Friday, May 29, 2015

oNE PosT aT A tiME

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

AP source: Hastert paid to conceal claims of sexual abuse
CHICAGO (AP) — Former House Speaker Dennis Hastert paid hush money to conceal claims that the Illinois Republican sexually molested someone decades ago, a person familiar with the allegations...

Hastert's cloak has been lifted from him.

Now who is coming that is powerful enough to do that and settle the score.

I told you long ago, this is how they all arise in power and are kept to do the bidding. It is all perversion right and left or they would not be there.

Hastert did nothing for Conservatives, but did the bidding of the liberals. This is Chicago. This is a Clinton Bush man......this is about Jeb Bush in the skeletons in the closet.
This has the image Birther's prints on it. Taking out the old gaurd as no one cares who eats the geezer, but it sends the message to those about the fire.

This is what politicide appears in the final days.

You richtards figure the rest out as you are all such bright ones.


Putin Pie


First, I would like to address the issue that I do not care about world soccer in the least. I do care about violations of international law though and intimidations of nuclear powers which make pushing a button to vaporize Obamamerica as the fallout might be unpleasant for my Jersey calves in producing milk in the future.

This is about FIFA FIFI or whatever the soccer thing is which Vladimir Putin bribed to get the world cup at Russia in the next go round of games which the 3rd world and 2nd world fixates on. The ordeal in this is the image of Birther Hussein got the US Presidency for being a Nigger, got the Nobel Prize for being a Nigger, and somehow Obama thought just by showing up and wanting a pie that he was going to get the world cup as his legacy, so he could sit in the stands like Nelson Mandela..........another terrorist.

So Obama did not get the Olympics or something when the wife went there, and now Putin paid off a group of people to get the world cup. Big is legal in Russia if Putin did it.

So why is it that the US Justice is getting the Swiss to indict people........and the Obama regime is the one hauling them into America for prosecution.

Problem in this is..........the crimes did not take place under American Jurisdiction. These folks are not Americans. So this in not in any way is anything the Americans have any jurisdiction over. What has just taken place is the Swiss arrested people and then illegally handed them over to American kidnappers.

For those who think I have an Obama fix..........I stated the same thing when HW Bush hauled Mano Noriega, the President of Panama out of that country, tried him in American courts and threw him into prison. You can't do that as Noriega did not violate American laws in America.

If this is the precident then the Obama regime can arrest the Saudi royals for lopping of queer heads for being gay. That is a violation of self determination which all nations have, and you just can not go and arrest people just because Vladimir Putin paid a bribe that Obama thought he could get for being a Nigger in just showing up again.

This is serious, as these are nuclear states involved.

If this is so criminal, then the World Court is the place for this just like the Nazi was tried at Nuremberg.

This Obama outlaw regime is thee worst in world history. It is now not only drone striking Americans to murder them, but now has the neutral Swiss kidnapping people for them, all due to this being the Obama legacy has been lessened by not having the world cup, so the image can sit in the stands and take selfies with blondes again like at Mandela's funeral.
Look when the image of Obama is finally pushed out of the White House.........I do not want it around opening chicken stands, watermelon stands or showing up at world cup events acting like he is Nelson the terrorist Mandela.

I agree with President Putin. Bribery is a great  thing, and Americans used to bribe people all the time until Nancy Pelosi shut it all down as part of the cartel, and Americans lost a butt load of jobs in other nations got those contracts.

I leave this at that.


Hidatsa Moment

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I often wonder of the ingrained stupidity of the American Indian. They believe propaganda from the cartel leftists in being too racist to read the actual history.

In the winter of 1877 AD in the year of our Lord, we find the Hidatsa account of the Sioux, coming to their camp and burning their lodges and stealing all the Hidatsa corn. Those who forget history, will be reminded that in June of 1876, General George Custer had been dispatched on a military expedition, because the Crow had petitioned the US Government for military rescue in the Sioux were trying to destroy the Crow.

We know what happened to General Custer at the Little Big Horn. The Crow had been attacked in 1875 and in 1877, the Hidatsa suffered the same fate.

The modern Hidatsa, Crow, Arikara and Mandan have a fiction about them that the Sioux were somehow their friends as all Indians were victims of the white Americans. The problem is there were dominant tribes all over America, and they were carrying out genocide against the lesser tribes.

That is the reality. The Sioux of Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull attacked the peaceful Hidatsa and left them all for dead. Crazy Horse, one of the worst terrorists in world history has  a monument built for him in South Dakota and hapless whites and Indians whose ancestors were slaughtered by these pirates of the plains go and worship that terrorist there like Muslims do Shiek bin Laden today.

That is the short lesson.
