God which was in them as much as possible as could be contained.

If a glass is full of water and you start dumping sand in it.......what remains, the water or the sand? It is the sand and if you drink it, is it water or sand in the glass? It is sand as it has changed.
This is what is hidden in this in some people or peoples are so anti God or Good Spiritual Light,  that they are complete or full of darkness, and they can not be changed back.

Learn this lesson in Romans chapter 1 by St. Paul.

24:Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
25: Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshiped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

Notice something in this if Ronald Reagan had called himself the messiah in 1980, had a halo around his head, and called himself a god, would the American people of that era accepted it or been filled with revulsion?
1980 America just a few years ago would have ended Reagan's career, but under Obama, this was clung to by the Obama voters seeking a deity who would accept their sins. The entire moral framework of America has changed as much as righteous Lot was sullied by existing in Sodom.

Resident evil has now taken up full possession of America in this Obama suicide of importing replacements in Mexicans and Chins. It is insanity, but there are so many waves of this insanity of lawlessness that people can not keep up with this upheaval.
America at the elite rejected and removed God, so God gave America over to the evil it lusted for and this is what is manifesting. It is why many of you my children can hear this primal scream like we are in some bad horror movie of zombie and ghouls filling the streets of our souls and Spirits. It becomes worse, as more and more people are miming that charge of evil in a frenzy.

As a Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, as I intended not to write in this direction, but the reality is, if we have entered the 7 year cycle, as this son of perdition in America has become the image, is followed by a like kind, Judgment will come in full. If somehow a Righteous person is in the White House, then the Judgment will become a reckoning of not full measure.

What I was moved in this to counsel was in dealing with this for a cleansing prayer as David in the Psalms was Inspired to write, "Cleanse thou me from secret faults".

Our Father, we call upon You for the Blood of Jesus to cleanse us from demons, people and evils with the Holy Ghost washing and regenerating us.  Deliver us from all evil and stop all temptation. Make us to reflect only You our Lord and not evil. Cast us not away from Your Presence in the sin of this world and restore us with the joy of Your Salvation, and uphold us with Your Free Spirit.
Sheild us with Your Light, dwell within us, and overcome all darkness to be secure in You.
Come Lord Jesus and save us. Shorten the days of evil and return to bring us Your Peace, in Your Name we pray, Amen and Amen

It is of necessity now to cleanse yourself daily, if not repeatedly in the resident evil now afflicting all of us. We are in a typhoon of horrific dark spiritual waves. The current is still fluid on what we God's children are being swept. The old Spiritual slovenness is not going to cut it in this Godless time.

Now may the Peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with each of you my children to bring you to the Promise in Him, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, Amen and Amen


Frank's Sloppy Seconds

This just goes to show how worthless what is spoken of six months ago is even less noteworthy today.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter........

I sit here watching for entertainment a carpet layer throwing carpets off a balcony in listening them make plumpy suicide thumps in being more entertained than monitoring Rush Hudson Limbaugh III, prattle on about his new sexual conquest now that sodomy and slavery have been touched on.

Limbaugh's current focus is anal sex in the NFL and the Oscars awarding slave movies no one watched, with the subject of Ronan Sinatra.

I honestly am not paying that close attention to this, but Russian Limbaugh really gets into this Woody Allen molesting kids, Frank Sinatra knocking up Mia Farrow and having Woody raise the kid, and then this kid who is Frank's getting some job on cable where he gets a Walter Cronkite award for being on air for three days.

What interests me in this is how much I do not care about what Limbaugh is in Mockingbird boring people with in low information broadcasts.
I never did get Woody Allen or Barbara Streisand as if it was not for New York, no one would care, just like David Letterman, musicals on Broadway or Frank Sinatra.

Personally, Frank Sinatra is like Quentin Tarantino in being James Carville serpentine ugly. Why any woman would allow that to get on them and sweat is just confusing to repulsive.
On the opposite, Mia Farrow is in that realm of Amy Carter and that little blonde who Clinton Eastwood screwed over in what anyone male ever got an erection over them with.

Yet for some reason three very hideously ugly people in Frank Sinatra, Mia Farrow and Woody Allen got body fluids on each other, and this Ronan Farrow was spawned out.

I get the liberals in getting crusty crotch over the Kennedys, Mia Farrow and Frank, because they cult worship freaks of nature, but what I do not get is why Russian Limbaugh is so jacking off over this stuff......but then I do as Rush Limbaugh is a fricking liberal and it is time someone outed all of this.

Want to know what Rush Limbaugh's favorite movie was? It was just like Stan Ann Dunham in Jungle Fever or Mandigo or whatever that was with blacks rooting around on blacks, but in Limbaugh's adoration he liked dorky Jew dwarfs named Dustin Hoffman getting on old Ann Bancroft sluts serranded by Simon and Garfunkel in Mrs. Robinson.

Literally, Rush Limbaugh's favorite film is a sex pervert film which all leftists jack off over. There is no John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, Charleton Heston or something American. Limbaugh gets off on creepy incestuous cinema.

So what is really up with Limbaugh? He focuses on Ronan Sinatra. It points to the forensic psychological conclusion that Limbaugh desires to be Frank Sinatra's bastard and to crawl out of Mia Farrow's hole and be awarded for it.

I saw a flash of that egg head Ronan in a story I was surfing over and none of it was attention worthy. No more than anyone cares what show Sinatra is hosting. Limbaugh keeps saying that Ronan is cool..........well Ronan is losing his entire kiddie audience and appeals only to geezers. Geezers who are Limbaugh's age, who apparently are liberals who get off thinking about incest and impregnation.

No Conservative cares about any of this. This only has interest for liberals, and that is what Rush Limbaugh is. It is like those packers at Newsbusters in being "liberal conservatives" funded by that Bill Buckley CIA outfit, where Buckley jr. voted for Obama. That is the same bunch which backs Mark Levin.

This blog has outed Keith Olbermann as a conservative as much as Alec Baldwin and it nuked their careers. To add to this, it is added that Bill O' Reilly is a liberal and yes outed here is gayly attired Rush Limbaugh is a liberal.

Who are Limbaugh's friends? The liberal producers of 24 which was nothing but a conditioning program for Obama and Hillary as president.
He appears on cartoons bashing George W. Bush on Fox.
Limbaugh was a dope addict. He hauls around suitcases of viagra.
He has been married four times.
He helped Obama win in 2008.
His wedding entertainment was Jesus bashing homosexual Elton John.
He has no manly pursuits like hunting, fishing or trapping, but plays golf like Obama and sucks on cigars like Bill Clinton.

If you want me to go on in this with other examples, but would a Conservative like Ronald Reagan ever been a part of any of that?

When Limbaugh got in low audience trouble who swooped in to help him out? Barack Hussein Obama. After that, it has been non stop shout outs from liberals making Limbaugh the focal point of the "voice of the right" which if you recall had Limbaugh attacking the Pater Pope in advocating capitalist slave labor.

Once again, is any of that anything which you are defined by as an American?

Rush Limbaugh appears to be jealous in wanting to be either Frank Sinatra's bastard or Frank Sinatra's sloppy second with Woody Allen diapering or licking up the cream.

Rush Hudson Limbaugh is a liberal. He is an intelligence asset as John McCain noted in being an entertainer. His sole platform was to engage on the Morton Downey jr. and that little blonde actress whose name I forget now, whose old man was in the 1980's the Mockingbird voices of "right wing".
On that platform Rush Limbaugh was hired to steer the right away from Ronald Reagan. It was a clever operation under the Bush family social democrats, but it effectively brought the Reagan Revolution to an end, and now is cautioning the people on the right to wait around to be rounded up for internment camps as they wait for the "next election" in each stolen election cycle.

America has complete minders on the right and left. It has now run it's course in real issues like Vladamir Putin focus on Putin's shirt being off, while the rest of the program is clips of liberals talking about Limbaugh and segments on sodomy, slaves and Ronan Sinatra.

Odd isn't it that not one of the mic heads ever brings any of this up in "right wing media", the way William Buckley as a CIA control undertook the mission to destroy the John Birch Society.
Odd not in the least, as when the CIA runs an operation, you deceive people with 70% facts and 30% lies. Limbaugh in his low information broadcast is now 70% lies with perversion and 30% facts from Red State to convince the tea dunkers that he is Sarah Palin one of them..........another fillet who is part of the syndicate of disinformation now.

The thought of Frank Sinatra ejaculating and Mia Farrow dripping to produce a Ronan is something I do not want to think about, yet Rush Limbaugh can not stop fixating on it.


The Forgotten Fleet

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is always too much to remember in history, so too much is forgotten. In the Civil War, all know the Confederates of General Lee and Jackson, but if you were to mention the Confederate Navy, people would shrug in wonder there was such a thing.

Mention that the Union and Confederates both had freshwater Navies in gunboats patrolling various inland rivers in actual combat, they would be stunned, and yet that is the case of the real history. The Mississippi River was a war front and Naval battles took place on that river.

In that, I introduce Flag Officer, Admiral George N. Hollis, of the Confederate freshwater Navy who contended with Admiral A. H. Foote of the Union.

I make record of the Confederate ships as no one bothers to note nor remember them, when they should be as they did fine service to these United States of America. These United States never did cease, the Confederates had their own Union of States Rights, while the Union had it's own union of Federal Rights.

The Confederate Navy of the Mississippi was comprised of the ships, McRea, Polk, Jackson, Calhoun, Ivy, Ponchartrain, Maurepas and Livingston. These were names of Heroes which the Confederate Union idolized and they numbered two American Presidents and one American Vice President.

The Confederate Government seized at New Orleans 14 riverboats which were refitted to be rams, or boats with iron bows and a huge spike, designed to ram other boats to sink them, as the ship was the torpedo.
The gunboats were heavy and slow and the Confederates knew of their limitations, and sought to overset these problems by iron plating steamships and using them as rams due to their rapid speed.

General Lovell of the Confederates was behind this operation, and it is interesting to note, that the Confederate Naval Officers were forbidden to become involved in this as this was Lovell's operation.
Lovell took great interest and delight in his fleet of ships. He watched it with great care and amusement.

Eight ships were sent north under the command of Captain Montgomery and six ships were left under the guns of Fort Pillow to deal with Admiral Farragut of the Union forces.
Lovell would remark that, "get 14 Mississippi pilots and captains together and they will never agree on anything", as he feared the pilots had been given far too much latitude in command of their own ships.

According to Captain A. H. Mahan,  Naval Historian, the Union Fleet was commanded and stationed as such in this part of the war, when their Admiral, A.H. Foote took leave from a months old seeping war wound he had received.

Arkansas Shore.

Mound City, Commander A.H. Kilty. Cincinnati, Commander R.N. Stembel. St. Louis, Lieutenant Henry Erben. Cairo, Lieutenant N.C. Bryant.

Tennessee Shore. Benton (flag-ship), Lieutenant S.L. Phelps. Carondelet, Commander Henry Walke. Pittsburg, Lieutenant Egbert Thompson.

The first great battle was at Fort Pillow, where it was the custom of the Union to send a gunboat down with a mortar boat or raft and fire upon the city.

In this instance, the Cincinnati was dispatched at 5 AM with mortar No. 16, which began shelling the Fort.

The Confederates immediately launched their fleet but came in irregular formation. The Cincinnati slipped her ropes and came round to face them, and checked them with her forward guns, but the General Bragg steamed alone on the Arkansas shore, turned round on the starboard quarter of the Cincinnati and rammed her under full speed as the Cincinnati fired full broadside.

The Bragg drew off, as the General Price and Sumter now closed for the attack. One of the Confederates rammed in the same location as the Bragg, and at this moment the Union Captain, Stembel was shot in the throat as he was attempting to board the enemy ship.

At this point the Union gunboat, Benton was on station and fired into one of the Confederate ship, hitting her boiler. She drifted downstream and exploded.

Meanwhile the Cincinnati assisted by the gunboat Pittsburg and a tug boat, was towed off, to the Tennessee shore where she sank in 11 feet of water.

The other Union gunboats had gotten underway in the Carondelet and the Mound City. The Carondelet opened fire on the retreating Bragg and the engaged Price and Sumter, cutting the steam pipe of one.

A fourth Confederate ship, the General Van Dorn, drove by the Cincinnati and the Sumter and Price and steamed directly for the Mound City. She opened with her guns on all the Confederates, while the Van Dorn maneuvered to ram, but delivered a glancing starboard blow.
It disabled the Mound City, who ran to the Arkansas shore to avoid sinking.

Two Union gunboats and three Confederate rams were now disabled, and the battle continued on with the Carondelet and the Benton, with the St. Louis now coming up under steam to join the battle.

The Confederates began a retreat then, claiming the Union boats were in too shallow of water to utilize the rams.

The first flotilla battle of the Civil War on freshwater, taught lessons to both sides which were game for a good fight. The Union boats anchored in shoals where they could use their guns and the Confederates only pressed their advantage when they had one.

In one month's time, all the ships were again in battle at Memphis, in all had been raised and restored. Even plucky Mortar No. 16 was heavy in the fight, firing as best it could in leveling her implement, with her officer promoted.

Mistakes were made, in the Union boats arrived singly into the battle and the Cincinnati was engaged for half an hour alone facing the Confederate flotilla. The Confederates attacked in disorder and out of formation which lessened their effectiveness.

It was though a Naval battle, between two flotillas, operating on different principles. The submersibles in the Monitor and Merrimack, were built interestingly on the exact principles of the Union and Confederate freshwater fleets. The Union was heavy armour with cannon and the Confederate was heavy armour with ram.

I delight in these ships, as they are fantastic implements of war. My affection is for the turtles or the Union gunboats as I have an appreciation for heavy armour, but it was proven that the faster Confederate rams could accomplish as much damage.

The key in both was coordinated attacks, which did not take place. Even with speed, the Confederates should have been checked if the Union boats had formed suitable defense.

It is though the forgotten fleet, and not forgotten here, in these flotilla warriors of the American inland waters carried on warfare with great pluck and zeal, as much as any ocean squadron.
