Saturday, October 11, 2014

Voice of Cyrus

As another Lame Cherry exclusive with the German's link.

Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic is heading the state delegation on the three-day visit to Moscow, and he has taken part in the session of the jury for the interior decoration of the St Sava’s Temple, where it was unanimously decided which project of a mosaic will be used. Dacic was a co-president of the Serbian side, while the Russian had metropolitan Ilarian at the helm. It is planned to have 15 thousand square meters covered by the mosaic, and 300 artists will be working on it every day. Dacic has explained that the value of those works will amount to more than 30 million euro, as the donation from the Russian President, which should be completed in 10 years. - See more at:
 Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic is heading the state delegation on the three-day visit to Moscow, and he has taken part in the session of the jury for the interior decoration of the St Sava’s Temple, where it was unanimously decided which project of a mosaic will be used. Dacic was a co-president of the Serbian side, while the Russian had metropolitan Ilarian at the helm. It is planned to have 15 thousand square meters covered by the mosaic, and 300 artists will be working on it every day. Dacic has explained that the value of those works will amount to more than 30 million euro, as the donation from the Russian President, which should be completed in 10 years.
Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic is heading the state delegation on the three-day visit to Moscow, and he has taken part in the session of the jury for the interior decoration of the St Sava’s Temple, where it was unanimously decided which project of a mosaic will be used. Dacic was a co-president of the Serbian side, while the Russian had metropolitan Ilarian at the helm. It is planned to have 15 thousand square meters covered by the mosaic, and 300 artists will be working on it every day. Dacic has explained that the value of those works will amount to more than 30 million euro, as the donation from the Russian President, which should be completed in 10 years. - See more at:
(Someone really did not want this posted in all the trouble I had in loading sites and pasting quotes.)

This is posted as "interesting" in if the Lord willing this progresses, Vladamir Putin and a German contingent are moving to become protectors of Christians in Europe from the anti Christ. This is Protestant and important.
It is also noted that this is Russia involved in Serbian Christian restoration projects.

Clinton destroyed Serbia with Maddy Albright, do not forget that, and it was done for Islam.

It is a good sign as people who put money into nations, then protect them.

Dacic: project elected for mosaic in St Sava's Temple ...’s-temple
5 days ago - Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic is heading the state delegation on the three-day visit to Moscow, and he has taken ... Dacic: project elected for mosaic in St Sava's Temple. ... Popular content ... E-mail adress:

Dacic talked to minister of Baden-Wuerttemberg ...
Sep 30, 2014 - Skip to main content ... Dacic has thanked for the support of that province's delegates in the Bundestag during the vote on the ... Dacic: project elected for mosaic in St Sava's Temple. ... E-mail adress:

I pray that Vladimir Putin becomes Cyrus and that the Germans become the Christian Shield in his hand.

PS: Note to the Beekeeper.  It sounds like you were hearing either a radar sweep or you were a popular child in the matrix. I have been caught between two waves several times, but never as you described it internally.


Welfare to Wages

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

So I watch people like Sherlock Holmes from his window at Baker Street and I study them.

So there is this tight ass little Barbie bean pole, who has the SUV sportser and goes to work, and not that attractive, but being a tight ass little bean pole, she does alright.

I finally figured her out this morning, as what threw me off, was I was not cock matching to the right complexes.

What do I mean by that? See there is an Afroid in the one with a maroon SUV thing, and I was watching the comings and goings as it looked like dopers to me, and this loud ass low rider silver pick up kept showing up about the same time, that I would see interchangeable Mexicans and Afroids in on display in the window........not hard to miss the Coon as he wears those florescent colors, and him and the cell phone Michelle Obama hairdo that come and goes, sit out on the deck in the heat talking on the cells......probably to each other.

Anyway, so I am out watering plants, and I note tight ass little Barbie loads up kids as she stalks around, and one night I saw a new vehicle with a slow walking male and a little boy in PJ's.........meaning, we got a divorced woman on our hands, with one or two kiddies.
Figure it she is a knocked up know the hot little snatch who rides the bony pony, gets preg and has a built in babysitter and meal ticket, as the cock walker gets no more sex as little girls in high school grow up and find out that the hot stud hunks they thought were so hot, look like comedy routines that all the other little Barbie tight ass and loose crotches are laughing at.

So back to the story, so I am out watering and have been busy so I am not equating what is going on here..........and I hear the loud silver Mexican low rider rev up, and to my surprise it is Barbie tight ass maneuvering the beaner wagon around, so she can get her sporty SUV out of the garage.

Then the Holy Ghost has Inspiration and it all kids.........was the weekend when beaner boy shows up, and what we got here is a divorced woman who just could not control a white man, so she traded down and got herself a fucking Mexican, who is not around all the time.
She dumps the appendages off on daddy to deal with, while she gets her snatch serviced by little Mexican dick she thinks she can control........

Oh yes as here is the rub, in Barbie tight ass was stalking around and I hear here in that tone of voice after she comes back from taking the keys back.......that the Mexican did not get up and move the vehicle. He made her do it and little miss tight ass is not as much in control as she thinks, as the Mexican used her as a pissing post, slapped her on the ass, and told her  to move the low rider, as he was taking siesta or maybe jacking off to the morning weather girls.

In any case, I find this amusing really in Barbie tight ass, dumped daddy dick, and got herself like all these types a colored so she could control, and voila, the pigment skins after riding their thrill and figuring out what leverage they do have.....are treating her just like the other taco chicas across the border or like up in Chicago south side in letting the Jemima do the floor scrubbing as the men folk got more important things to relax on.

The moral of this story is not for Barbie tight ass, as I figure in a few more months she is going to get batted across the room, as this is a working Pepe and not like those hen pecked anemic boys getting chattered at by them 250 pound Mexican frumpers.......then it will be a new game in town.
I doubt she will get knocked up or allow a preg to stick with RU 486 doubt she is making him wear a rubber and if not that she has the insert, as she could not keep the boy body chowing down on birth control hormones.

The moral of this story is, watch these Mexicans Obama imported with Eric Holder. They are just like muhajadeen terrorists Bill Clinton took out of Afghanistan and dumped into Kosovo Europe.  Feed them Mexicans, house them Mexicans and have them fucking your women awhile, and all of a sudden that US Chamber of Commerce slave importers and Equalz Obama vote frauders will find out these beaners will be just like tight ass Barbie's beaner. You can take the beaner out of the 3rd world, but they are still third world, and once they figure out they got the leverage, they are going to be not working for Nigger wages, but be marching like they all do in Catholic lands, demanding the whole pie, from welfare to wages.

Then all those elite are going to get bit in the ass just like tight ass Barbie.

I mean WTF, you got a woman getting up and going to work, and you can't get your ass out of bed to move your pickup, but instead make her run around doing it all, pissing her off?

Yeah Barbie got her control fuck, fucking her, and now the morning after, the dick is laying in bed, and she is having to finish it all off by moving the big tools around before work.

Little whores getting what is theirs I find amusing. I do not find it amusing what the Mexican forced labor mob will do to the Americans once this Obama rape of the system impregnates them into control.
Sure if they attacked the ivory towers, and the police state fought it out with them in war, leaving the Americans to pick up the pieces it would be ok, but that is not how it works just like Barbie tight ass is finding out.

Nothing like having a fucking Mexican soiling your snatch.......only better thing is Muchelle Obama having that Equalz feces dick up her snatch soiling her up......yeah she found out too late too the misery of importing those third world exotics, thinking they could make that dog do more than howl by her hole.




As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have mentioned the prowess of Elizabeth Custer as a horsewoman. She rode very well in sidesaddle, up steep inclines and races. It was her that her husband George and brother in law Tom, put on Phil Sheridan, the thoroughbred race horse, to test his speed.
She delighted in Phil who responded to her touch with fire.

After the southern Cheyenne were brought off the war path, the Indians occupied land outside the fort on the Big River encampment. Libby of course was led out there by her husband to view the wild Indians, which she was in terror of. No matter if the General assured her they were whipped, Libby knew the history of the Indians, including the women tortured captives ruthlessly, beat white women with venom while captive, and a squaw would stir soup, pick up a knife and murder a Trooper without a thought.

In this glimpse of history, Libby is ridding up to the Indian encampment and gives a poignant expression of what her life was like, in the things expected of her as the wife of the General, her own honor and the merits she possessed in dealing with Phil, who having been on campaign against Indians, was like most horses in an extreme vigor when scenting them.

"To add to my fears, I found Phil trembling as we neared the high stockade which had been built next to the guard-house. Horses once thoroughly frightened by Indians never quite recover from their panic. Their sense of smell is so keen that they early begin to manifest their inward perturbation by the quivering ears, which express so much. I had all I could do to keep Phil from turning back to camp, and had not my reputation for horeemanship been at stake I should have liked to give him his head, for I wanted to go back just as badly as he wanted to take me in that direction. It was a relief to dismount and give the restless brute to the orderly, for as I was riding with a snaffle-bit to get a smoother gait, he had nearly dragged my arms from their sockets."

Elizabeth Bacon Custer. Following the Guidon

I have a deep appreciation for the Western American, and in that I  am amused at Libby Custer's dilemma with her horse. Such things are experienced by all and they are amusing, from an officer selling an iron mouthed grey horse which he could not stop, being bought by a couple after being warned, and the last he saw of the woman was the horse charging away over the hills at full gallop "as she wanted a horse that would run"......the officer never heard if the horse ever stopped.
It is like my Gram being put on a team of unbroken horse by my Grampa. He knew they were not trained, and knew that if he told Gram she would not drive them. So he said nothing, and she did alright. I remember him telling me, "I asked her afterwards how things had gone and her reply was, "I did alright, but those horses kept trying to run away with me".

So as all Westerners have had the experience, it amuses them in the dilemma of Libby Custer having to deal with a spirited horse. I never minded a horse with some spirit, but a bucking horse I never had time for, as I could always ride as fast as a horse could run.

I have mentioned my cow horse I trained in he was hard mouthed. He absolutely loved chasing cattle and I always rode short rein on him, but he would pump his head while running and pull the reins free, where I would only have a few inches in my hands, and find a bent bit afterwards.
My arms still ache from thinking of those hours in the saddle, with my elbow locked to my side for leverage as I was pulling for all I had.

The comment would be, "Yeah that horse has some life to him", and it would be with a smile.

It seems strange that there are no photos of the Custer horse, Phil Sheridan which Libby rode. There are just a few of Dandy and Vic, and none of Libby on a horse which seems odd as the woman was  on horse as much as anyone.

It is the saga though of the equestrian women.


Zoo at Big Creek

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The 7th Cavalry when stationed at the end of the 1860's at Big Creek, next of Fort Hayes, was an interesting tent city on the creek, as besides the normal zoo of horses and hunting dogs, the men of the 7th, led by their General, George Custer, had created quite a zoo of wild animals, they were keeping or constantly obtaining animals for the General.

There was the Custer's wolf, Dixie, kept by Harrison on a chain, which broke one time, and the wolf was found up a tree, trying to capture the colored cook's chickens, before being yanked down by her.
The wolf also was a lure for other wilder wolves which prowled the camp at night.

"The whole camp seemed like an animated " zoo," and each soldier or officer who owned a prized treasure boasted that his was superior to all others. There were besides wolves, prairie-dogs, raccoons, porcupines, wildcats, badgers, young antelopes, buffalo-calves, and any number of mongrel dogs."

Elizabeth Bacon Custer. Following the Guidon

The coons were interesting in they delighted the General, both black and raccoon, as Eliza reported the General laughing with great delight in taking all the possessions of the tent and washing them in a basin, and at one time taking all the General's money and rolling each bill into a wad.

I place these insights into the public understanding as this type of history is lost in what a military camp was like in the amusements which were kept and offered.
Tom Custer kept rattlesnakes in wooden boxes. It was all each man having the best of pets and informing all of the others that their pets were the best.

Whatever could be caught was brought into the camp, and the massive wall tents the Custer's had were still filled to overflowing with dogs and wild things.
