Wednesday, April 15, 2015



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

For a refresher in this, as you children and brats were no doubt relentless in not paying attention before the 21st century entered teenager status of 2015 AD in the year of our Lord Obamaness, there was a time when al Qaeda was with Iran implementing strategic networks in South and Latin America, as bases for attack upon America.

Back in the day, the communists called FARC happened to get themselves mass assassinated by Dick Cheney, when an unknown Mideast power offered to sell them enough weapon's grade nuclear bomb making material to attack these United States.
I sort of will repeat that as it will be missed by you children and brats, in the Bush Administration went ballistic in wiping out FARC leadership in northern South America when someone in the Mideast was attempting to sell them weapon's grade uranium for a bomb to be built and used against America.

That power was Iran, and Iran was attempting to unload enough former Soviet uranium onto FARC so that when the bomb went off, it would lead the trail away from Tehran and into the southern Stans.

These are the folks that Obama has been turning the drug trade over to in Eurasia to manage, turning nations over like Libya and Yemen, and turning expanded uranium processing ability over to the Islamocommunists of Iran.

The reason this is important as this blog posted the exclusive on the Mexican heroin production has exploded under the Obama regime, in the same way it has exploded in Afghanistan. There is not any way that this kind of dope production could not be taking place without full knowledge and protection by the Obama regime.
The Obama regime deals dope, and I ask again when is the last time you heard of a record dope bust from the DEA as you always had them when Ronald Reagan was in charge?

With ISIS now operating out of Juarez, Mexico with full Mexican mafia support, into Texas and New Mexico, the reality is these forward staging bases are exactly what the Obama regime has set into motion in the same way Operation Gun Runner and Fast and Furious were supplying weapons to Mexican mafia for the dope trade, and the same way a story you forgot about in the Obama regime was supply gangs in Central America with grenades coming out of shipments to those countries.

Before Gun Runner was exposed, I informed all of you that this operation was about creating a mafia ring in America, to manage the dope trade and to terrorize Americans, in the same way al Qaeda was operating.
So you get this, all of those Mexican illegals being dumped into America. Those are the incubation units of workers. Workers lay the groundwork to build the foundation, so the Mexican mafia can come in and take control of those areas. The worst of this is yet to come.

In returning to IS, ISIS or Obama ISIL in MexISco, their threats to make America burn are spot on. I will remind you of the Lame Cherry exclusive in 2009 AD in the year of our Lord, of those California wildfires which were set by the Mexican mafia which had been contracted with by Iran and al Qaeda.
At that point Eric Holder swept in and arrested the sabotours, but all the same, it is evident that attacks off the reservation against America have taken place, and now there are two forward bases operating in northern Mexico smuggling volumes of terrorists into America.

I ask you to revisit history and podner a question, of why would the Obama regime allow terror bases to be operating in Mexico and dumping terrorists into America?

In revisiting history, remember our Serbian cousins and the entire Slavic peoples in that little Kosovo War which led up to Chechnya and a host of terror hotspots which produced 9 11.
Muslims were seeded into a small colony at Kosovo with Saudi money. This operation in Kosovo which stole Serbian lands, had Bill Clinton importing muhajadeen fighters from Afghanistan. Those Muslim militants saw green lands and pretty women, with food and houses, and did not want to go back cold dusty mountains, and they stayed after the Kosovo oil war, aimed at Vladimir Putin's Russia.
They stayed and started a network of other Muslims from Chechnya to Minnesota who started terrorizing and disrupting the world.

Now revisit the Obama 21st century in why would the Obama regime be locating their terror bases in Mexico, and sowing terrorists with the expanding Mexican mafia into America?

What happened when 9 11 took place, in Gary Hart had pre written a group of laws called Patriot Act. Suddenly Homeland Security appeared and thee entire freedom page become obsolete in setting the stage for the Obama dictates.
So revisit this, in what will happen when IS makes America burn?

Would their perhaps be a crackdown, not on the Obama terrorists, but perhaps on the American again?

What happens if these "terrorists" just so happen to take a disliking to Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Rand Paul and the other GOP host in knocking them off?

Can you comprehend a picture of a massive terror event in Texas, and for "national security reasons, the Obama regime shuts down those states and mandates federal control of GOP states?

Those IS terrorists work for 1600 Penn Avenue. When there are reports in the press that terror bases are operating in Mexico, then Homeland knows already that these bases are there, and has done absolutely nothing about them for the regime's reasons of exploiting what is being initiated there, exactly as Eric Holder for Obama, attempted in BATFE in Operation Gun Runner.
The target of every one of these operations are Americans, and IS is following instructions to implement a pre set coordinated planned operations, as those terrorists entering America and infesting her, are not going to be going home. Those terrorists are home, exactly like Kosovo and they are going to be conducting terrorism to get the one thing they are after and that is a homeland in America.

This is by design, and it is so venturesome new under the Obama regime, that most writers are still on the united North America Union distraction, and have not discerned what this is all about.

Mexican illegal workers, will have following them Mexican mafia. IS terrorists are taking up positions as fighters in America, using the same chuch and corporate structure which Mexicans are filtering in through, exploiting the American system. One is part of an economic jobs attack, one is part of the domestic dope trade, and one is part of the international overthrow of America in foreign policy.

I wonder in this being laid out, in how long my good friend Sean Hannity will filter this information through as much as other media outlets like the Washington Times. I might as well call Sean a friend, as I might get a 10,000 dollar bike like the one he gave Mark Levin, although I would prefer a tractor instead or there are allot of things I could buy to make life better for me, so information would flow better to you on the blog.

Anyway that is MexISco and now you know what the couscous taco has in it.

Nuff said

agtG 276Y

PS: IS is destined to become the Freedom Fighters for Islam in America where American Kosovo regions like Detroit will become autonomous as Kosovo.



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

For a refresher in this, as you children and brats were no doubt relentless in not paying attention before the 21st century entered teenager status of 2015 AD in the year of our Lord Obamaness, there was a time when al Qaeda was with Iran implementing strategic networks in South and Latin America, as bases for attack upon America.

Back in the day, the communists called FARC happened to get themselves mass assassinated by Dick Cheney, when an unknown Mideast power offered to sell them enough weapon's grade nuclear bomb making material to attack these United States.
I sort of will repeat that as it will be missed by you children and brats, in the Bush Administration went ballistic in wiping out FARC leadership in northern South America when someone in the Mideast was attempting to sell them weapon's grade uranium for a bomb to be built and used against America.

That power was Iran, and Iran was attempting to unload enough former Soviet uranium onto FARC so that when the bomb went off, it would lead the trail away from Tehran and into the southern Stans.

These are the folks that Obama has been turning the drug trade over to in Eurasia to manage, turning nations over like Libya and Yemen, and turning expanded uranium processing ability over to the Islamocommunists of Iran.

The reason this is important as this blog posted the exclusive on the Mexican heroin production has exploded under the Obama regime, in the same way it has exploded in Afghanistan. There is not any way that this kind of dope production could not be taking place without full knowledge and protection by the Obama regime.
The Obama regime deals dope, and I ask again when is the last time you heard of a record dope bust from the DEA as you always had them when Ronald Reagan was in charge?

With ISIS now operating out of Juarez, Mexico with full Mexican mafia support, into Texas and New Mexico, the reality is these forward staging bases are exactly what the Obama regime has set into motion in the same way Operation Gun Runner and Fast and Furious were supplying weapons to Mexican mafia for the dope trade, and the same way a story you forgot about in the Obama regime was supply gangs in Central America with grenades coming out of shipments to those countries.

Before Gun Runner was exposed, I informed all of you that this operation was about creating a mafia ring in America, to manage the dope trade and to terrorize Americans, in the same way al Qaeda was operating.
So you get this, all of those Mexican illegals being dumped into America. Those are the incubation units of workers. Workers lay the groundwork to build the foundation, so the Mexican mafia can come in and take control of those areas. The worst of this is yet to come.

In returning to IS, ISIS or Obama ISIL in MexISco, their threats to make America burn are spot on. I will remind you of the Lame Cherry exclusive in 2009 AD in the year of our Lord, of those California wildfires which were set by the Mexican mafia which had been contracted with by Iran and al Qaeda.
At that point Eric Holder swept in and arrested the sabotours, but all the same, it is evident that attacks off the reservation against America have taken place, and now there are two forward bases operating in northern Mexico smuggling volumes of terrorists into America.

I ask you to revisit history and podner a question, of why would the Obama regime allow terror bases to be operating in Mexico and dumping terrorists into America?

In revisiting history, remember our Serbian cousins and the entire Slavic peoples in that little Kosovo War which led up to Chechnya and a host of terror hotspots which produced 9 11.
Muslims were seeded into a small colony at Kosovo with Saudi money. This operation in Kosovo which stole Serbian lands, had Bill Clinton importing muhajadeen fighters from Afghanistan. Those Muslim militants saw green lands and pretty women, with food and houses, and did not want to go back cold dusty mountains, and they stayed after the Kosovo oil war, aimed at Vladimir Putin's Russia.
They stayed and started a network of other Muslims from Chechnya to Minnesota who started terrorizing and disrupting the world.

Now revisit the Obama 21st century in why would the Obama regime be locating their terror bases in Mexico, and sowing terrorists with the expanding Mexican mafia into America?

What happened when 9 11 took place, in Gary Hart had pre written a group of laws called Patriot Act. Suddenly Homeland Security appeared and thee entire freedom page become obsolete in setting the stage for the Obama dictates.
So revisit this, in what will happen when IS makes America burn?

Would their perhaps be a crackdown, not on the Obama terrorists, but perhaps on the American again?

What happens if these "terrorists" just so happen to take a disliking to Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Rand Paul and the other GOP host in knocking them off?

Can you comprehend a picture of a massive terror event in Texas, and for "national security reasons, the Obama regime shuts down those states and mandates federal control of GOP states?

Those IS terrorists work for 1600 Penn Avenue. When there are reports in the press that terror bases are operating in Mexico, then Homeland knows already that these bases are there, and has done absolutely nothing about them for the regime's reasons of exploiting what is being initiated there, exactly as Eric Holder for Obama, attempted in BATFE in Operation Gun Runner.
The target of every one of these operations are Americans, and IS is following instructions to implement a pre set coordinated planned operations, as those terrorists entering America and infesting her, are not going to be going home. Those terrorists are home, exactly like Kosovo and they are going to be conducting terrorism to get the one thing they are after and that is a homeland in America.

This is by design, and it is so venturesome new under the Obama regime, that most writers are still on the united North America Union distraction, and have not discerned what this is all about.

Mexican illegal workers, will have following them Mexican mafia. IS terrorists are taking up positions as fighters in America, using the same chuch and corporate structure which Mexicans are filtering in through, exploiting the American system. One is part of an economic jobs attack, one is part of the domestic dope trade, and one is part of the international overthrow of America in foreign policy.

I wonder in this being laid out, in how long my good friend Sean Hannity will filter this information through as much as other media outlets like the Washington Times. I might as well call Sean a friend, as I might get a 10,000 dollar bike like the one he gave Mark Levin, although I would prefer a tractor instead or there are allot of things I could buy to make life better for me, so information would flow better to you on the blog.

Anyway that is MexISco and now you know what the couscous taco has in it.

Nuff said

agtG 276Y

PS: IS is destined to become the Freedom Fighters for Islam in America where American Kosovo regions like Detroit will become autonomous as Kosovo.