Thursday, July 23, 2015

The NSA Homogram


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

For those who are interested in the bizarre world of the Lame Cherry, I have the above screen grab from Facebook.

To explain this, when a poster shares a link, the link grabs not the photo of the story any more for me, but it posts the Lame Cherry logo which is exclusive to this blog. The big cherry which is the popular girls trademark.

I have noticed different times the pixels were off on the post, but this is the first time that someone in Homoland deliberately took the official symbol off blogger and transferred the above monogram to the site which is nothing I have ever used.

Yes there is a message in it, and yes it means something. It is how all this artificial intelligence and intelligence communicates in sending messages covertly. So you get this, in order to do this, someone would have to hack into blogger and change my logo, which did not happen..............and what then projects out is someone hacked into blogger, grabbed the link, and then fed in this symbol......or someone at Facebook hacked into the feed of blogger and replaced it with this symbol. Yes it is all criminal, and all lame, but it is the forensic psychology of the group that finds me so very interesting that all this effort is expended attempting to impress the popular girl.

It is odd, it makes no logical sense, but this is how the interaction plays out. There are not many people who have Homeland Security designing monograms for them....multi trillion dollar network and my dividend is a personal monogram.
Maybe next time it will be the million dollar donation as Homeland has all that money just laying around in e currency.

Nuff said.


Donald Trump: Shades of Jesus

Jesus Don & the Mayor


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I heard Donald Trump in Laredo Texas say that he loves Jesus. Jesus works down there as a city planner or something, along with the Mayor. Both look like Texicans and both loved Donald  Trump.
I also heard that Mr. Trump said he loves Jesus so much, that he is going to steal him away from Laredo Texas and hire him, as Jesus is that great on the job.

I always thought Jesus was taller and thinner, but then for Christians concerned about Donald Trump not asking God for forgiveness, as from what I heard, Donald loves Jesus, Jesus loves Donald and from what the Bible says, Jesus does have a job, working for the Father in our behalf.......nothing in the Bible about Donald Trump not being able to hire Jesus, just rewarding people who do not get duped by false messiahs.

I care nothing of this, as this is the first day in like..........over 3 weeks that my back did not feel like someone was jamming a chard of glass into my spine or I was having back spasms to raise the dead or make you prefer dead. It is nice to have a world where I can get up, roll over and not be taking the Lord's Name in vain in repeating, "Oh God, Oh God, Oh God".
I know in the Lame Cherry movie it would be more pub if I was cursing and swearing, but that is my great sin.

I was just thinking as I work for Jesus, and Jesus works for Donald Trump, perhaps that means I need to disclose that I work for Donald Trump.....that is if Jesus moves from Laredo Texas or is not crucified by Mexicans down there who hate anyone who loves Donald Trump.

Did you hear the real poll, not Andersodom Cooper of CNN, that Donald Trump is pulling in a record number of Latinos and that his dust up with Songbird McCain over McCain being a traitor, only helped Donald Trump in the polls?

I also heard that Donald Trump has threatened to run as a 3rd party candidate. I am WARNING all of you who are hating on Donald Trump, and being suckered by only the devil knows what in voting for one of the 5000 Republicans running for President.......if you do not make your pets treat Mr. Trump right, that means Hillary Clinton is in the White House, as Donald Trump is going to gut the GOP, along with the GOP you get this, it means that Hillary will control both houses, and the White House, just as this blog predicted was building.

This is not in the least saying that Donald Trump is working for Hillary Clinton or an asset. His "threat" is just the Jeb Bush New York Times, trying to push a story which Mr. Trump was asked about........Mr. Trump did not bring this up.

I repeat that Donald Trump did not bring up the 3rd party run, but Mockingbird brought the subject up in order to create this rift to spin a story which to back the story they have been pushing.

Now that I think about it, we do have a reality in this, that until Theodore Roosevelt was shot by a stooge of the elitists, he was winning the Presidential race. If Ross Perot was not just about defeating HW Bush, he would have won the White House........Perot did not want any part of that 1600 Penn area code.
What I am stating is, that for all the handwringing over Donald Trump, he has it in him to pull the Latins, the union as members want to vote for him, even if the AFL CIO leadership is in the can for Hillary, and the Donald has the Tea Party multitudes which installed fraud GOP liars to Congressional landslides twice.

Donald Trump can win 3rd party. It would be better if the GOP brand stopped being Obama's 3rd term and bowed to the will of their employers in being pro American, pro jobs, pro life, pro gun and .......well the things Donald Trump has been progressing.

Let us revisit the Trump 3rd party candidate propaganda:

Donald Trump -- Third-Party Spoiler Again? | National Review ...

Donald Trump says he has no intention of running as a third-party candidate, but his history and recent comments suggest he's looking to play spoiler.

As you can assess, these are all Mockingbird pushing this story............and then the real story comes out in the Examiner.

Trump: I'm not thinking third party -- for now | Washington ...

Donald Trump's 2016 presidential run seems custom-made for a third party. The billionaire developer has never held political office, never run as a Republican or ...

So what did we learn today my children and my brats?

When Bill Krystol can not make Jebpanzee Bush and Scott Walker into a cage match, then the Mockingbird press is going to create fictitious stories about Donald Trump, as they have tried smearing him on their pet issues of Mexicans and the beaner masters who exploit them in John McCain songbirding around (Songbird is the nickname the Vietnamese Coms gave McCain as the guy would not shut up....told them the combination to his wife's chastity belt and where the Admiral kept the scotch satire)

 Oh by they way, I have 4 G internet access, but I do not, as soon as I start typing on blogger, the entire internet shuts off.......gee I wonder who does not like the Lame Cherry exclusives today.

So any way, this comes down to this:

Americans can vote for the evil Hillary Clinton, the homosexual being lapped at by Huma, and both are going to hell, in working for satan........and they hate Americans.

Americans can vote for evil in Jeb Bush, the guy who oversaw Terri Shaivo being dehydrated to death, and a Vatican practitioner with his shaman Mexican wife, Eudora......or whatever she is called, and they hate Americans......well Jebpanzee said Americans just have to work harder at being unemployed to get ahead in life by working themselves to death.

Americans can vote for Donald Trump, who loves Jesus, is seeking to hire Jesus to work for him, and both of who love Americans.

I have already stated that I am not voting for Jeb Bush, period. I do not foresee anything he can entice me with that is Conservative as VP which will change my mind. I am not going to vote for Hillary Clinton.

.......and please my children do not fall for Rick Perry of Texas, who is trying to be that flat footed Ken Norton to Muhammed Ali's boxing career in a contender.

I am certain of one thing, and that is the actual comments by Donald Trump have been censored from the New York Times on down. There is not one actual quote of Donald Trump stating that he loves Jesus.

Why is it such a threat that actual Latin Americans love Donald Trump, like Donald Trump and do not hate Donald Trump? You have that answer.  Donald Trump gets the Mexican vote and the Jesus vote, and he wins by a landslide.

City Manager - Laredo

Jesus M. Olivares Cynthia Collazo Horacio A. de Leon, Jr. Jessica N. Harris Ruth G. Silva Elsa Hinojosa Xochitl Mora Garcia. City Manager Deputy City Manager

This is why the shades of Jesus matters in the Presidential election of Donald Trump.


Obama's Mother of all Nukes


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

What if I were to tell you that the father of over 100, 000 dead in Syria, Christian genocide in Syria, and civil war in Iraq, was just in the Israeli state, advocating a new Jewish policy.

Would that confuse you I suppose, as what kind of creature could this be?

Sickly, this is Ambassador Dennis Ross, not be confused with the ass  raped to death homosexual friend of John McCain in Chris Stevens at Benghazi, because as only this blog has noted the sequence, the following real history took place.

Obama had Dennis Ross in Iraq. Dennis Ross suddenly appeared in Syria, and within his visit, suddenly assassination attempts exploded against President Assad, and out of nowhere, all these Libyan arms started flowing into Syria with all these Obama trained Islamocommunist terrorists.

The father of the Obama genocide of Syria was Dennis Ross. Now on the glow of Obama's nuclear proliferation deal with the Islamocommunists of Iran..........who appears, but Dennis Ross, not in Iran, but in the Israeli state, with this Sputnik quote:

Ambassador Dennis Ross, a former adviser to President Obama on Iran, has endorsed the idea of providing Israel with military hardware capable of attacking Iranian nuclear facilities.
"To have a credible military option, it’s not enough to say all options are on the table," Ross told Defense News on Thursday. "We have to be much more blunt."
In this case, "blunt" means B-52 Stratofortress bombers with a payload of 30,000-pound GBU-57 Massive Ordnance Penetrators.
"Deterrence becomes a very important question as we move toward implementation," he said.
For those who doubt that Vladimir Putin's press could be valid, here is the actual link from Defense News.

Former Obama Aide: Bolster Israel With B-52s

We have to be much more blunt," said Ambassador Dennis Ross, ... as we move toward implementation," Ross told Defense News of the Joint ...
And this is the Dennis Ross quote:
In an interview Thursday, Ross said he favors the transfer of an unspecified quantity of B-52 Stratofortress bombers outfitted to deliver 30,000-pound GBU-57 Massive Ordnance Penetrators as one of the means of shoring up deterrence vis a vis Iran.

This should be something that scares people in America and across Eurasia, as the man that Obama sent in to genocide Syria, installed ISIS terrorists trained by the Obama regime, which just inspired a Muslim in Tennessee to shoot up 5 American military personnel, just advocated a policy of handing over to the Jewish state, nuclear strategic bombers and super ordnance, which if used is not going to destroy concentrated uranium nor yellow cake. It will though move the turban heads of Iran to start dispensing their dispensed nuclear Dr. Khan cone shaped nuclear weapons and using them.

So you get this, the Obama regime has just advocated a hot war in the Mideast, which involves nuclear armed powers, and the Iranians have the means to deliver these nuclear bombs to America.

America has never allowed strategic bombers to be handed over to other nations, as they are nuclear weapon's platforms. For this to be advocated from the father of Syrian genocide, is a reality that the Obama regime has been focused on initiating a nuclear holocaust.
I return you to the David John Oates reverse speech quote of Obama talking about 40 million dead in Europe, and Obama said in reverse speech that he was going to "burn Europe".

This is the Jewish Holocaust resurrected and revisited. For Dennis Ross to even advise such an insane deployment is a crime against humanity.

For those doubting this, this is Obama's inner circle. This is something the regime has had planned from Day One like Hutatree and the BATFE to spring on the world.

He noted that in the nearer term, Israeli pilots could start training in the United States and working jointly toward receipt of the new capabilities.
Ross' remarks were the first time he or any other member of Obama's inner circle publicly endorsed an idea bandied about for years as a means of fortifying Israel's legally mandated Qualitative Military Edge (QME).

The image Obama construct was to nuclear expand Iran's nuclear arsenal, and now to force Jews to come to America to train as B 52 pilots. This all reminds me of Obama's Indochina 3rd world background where cock fighting abounded. Obama for the cartel appears to have a lust to put two posing peoples in Jews and Persians in a ring, peck at them, and then throw them at each other with metal spurs on to watch with delight at the entertainment.

None of this has hit the Drudge Report or American press as of when I write this on Sunday evening. It is though a warning to all of you. Dennis Ross unleashed for the Obama regime the genocide of Syria, and he is now advocating arming Jews for a nuclear holocaust with Persia.

The Nobel Prize winner Obama shapeshifted to the Obama Jinn, and now the Obama legacy is setting up for the vaporizing of New York Jews and Tel  Aviv Jews.

What do you think the Persians are going to do? Wait around to get attacked? You do remember TWA Flight 800 right, shot down off New York by Iran?


Ross graduated from University of California, Los Angeles, in 1970 and did graduate work there, writing a doctoral dissertation on Soviet decision-making. He later became religiously Jewish after the Six Day War. In 2002 he co-founded the Kol Shalom synagogue in Rockville, Maryland

Nuff said
