Thursday, June 25, 2015

Jael's Time


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This blog gives voice to the downtrodden and it must be stated what all of us feel, when Chief Justice on the Supreme Court, betrays his party in the Republicans and Conservatives, as much as his President in George W. Bush, when John Roberts takes up the roll of traitor to the Constitution in cementing the unConstitutional Obamacare on Americans again like nails driven through their breasts in crucifying them.

Americans have been raped politically, psychologically and emotionally for an entire generation. The last week of June in 2015 witnessed another degradation of their corpse in the American Republic in first there was a regime attack on the Second Amendment over events in South Carolina in the murdering of blacks, and then the witch hunt skinned the Southern American alive in demanding their Confederate Flag be removed.
This Flag is a symbol of Southern Heritage and it is right for those People. When the cartel appears again to degrade Americans in attacking their identity, it is deliberate and it is meant to genocide those people as much as Lincoln's generals in the Civil War carried out a scorched earth policy.

It is a given that sodomy will be upheld by the Robert's court, along with more rapine of good Americans in their souls. All of this is something which feels like a saber cut, slicing into the hearts of Americans who love their nation. It is the same burning razor cut inside of them which does not end. It bleeds daily for each of them, and if they speak out they are branded evil and under Homeland surveillance, and if they act out, they will be murdered as enemies of the state and be made examples of, to cow the rest of the brooding mob.

It requires stating that the Feudal Few of the elite enjoy the power of control over millions of people who are now so disenfranchised in Big Government has made the culprits who have murdered America and are sodomizing the corpse so distant, that there is no recourse. The leviathan is protected by the police state which is fed by the monster which has consumed America.
The cartel would enjoy an insurrection to put down to be able to unleash the weapons of genocide as Abraham Lincoln wished to do in the Civil War, but the Europeans in that saga instigated by them, would not permit him to murder Americans as these Confederates were designated Warriors and not Traitors.

America is now a land of traitors in every position of authority is inhabited by those who have betrayed America and sold her out. It can be John Boehner in Obamatrade for his global Chamber of Commerce or Nancy Pelosi and unions getting a back door bribe to stand aside after they held up Obamatrade.

It is all the same and it is all traitorous.

People ask me from time to time what can be done. The answer is nothing except to let the cartel destroy America as they intend by their conduit image of Obama and the proxies. All you can do is remember and as the Bible says, "Talk quietly amongst yourselves in noting the heinous sin in how much it rips you apart?, as there is a God in Heaven who hears all and will rise by His means to Judge this evil which is real and wipe it away.

The signs of Deuteronomy 28 in the curses have engulfed America and most of the West. America is in another crop disaster year, and it is being hidden from all. The debt, the ownership of America by foreigners, the invasion of illegals to the barren wombs and how the love of all is waxing cold are all signs of God moving in this in the curse is upon America.

The world is a place which operates in drought, famine, pestilence with disease, and then comes war. America is experiencing all of these phases, and it is for a time in which you remember the  traitors now, that in a time when a Revolutionary Robes Pierre system will arise, even more pronounced than 1776 AD in the year of our Lord, in which each of you is going to have the opportunity in the survivors in avenging your dead.

You have to figure this out my children and my brats. Each of you is burying or going to bury your loved ones due to Obamacare killing them. Each of you is going to know rape from foreigners and their murder, and rapine to be familiar with it. Each of you is going to feel the jack boot of the Police State on your necks humiliating you. You are going to catalogue all of this, and when the time of cleansing comes, there is not going to be quarter in America, nor in Paris of the culprits of this nor their offspring, exactly the way it always has been in this world.

The Jews were sold out by their elders to the Nazi, and after the tables turned, new elders arose to hunt the Nazis they could get down and they killed them. Everything evens out, and for those who are so smug in having a Police State protecting their homocide and homicide of America, are going to have a time when it may be Vladimir Putin opening a front somewhere and in that anarchy, the Committees of Conscience are going to start administrating Justice, in the same way Eastern Europeans were cheering when the German Nazi rounded up the Communist Ashkenaz and shot them all for abusing the Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonian etc... What comes around, goes around.

There are people now and will soon be burying their dead in these John Robert's treachery against America, as much as the John Boehner treachery. There is enough treachery in the Clintons who wiped out Unions in their tenure to make this all a patrician establishment mass crime. It does not matter if it is in Germany, Denmark, England, France or Norway. All of these plotted overthrows of legitimate peoples are by design and each of these peoples are feeling exactly like you in having this jagged saber sawing and resawing into their souls every day.....and they are bleeding like you in pain.

The cartel knows this and expects the triggered like Dylan Roof to act out, so more draconian measures can be made example of the one to cow the masses to bow to the globalist rule.  You though have the power like the people in Fahrenheit 451 who memorized books and carried them around in their minds, when all the books were burned by the state.

You will remember and when the opening of a revolution appear again, you will be reminded of all that was done to you and then as history proves, the survivors will implement their own Justice. Somewhere in this, is an event called the Great Tribulation which the forces of nature in revulsion are unleashed in vials of wrath to wipe out billions of humans.............and in that no one at Homeland is going to be putting Jesus on a watchlist and hauling the King of kings and Lord of lords into some kangaroo court.

Be patient my children, call to the Father to remind Him of all of your sorrows. Do not get caught in the trap of the state nor in the lust of Lot enjoying Sodom's luxury too much. These abominable leaders are given for that is what the majority lusted after in removing Jesus, acting out in perversion and aborting America and the West. They are recorded for the Judgment of Christ.

I am not Rush Limbaugh minding you to wait for new elections to rob you of rights and make you a criminal, what I am saying is REMEMBER. Remember for a time, you are patiently waiting for in Christ. History proves it will come, and it will either be by a Revolutionary Court like in the Ohio Frontier of Theodore Roosevelt's Winning of the West,  or it will be the Great Tribulation followed by Jesus.
Those who are raping you and leaving these gashes in your soul will have this all multiplied by the assaulted and dead they are accumulating.

Be ye angry and sin not. Do not fall into the trap of acting out like a Barabbas. Wait for the earthquake in Hope and Peace in the Lord Jesus Christ, and know the war is coming, as the crop failures, invasions, terrorism and disease is already coming true.

Wait for the Gideon, Phineas and Jael time. God is recording all of this. Be patient for the years ahead and do not criminalize yourselves by your feelings now in being abused.


The Sons of Obama


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The legacy of Barack Hussein Obama is one which Americans, real Americans, have not yet comprehended and it does all deal with the indiscriminately abandonment of a part of American history in the Confederate Flag.

No my children and my brats this issue has nothing to do if you are standing up for the Confederate Flag or if you are against succumbing to the Mockingbird moment of following the talking points, but no one has really asked, "Just why is it that the image of Obama is so intense in blaspheming the death of blacks in order to get at that Flag?"

I will answer the reason, and I will explain your stupid answers away in it has nothing to do with being black as Obama is more Asian than black, even with Michelle in the room on the scales. It has nothing to do with slavery, and it has nothing to do with being a liberal.

That sums up the lightweight reasons, so I will give you a few hints in what this Confederate Flag has to do with.

Invading Mexicans.

Michelle ashamed of America.

Christ on the Christmas tree.

If you require more hints, you will of course require them but that will take you off the course and your wee minds will begin to wander and you will fall into the Obama Abyss does. It has more to do with Homo Hannity and Bendover Limbaugh in blaming Islam for tossing fags off skyscrapers. It has to do with identity and it has to do with what Homo Hannity quipped about sandblasting Stone Mountain in Georgia of it's historic American Heroes.

If Jesus does not return, what kind of world do you think you will find in 50 years? 100 years? What kind of America will you find?
I do not want you to answer, but desire you to answer this: "How many historic monuments do you find to Rome in England?"

How about this one, "How many monuments to the Chinese do you find to their dead Soldiers in Korea?"

Answer this, "How many burial areas do you find the United States which are enshrined to the American Indian?"

What am I getting at? The reality is that the vanquished in wars of conquest, eventually leave. When they leave, the people who come to possess the land, either start tearing down the memorials, looting the graves or they just start building houses on them.

What was it the Taliban was doing in Afghanistan, but destroying the historic past in blowing up massive buddha carvings.

What did the Americans, French, Russians and British do to Germany after two world wars? They blew up every German symbol and annexed what was Germany into Poland.

What do you think 60 million Mexicans are going to do when they breed in a generation to 230 million Americans?
What happens in Obamatrade when all those Pakistani Muslims come Sharia law to America?

Are you getting the point now in this, that all of your Americanisms which you are now APOLOGIZING FOR and being 'niggerized' for by the image of Obama, how long do you think they are going to last among community organized Islam, Maoism and Latino Vaticanism?

How long before a war sweeps through Europe and all those D Day graves are ploughed under by a new despot who loathes America as much as Barack and Muchelle Obama, and puts a public sewage system on those graves of American dead?

How long do you think it will be, before Mount Rushmore in South Dakota receives a cannon blast, blowing all those American President faces off that Monument in the Shrine to the Republic?

You think this is far fetched? Consider Grant's Tomb, of President Hiram Ulysses Grant, in it was a place where Americans were pissing on it, defacing it and trashing it, just because it was there, and no one cared about that US President any more.

Barack Obama's legacy is trashing America and that is the reality. American History is nothing but an epitaph to exploitation and America is an evil people, and just drubbing appeals to the self loathing who are rich or failures and are looking for someone to blame for life. The day is going to come when even your graves are going to be dug up and looted. The metals in your teeth pulled out, your family tombstones hauled away for building material, and no one is going to give a damn, but it is going to be celebrated, and it all began with democrat Tom Daschle, the Obamacare stooge who led the fight to shit on the American Flag literally. The image of Obama making it it's legacy to make Southerners remove a Confederate Flag which democrats hoisted up in the South, is what is just the beginning of the real Obama Legacy which all of you have no comprehension of because you do not live in the future and are perpetually dead in your present in having no Inspiration from God.

The Confederate Flag is a gauge, the turning up the degree on the dial just a little more by the cartel benefactors of Obama, just to see what kind of rape they can get away with. They assess this in hoping some Southerners do start meeting, as they have their BATFE minders there to progress it on, so the Police State can swoop in, in another Hutatree Moment to murder some Southerners again, to send a message like Waco and Ruby Ridge to cow the masses.

The mob is now so mind warped that they are like a gutted shark in the water, eating their own guts in the water. The American mob is only to ready to attack itself, as the image of Obama has unleashed such a self hatred of Americans, that they are only too happy now to suicide themselves. This is exactly what this blog predicted in Obama would abort the United States and that is what the groundwork of all of this is about.
When there is no more American competitor, to die for the world order nor to wield WMD's to defend herself and others, then the reality is, the Obama feudal world in what this has always been about, will leave not one trace of what America was to remind anyone of in what Liberty, and Justice for All was ever about, no more than the States Rights which the Confederates fought and died for.

This is easy for you now to look intelligent in being a futurist, as you have all the talking points and the reasoning.

They are coming for you stupid children and brats and the traitors among you are bringing the disease of Typhoid Birther into your midst for your own self destruction.
You do not care about the Confederate Flag in ignorance today, in the future it will be the things you care about which will be outlawed by the sons of Obama.

Nuff said


Your Finest Hour

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Ask yourself if you were in a shadow department of the United States regime and your demon machines could remote view events like an asteroid striking earth.........imagine if your regime funded telescopes actually saw the infamous Planet X of yore,  the same planet that legend recorded "caused that war in the heavens when Jupiter was replaced as Saturn in the sky"......

What if you had this information and you sat down and discussed this with other learned people......and they started projecting out that if the mob knew this was going to happen in 7 years, 4 years, 3 1/2 years, 6 months, that they would decide that they of course were going to die, and what the point in being covered in the chains of modern regimes.....why go to work.....why pay bills........why not just shoot that ass who has been bothering you.....why not just take any damn thing you want.........

I have covered Wormwood in this blog, and return to the subject to point a few logical realities out. The Bible specifically speaks of a large object striking the earth and it speaks of the stars falling from heaven. Of course literal stars will not fall, but it will be meteors.
It has been projected out that for an event such as this to happen, there requires a "mother" object which is huge to have smaller planetoids, asteroids and meteors in it's skirt which then would be the objects of the Bible.

As something I have been inquiring on, there is information which points to a moon of Jupiter being displaced, Mars being rent, as earth will be, and something which hints at the earth's moon being removed during this period. A Biblical hint speaks of when Jesus returns that the sun and moon will no longer be required when Jesus returns as the Light of the may be that the Moon is going to be removed during this period.

All of this upheaval would require some semblance of a base for humans to behave. The protocols for satan require the removal of God's religions and the antiChrist and the image it is being worshipped in a worse mania than what Obama was served by in those now judged for eternal condemnation. Replace what is human history with fake history of humans being star children, that our gods were just super human people, and promise them an illusion of becoming extended life or immortals, and then the semblance of order from chaos appears, as if you are not going to die, that there is a future with an antiChrist, and you have a work in progression of what people are being prepared for.
It makes not any sense to store and save, to balance budgets or keep order, when the majority is going to be wiped out........why should the elite of satan fear God, when they have immortality in a false tree of life on the scales and the illusion of being like gods themselves.

This will be most humans worst hour. They will make the worst choice and it will degrade from there. People will become the demonic animals which satan has always drawn them to be.
Sure the rich call each other feigning "caring" so they get gossip about them in how nice they are, but it all reminds me of the microcosm of my Auntie Obama voter. Her husband was in business, her sons were athletes, so all the connections where there, and she gets smiled at all days of her life.......thing is in my studies in dressing down, these same richtard grinners go stone faced sober when it is someone they think is poor and unimportant. Yes you get the attention now, but when the time comes of the great tribulation, your powerful friends will carve your heart out to prolong their lives in a second.

The finest hour will be the worst. That is the reality and in that reality, most of you conning yourselves that you are not going to be a tool of satan and the antiChrist, have already proven by your current heinous deathstyles what you have been preparing to step into in being an image of the beast.

Figure it out with a cold slap of reality now, so you will not have to ignore the murderous creature you are. The time is coming and it was written of long ago.

Tick tock
