Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The Prize Cherry

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I saw someone asking if the Viking was a friend on Facebook, and the answer is the Viking is one of the best of people who is like most of us, in being roughed up by life, but is still someone you are proud to know, for their goodness and faithfulness.........but like most of you never realizes how very good you are.

The Viking tolerates me in nicknaming him. He is busy and overworked. He at times shares things like the above which are of interest, as you have provided so much traffic on the website, that "they" are gathering information on people in doing match analysis.

Someday I think I would like to print this up and frame it as this is a badge of honor and I am truly thankful for the Viking in alerting me to this nuance which I had not a clue was taking place. Yes as the rich people will not donate that 350,000 dollars.........they still whore me and steal from me, as these companies are the ones making you your big stock prices.
Amazing is it not, that in life of the haughty rich, the source for their money is now me.

Yes let us both collect data on the rats in the maze, what the rats are chewing on, and how fat the fat rats are getting fat as rats off of Lame Cherry.

As a treat, let us have girls bending at the waist.

Oh and out of 50 pictures, all the women were ugly and this was the only amusing one in light of Ray Rice..........I wonder if I make rich people money on ass paddles.


Thank you to the Viking.


Ebola 121

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I sometimes wonder about how dense people are in revealing their insipid stupidity in how "hard it is for them to read the linguistics of this blog" as an excuse to stay in their sloven brains. Lazy people will though utilize any excuse to not save themselves.

Gee, I told you the reality of bad things taking place, but the lazy reply is, "Yes but you did not phrase it boob language for my boob brain."
You suffer from Lot Syndrome at Sodom.

The subject is Ebola though as no one is telling you about this.

Ebola was a natural plague. What has appeared in 2014 AD in the year of our Lord, is from a laboratory. The reason they had a small dose vaccine for it, is because it was tweaked in a lab, and if a researcher was exposed, that researcher would be in need of a vaccine.
101 in this, when they create a variant, they create a vaccine for that variant to save themselves first.
The vaccine was a field test use and message.

The following is inquiry and it points to the source of this Ebola 121, that is the clinical description of it.

This is American in origin and from American labs. A Russian mole reproduced this in the lab in Arkansas, and handed it off on a diplomatic flight to Russia.
It was informed all that after the attempted murder of Vladimir Putin, that he and Russian intelligence would retaliate. This is part of the retaliation.
Inquiry indicates this was spread through communion in those missionaries.
It was designed to center in American Liberian west African type spheres of influence and deposit itself into Europe, to become a bargaining chip in neutralizing the Obama Polish terror operations against the Russians being waged in Ukraine, and to turn Ukraine back over to Moscow again.

There is a weaponized version of this Ebola which is spread by airborne contact. The genetic base of this was the human viral strain of pneumonia, for the expressed purpose of not utilizing contagions of Whooping Cough or the Common Cold, so as to contain it from spreading too easily.
Moscow does have this strain as do the Americans who developed this strain typed Ebola 961. For those Alices of research, this does indeed mean that there are existing 960 other strains of this pneumatic type, and yes some do include engineering of the common rhino type and Whooping Cough as previously mentioned.
Coughing Ebola is the ace in the hole, another MAD McNamara manifesto of, "We will not use your WMD's against you, so stop using yours."

Am reviewing this in if you need any more information you rich folks in not being adult in donating the big sum to this blog, as in review we got Obama West Nile, salted MERS a few months ago and the little gem of 121........oh and that little mysterious hot cough seizing up people's bronchial tubers that Matt Drudge likes featuring.

You did notice that it is like hot spots of that hot lung appeared in New York, Kansas City.......ect.... right?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, inquiry points to this is the work of Dr. Germ, creator of the Obama West Nile, Daytime Version.....just like American MERS, same situation.
Oh, buy smart, buy Walmart.......that is  the reason this spread in hot zones, in inquiry points to the plague spreaders were coating the packages of snacks at Walmart.
Yes baby, no one washes their hands after opening a bag, and they just shovel it all to their mouths.

I really hope that this is not too difficult for the lazy brains to figure out, as it would be a shame to miss that this lung constrictor is spread off the bag and not the cough, by inhalation.  So picking your nose or rubbing your nose while doing the snack attack was how it was introduced.

Booger dining is probably a good way to end this as this is enough free information........but then the idiot does require a bit of a stick about, so here goes.

Who warned you after Sochi in the Pink Eye poisoning of Bob Costas for praising Vladimir Putin that the Putin forces would retaliate for that matter of the attempted assassination of Mr. Putin, and the means would be dirty, clever and terror scary?
Why the Lame Cherry, and right on schedule, the retaliation on the Equalz regime is taking place in Russian bases in the North Pole, Dr. Germicide and quaint 121 exposures, and there is still more to come.
I informed you rich people that your money is not going to save you and the Lame Cherry is right again, is  another proof that you rich people really do yourselves no good in thinking, and should just donate to make me happy Spirit who might just without distractions bring a warning here which will keep you from suffocating in your Cheetos.

Everything always makes sense in the headlines after a ten minute thievery here. God does not work for free and neither do I.
Let's see, been working 2 hours for this to be published this week........think is time to treat myself to reading of bazookas.



REPORT: State Dept Orders 160,000 Hazmat Suits...

5,000 body bags purchased -- in just one country!

200,000 From Ebola Countries Have Visa to Enter USA...

Common Sense Currency

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Thomas Paine in Common Sense had a great deal more to say than what a terrorist King George was. He engaged a wide array of topics, including how it was harmful to America to have more money in circulation in racking up massive debt as it robbed everyone by inflating prices.

Does this sound familiar in debt spender Birther Hussein Obama and the image to your wee minds?

Mr. Paine laid out the most simple explanation for the Colonies and the cure, before Alexander Hamilton was at the US Treasury restoring American credit and George Washington was at the Presidency creating peaceful noble leadership.

The quotes by Mr. Paine necessary to read, in if you require a bit of Cherry sheets to figure this out, it is simply the cure was to half the Colonial money supply, and it is exactly what America should engage in as this would double the worth of your money by taking away half that Obama worthless currency.

"Men are daily growing poor by the very means that they take to get rich; for in the same proportion that the prices of all goods on hand are raised, the value of all money laid by is reduced. A simple case will make this clear; let a man have 100 L. in cash, and as many goods on hand as will to-day sell for 20 L.; but not content with the present market price, he raises them to 40 L. and by so doing obliges others, in their own defence, to  raise cent. per cent. likewise; in this case it is evident that his hundred pounds laid by, is reduced fifty pounds in value; whereas, had the market lowered cent. per cent., his goods would have sold but for ten, but his hundred pounds would have risen in value to two hundred; because it would then purchase as many goods again, or support his family as long again as before. And, strange as it may seem, he is one hundred and fifty pounds the poorer for raising his goods, to what he would have been had he lowered them; because the forty pounds which his goods sold for, is, by the general raise of the market cent . per cent., rendered of no more value than the ten pounds would be had the market fallen in the same proportion; and, consequently the whole difference of gain or loss is on the difference in value of the hundred pounds laid by, viz. from fifty to two hundred.

But the grievance has now become too general to be remedied by partial methods, and the only effectual cure is to reduce the quantity of money: with half the quantity we should be richer than we are now, because the value of it would be doubled, and consequently our attachment to it increased ; for it is not the number of dollars that a man has, but how far they will go, that makes him either rich or poor. These two points being admitted, viz. that the quantity of money is too great, and that the prices of goods can only be effectually reduced by, reducing the quantity of the money, the next point to be considered is, the method how to reduce it."

- Thomas Paine

With that explained, it is the cure now in halving the money supply, or in reality, America with who knows how many trillion in Obama debt, that this would require an almost 2/3rds reduction in US money supply.

"But the grievance has now become too general to be remedied by partial methods, and the only effectual cure is to reduce the quantity of money: with half the quantity we should be richer than we are now, because the value of it would be doubled, and consequently our attachment to it increased ; for it is not the number of dollars that a man has, but how far they will go, that makes him either rich or poor. These two points being admitted, viz. that the quantity of money is too great, and that the prices of goods can only be effectually reduced by, reducing the quantity of the money, the next point to be considered is, the method how to reduce it."

- Thomas Paine

The question is though how to pay off that massive debt, and Mr. Paine in his interesting fix was to levy a 10 to 20 percent property tax per year, in their being voluntary.

"Congress. Let, at the same time, a tax of ten, fifteen, or twenty per cent. per annum, to be collected quarterly, be levied on all property. These alternatives, by being perfectly voluntary , will take in all sorts of people."

- Thomas Paine

April 19th, 1777

While I have doubts of a voluntary tax, as no conglomerate now pays taxes and the rich have lobbyists to find ways to make deductions while the poor pay, I do see merit in make the voluntary tax not on income generation which impedes people from earning as they are always concerned about tax brackets, and therefore so agree that the income tax should be negated.

Property should be taxed, but I prefer a consumption tax with rebates for the poor, or more to the point, I believe that people should in the modern technology have debit and credit cards which have them listed by income status, meaning that if you are poor, that when you purchased groceries, this would automatically be deducted at the market.
A rich person would pay consumption taxes and in that luxury items which a poor person could not afford would have on them a consumption tax. I will not delve into this here as I have before and other proponents of this have worked this all out in protecting the poor and placing a sales tax on all purchases on the federal level.

I would only make one caveat in this, and that would be that the tax could never amount more than 20% of the product as situations like cigarettes, beer and gasoline have shown what absolute tyranny can be unleashed on the people if a regime is allowed to use tax money as entitlement bribes.

I would also add that incentives should be factored in, in if a person has not taken subsidies, entitlements or used government programs for their lives, they should be rewarded at retirement with a higher Social Security amount like a health care saving's plan would reward people who do not go to the doctor because they are obnoxious and have to pay a doctor to listen to them for 30 minutes a week.

Thomas Paine laid all of this economics out, as much as Benjamin Franklin did in his memoirs concerning money supply and economics. It is not that hard. All that has happened in America is economic rapists figured out that they could buy votes in Congress to get Congress to pay conglomerates money to steer welfare of some kind to those corporations whether it was Wall Street sucking off Welfare Street or it was defense sucking off the Pentagon.

All of this is very simple, and can be remedied just as George Washington and Alexander Hamilton remedied the American economic situation after the American Revolution.

You really need to read the old books with the Holy Spirit guiding you, as the Founders fixed everything and have the solutions there.

nuff said


Colonial Mind

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

One often hears of the European worship of that patrician caste of the John Kerry set who thinks the French piss champagne and the Germans fart gold, but the true American has nothing of the sort in their being.

This foreign worship is a colonial mindset that all things European must be superior. There was though an American who had vast experience with Europeans who discounted him, dismissed him and misused him in combat and rank, and that was Lt. Colonel George Washington.

George Washington was an officer in the 7 Years War in America. It was a war where he found Americans slighted as he was by "British rank" which was nothing but political minders.
In this General Washington would carry with him during the years of 76, the reality that the American Revolution would be fought by Americans, commanded by Americans and won by Americans.

There was a great deal of foreign officers being pedaled to America, and certain parts of America were all astir over them, but not George Washington. He made one expection with LaFayette as he was a special case, but even von Steuben, the great German commander, was thwarted by George Washington from a command, as it would disrupt the harmony of the American officer corp.

"To the colonial mind, steeped in colonial habits of thought, the foreigner at this particular juncture appeared more than ever to be a splendid and superior being."

Henry Cabot Lodge. George Washington

As one sees, the colonial mind is the John Kerry and Barack Obama mind. The same Animal Farm piglets who disdain colonialism and imperialism, have no problem dividing up Sudan, handing out Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Syria to terrorists. To turning over eastern Europe to Moscow in bribe so the regime can infest Muslim lands with Islamocommunists.

Every vestige of this Kerry Obama mindset is bowing to foreigners, fawning over them from Peking to Tokyo to London to Berlin, as Paris is in the air, and of course these Europeans must be thee greatest gods to ever walk upon two legs, for all things European must be superior to Americans.

George Washington learned from the incompetence of the British officers and diplomats. They had absolutely no value in military terms nor political and George Washington was proven correct in his abilities honed against such dull edges, that when the time came for Independence, it was George Washington who was underestimated time and again by European snobbery which the John Kerry type has drippings of mouth and undies over.

George Washington, no matter the time nor place,  was America first and always. He learned through experience that the European was inept in judgments and retarded in assessing that colonists were more than pigs in the pen.

In fair and open combat, at Monmouth, after the winter at Valley Forge, General Washington relieved General Lee of his command as he was retreating before Cornwallis. Washington rallied the troops, held his ground, engaged his main army and drove the British back in this first meeting. That battle was the beginning of George Washington, for it was the first time he had a real army which was trained and under his American command he had stopped  the best troops England had.

It requires being stated in I hold John Kerry absolutely disgusting, along with all of these other European worshippers. They have no place nor being in American as they are nothing but fawners of a caste. They think themselves lower than Europeans, but if they disgrace and degrade Americans, they then can chuckle and be one of these pompous old world asses who had thee most inept of diplomatic and military leadership in the ruination of their peoples and empires.

This is the reality and this Letterman cocktail crowd is an excrement of no purpose, but only in allowing European caste to think their shit does not stink.

"Where George Washington differed from the men of his own time was in the fact that he rose to a breadth and height of Americanism and of national feeling which no other man of that day touched at all."

Henry Cabot Lodge

.........or no foreigner at 1600 Penn nor glory whore medal wearer at the Department of State in Kerry and Obama Chin.

nuff said
